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Англо-русский словарь - picture


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Перевод с английского языка picture на русский

window noun венецианское окно
PICTURE telegraphy фототелеграфия
 1. noun
 1) картина; рисунок; a picture by Rubens; It looks well in the picture.
 2) изображение, картина; описание; picture of the morals of this period
 3) портрет; fig. копия; she is a picture of her mother - она вылитая мать
 4) coll. что-л. очень красивое, картинка; She is just a picture.
 5) представление, мысленный образ; to form a clear picture of smth. - составить ясное представление о чём-л.
 6) воплощение, олицетворение (здоровья, отчаяния и т.п.); he is the (very) picture of health - он олицетворение, воплощение здоровья
 7) кинокадр
 8) кинофильм, кинокартина
 9) (the pictures) кино; to go to the pictures - пойти в кино
 10) amer., coll. суть дела; Get the picture? - Уловили суть? out of - (или not in) the picture дисгармонирующий - pass from the picture - put in the picture - keep in the picture
 2. v.
 1) изображать на картине, рисовать
 2) снимать, фотографировать;
 3) описывать, обрисовывать, живописать; You have pictured her very vividly.
 4) быть похожим, иметь сходство; Mary pictures her mother.
 5) представлять себе (тж. picture to oneself); You know some of the story: the rest can be pictured to yourselves easily enough.
PICTURE area кадр изображения
PICTURE palace noun кинотеатр
PICTURE postcard художественная открытка
 1) кинотеатр
 2) кинофильм
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См. в других словарях

