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Англо-русский словарь - rot


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Перевод с английского языка rot на русский

away гнить, портиться The soil in the forest is rich with dead leaves and branches that have been rotting away for centuries. His teeth had rotted away and were black at the edges.
 1. noun
 1) гниение, гниль; труха
 2) coll. вздор, нелепость (тж. tommy rot); dont talk rot - не мелите вздора
 3) провал, неудача (в состязаниях); a rot set in - началась полоса неудач
 2. v.
 1) гнить; портиться
 2) разлагаться (об обществе и т.п.)
 3) гноить; портить
 4) agric. мочить (лен, коноплю)
 5) sl. дурачиться, нести вздор, дразнить - rot about - rot away - rot off Syn: decay, decompose, moulder, putrefy Ant: bloom, flourish, grow
ROT about растрачивать время
ROT off увядать, отмирать The lower branches of the bush began to rot off.
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См. в других словарях

  1. гниение 2. гниль; труха 3. с-х. гниль (болезнь растений) 4. вет. копытная гниль 5. разг. вздор, чушь, нелепость (также tommy rot) perfect rot —- сущая ерунда (-ий вздор) what rot! —- что за вздор! don't talk rot! —- брось чепуху молоть! 6. провал, неудача (особ. в состязаниях) a rot set in —- началась полоса неудач how can we stop the rot? —- как мы можем покончить с провалами? 7. гнить; портиться a fallen tree soon rots —- поваленное дерево скоро начинает гнить the shed had fallen in and the wood was rotting away —- навес обвалился, и дрова гнили one of the branches had rotted off —- одна ветка сгнила и отвалилась 8. чахнуть, погибать to rot in a dungeon —- томиться в темнице she was gradually rotting away —- она постепенно чахла 9. разлагаться (об обществе и т. п.) 10. гноить; портить dampness rots wood —- от влажности древесина гниет 11. расстраивать to rot the whole plan —- погубить весь план 12. сл. дразнить; подшучивать; подначивать to rot smb. —- разыгрывать кого-л. 13. с-х. мочить (лен и т. п.) 14. вздор!, чушь!, ерунда! (выражает пренебрежение, презрение) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) гниль 2) гниение; гнить; портиться – apple rot – bacterial rot – bean black root rot – bean root rot – bitter rot – black rot – black root rot – blossom-end rot – blue rot – blueberry bunch rot – bottom rot – brown rot – butt rot – charcoal rot – corn ear rot – corn root rot – crown rot – dry rot – foot rot – fruit rot – grape bitter rot – gray rot – heart rot – pine red rot – pink rot – pink bud rot – preemergence rot – red rot – root rot – sap rot – soft rot – soybean root rot – stalk rot – stem rot – trunk rot of chestnut – watermelon root rot – wheat crown rot – white rot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) матем., сокр. от rotation вращение 2) гноить 3) загнивать 4) ретовина 5) ситовина 6) тлеть 7) трухляветь 8) трухлявиться - butt rot - root rot - sap-wood rot - stump rot - top rot - wet rot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гниение; гниль гнить; портиться black rot blue rot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  гниль гнить - bacterial rot - dry rot - heartwood rot - noble rot - piped rot - soft rot - wet rot - white rot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v., n., & int. --v. (rotted, rotting) 1 intr. a (of animal or vegetable matter) lose its original form by the chemical action of bacteria, fungi, etc.; decay. b (foll. by off, away) crumble or drop from a stem etc. through decomposition. 2 intr. a (of society, institutions, etc.) gradually perish from lack of vigour or use. b (of a prisoner etc.) waste away (left to rot in prison); (of a person) languish. 3 tr. cause to rot, make rotten. 4 tr. Brit. sl. tease, abuse, denigrate. 5 intr. Brit. sl. joke. --n. 1 the process or state of rotting. 2 sl. nonsense; an absurd or foolish statement, argument, or proposal. 3 a sudden series of (usu. unaccountable) failures; a rapid decline in standards etc. (a rot set in; we must try to stop the rot). 4 (often prec. by the) a virulent liver-disease of sheep. --int. expressing incredulity or ridicule. Phrases and idioms rot-gut sl. cheap harmful alcoholic liquor. Etymology: OE rotian (v.): (n.) ME, perh. f. Scand.: cf. Icel., Norw. rot ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English ~en, from Old English ~ian; akin to Old High German rozzen to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi  b. to become unsound or weak (as from use or chemical action)  2.  a. to go to ruin ; deteriorate  b. to become morally corrupt ; degenerate  transitive verb to cause to decompose or deteriorate with or as if with ~  Synonyms: see decay  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the process of ~ting ; the state of being ~ten ; decay  b. something ~ten or ~ting  2.  a. archaic a wasting putrescent disease  b. any of several parasitic diseases especially of sheep marked by necrosis and wasting  c. plant disease marked by breakdown of tissues and caused especially by fungi or bacteria  3. nonsense — often used interjectionally ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rots, rotting, rotted) 1. When food, wood, or another substance rots, or when something rots it, it becomes softer and is gradually destroyed. If we don’t unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos... Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth. VERB: V, V n 2. If there is rot in something, especially something that is made of wood, parts of it have decayed and fallen apart. Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor... N-UNCOUNT 3. You can use the rot to refer to the way something gradually gets worse. For example, if you are talking about the time when the rot set in, you are talking about the time when a situation began to get steadily worse and worse. In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time... N-SING: the N 4. If you say that someone is being left to rot in a particular place, especially in a prison, you mean that they are being left there and their physical and mental condition is being allowed to get worse and worse. Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole. VERB: V prep 5. see also dry rot ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this  (Sugar rots your teeth. | the stench of rotting eggs) 2 rot in jail/prison etc to get into a bad mental or physical condition because you have been forced to stay in a place such as a prison  (As far as they're concerned we can rot in jail.) ~2 n 1 stop the rot informal to stop a bad situation from getting worse and worse  (If Leeds don't stop the rot soon they can say goodbye to a top eight team ranking.) 2 the rot set in informal used to say that a situation starts to get worse, and nothing could stop this process 3 the natural process of decaying or the part of something that has decayed 4 BrE old-fashioned nonsense  (You do talk rot!)  (- see also dry rot) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Rotation physiol. abbr. Right Occiput Transverse U.S. gov. abbr. Return On Taxes U.S. gov. abbr. Redundant, Outdated, and Trivial transport. abbr. Runway Occupancy Time mil. abbr. Reign Of Terror mil. abbr. REDUNDANT, OUTDATED, and TRIVIAL airport code Rotorua, New Zealand gen. comp. abbr. Redundant, Outdated, And Trivial file ext. abbr. Rotater 3D image educ. abbr. Right On Top gen. bus. abbr. Rule Of Thumb gen. bus. abbr. Registered Options Trader chat abbr. Right On Target ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. rotian, from P.Gmc. *rutjan, from stem *rut-. Slang noun sense of "rubbish, trash" is from 1848. Rotgut "unwholesome liquor" is from 1633; rotter "one who is objectionable on moral grounds" is 1894 slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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