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Англо-русский словарь - lease


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Перевод с английского языка lease на русский

 1. noun
 1) аренда, сдача внаем; наем; - take on lease
 2) договор об аренде
 3) срок аренды to take/get/have a new lease of life -
 а) воспрянуть духом;
 б) выйти из ремонта (о вещи)
 2. v. сдавать/брать внаем, в аренду Syn: charter, hire, let, rent II text.
 1. noun нитеразделитель
 2. v. разделять нити (основы); скрещивать нити
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См. в других словарях

  1. аренда, имущественный наем to grant smth. by (out on) lease —- сдавать что-л. в аренду (внаем) to put land out to (on) lease —- сдавать землю в аренду to take smth. on lease —- нанимать (арендовать) что-л. to take lease of a piece of land —- арендовать участок земли to hold land by (on) lease —- арендовать землю 2. договор, контракт об аренде, о найме to sign a lease —- подписать контракт на аренду земли, о найме квартиры и т. п. 3. срок аренды, найма long lease —- долгосрочная аренда to take a farm on a lease of twenty years —- арендовать ферму на двадцатилетний срок the lease is running out —- срок аренды истекает the lease expires in August —- срок аренды истекает (кончается) в августе 4. австрал. участок земли арендуемый для горных работ Id: a new lease of life —- возрождение надежд 5. сдавать в аренду; внаем to lease out land —- сдавать внаем землю 6. брать в аренду, внаем to lease land from smb. —- арендовать землю у кого-л. 7. диал. пастбище, выгон; луг; общинная земля 8. текст. скрещение нитей основы 9. нитеразделитель 10. диал. подбирать (колосья) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) эк. аренда, сдача внаем; наем; лизинг to cancel a lease — прекратить аренду to hold land by on lease — арендовать землю to renew a lease — возобновить аренду to take smth. on lease — арендовать possession under lease — владение по договору найма аренды a lease expires runs out — аренда кончается at the end of a lease — в конце срока аренды lease payment — арендная плата, плата за аренду, арендный платеж Syn: leasing See: bundled lease, capital lease, closed-end lease, combination lease, direct financing lease, dry lease, fair market value lease, full payout lease, full repairing lease, gross lease, leveraged lease, leaseback, master lease, net lease, net-net lease, net-net-net lease, non-tax lease, open-end lease, operating lease, percentage lease, quasi-lease, single investor lease, skip lease, step-down lease, step-up lease, sublease, tax lease, TRAC lease, wet lease, lease line, lease purchase, lease agreement, lessor, lessee, lease financing 2) эк., юр. = lease agreement The district administration may annul the lease. — Администрация округа может аннулировать договор об аренде. Maybe you'll sign the lease, move in to your new apartment, and everything will go as you desired. — Может быть, вы подпишете арендный договор, переедете в вашу новую квартиру, и все пойдет так, как вы хотели. 3) эк. срок аренды expiration of lease — истечение срока аренды 2. гл. эк. сдавать внаем, в аренду; брать внаем, в аренду to lease smth. to smb. — сдавать что-л. кому-л. в аренду to lease smth. from smb. — арендовать что-л. у кого-л. to lease out — сдавать в аренду...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  сдача lease wire circuit — арендованная цепь - lease terminal - term of lease ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) аренда арендовать; сдавать в аренду 2) договор об аренде 3) горный отвод - aircraft lease - aircraft wet lease - coal lease - mining lease ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. an agreement by which the owner of a building or land allows another to use it for a specified time, usu. in return for payment. --v.tr. grant or take on lease. Phrases and idioms a new lease of (US on) life a substantially improved prospect of living, or of use after repair. Derivatives leasable adj. leaser n. Etymology: ME f. AF les, OF lais, leis f. lesser, laissier leave f. L laxare make loose (laxus) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English les, from Anglo-French, from lesser  Date: 14th century  1. a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent; also the act of such conveyance or the term for which it is made  2. a piece of land or property that is ~d  3. a continuance or opportunity for continuance a new ~ on life  II. transitive verb  (~d; leasing)  Etymology: Anglo-French lesser, laisser, lescher to leave, hand over, ~, from Latin laxare to loosen, from laxus slack — more at slack  Date: circa 1570  1. to grant by ~  2. to hold under a ~  Synonyms: see hire  • leasable adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (leases, leasing, leased) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A lease is a legal agreement by which the owner of a building, a piece of land, or something such as a car allows someone else to use it for a period of time in return for money. He took up a 10 year lease on the house at Rossie Priory. N-COUNT 2. If you lease property or something such as a car from someone or if they lease it to you, they allow you to use it in return for regular payments of money. He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment... She hopes to lease the building to students... He will need more grazing land and perhaps La Prade could lease him a few acres. VERB: V n, V n to n, V n n 3. If you say that someone or something has been given a new lease of life, you are emphasizing that they are much more lively or successful than they have been in the past. The operation has given me a new lease of life. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a legal agreement which allows you to use a car, building etc for a period of time, in return for rent  (take out a lease (=sign a lease so that you can rent something))  (We've taken out a lease on an office building.) 2 a new lease of life especially BrE a new lease on life AmE a) if someone has a new lease of life, they become healthy, active, or happy again after being weak, ill, or tired  (The vacation has given me a new lease of life.) b) if something has a new lease of life, improvements are made that mean it will last longer  (Give dirty rugs a new lease of life with our super steam cleaner!) ~2 v 1 also lease out to use or let someone use buildings, property etc on a lease  (lease sb sth/lease sth to sb)  (They decided to lease the building to another company.) 2 to pay to use expensive machinery or equipment for a long period, instead of buying it  (We lease all our computers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Pride Automotive Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1384, from Anglo-Fr. les, from lesser "to let, let go," from O.Fr. laissier, from L. laxare "loosen," from laxus "loose" (see lax). Lessor, lessee in contract language preserves the Anglo-Fr. form. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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