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Англо-русский словарь - link


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка link на русский

 1. noun
 1) (связующее) звено; связь; соединение
 2) pl. узы; links of brotherhood - узы братства
 3) колечко, локон
 4) петля (в вязанье)
 5) запонка для манжет
 6) tech. шарнир; кулиса
 7) geod. звено землемерной цепи (как мера длины = 20 см)
 8) radio; tv релейная линия
 2. v.
 1) соединять, связывать, смыкать (together, to); сцеплять (тж. link up); The railway line links the two towns together.
 2) быть связанным (on, to - с), примыкать (on, to - к); The prisoners were linked to each other by irons around their legs.
 3) брать/идти под руку (тж. link ones arm through smb. s arm) Syn: see connect II noun факел
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См. в других словарях

  1. звено (цепи) 2. (связующее) звено; связь a link in a chain of evidence —- звено в цепи доказательств the link between past and future —- связь между прошлым и будущим 3. линк 4. запонка для манжет 5. петля (в вязанье) 6. колечко, локон 7. уст. цепи, оковы 8. узы links of brotherhood —- узы братства 9. хим. связь 10. тех. шарнир link pin —- ось шарнира 11. тех. кулиса 12. тех. соединительное звено 13. рад. тлв. релейная линия; линия связи, канал связи 14. ам. колбасный батон малых размеров, колбаска 15. цепочка, связка сосисок 16. указатель, ссылка Id: the missing link —- недостающее звено; (иногда M.L.) недостающее звено (переходная ступень) между обезьяной и человеком Id: a chain is no stronger than its weakest link —- цепь не крепче ее слабейшего звена; где тонко, там и рвется 17. соединять, связывать, сцеплять; компоновать (также link together, link to) to be linked together by interest in a common cause —- быть связанными участием в общем деле these events were all subtly linked together —- эти события были каким-то неуловимым образом связаны между собой 18. соединяться, быть связанным (обыкн. link up) to link up with smb. —- примыкать к кому-л., участвовать (в чем-л.) вместе с кем-л. 19. указывать Id: to link arms —- стоять или ходить под руку Id: to walk with linked arms —- ходить под руку Id: to link one's arm through (in) smb.'s arm...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  звено, связь; связывать, сцеплять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  связь; (связующее) звено – associative link – mechanical link – missing link LINK 1. сущ. 1) звено 2) связь, узы • - communication link - contractual links - data link - link to 2. гл. связывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) звено 2) звеньевой 3) канал передачи данных 4) кулисный 5) передаточный рычаг 6) плоскозвенный 7) связывать 8) связь 9) смыкать 10) соединять 11) сцеплять 12) цепь связи 13) шарнир 14) шатунный 15) штроп completely symmetrical link — вполне симметричная связь composite communication link — комбинированная линия связи cutting link chain — режущая шарнирная цепь data link control — процедура контроля передачи данных fiber-optic communication link — волоконнооптическая линия связи hop of radio-relay link — участок радиорелейной линии link access procedures — процедуры доступа к каналу передачи данных microwave radio link — релейная линия радиосвязи microwave relay link — радиорелейная линия связи office link frame — штатив станционных шнуров parallel link mechanism — шарнирный параллелограмм radio relay link — радио линия релейная relay radio link — релейная радиолиния satellite communication link — спутниковая линия связи scatter radio link — вторичная радиолиния track link pin — палец трака гусеницы - associative link - bar link - boundary link - causal link - chain link - command link - common link - connecting link - detector bar link - disconnecting link - fibered link - fuse link - height of link - interchangeable link - interrogation link - laser link - link bank - link branch - link chain - link edge - link encryption - link frame - link gear - link group - link header - link mechanism - link of chain - link of mechanism - link pin - link plate - link polygon - link trailer - link up weld - logical...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) амер. линия связи 2) соединение, связь 3) клеммная перемычка 4) pl гипертекстовые ссылки – analog fiber-optic link – automatic data link – balanced data link – bandwidth-limited link – bridge link – broken link – cable link – command link – communication link – contribution link – cross-site link – data link – degraded link – digital data link – digital fiber optic link – direct-digital link – disconnecting links – feeder link – fiber-optic link – frequency-division data link – group link – hardened link – hybrid analog-and-digital link – information link – intelligence link – interchange link – internodal link – intersatellite link – intranodal link – isolating link – line-of-sight link – long-haul link – master-group link – meteor-burst link – MFSK link – micro-to-mainframe link – microwave link – multiplex link – multisatellite link – optical communication link – over-the-horizon link – point-to-point data link – point-to-point optical-fiber transmission link – radio link – radio relay link – remote control link – repeaterless link – reserve link – satellite communication link – shared link – short-haul link – signaling link – studio-to-transmitter link – subscriber link – telephone link – terrestrial link – time-sharing link – transhorizon link – transmission link – video-data link – virtual-path link – wireless link ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  звено (цепи) соединительная штанга; стяжка; соединительный тяж арматурный хомут; серьга связь, соединение coupling link соединительное звено сцепная скоба; соединительный тяж end link fusible link inclined links master link mechanical coupling link vertical links ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) связь; соединение связывать; соединять 2) (химическая) связь 3) звено (цепи, механизма, линии связи, системы связи) 4) кулиса; передаточный рычаг; серьга; шатун; шарнир 5) линк (неметрическая единица длины) 6) трак (траковой цепи) 7) ответвление (реки, канала) 8) эл. плавкая вставка (предохранителя) 9) линия связи; линия передачи (данных или сигналов); канал связи; канал передачи (данных или сигналов) 10) клеммная перемычка 11) хорда (графа) 12) вчт. указатель, ссылка 13) трик. петля 14) плашка, кнопка (распределительной цепи трикотажной машины) 15) звено рисунчатой цепи (основовязальной мамины) 16) трик. кеттлевать 17) швейн. стачивать, сшивать - aperiodic link - arm link - articulated link - astatic link - axlebox link - backbone link - bandwidth-limited link - bar link - bidirectional link - centershift link - chain link - common link - communications link - communication link - connecting link - counterweight link - coupling link - cutter link - data link - dedicated link - deep heat treated track link - degraded link - disconnecting link - domestic link - double kingbolt link - drag link - drop link - earth-satellite link - elevator link - end link - enlarged link - expansion link - extension link - fiber-optic link - fiber link - forked link - four-wire link - frequency-division data link - fuse link - fusible link - group link - guide link - high body hardness link - hoist link - information link - intercontinental link - internodal link - intersatellite link - intranodal link - ion link - isolating link - joining link - keyed split master link - kinematic...