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Англо-русский словарь - scene


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Перевод с английского языка scene на русский

shifter рабочий сцены
SCENE noun
 1) место действия (в пьесе, романе и т.п.); место происшествия, события; the scene is laid in France - действие происходит во Франции; the scene of operations - театр военных действий
 2) сцена, явление (в пьесе)
 3) декорация; behind the scenes - за кулисами also fig.
 4) пейзаж, картина; зрелище; a woodland scene - лесной пейзаж; striking scene - потрясающее зрелище
 5) сцена, скандал; to make a scene - устроить сцену
 6) obs. сцена, театральные подмостки; to appear on the scene - появиться на сцене; to quit the scene - сойти со сцены; fig. умереть Syn: see site
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См. в других словарях

  1. место действия (в пьесе, романе и т. п.) the scene is laid in France —- действие происходит во Франции the scene changes from London to Paris —- место действия переносится из Лондона в Париж 2. место (события, происшествия и т. п.) the scene of operations —- театр военных действий the scene of a (famous) battle —- поле (знаменитого) сражения the scene of the disaster —- место, где произошла катастрофа on the scene of the crime —- на месте преступления the police were soon on the scene —- вскоре на месте (происшествия) появились полицейские to revisit the scenes of one's youth —- вновь посетить места, где прошла юность 3. театр. сцена; картина; явление the famous quarrel scene —- знаменитая сцена ссоры the duel scene in "Hamlet" —- сцена дуэли в "Гамлете" "Macbeth", Act II, scene IX —- "Макбет", акт II, явление 9 the characters in this scene —- действующие лица в этой сцене an act of four scenes —- акт в четырех картинах the scene between Romeo and Juliet —- диалог Ромео и Джульетты 4. эпизод (в романе) humorous scene —- смешной эпизод 5. кин. сцена кинофильма (несколько кадров, объединенных единством места и времени); монтажный кадр crowd scene —- массовая сцена, массовка 6. сцена, эпизод, происшествие a typical scene of English life —- типичная картина английской жизни idyllic scene —- идиллическое зрелище memorable scene —- памятный (незабываемый) эпизод...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  кадр - scene color - scene transition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – cut-in scene ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) сцена; съёмочный план; тлв тж объект передачи 2) сцена (кинофильма) 3) кадр (монтажный) 4) эпизод - background scene - day -for-night scene - foreground scene - trick scene ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a place in which events in real life, drama, or fiction occur; the locality of an event etc. (the scene was set in India; the scene of the disaster). 2 a an incident in real life, fiction, etc. (distressing scenes occurred). b a description or representation of an incident etc. (scenes of clerical life). 3 a public incident displaying emotion, temper, etc., esp. when embarrassing to others (made a scene in the restaurant). 4 a a continuous portion of a play in a fixed setting and usu. without a change of personnel; a subdivision of an act. b a similar section of a film, book, etc. 5 a any of the pieces of scenery used in a play. b these collectively. 6 a landscape or a view (a desolate scene). 7 colloq. a an area of action or interest (not my scene). b a way of life; a milieu (well-known on the jazz scene). 8 archaic the stage of a theatre. Phrases and idioms behind the scenes 1 Theatr. among the actors, scenery, etc. offstage. 2 not known to the public; secret. behind-the-scenes (attrib.) secret, using secret information (a behind-the-scenes investigation). change of scene a variety of surroundings esp. through travel. come on the scene arrive. quit the scene die; leave. scene-dock a space for storing scenery near the stage. scene-shifter a person who moves scenery in a theatre. scene-shifting this activity. set the scene 1 describe the location of events. 2 give preliminary information. Etymology: L scena f. Gk skene tent, stage ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle French, stage, from Latin scena, scaena stage, ~, probably from Etruscan, from Greek skene shelter, tent, building forming the background for a dramatic performance, stage; perhaps akin to Greek skia shadow — more at shine  Date: circa 1520  1. one of the subdivisions of a play: as  a. a division of an act presenting continuous action in one place  b. a single situation or unit of dialogue in a play the love ~  c. a motion-picture or television episode or sequence  2.  a. a stage setting  b. a real or imaginary prospect suggesting a stage setting a sylvan ~  3. the place of an occurrence or action ; locale ~ of the crime  4. an exhibition of anger or indecorous behavior make a ~  5.  a. sphere of activity the drug ~  b. situation a bad ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (scenes) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place. I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant. ...the opening scene of ‘A Christmas Carol’. N-COUNT 2. You refer to a place as a scene when you are describing its appearance and indicating what impression it makes on you. It’s a scene of complete devastation... Thick black smoke billowed over the scene... N-COUNT: usu sing 3. You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom... Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence... N-COUNT: with supp 4. The scene of an event is the place where it happened. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months... Fire and police crews rushed to the scene, but the couple were already dead... N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 5. You can refer to an area of activity as a particular type of scene. Sandman is a cult figure on the local music scene. N-SING: supp N, usu the supp N 6. Paintings and drawings of places are sometimes called scenes. ...James Lynch’s country scenes. N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. If you make a scene, you embarrass people by publicly showing your anger about something. I’m sorry I made such a scene. N-COUNT: usu sing 8. If something is done behind the scenes, it is done secretly rather than publicly. But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done. PHRASE: PHR with cl, PHR n 9. If you refer to what happens behind the scenes, you are referring to what happens during the making of a film, play, or radio or television programme. It’s an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n 10. If you have a change of scene,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PLAY/FILM« a) part of a play during which there is no change in time or place  (Hamlet, Act 5 Scene 2) b) a single piece of action that happens in one place in a film, book etc  (Some of the more violent scenes are very disturbing. | a love scene) 2 »VIEW/PICTURE« a view of a place as you see it, or as it appears in a picture  (a peaceful country scene | a painter of street scenes) 3 »ACCIDENT/CRIME« the place where an accident, crime etc happened + of  (the scene of the crime) on/at the scene  (Investigators are now at the scene, searching for clues to the cause of the explosion. | Journalists were on the scene within minutes of the crash.) 4 the gay/fashion/political etc scene a particular set of activities and the people who are involved in them  (Keith is heavily involved in the London theatre scene. | the drugs scene) 5 »ARGUMENT« a loud angry argument, especially in a public place  (a terrible scene that ended with Rachel running out of the restaurant in tears | There were angry scenes in parliament today. | make a scene)  (If you don't sit down and stop making a scene, I'm leaving!) 6 »SITUATION« all the things that are happening in a place, and the effect or situation that they cause + of  (The burning building was a scene of panic as everyone ran to get out. | a scene of perfect peace and harmony) 7 bad scene AmE informal a difficult or unpleasant situation  (We realized by the looks on their faces that we had walked into a bad scene.) 8 not your scene informal not the type of thing you like  (Loud discos aren't really my scene.) 9 behind the scenes secretly, while other things are happening publicly  (Most important political decisions are made behind the scenes.) 10 set the scene a) to provide the conditions in which an event can happen  (The government seems unaware that these policies are setting the scene for social unrest.) b) to describe the situation before you begin to tell a story 11 be/come on the scene to be or become involved in a situation, activity etc  (By then, there was a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1540, from M.Fr. scиne, from L. scжna "scene, stage," from Gk. skene "scene, stage," originally "tent or booth," related to skia "shadow," via notion of "something that gives shade." Theatrical sense is oldest in Eng. Sense of "setting or milieu for a specific group or activity" is early 1960s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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