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Англо-русский словарь - proper


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Перевод с английского языка proper на русский

 1) присущий, свойственный
 2) правильный, должный; надлежащий; подходящий; in the proper way - надлежащим образом;
 3) пристойный, приличный; proper behaviour - хорошее поведение
 4) точный, истинный
 5) употребленный в собственном смысле слова; architecture proper - архитектура в узком смысле слова
 6) coll. совершенный, настоящий; he was in a proper rage - он был в совершенном бешенстве
 7) obs. собственный; with my own proper eyes - своими собственными глазами
 8) obs. красивый
 9) gram. собственный; proper name/noun - имя собственное Syn: see formal
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См. в других словарях

  1. церк. изменяемая часть литургии, обедни или мессы (в зависимости от дня или праздника) 2. церк. служба, молитвы, назначенные на какой-либо день или праздник 3. церк. раздел молитвенника или требника с такими молитвами 4. присущий, свойственный feelings proper to mankind —- чувства, присущие человеку ailments proper to tropical climates —- заболевания, характерные для тропического климата 5. правильный, надлежащий, должный proper recept —- надлежащая квитанция they got it good and proper —- они получили по заслугам 6. подходящий, годный proper word —- подходящее слово proper tool for this job —- инструмент, требуемый для такой работы 7. приличный, пристойный proper behaviour —- хорошее поведение quite a proper book —- вполне пристойная книга 8. добродетельный, порядочный, почтенный 9. (употребленный) в собственном смысле, в узком значении Greece proper —- собственно Греция footnotes are clearly set off from the text proper —- примечания четко отделены от самого текста 10. эмоц-усил. настоящий, совершенный, сущий proper thrashing —- хорошенькая трепка he is a proper rascal —- он настоящий мошенник that child is a proper terror —- этот ребенок - сущее наказание 11. грам. собственный proper name —- имя собственное 12. мат. правильный, истинный; точный proper fraction —- правильная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) присущий, свойственный 2) правильный, должный, надлежащий 3) употребленный в собственном смысле слова ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) должный 2) истинный 3) корректный 4) надлежащий 5) подходящий 6) правильный 7) присущий 8) свойственный 9) собственно 10) собственный 11) соответствующий 12) уместный 13) чистый almost proper mapping — почти собственное отображение almost proper vector — почти собственный вектор group of proper rotations — группа собственных вращений left proper sequence — собственная слева последовательность left proper word — собственное слева слово proper algebraic variety — собственное алгебраическое многообразие proper birational transformation — собственное бирациональное преобразование proper covariance kernel — собственное ядро ковариации proper null position — истинный нуль proper orthogonal transformation — собственно ортогональное преобразование proper predicate calculus — собственное исчисление предикатов proper propositional calculus — собственное исчисление высказываний, собственное пропозициональное исчисление proper spiral point — правильный фокус right proper word — собственное справа слово strictly proper ideal — строго собственный идеал system of proper functions — система собственных функций - left proper - locally proper - proper amalgam - proper ancestor - proper axiom - proper base - proper basis - proper cause - proper character - proper class - proper combination - proper combinator - proper component - proper concordance - proper cone - proper congruence - proper conic - proper consistency - proper coupling - proper...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 a accurate, correct (in the proper sense of the word; gave him the proper amount). b fit, suitable, right (at the proper time; do it the proper way). 2 decent; respectable, esp. excessively so (not quite proper). 3 (usu. foll. by to) belonging or relating exclusively or distinctively (with the respect proper to them). 4 (usu. placed after noun) strictly so called; real; genuine (this is the crypt, not the cathedral proper). 5 colloq. thorough; complete (had a proper row about it). 6 (usu. placed after noun) Heraldry in the natural, not conventional, colours (a peacock proper). 7 archaic (of a person) handsome; comely. 8 (usu. with possessive pronoun) archaic own (with my proper eyes). --adv. Brit. dial. or colloq. 1 completely; very (felt proper daft). 