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Англо-русский словарь - figure


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Перевод с английского языка figure на русский

work noun typ. табличный набор
 1. noun
 1) фигура; внешний вид; облик, образ to keep ones figure - следить за фигурой
 2) личность, фигура - person of figure - public figure
 3) изображение, картина, статуя
 4) иллюстрация, рисунок (в книге); диаграмма, чертеж
 5) geom. фигура, тело
 6) риторическая фигура - figure of speech
 7) фигура (в танцах, фигурном катании, пилотаже)
 8) гороскоп
 9) цифра; pl. цифровые данные - in round figures
 10) pl. арифметика
 11) цена at a high (low) figure - дорого (дешево) to cut a poor figure -
 а) играть незначительную роль;
 б) казаться жалким to cut a figure amer. - привлекать внимание, производить впечатление to cut no figure - не производить никакого впечатления a figure of fun - нелепая, смешная фигура Syn: see form
 2. v.
 1) изображать (графически, диаграммой и т.п.)
 2) представлять себе (часто figure to oneself)
 3) фигурировать; играть видную роль
 4) служить символом, символизировать
 5) украшать (фигурами)
 6) обозначать цифрами
 7) amer.; coll. подсчитывать, оценивать; исчислять (тж. figure in) Have you figured in the cost of the hotel?
 8) выполнять фигуры (в фигурном катании и т.п.)
 9) придавать форму - figure on - figure out - figure up
FIGURE of speech
 а) риторическая фигура
 б) преувеличение, неправда
FIGURE on amer.; coll.
 а) рассчитывать на; делать расчеты You cant figure on the results of the election.
 б) намереваться Do you figure on staying long in this city?
 в) ожидать If you figure on success, you stand a better chance of winning. I always figure on succeeding.
 а) вычислять Father is trying to figure out his tax.
 б) понимать, постигать Can you figure out this word?
 в) разгадывать
FIGURE up подсчитывать The bill figures up to $34.78.
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См. в других словарях

  1. цифра; число double figures —- двузначные числа target (control, key) figures —- контрольные цифры in round figures —- в круглых цифрах income running into six figures —- доход, выраженный шестизначным числом 2. pl. количественная информация, количественные данные; цифры 3. pl. разг. арифметика to be smart at figures —- хорошо считать to be a poor hand at figures —- быть не в ладах с арифметикой 4. диаграмма, рисунок, чертеж (в книге) see figure 2 on page 5 —- смотрите рис. 2 на с. 5 5. фигура, внешний вид; телосложение; облик, образ a fine figure of a man —- видный (представительный) мужчина the girl had a nice slender figure —- у девушки была красивая стройная фигура a garment adjusted to the figure —- одежда по фигуре to keep one's figure —- следить за фигурой 6. фигура, персона, личность he was one of the greatest figures of his age —- он был одним из самых выдающихся людей своего времени public figure —- общественный деятель a person of figure —- выдающаяся (замечательная) личность 7. человек; кто-то, некто I saw figures moving in the dusk —- в полутьме я видел какие-то движущиеся фигуры; я видел, что в темноте кто-то ходит 8. изображение; портрет; статуя lay figure —- манекен (художника) the wall was decorated with figures of beasts, birds, flowers —- стена была украшена изображениями животных, птиц, цветов a figure of a deer stood on the mantelpiece —- на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – achromatic figure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) фигура, рисунок, изображение, диаграмма, чертеж 2) цифра – arabic figure – letter-like figure FIGURE 1. сущ. 1) цифра 2) цена 3) деятель 4) персона, личность • - figure on - gross figures - in round figures - key figures - public figure - sales figures - target figure 2. гл. 1) изображать (графически) 2) обозначать цифрами 3) рассчитывать 4) исчислять - figure up ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) высчитывать 2) диаграмма 3) изображение 4) коэффициент 5) рассчитать 6) рассчитывать 7) рисунок 8) символ 9) фигура 10) фигурировать 11) фигурка 12) фигурный 13) цифра 14) чертеж 15) число closed plane figure — замкнутая плоская фигура closed space figure — замкнутая пространственная фигура defect of plane figure — дефект плоской фигуры dumb-bell shaped figure — гантель figure counting series — ряд, перечисляющий фигуры figure having two angles — двуугольник planar plane figure — плоская фигура radar performance figure — потенциал радиолокатора simple closed figure — замкнутая плоская фигура solid space figure — пространственная объемная фигура - Earth's figure - Lissajous figure - Roman figure - accuracy figure - affine figure - algebraic figure - auxiliary figure - check figure - complete figure - connected figure - convex figure - curvilinear figure - dimension figure - double figure - dual figure - elementary figure - equilibrium figure - figure axis - figure blank - figure eight - figure glass - figure manifold - figure of equlibrium - figure of inference - figure of merit - figure of noise - figure of syllogism - figure of two - figure out - figure shift - figure space - four-dimensional figure - geometric figure - image figure - invariant figure - irregular figure - isogonal figure - last figure - minimal figure - n-digit figure - nonplanar figure - percussion figure - perspective figure - pole figure - polygonal figure - public figure - pulling figure - random figure - real figure - rectilinear figure - reduction of figure - round figure - significant figure - spherical figure - squarable figure - star-shaped figure - straight-sided figure - strain figure - string figure - three-leaved figure...