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Англо-русский словарь - glance


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Перевод с английского языка glance на русский

 1. noun
 1) быстрый взгляд - at a glance с одного взгляда - take a glance at - give a glance at - cast a glance at - stealthy glance
 2) сверкание, блеск
 2. v.
 1) мельком взглянуть (at - на); бегло просмотреть (over) Glancing at the clock she saw that she was late.
 2) поблескивать; блеснуть, сверкнуть; мелькнуть
 3) отражаться
 4) скользнуть (часто glance aside, glance off) He moved his shield quickly, and the sword glanced off. - glance down - glance over Syn: see look II v. наводить глянец; полировать
GLANCE down быстро прочитывать As she glanced down the list, she saw that she had left out a name.
GLANCE over быстро прочитывать, пролистывать Ive only had time to glance over your work, but I can already see how much it has improved.
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См. в других словарях

  1. быстрый взгляд impatient glance —- нетерпеливый взгляд he gave her an admiring glance —- он бросил на нее восхищенный взгляд stealthy glance —- взгляд украдкой at a glance —- с первого взгляда he saw at a glance that she'd been crying —- он сразу заметил, что она плакала at the first glance —- на первый взгляд to give (to take) a glance at —- взглянуть (поглядеть) на to cast a glance upon smb., smth. —- бросить быстрый взгляд на кого-л., что-л. to dart (to flash) a glance —- метнуть взгляд на to steal a glance at —- взглянуть украдкой на to interchange glances —- обменяться взглядами one glance at his face told me he was ill —- достаточно было посмотреть на него, чтобы понять, что он болен without a backward glance —- не оглядываясь, без оглядки (также перен.) 2. вспышка; блеск, сверкание a glance from the moving sword fell across his eyes —- блеск опускающейся сабли ослепил его 3. скользящий удар a glance of the sword cut his shoulder —- скользящим ударом шашки ему рассекло плечо the glance of a bullet after hitting a wall —- рикошетирование (рикошет) пули от стены 4. упоминание; аллюзия 5. удар, при котором мяч соскальзывает с биты (в крикете) 6. (обыкн. at) мельком взглянуть to glance at one's watch —- взглянуть (бросить взгляд) на часы to glance out of the window —- выглянуть в окно to glance triumphantly around (one) —- торжествующе поглядывать вокруг to glance quizzically at smb. —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  взгляд – at a glance – with a glance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  взгляд - adamantine glance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by down, up, etc.) cast a momentary look (glanced up at the sky). 2 intr. (often foll. by off) (esp. of a weapon) glide or bounce (off an object). 3 intr. (usu. foll. by over, off, from) (of talk or a talker) pass quickly over a subject or subjects (glanced over the question of payment). 4 intr. (of a bright object or light) flash, dart, or gleam; reflect (the sun glanced off the knife). 5 tr. (esp. of a weapon) strike (an object) obliquely. 6 tr. Cricket deflect (the ball) with an oblique stroke. --n. 1 (usu. foll. by at, into, over, etc.) a brief look (took a glance at the paper; threw a glance over her shoulder). 2 a a flash or gleam (a glance of sunlight). b a sudden movement producing this. 3 a swift oblique movement or impact. 4 Cricket a stroke with the bat's face turned slantwise to deflect the ball. Phrases and idioms at a glance immediately upon looking. glance at 1 give a brief look at. 2 make a passing and usu. sarcastic allusion to. glance one's eye (foll. by at, over, etc.) look at briefly (esp. a document). glance over (or through) read cursorily. Derivatives glancingly adv. Etymology: ME glence etc., prob. a nasalized form of obs. glace in the same sense, f. OF glacier to slip: see GLACIS 2. n. any lustrous sulphide ore (copper glance; lead glance). Etymology: G Glanz lustre ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; glancing)  Etymology: Middle English glencen, glenchen  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1. to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle the bullet ~d off the wall  2.  a. to make sudden quick movements dragonflies glancing over the pond  b. to flash or gleam with quick intermittent rays of light brooks glancing in the sun  3. to touch on a subject or refer to it briefly or indirectly the work ~s at the customs of ancient cultures  4.  a. of the eyes to move swiftly from one thing to another  b. to take a quick look at something ~d at his watch  transitive verb  1. archaic  a. to take a quick look at  b. to catch a glimpse of  2. to give an oblique path of direction to:  a. to throw or shoot so that the object ~s from a surface  b. archaic to aim (as an innuendo) indirectly ; insinuate  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1503  1.  a. a quick intermittent flash or gleam  b. archaic a sudden quick movement  2.  a. archaic a rapid oblique movement  b. a deflected impact or blow  3.  a. a swift movement of the eyes  b. a quick or cursory look  4. archaic  a. a brief satirical reference to something ; gibe  b. allusion ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (glances, glancing, glanced) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you glance at something or someone, you look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately. He glanced at his watch... I glanced back. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 2. If you glance through or at a newspaper, report, or book, you spend a short time looking at it without reading it very carefully. I picked up the phone book and glanced through it... I never even glanced at the political page of a daily paper. VERB: V through/at n, V through/at n 3. A glance is a quick look at someone or something. Trevor and I exchanged a glance. N-COUNT 4. If you see something at a glance, you see or recognize it immediately, and without having to think or look carefully. One could tell at a glance that she was a compassionate person. PHRASE 5. If you say that something is true or seems to be true at first glance, you mean that it seems to be true when you first see it or think about it, but that your first impression may be wrong. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer. PHRASE: PHR with cl 6. If you steal a glance at someone or something, you look at them quickly so that nobody sees you looking. He stole a glance at the clock behind her. PHRASE: V and N inflect, oft PHR at n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to quickly look at someone or something once + at/towards/up etc  (He glanced nervously at his watch. | Nadine glanced round to see if there was anyone that she knew.) 2 + at/over etc)  (Can you glance through these figures and tell me what you think of them?) 3 to flash  (light glancing on the water) glance off phr v to hit a surface at an angle and then move away from it in another direction  (The bullet glanced off the side of the car.)  ( USAGE NOTE: GLANCE WORD CHOICE glance, have/take a quick look, glimpse, catch/get a glimpse of If you glance at something, you look at it quickly After the first ten minutes the interviewer started yawning and glancing at his watch. In spoken English you often use have/take a (quick) look, especially to check if something is correct or working properly Could you just have a quick look at the engine for me? If you glimpse (or more commonly catch/get a glimpse of) someone or something, you see them by chance, for a very short time I can't describe him well, I only caught a glimpse of him as he drove off.   ) ~2 n 1 a quick look  (give/take/shoot/throw a glance (at) (=look at someone or something quickly))  (He gave her a quick glance as she walked into the room. | exchange glances (=look at each other quickly)) 2 at a glance if you know something at a glance, you know it as soon as you see it  (He'll be able to tell if the diamonds are genuine at a glance.) 3 at first glance when you first look at something  (At first glance the place seemed deserted.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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