2 (with reference to speech) in a genteel manner (learn to talk proper). --n. Eccl. the part of a service that varies with the season or feast. Phrases and idioms proper fraction a fraction that is less than unity, with the numerator less than the denominator. proper motion Astron. the part of the apparent motion of a fixed star etc. that is due to its actual movement in space relative to the sun. proper noun (or name) Gram. a name used for an individual person, place, animal, country, title, etc., and spelt with a capital letter, e.g. Jane, London, Everest. proper psalms (or lessons etc.) psalms or lessons etc. appointed for a particular day. Derivatives properness n. Etymology: ME f. OF propre f. L proprius one's own, special PROPERLY adv. 1 fittingly; suitably (do it properly). 2 accurately; correctly (properly speaking). 3 rightly (he very properly refused). 4 with decency; respectably (behave properly). 5 colloq. thoroughly (they were properly ashamed). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English propre ~, own, from Anglo-French, from Latin proprius own  Date: 14th century  1.  a. referring to one individual only  b. belonging to one ; own  c. appointed for the liturgy of a particular day  d. represented heraldically in natural color  2. belonging characteristically to a species or individual ; peculiar  3. chiefly dialect good-looking, handsome  4. very good ; excellent  5. chiefly British utter, absolute  6. strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea the city ~  7.  a. strictly accurate ; correct  b. archaic virtuous, respectable  c. strictly decorous ; genteel  8. marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness ; fit  9. being a mathematical subset (as a subgroup) that does not contain all the elements of the inclusive set from which it is derived  Synonyms: see fit  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. the parts of the Mass that vary according to the liturgical calendar  2. the part of a missal or breviary containing the ~ of the Mass and the offices ~ to the holy days of the liturgical year  III. adverb  Date: 15th century chiefly dialect in a thorough manner ; completely ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You use proper to describe things that you consider to be real and satisfactory rather than inadequate in some way. Two out of five people lack a proper job... I always cook a proper evening meal. ADJ: ADJ n 2. The proper thing is the one that is correct or most suitable. The Supreme Court will ensure that the proper procedures have been followed... He helped to put things in their proper place. = right ? wrong ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you say that a way of behaving is proper, you mean that it is considered socially acceptable and right. In those days it was not thought entirely proper for a woman to be on the stage... = fitting ? improper ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 4. You can add proper after a word to indicate that you are referring to the central and most important part of a place, event, or object and want to distinguish it from other things which are not regarded as being important or central to it. A distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology. ADJ: n ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun, no comparative especially BrE right, suitable, or correct  (She needs proper medical attention. | Put that back in its proper place. | I went through the proper process, I wrote to my MP.) 2 socially or legally correct and acceptable  (I don't feel that it would be proper for me to give you that information. | be only (right and) proper)  (It's only right and proper that Shari apologize for what she said!) 3 only before noun BrE spoken real  (Can't you get a proper job? | Try to eat proper meals instead of chips and baked beans.) 4 only after noun according to the real, most exact meaning of the word  (Monkeys proper only began to evolve thirty five million years ago.) 5 proper to sth a) formal belonging to one particular type of thing  (the reasoning abilities proper to our species) b) natural or normal in a particular place or situation  (dressed in a way that was proper to the occasion) 6 only before noun BrE spoken complete  (He's made a proper fool of himself this time! | You're in a proper old mess.) 7 very polite, and careful to do what is socially correct  (Andrew's behaviour was so proper that she couldn't help laughing.)  (- see also properly) ~2 adv BrE spoken 1 used by some people to mean properly, although most people think that this is incorrect  (Why don't you talk proper?) 2 good and proper completely  (Tom drove the car into a wall and wrecked it good and proper.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., "belonging to or relating to the person or thing in question," from O.Fr. propre, from L. proprius "one's own, particular to itself," from pro privo "for the individual." Original sense preserved in proper motion, proper name; sense of "socially appropriate" is first recorded 1704. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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