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рисунок; чертеж 2) фигура 3) цифра 4) коэффициент, показатель – figure of merit – actual performance figures – flutter figure – noise figure – performance figures – pushing figure – wow figure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  цифра численное значение фигура; рисунок; чертёж; иллюстрация текстура (древесины); узор показатель; коэффициент Brinell figure plane figure Sadgrove maturity figure similar figures ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) цифра представлять в числовом виде; обозначать цифрами; наносить цифры 2) арифметический расчёт рассчитывать 3) фигура 4) численное значение; число 5) полигр. иллюстрация 6) рисунок; чертёж 7) текстура древесины 8) узор (на бумаге, ткани) 9) показатель; коэффициент figures in perspective — гомотетичные фигуры; to write in figures — записывать цифрами figures of equal area — равновеликие фигуры figure of merit — 1. показатель качества 2. электрон. добротность - accuracy figure - actual noise figure - actual performance figures - Arabic figure - average noise figure - besatz figure - Chladni's figures - compressimeter figure - congruent figures - cup flow figure - curvilinear figure - etch figure - frequency pushing figure - highest figure - inferior figure - integral noise figure - interference figure - Lissajous figures - nodal figure - noise figure - overall noise figure - performance figures - plane figure - plant-performance figure - pole figure - pulling figure - pushing figure - rectilinear figure - round figure - salt figure - significant figure - similar figures - specific figure - spot noise figure - superior figure - top figure ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the external form or shape of a thing. b bodily shape (has a well-developed figure). 2 a a person as seen in outline but not identified (saw a figure leaning against the door). b a person as contemplated mentally (a public figure). 3 appearance as giving a certain impression (cut a poor figure). 4 a a representation of the human form in drawing, sculpture, etc. b an image or likeness. c an emblem or type. 5 Geom. a two-dimensional space enclosed by a line or lines, or a three-dimensional space enclosed by a surface or surfaces; any of the classes of these, e.g. the triangle, the sphere. 6 a a numerical symbol, esp. any of the ten in Arabic notation. b a number so expressed. c an amount of money, a value (cannot put a figure on it). d (in pl.) arithmetical calculations. 7 a diagram or illustrative drawing. 8 a decorative pattern. 9 a a division of a set dance, an evolution. b (in skating) a prescribed pattern of movements from a stationary position. 10 Mus. a short succession of notes producing a single impression, a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed. 11 (in full figure of speech) a recognized form of rhetorical expression giving variety, force, etc., esp. metaphor or hyperbole. 12 Gram. a permitted deviation from the usual rules of construction, e.g. ellipsis. 13 Logic the form of a syllogism, classified according to the position of the middle term. 14 a horoscope. --v. 1 intr. appear or be mentioned, esp. prominently. 2 tr. represent in a diagram or picture. 3 tr. imagine; picture mentally. 4 tr. a embellish with a pattern (figured satin). b Mus. embellish with figures. 5 tr. mark with numbers (figured bass) or prices. 6 a tr. calculate. b intr. do arithmetic. 7 tr. be a symbol of, represent typically. 8 esp. US a tr. understand, ascertain, consider. b intr. colloq. be likely or understandable (that figures). Phrases and idioms figured bass Mus. = CONTINUO. figure of fun a ridiculous person. figure on US count on, expect. figure out 1 work out by arithmetic or logic....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin figura, from fingere  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a number symbol ; numeral, digit  b. plural arithmetical calculations good at ~s  c. a written or printed character  d. value especially as expressed in numbers ; sum, price sold at a low ~  e. plural digits representing an amount (as of money earned or points scored) made six ~s last year a score in double ~s  2.  a. a geometric form (as a line, triangle, or sphere) especially when considered as a set of geometric elements (as points) in space of a given number of dimensions a square is a plane ~  b. bodily shape or form especially of a person a slender ~  c. an object noticeable only as a shape or form ~s moving in the dusk  3.  a. the graphic representation of a form especially of a person or geometric entity  b. a diagram or pictorial illustration of textual matter  4. a person, thing, or action representative of another  5.  