  1. картина; рисунок a picture by Kneller —- картина Неллера to paint a picture —- написать картину it looks well in the picture —- это хорошо только на картинке 2. фотография she showed a picture of her son —- она показала фотографию своего сына 3. изображение, картина; описание picture of the morals of the period —- изображение нравов того времени to draw a faithful picture of smb., smth. —- верно изобразить кого-л., что-л. to draw a rapid picture of smth. —- быстро изобразить что-л. 4. копия, портрет she is the picture of her mother —- она вылитая мать 5. воплощение, олицетворение; пример he looks the picture of health —- он воплощение здоровья 6. представление, мысленный образ to form a clear picture of smth. —- составить ясное представление о чем-л. 7. живописное место the trees and brook make a lovely picture —- деревья и ручей здесь очень живописны 8. живописная поза, сценка; мизансцена living pictures, pictures in the air —- живые картины 9. разг. картинка, что-то очень красивое the little girl is a picture —- девочка - настоящая картинка her hat is a picture —- у нее прелестная шляпка 10. (the pictures) кино to go to the pictures —- разг. пойти в кино 11. кинофильм, кинокартина black-and-white picture —- черно-белое изображение; черно-белый фильм 12. кинокадр to take pictures —- производить съемку, снимать 13. (the pictures) разг. кинематография 14. ам. разг. суть дела...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) шаблон 2) картина, изображение Syn: pattern, representation, image, denotation 2. гл. представлять себе образами ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) видеоконтрольный 2) изображение 3) картина 4) картинный 5) рисовать 6) рисунок 7) снимок achromatism of picture size — ахроматизм размера изображения automatic picture stabilization — автоматическая стабилизация изображения black-and-white picture tube — черно-белый кинескоп, кинескоп черно-белого изображения color picture tube — цветной кинескоп colour picture tube — кинескоп цветного изображения flat-faced picture tube — плоский кинескоп picture tube face — экран кинескопа picture tube implodes — кинескоп взрывается shadow-mask picture tube — кинескоп с теневой маской three-gun picture tube — трехлучевая передающая приемная трубка tri-gun picture tube — трехпрожекторный кинескоп - TV picture tube - black-and-white picture - blur the picture - classical picture - composite picture - isometric picture - oblique picture - perspective picture - picture analysis - picture carrier - picture color - picture frequency - picture function - picture is cramped - picture is soft - picture monitor - picture plane - picture quality - picture ratio - picture steadiness - picture synthesis - picture tube - ragged picture - ray picture - smeared picture - split picture - stereoscopic picture - tearing of picture - time picture - two-dimensional picture ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) изображение 2) тлв. кадр – B-field picture – busy picture – coded picture – color picture – composite picture – consecutive base layers pictures – current picture – fuzzy picture – high-resolution still picture – index picture – infrared picture – intra-coded picture – monochrome picture – motion picture – negative picture – positive picture – predictive-coded picture – radio picture – reconstructed picture – scrambled picture – still picture – studio picture – test picture – thermal picture – UV picture – video picture ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) изображение изображать 2) фотоснимок 3) кинофильм 4) кфт., тлв кадр 5) шаблон; образец (напр. при редактировании данных) 6) полигр. иллюстрация; (изобразительный) оригинал in picture — в кадре, в поле зрения; picture in shuttle — изображение при перемотке - active picture - aerodrome air picture - anamorphotic picture - black-and-white picture - blurred picture - breakup picture - busy picture - close-up picture - coherent picture - color picture - colormotion picture - digital cloud picture - energy-band picture - facsimile picture - flat picture - frozen picture - fuzzy picture - graphic picture - gray-scale picture - gray picture - instant picture - interlaced picture - locked picture - monochrome picture - motion picture - multispectral picture - negative picture - oscilloscope picture - outline picture - positive picture - reference picture - screen picture - shaded picture - shadow picture - single picture - soft picture - static picture - stereoscopic picture - still picture - studio quality picture - television picture - three-dimensional picture - video picture - video telephone picture - washed-out picture - wide-screen picture - X-ray picture ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a painting, drawing, photograph, etc., esp. as a work of art (picture frame). b a portrait, esp. a photograph, of a person (does not like to have her picture taken). c a beautiful object (her hat is a picture). 2 a a total visual or mental impression produced; a scene (the picture looks bleak). b a written or spoken description (drew a vivid picture of moral decay). 3 a a film. b (in pl.) Brit. a showing of films at a cinema (went to the pictures). c (in pl.) films in general. 4 an image on a television screen. 5 colloq. a esp. iron. a person or thing exemplifying something (he was the picture of innocence). b a person or thing resembling another closely (the picture of her aunt). --v.tr. 1 represent in a picture. 2 (also refl.; often foll. by to) imagine, esp. visually or vividly (pictured it to herself). 3 describe graphically. Phrases and idioms get the picture colloq. grasp the tendency or drift of circumstances, information, etc. in the picture fully informed or noticed. out of the picture uninvolved, inactive; irrelevant. picture-book a book containing many illustrations. picture-card a court-card. picture-gallery a place containing an exhibition or collection of pictures. picture-goer a person who frequents the cinema. picture hat a woman's wide-brimmed highly decorated hat as in pictures by Reynolds and Gainsborough. picture-moulding 1 woodwork etc. used for framing pictures. 2 a rail on a wall used for hanging pictures from. picture-palace (or -theatre) Brit. archaic a cinema. picture postcard a postcard with a picture on one side. picture window a very large window consisting of one pane of glass. picture-writing a mode of recording events etc. by pictorial symbols as in early hieroglyphics etc. Etymology: ME f. L pictura f. pingere pict- paint ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin pictura, from pictus, past participle of pingere to paint — more at paint  Date: 15th century  1. a design or representation made by various means (as painting, drawing, or photography)  2.  a. a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something the book gives a detailed ~ of what is happening  b. a mental image  3. image, copy he was the ~ of his father she was the very ~ of health  4.  a. a transitory visible image or reproduction  b. motion ~  c. plural movies  5. tableau 2  6. situation took a hard look at his financial ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; picturing)  Date: 15th century  1. to paint or draw a representation, image, or visual conception of ; depict; also illustrate  2. to describe graphically in words  3. to form a mental image of ; imagine ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pictures, picturing, pictured) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene. A picture of Rory O’Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan. N-COUNT 2. A picture is a photograph. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other... N-COUNT 3. Television pictures are the scenes which you see on a television screen. ...heartrending television pictures of human suffering. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. To be pictured somewhere, for example in a newspaper or magazine, means to appear in a photograph or picture. The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft. ...a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancing with a celebrity in Stringfellows nightclub... The rattan and wrought-iron chair pictured here costs ?125. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, be V-ed -ing, V-ed 5. You can refer to a film as a picture. ...a director of epic action pictures. N-COUNT 6. If you go to the pictures, you go to a cinema to see a film. (BRIT; in AM, use the movies) We’re going to the pictures tonight... = cinema N-PLURAL: the N 7. If you have a picture of something in your mind, you have a clear idea or memory of it in your mind as if you were actually seeing it. We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight... = image N-COUNT: oft N of n 8. If you picture something in your mind, you think of it and have such a clear memory or idea of it that you seem to be able to see it. He pictured her with long black braided hair... He pictured Claire sitting out in the car, waiting for him... I tried to picture the place, but could not. = imagine VERB: V n prep, V n -ing, V n 9. A picture of something is a description of it or an indication of what it is like. I’ll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do... N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp 10. When you refer...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  - early 15c., from L. pictura, from pictus, pp. of pingere "make pictures" (see paint). The verb, in the mental sense, is from 1738; pictures "movies," short for moving pictures, is from 1912. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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