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Англо-русский словарь - peep


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Перевод с английского языка peep на русский

out выглядывать, проглядывать, появляться; The child peeped out from behind her fingers. The stars peeped out as the clouds hurried past.
PEEP through заглядывать сквозь что-л., выглядывать; She moved the curtains to one side and peeped through. The moon peeped through the clouds for a moment. II
 1. noun писк; чириканье
 2. v. чирикать; пищать Syn: see squeal
 1. noun
 1) взгляд украдкой; - get a peep of - have a peep at smth. - take a peep at smth.
 2) первое появление; проблеск; - peep of day - peep of dawn - peep of morning
 3) скважина, щель without a peep - с места в карьер, сразу же, с ходу
 2. v.
 1) заглядывать; смотреть прищурясь (at, into); смотреть сквозь маленькое отверстие; подглядывать; She spends half her day peeping at her neighbours from behind her curtains. Would you dare to peep into a teachers desk to see if the examination papers were there?
 2) проглядывать, появляться, выглядывать; Spring must have begun at last, the young leaves are just peeping out.
 3) проявляться (о качестве и т.п.) (часто peep out) - peep into - peep out - peep over - peep through
PEEP into заглядывать, заходить (куда-л.)
PEEP of dawn рассвет
PEEP of day рассвет
PEEP of morning рассвет
PEEP over выглядывать поверх чего-л.; He held his son above the level of the wall so that he could peep over.
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См. в других словарях

  1. быстрый взгляд (часто украдкой) to get a peep of smth. —- увидеть что-л. to have (to take) a peep at smth. —- взглянуть на что-л. he took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions —- он украдкой заглянул в конец книги, где давались ответы на вопросы let me have a peep at the letter —- дайте мне взглянуть на письмо take a peep into the room and see if he went home —- загляни в комнату и посмотри, не ушел ли он I only took a peep at her —- я ее видел только мельком 2. первое появление, проблеск peep of day (dawn, morning) —- рассвет 3. полоска света a little peep from a lamp —- крохотная полоска света от лампы 4. щель, просвет 5. минимум I turned down the gas to a peep —- я уменьшил газ до предела Id: to go without a peep —- глаз не сомкнуть, даже не вздремнуть 6. заглядывать, смотреть прищурясь to peep round the corner —- заглянуть за угол 7. заглядывать в маленькое отверстие; подглядывать I saw you peeping through the keyhole —- я видел, как ты подглядывал в замочную скважину we must not peep and eavesdrop —- мы не должны подглядывать и подслушивать 8. (at) рассматривать с любопытством, разглядывать they had the feeling that they were being peeped at —- у них было ощущение, что за ними наблюдают 9. выглядывать, проглядывать, появляться (также peep out) her curls peeped out from under her hat —- ее локоны выбивались из-под шляпы violets peep from the grass —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  писк; чириканье; пищать; чирикать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by at, in, out, into) look through a narrow opening; look furtively. 2 (usu. foll. by out) a (of daylight, a flower beginning to bloom, etc.) come slowly into view; emerge. b (of a quality etc.) show itself unconsciously. --n. 1 a furtive or peering glance. 2 the first appearance (at peep of day). Phrases and idioms peep-bo = BO-PEEP. peep-hole a small hole that may be looked through. peeping Tom a furtive voyeur. peep-show a small exhibition of pictures etc. viewed through a lens or hole set into a box etc. peep-sight the aperture backsight of some rifles. peep-toe (or -toed) (of a shoe) leaving the toes partly bare. Etymology: ME: cf. PEEK, PEER(1) 2. v. & n. --v.intr. make a shrill feeble sound as of young birds, mice, etc.; squeak; chirp. --n. such a sound. Etymology: imit.: cf. CHEEP ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English pepen, of imitative origin  Date: 15th century  1. to utter a feeble shrill sound as of a bird newly hatched ; cheep  2. to utter the slightest sound  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a feeble shrill sound ; cheep  2. a slight utterance especially of complaint or protest don't let me hear another ~ out of you  3. any of several small sandpipers  III. verb  Etymology: Middle English pepen, perhaps alteration of piken to peek  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to peer through or as if through a crevice  b. to look cautiously or slyly  2. to begin to emerge from or as if from concealment ; show slightly  transitive verb  1. to put forth or cause to protrude slightly  2. slang to have a look at ; see, watch  IV. noun  Date: 1530  1. a first glimpse or faint appearance at the ~ of dawn  2.  a. a brief look ; glance  b. a furtive look ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (peeps, peeping, peeped) 1. If you peep, or peep at something, you have a quick look at it, often secretly and quietly. Children came to peep at him round the doorway... Now and then she peeped to see if he was noticing her. = peek VERB: V at n, V • Peep is also a noun. ‘Fourteen minutes,’ Chris said, taking a peep at his watch. = peek N-SING: a N 2. If something peeps out from behind or under something, a small part of it is visible or becomes visible. Purple and yellow flowers peeped up between rocks... VERB: V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to look at something quickly and secretly, especially through a hole + into/through etc  (I caught him peeping through the keyhole.) 2 always + adv/prep if something peeps from somewhere, it is just possible to see it + through/from etc  (The sun peeped briefly through the clouds.)  (- compare peek, peer2) ~2 n 1 a quick or secret look at something  (take a peep)  (Mike had taken a peep at the answers.) 2 not hear a peep out of spoken to not hear a sound from someone  (I don't want to hear a peep out of you until you've done your homework.) 3 BrE a word meaning the sound of a car's horn, used especially by or to children 4 a short weak high sound like the sound a mouse or a young bird makes ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Positive End Expiratory Pressure educ. abbr. Peers Early Education Partnership ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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