a. ~ of speech  b. an intentional deviation from the ordinary form or syntactical relation of words  6. the form of a syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term  7. an often repetitive pattern or design in a manufactured article (as cloth) or natural product (as wood) a polka-dot ~  8. appearance made ; impression produced the couple cut quite a ~  9.  a. a series of movements in a dance  b. an outline representation of a form traced by a series of evolutions (as with skates on an ice surface or by an airplane in the air)  10. a prominent personality ; personage great ~s of history  11. a short coherent group of notes or chords that may constitute part of a phrase, theme, or composition  II. verb  (~d; figuring)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to represent by or as if by a ~ or outline  2. to decorate with a pattern; also to write ~s over or under (the bass) in order to indicate the accompanying chords  3. to indicate or represent by numerals  4.  a. calculate  b. conclude, decide ~d there...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (figures, figuring, figured) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A figure is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic. It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven’t got a job... It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall... New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce. N-COUNT 2. A figure is any of the ten written symbols from 0 to 9 that are used to represent a number. = digit N-COUNT 3. An amount or number that is in single figures is between zero and nine. An amount or number that is in double figures is between ten and ninety-nine. You can also say, for example, that an amount or number is in three figures when it is between one hundred and nine hundred and ninety-nine. Inflation, which has usually been in single figures, is running at more than 12%... Crawley, with 14, was the only other player to reach double figures... N-PLURAL: adj/num N 4. You refer to someone that you can see as a figure when you cannot see them clearly or when you are describing them. She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace... N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 5. In art, a figure is a person in a drawing or a painting, or a statue of a person. ...a life-size bronze figure of a brooding, hooded woman. N-COUNT 6. Your figure is the shape of your body. Take pride in your health and your figure... Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure. N-COUNT: with supp, oft poss/adj N 7. Someone who is referred to as a figure of a particular kind is a person who is well-known and important in some way. The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties. N-COUNT: with supp 8. If you say that someone is, for example, a mother figure or a hero figure, you mean that other people regard them as the type of person stated or suggested. Sometimes young lads just need to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »NUMBER« a) a number representing an amount, especially an officially published number  (keeping unemployment figures down) b) a number from 0 to 10, written as a sign rather than a word  (a four/five/six figure number (=a number in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands etc) | double figures (=numbers between 10 and 99))  (His score is now well into double figures.) 2 »AMOUNT OF MONEY« a particular amount of money  (an estimated figure of $200 million) 3 father/mother/authority figure someone who is considered to be like a father etc, or to represent authority, because of their character or behaviour  (He had always looked upon Sarah as a kind of mother figure.) 4 figures the activity of adding, multiplying etc numbers; arithmetic  (have a head for figures (=be good at arithmetic)) 5 put a figure on it/give an exact figure to say exactly how much something is worth, or how much or how many of something you are talking about  (I know it's worth a lot of money but I couldn't put a figure on it.) 6 woman's body the shape of someone's body, especially a woman's body  (She has a great figure. | keep your figure (=keep your body in an attractive shape))  (How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?)  (- see body) 7 »KIND OF PERSON« someone who has a particular type of character or appearance or who is important in a particular way  (He was the outstanding political figure of his time. | She stood there, a frail but defiant figure.)  (- see also cult figure cult (2)) 8 a fine figure of a man/woman someone who is tall and has a good body 9 »FAR AWAY/DIFFICULT TO SEE« the shape of a person, especially one that is far away or is difficult to see  (a dark figure in the distance) 10 »PAINTING/MODEL« a person in a painting or model  (an 18th century Maori figure)  (- see also figurine) 11 »DRAWING« a numbered drawing or a diagram in a book 12 »MATHEMATICAL SHAPE« a geometric shape  (a hexagon is a six-sided figure) 13 »ON ICE« a pattern formed in figure skating 14 a figure of fun...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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