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Англо-русский словарь - minor


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Перевод с английского языка minor на русский

court суд низшей инстанции
MINOR key минорный тон
MINOR league sport низшая лига
 1. adj.
 1) незначительный; второстепенный; - of minor interest - minor league
 2) меньший из двух; младший из двух братьев (в школе), - minor court
 3) mus. минорный; fig. грустный, минорный Syn: see marginal
 2. noun
 1) несовершеннолетний подросток
 2) logic меньшая посылка в силлогизме
 3) mus. минорный ключ
 4) (Minor) hist. францисканец, минорит
 5) amer. непрофилирующий предмет (в университете, колледже)
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См. в других словарях

  1. несовершеннолетний, не достигший 18 лет 2. младший из двух братьев или однофамильцев (учащихся в одной школе) 3. ам. второстепенный, не основное предмет (в школе, колледже) 4. муз. минорный ключ; минор 5. мат. минор 6. сокр. от minor term 7. рел. ист. минорит, францисканец 8. незначительный; второстепенный minor injury —- легкое ранение, небольшой ушиб minor repair(s) —- мелкая починка, мелкий ремонт minor part —- второстепенная роль minor differences —- незначительные разногласия minor worry (problem) —- мелкое беспокойство minor poet —- второстепенный поэт of minor interest —- не представляющий большого интереса minor operation —- мед. местная операция minor action —- воен. действия мелких подразделений, столкновение minor warfare —- воен. локальная война minor court —- юр. суд низшей инстанции minor offence —- юр. мелкое правонарушение, проступок minor larceny —- юр. мелкое хищение имущества minor suit —- карт. младшая масть (трефы, бубны - в бридже) I have one minor criticism —- у меня есть одно небольшое замечание 9. меньший из двух; младший из двух братьев или однофамильцев (учащихся в одной школе) 10. ам. студ. второстепенный chemistry is my minor subject —- химия - моя вторая специальность 11. муз. минорный 12. грустный, минорный the conversation was pitched in a minor...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. образ. непрофилирующий предмет Предмет второй специализации в школе, колледже или университете (minor in - изучать предмет второй специализации). Ср. major 2. юр. несовершеннолетний Лицо, не достигшее совершеннолетия (в большинстве штатов - 21 год). Несет ограниченную ответственность по гражданскому и уголовному законодательству. Тж. infant ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) второстепенный (напр. о признаке) 2) побочный (напр. о продукте) 3) биохим. минорный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) малый, небольшой (например, о цикле) 2) менее значительный по размеру (например, о расходах) 3) несовершеннолетний • - be of minor importance - minor attribute - minor change - minor modification ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) второстепенный 2) малый 3) меньший 4) минор 5) младший 6) незначительный 7) неосновной 8) неосновный 9) неответственный almost principal minor — почти главный минор clean-out of minor carriers — рассасывание неосновных носителей minor definite matrix — определенная по минорам матрица minor hysteresis loop — частная петля гистерезиса principal minor matrix — главный минор - Ursa Minor - complementary minor - degree of minor - forbidden minor - illicit minor - m-column minor - minor arc - minor axis - minor cycle - minor determinant - minor diameter - minor expansion - minor face - minor insulator - minor lobe - minor metal - minor number - minor of determinant - minor part - minor planet - minor premise - minor road - minor segment - minor semiaxis - minor stream - minor suit - minor switch - minor term - minor total - n-rowed minor - permanental minor - principal minor - reduced minor - regular minor - signed minor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) матем. минор 2) внутрихозяйственный канал (с забором воды из распределительной сети) - complementary minor - k-th minor - principal minor ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 lesser or comparatively small in size or importance (minor poet; minor operation). 2 Mus. a (of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and seventh and eighth degrees. b (of an interval) less by a semitone than a major interval. c (of a key) based on a minor scale, tending to produce a melancholy effect. 3 Brit. (in schools) indicating the younger of two children from the same family or the second to enter the school (usu. put after the name). 4 Logic a (of a term) occurring as the subject of the conclusion of a categorical syllogism. b (of a premiss) containing the minor term in a categorical syllogism. --n. 1 a person under the legal age limit or majority (no unaccompanied minors). 2 Mus. a minor key etc. 3 US a student's subsidiary subject or course (cf. MAJOR). 