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 one loop or ring of a chain etc. 2 a a connecting part, esp. a thing or person that unites or provides continuity; one in a series. b a state or means of connection. 3 a means of contact by radio or telephone between two points. 4 a means of travel or transport between two places. 5 = cuff-link (see CUFF(1)). 6 a measure equal to one-hundredth of a surveying chain (7.92 inches). --v. 1 tr. (foll. by together, to, with) connect or join (two things or one to another). 2 tr. clasp or intertwine (hands or arms). 3 intr. (foll. by on, to, in to) be joined; attach oneself to (a system, company, etc.). Phrases and idioms link up (foll. by with) connect or combine. link-up n. an act or result of linking up. Etymology: ME f. ON f. Gmc 2. n. hist. a torch of pitch and tow for lighting the way in dark streets. Etymology: 16th c.: perh. f. med.L li(n)chinus wick f. Gk lukhnos light ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hlekkr chain; akin to Old English hlanc lank  Date: 15th century  1. a connecting structure: as  a.  (1) a single ring or division of a chain  (2) one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length  b. cuff ~  c. bond 3c  d. an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion; especially a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end  e. the fusible member of an electrical fuse  2. something analogous to a ~ of chain: as  a. a segment of sausage in a chain  b. a connecting element or factor found a ~ between smoking and cancer  c. a unit in a communication system  d. an identifier attached to an element (as an index term) in a system in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements; especially one (as a hyper~) in a computer file  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb to couple or connect by or as if by a ~  intransitive verb to become connected by or as if by a ~ — often used with up the band ~ed up with a new record label  Synonyms: see join  • ~er noun  III. noun  Etymology: perhaps modification of Medieval Latin linchinus candle, alteration of Latin lychnus, from Greek lychnos; akin to Greek leukos white — more at light  Date: 1526 a torch formerly used to light a person's way through the streets  IV. intransitive verb  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1715 Scottish to skip smartly along ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (links, linking, linked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If there is a link between two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example because one thing causes or affects the other. ...the link between smoking and lung cancer. = connection N-COUNT: usu N between/with n 2. If someone or something links two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example because one thing causes or affects the other. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms... Liver cancer is linked to the hepatitis B virus... The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions. VERB: V n to/with n, V n to/with n, V-ed see also index-linked 3. A link between two things or places is a physical connection between them. ...the high-speed rail link between London and the Channel Tunnel... Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open. N-COUNT: oft supp N, usu N between/with n 4. If two places or objects are linked or something links them, there is a physical connection between them. ...the Rama Road, which links the capital, Managua, with the Caribbean coast... The campus is linked by regular bus services to Coventry. ...the Channel Tunnel linking Britain and France. VERB: V n with/to n, V n with/to n, V pl-n 5. A link between two people, organizations, or places is a friendly or business connection between them. Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn... In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed... A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia. N-COUNT: usu N with/between/to n 6. A link to another person or organization is something that allows you to communicate with them or have contact with them. She was my only link with the past... These projects will provide vital links between companies and universities. N-COUNT: N with/between/to n 7. If you link...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 be linked if people or events are linked, they are connected in some way  (Police think the murders are linked.) + with/to  (They believe that this illness is linked to the use of chemical pesticides.) 2 to connect computers, broadcast systems etc, so that electronic messages can be sent between them  (link sth to)  (You can link your TV to your stereo for better sound. | link sth with)  (We'll link your PC with our network via modem.) 3 to connect two or more things together  (These traditional stories link the past and the present.) 4 to believe that one fact or situation is connected with or caused by another  (link sth to/with)  (There are compelling reasons for linking crimes like burglary and car theft with poverty.) 5 to join one place to another  (the coastal highway linking Saigon and Hanoi) 6 link arms to bend your arm and put it through someone else's bent arm link up phr v to make a connection with something  (The train links up with the ferry at Holyhead. | My work links up with previous research.)  (- see also linkup) ~2 n 1 a relationship between two things or ideas, in which one is caused or affected by the other + between  (the link between smoking and cancer) 2 a relationship between two or more people, countries, organizations etc + with/between  (They have severed all political links with the Left.) 3 one of the rings in a chain 4 rail/road/telephone link something that joins two places and allows you to travel or communicate between them  (a transatlantic conference via satellite link) 5 link in the chain one of the steps involved in a process 6 weak link the weakest part of a plan or the weakest member of a team  (- see also cuff link, links, missing link) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Learning Innovative New Knowledge educ. abbr. Let's Include New Kids NASDAQ abbr. Interlink Electronics ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: MISSING LINK. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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