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Англо-русский словарь - fuss


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Перевод с английского языка fuss на русский

up amer.; coll. наряжать The director fussed up the stage with too many people. Dont fuss up for the party, its very informal.
 1. noun
 1) нервное, возбужденное состояние to get into a fuss - разволноваться, разнервничаться
 2) суета, беспокойство из-за пустяков to make a fuss about smth. - волноваться попусту, раздраженно жаловаться; суетиться to make a fuss of {mb. - суетливо, шумно опекать кого-л. to make a fuss of smth. - поднимать шум вокруг чего-л., привлекать к чему-л. внимание
 3) суетливый человек, волнующийся из-за всяких пустяков
 2. v.
 1) суетиться, волноваться из-за пустяков (часто fuss about); приставать, надоедать с пустяками She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time.
 2) amer.; coll. ссориться; объясняться - fuss up to have ones feathers fussed - дать себя раздразнить; взволноваться
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См. в других словарях

  1. нервное, возбужденное состояние to get into a fuss about smth. —- разволноваться по какому-л поводу in a state of fuss —- в состоянии волнения 2. суета, суматоха; волнение по пустякам to make a fuss —- поднимать шум, суетиться, волноваться to make a fuss of smb. —- суетливо опекать кого-л don't make so much fuss of the children! —- не носись ты так со своими детьми! to make a fuss of smth. —- поднимать шум вокруг чего-л; привлекать к чему-л. внимание to kick up a fuss —- поднять суматоху what a fuss about nothing! —- сколько шуму из ничего! 3. суетливый, суматошный человек; человек, волнующийся по пустякам 4. волноваться по пустякам, суетиться she is always fussing —- она вечно суетится stop fussing about: the train will arrive on time —- перестань нервничать: поезд придет по расписанию 5. чрезмерно заботиться (о ком-л), носиться (с кем-л) don't fuss over the children so much —- нельзя так трястись над детьми the old lady fusses over her dog as if it were a child —- старушка носится со своей собакой, как с ребенком she fusses with her hair —- она вечно возится со своими волосами 6. приставать с пустяками, надоедать; беспокоить don't fuss me —- не приставай ко мне, не действуй мне на нервы she does fuss the children about so! —- она постоянно дергает детей! 7. ам. ссориться, объясняться 8. ам. сл. ухаживать за девушкой 9. обыкн...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 excited commotion, bustle, ostentatious or nervous activity. 2 a excessive concern about a trivial thing. b abundance of petty detail. 3 a sustained protest or dispute. 4 a person who fusses. --v. 1 intr. a make a fuss. b busy oneself restlessly with trivial things. c (often foll. by about, up and down) move fussily. 2 tr. agitate, worry. Phrases and idioms make a fuss complain vigorously. make a fuss of (or over) treat (a person or animal) with great or excessive attention. Derivatives fusser n. Etymology: 18th c.: perh. Anglo-Ir. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1701  1.  a. needless bustle or excitement  b. a show of flattering attention made a big ~ over his favorite niece  2.  a. a state of agitation especially over a trivial matter  b. objection, protest  c. an often petty controversy or quarrel  II. verb  Date: 1792  intransitive verb  1.  a. to create or be in a state of restless activity; especially to shower flattering attentions ~ing over the grandchildren  b. to pay close or undue attention to small details ~ed with her hair  2.  a. to become upset ; worry  b. to express annoyance or pique ; complain  transitive verb agitate, upset  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fusses, fussing, fussed) 1. Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose. I don’t know what all the fuss is about... He just gets down to work without any fuss. N-SING: also no det 2. If you fuss, you worry or behave in a nervous, anxious way about unimportant matters or rush around doing unnecessary things. Carol fussed about getting me a drink... My wife was fussing over the food and clothing we were going to take... A team of waiters began fussing around the table... ‘Stop fussing,’ he snapped. VERB: V about, V over n, V prep, V 3. If you fuss over someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable. Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn’t fuss over them enough. VERB: V over n 4. If you make a fuss or kick up a fuss about something, you become angry or excited about it and complain. (INFORMAL) I kick up a fuss if my wife wants to spend time alone. PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you make a fuss of someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable. (BRIT) When I arrived my nephews made a big fuss of me. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 nervous or anxious behaviour that is usually about unimportant things  (be a fuss)  (James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss. | get/be in a fuss)  (She gets in such a fuss before people come to dinner.) 2 attention or excitement that is unnecessary or unwelcome  (They wanted a quiet wedding without any fuss.) 3 make/kick up a fuss (about) to complain or become angry about something, especially when this is not necessary  (Josie kicked up a fuss because she thought the soup she ordered was too salty.) 4 make a fuss of BrE, make a fuss over AmE to pay a lot of attention to someone, to show that you are pleased with them or like them  (Make a fuss of your dog when he behaves properly.) ~2 v 1 to worry a lot about things that may not be very important  (I wish you'd stop fussing - I'll be perfectly all right.) 2 to pay too much attention to small, unimportant details + with/around/abou  (Paul was fussing with his clothes, trying to get his tie straight.) 3 be fussed (about) BrE spoken used when you do not think it matters what happens or is done  ("Where do you want to go?" "I'm not fussed.") 4 AmE to behave in an unhappy or angry way  (The baby woke up and started to fuss.) fuss over sb/sth phr v to pay a lot of or too much attention to someone, especially to show that you are pleased with them or like them ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: KICK UP A FUSS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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