4 Logic a minor term or premiss. --v.intr. (foll. by in) US (of a student) undertake study in (a subject) as a subsidiary to a main subject. Phrases and idioms in a minor key (of novels, events, people's lives, etc.) understated, uneventful. minor axis Geom. (of a conic) the axis perpendicular to the major axis. minor canon a cleric who is not a member of the chapter, who assists in daily cathedral services. minor league US (in baseball, football, etc.) a league of professional clubs other than the major leagues. minor orders see ORDER. minor piece Chess a bishop or a knight. minor planet an asteroid. minor prophet any of the prophets from Hosea to Malachi, whose surviving writings are not lengthy. minor suit Bridge diamonds or clubs. Etymology: L, = smaller, less, rel. to minuere lessen ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Latin, smaller, inferior; akin to Old High German minniro smaller, Latin minuere to lessen  Date: 1526  1. inferior in importance, size, or degree ; comparatively unimportant  2. not having reached majority  3.  a. having half steps between the second and third, the fifth and sixth, and sometimes the seventh and eighth degrees ~ scale  b. based on a ~ scale ~ key  c. less by a semitone than the corresponding major interval ~ third  d. having a ~ third above the root ~ triad  4. not serious or involving risk to life ~ illness  5. of or relating to an academic subject requiring fewer courses than a major  II. noun  Date: 1612  1. a person who has not attained majority  2. a ~ musical interval, scale, key, or mode  3.  a. a ~ academic subject  b. a student taking a specified ~  4. a determinant or matrix obtained from a given determinant or matrix by eliminating the row and column in which a given element lies  5. plural ~ league baseball — used with the  III. intransitive verb  Date: 1926 to take courses in a ~ subject ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (minors, minoring, minored) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You use minor when you want to describe something that is less important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation. She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films... Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome. ? major ADJ 2. A minor illness or operation is not likely to be dangerous to someone’s life or health. Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses... His mother had to go to the hospital for minor surgery. ? major ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. In European music, a minor scale is one in which the third note is three semitones higher than the first. ...the unfinished sonata movement in F minor. ? major ADJ: n ADJ, ADJ n 4. A minor is a person who is still legally a child. In Britain and most states in the United States, people are minors until they reach the age of eighteen. The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors. N-COUNT 5. At a university or college in the United States, a student’s minor is a subject that they are studying in addition to their main subject, or major. ? major N-COUNT: oft poss N 6. At a university or college in the United States, if a student is, for example, a geology minor, they are studying geology as well as their main subject. ? major N-COUNT: n N 7. If a student at a university or college in the United States minors in a particular subject, they study it in addition to their main subject. I’m minoring in computer science. ? major VERB: V in n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 small and not very important or serious, especially when compared with other things  (We have made some minor changes to the program. | an issue of minor importance | minor illness/operation/injury (=one that is not very serious or dangerous))  (minor head injuries)  (- opposite major1 (1)) 2 based on a musical scale1 (8) in which the third note of the related major1 (4) scale has been lowered by a semitone  (a minor key | a symphony in D minor) ~2 n 1 law someone who is below the age at which they become legally responsible for their actions 2 especially AmE a subject studied at university that has less importance and needs less work than your major (=main subject) 3 the minors the minor leagues ~3 v minor in sth phr v especially AmE to study an additional subject at university that is less important than your main subject  (- opposite major3) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1212, from L. minor "lesser," formed as a masc./fem. of minus on the mistaken assumption that minus was a neut. comparative. Some Eng. usages are from O.Fr. menor, from L. minor. Minority is 1533, from M.L. minoritatem (nom. minoritas), from L. minor. In the baseball sense, minor league is from 1884; the figurative extension is first recorded 1926. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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