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Англо-русский словарь - nurse


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Перевод с английского языка nurse на русский

 1. noun
 1) няня, нянька; - put out to nurse - at nurse
 2) кормилица, мамка
 3) сиделка; медицинская сестра; - male nurse
 4) нянченье, пестование
 5) fig. колыбель; the nurse of liberty - колыбель свободы
 6) дерево, посаженное для того, чтобы дать тень другим деревьям
 7) zool. рабочая пчела; рабочий муравей
 2. v.
 1) кормить, выкармливать (ребенка)
 2) нянчить
 3) быть сиделкой; ухаживать (за больным)
 4) лечить (насморк, простуду)
 5) выращивать (растение)
 6) лелеять (мысль, надежду); питать, таить (злобу); to nurse a grievance against smb. - быть в обиде на кого-л.
 7) обхаживать; стараться задобрить; to nurse the public - угождать публике; to nurse the constituency - обрабатывать избирательный округ (с целью добиться избрания)
 8) экономно хозяйничать
 9) беречь; to nurse a car - осторожно водить машину
 10) ласкать Syn: care for, mind, minister, tend Ant: slight II noun гренландская или вест-индская акула
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См. в других словарях

  1. няня, нянька 2. кормилица, мамка 3. сиделка; санитарка male nurse —- санитар 4. медицинская сестра N. Corps —- ам. воен. служба медицинских сестер male nurse —- брат милосердия district nurse —- районная фельдшерица; патронажная сестра 5. хранитель (традиций) 6. колыбель (свободы) the nurse of souls —- духовный наставник ancient Greece was the nurse of learning —- Древняя Греция была колыбелью учености 7. нянченье, пестование 8. дерево, дающее защиту другому 9. энт. пчела-кормилица 10. энт. самка-кормилица у муравьев Id: at nurse —- на попечении няни; в руках доверенных лиц (об имении) Id: to put to nurse —- отдать на попечение няни; передать (имение) в руки доверенного лица 11. кормить грудью; выкармливать ребенка to nurse dry —- отнимать от груди, кормить рожком she did not nurse her child —- она сама не кормила своего ребенка 12. быть кормилицей 13. сосать, брать грудь (о ребенке) 14. пить медленно, посасывать, пригубливать he nursed a drink all evening —- он растянул стакан (вина) на весь вечер 15. нянчить; ухаживать за детьми; быть няней to nurse to sleep —- убаюкать 16. ухаживать, обхаживать to nurse the constituency —- обрабатывать избирателей, чтобы добиться своего избрания to nurse one's public —- добиваться популярности, угождать публике to nurse an estate —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) кормить, выкармливать; выращивать 2) песчаная акула (Odontaspis) – gray nurse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  вынянчивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a person trained to assist doctors in caring for the sick or infirm. 2 a person employed or trained to take charge of young children. 3 archaic = wet-nurse. 4 Forestry a tree planted as a shelter to others. 5 Zool. a sexually imperfect bee, ant, etc., caring for a young brood; a worker. --v. 1 a intr. work as a nurse. b tr. attend to (a sick person). c tr. give medical attention to (an illness or injury). 2 tr. & intr. feed or be fed at the breast. 3 tr. (in passive; foll. by in) be brought up in (a specified condition) (nursed in poverty). 4 tr. hold or treat carefully or caressingly (sat nursing my feet). 5 tr. a foster; promote the development of (the arts, plants, etc.). b harbour or nurture (a grievance, hatred, etc.). c pay special attention to (nursed the voters). 6 tr. Billiards keep (the balls) together for a series of cannons. Etymology: reduced f. ME and OF norice, nurice f. LL nutricia fem. of L nutricius f. nutrix -icis f. nutrire NOURISH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Sir Paul Maxime 1949- British geneticist NURSE  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English norice, norce, ~, from Anglo-French nurice, from Late Latin nutricia, from Latin, feminine of nutricius nourishing — more at nutritious  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a woman who suckles an infant not her own ; wet ~  b. a woman who takes care of a young child ; dry ~  2. one that looks after, fosters, or advises  3. a person who cares for the sick or infirm; specifically a licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician, surgeon, or dentist and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health — compare licensed practical ~, registered ~  4.  a. a worker form of a social insect (as an ant or a bee) that cares for the young  b. a female mammal used to suckle the young of another  II. verb  (~d; nursing)  Etymology: Middle English nurshen to suckle, nourish, contraction of nurishen  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to nourish at the breast ; suckle  b. to take nourishment from the breast of  2. rear, educate  3.  a. to promote the development or progress of  b. to manage with care or economy ~d the business through hard times ~d a 1-0 lead  c. to take charge of and watch over  4.  a. to care for and wait on (as a sick person)  b. to attempt to cure by care and treatment  5. to hold in one's memory or consideration ~ a grievance  6.  a. to use, handle, or operate carefully so as to conserve energy or avoid injury or pain ~ a sprained ankle  b. to use sparingly  c. to consume slowly or over a long period ~ a cup of coffee  intransitive verb  1.  a. to feed an offspring from the breast  b. to feed at the breast ; suck  2. to act or serve as a ~  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (nurses, nursing, nursed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A nurse is a person whose job is to care for people who are ill. She had spent 29 years as a nurse... Patients were dying because of an acute shortage of nurses. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 2. If you nurse someone, you care for them when they are ill. All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him... She rushed home to nurse her daughter back to health. VERB: V n, V n back to n 3. If you nurse an illness or injury, you allow it to get better by resting as much as possible. We’re going to go home and nurse our colds. VERB: V n 4. If you nurse an emotion or desire, you feel it strongly for a long time. Jane still nurses the pain of rejection... He had nursed an ambition to lead his own big orchestra. = harbour VERB: V n, V n 5. When a baby nurses or when its mother nurses it, it feeds by sucking milk from its mother’s breast. (OLD-FASHIONED) Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants. ...young women nursing babies... Young people and nursing mothers are exempted from charges. = suckle VERB: V, V n, V-ing 6. see also nursery nurse, nursing, wet nurse ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who is trained to look after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital  (The nurse is coming to give you an injection. | a student nurse (=someone learning to be a nurse) | Nurse Jones | a male nurse) 2 old-fashioned a woman employed to look after a young child; nanny (1)  (- see also wet nurse) ~2 v 1 »SICK PEOPLE« a) to look after someone who is ill or injured  (nursing an elderly relative | nurse sb back to health (=nurse someone until they are well again)) b) I usually in progressive) to work as a nurse  (She spent several years nursing in a military hospital.) 2 »YOUR FEELINGS« T not in passive to secretly have a feeling or idea in your mind for a long time, especially an angry feeling  (nurse a grudge/grievance/ambition etc)  (For years he had nursed a grievance against his former employer.) 3 »YOUR ILLNESS/INJURY« T not in passive to rest when you have an illness or injury so that it will get better  (Andrea was at home, nursing a cold.) 4 »TAKE CARE OF STH« to take special care of something especially during a difficult situation  (nurse sth through/along etc)  (Royton succeeded in nursing the company through a financially difficult period.) 5 »HOLD« to hold something carefully in your hands or arms close to your body  (a child nursing a kitten | Frank sat there nursing his glass of beer.) 6 »FEED A BABY« a) if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it with milk from her breasts; breast­feed b) if a baby nurses, it sucks milk from its mother's breast ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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