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Англо-русский словарь - double


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speed удвоенная скорость
DOUBLE standard noun двойная мораль; разный подход
DOUBLE taxation двойное обложение
DOUBLE the work сделать двойную работу
DOUBLE time noun ускоренный марш
DOUBLE paddle двухлопастное весло;
DOUBLE up скрючить(ся); сгибаться doubled up with pain скрючившийся от боли his knees doubled up under him колени у него подгибались
DOUBLE entendre fr. noun двусмысленное выражение, двусмысленность
DOUBLE upon naut. обойти, окружить (неприятельский флот)
DOUBLE eagle noun
 1) herald. двуглавый орел
 2) amer. старинная золотая монета в 20 долларов
 а) складывать вдвое Double the map over so that we can read it more easily.
 б) скрючить(ся) (от боли, смеха и т.д.) Mary doubled over when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes.
DOUBLE entry noun comm. двойная бухгалтерия
DOUBLE meaning noun
 1) двоякое значение
 2) двусмысленность
DOUBLE in brass amer.; sl.
 а) играющий на двух духовых инструментах
 б) зарабатывающий в двух местах
 в) способный, разносторонний
DOUBLE in подогнуть; загнуть внутрь
DOUBLE harness joc. супружество
DOUBLE game двойная игра; двуличие, лицемерие
DOUBLE for одновременно служить для чего-л. другого
DOUBLE feature amer.; theatr. представление по расширенной программе
DOUBLE track двухколейный путь;
 1. noun
 1) двойник
 2) дубликат, дублет
 3) прототип
 4) pl.; sport парные игры (напр., в теннисе) - mixed doubles
 5) крутой поворот (преследуемого зверя); петля (зайца)
 6) изгиб (реки)
 7) хитрость
 8) двойное количество
 9) theatr. актер, исполняющий в пьесе две роли
 10) theatr. дублер
 11) mil. беглый шаг to advance at the double - наступать бегом - at the double
 2. adj.
 1) двойной, сдвоенный; парный double chin - двойной подбородок double bed - двуспальная кровать
 2) удвоенный; усиленный double whisky - двойное виски - double brush - double speed - double feature
 3) двоякий
 4) двойственный, двуличный; двусмысленный to go in for/to engage in double dealing - вести двойную игру - double game
 5) bot. махровый
 3. v.
 1) удваивать(ся); сдваивать the indoors basketball court doubled for dances on week-ends - баскетбольный зал по субботам использовался для танцев - double the work - double for
 2) складывать вдвое
 3) сжимать (кулак)
 4) naut. огибать (мыс)
 5) делать изгиб (о реке)
 6) запутывать след, делать петли (о преследуемом звере)
 7) замещать (for) Who will double for the secretary while he is on holiday? Ill double for you in the committee meeting.
 8) theatr. дублировать роль
 9) theatr. исполнять в пьесе две роли hes doubling the parts of a servant and a country labourer - он исполняет роль слуги и роль батрака
 10) mil. двигаться беглым шагом - double back - double in - double over - double up - double upon
 4. adv.
 1) вдвойне, вдвое
 2) вдвоем - ride double he sees double - у него двоится в глазах (о пьяном)
DOUBLE agent noun шпион, работающий на несколько организаций, стран
 а) запутывать след (о преследуемом звере)
 б) убегать обратно по собственным следам If you get lost in a forest, it is best to double back the way you came.
 в) сложить вдвое Double the map back so that we can read it more easily. We double the top of the sheet back over the covers, for comfortable sleep.
DOUBLE bedroom комната с двумя кроватями
DOUBLE bind noun путаница понятий; растерянность
DOUBLE brush fig.; coll. язвительное замечание
DOUBLE cream noun сливки для взбивания
DOUBLE dealer двурушник, двуличный человек
DOUBLE dealing двурушничество; лицемерие
DOUBLE dutch тарабарщина
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См. в других словарях

  1. двойное количество to take the double of what is due —- взять вдвое больше, чем положено to sell smth. for double what it costs —- продать что-л. за двойную цену (вдвое дороже) 2. дубликат; дублет 3. уст. копия 4. прототип, прообраз 5. двойник 6. театр. актер, исполняющий в пьесе две роли 7. театр. дублер 8. кин. дублер, заменяющий основного исполнителя в некоторых сценах 9. дупель (домино) 10. дуплет (бильярд); двойной удар 11. охот. дублет, дуплет 12. парная игра (теннис) mixed doubles —- игра двух смешанных пар 13. двойка (гребля; также double scull) 14. спорт. два выигрыша или два проигрыша подряд 15. двойное пари (на скачках или других состязаниях) 16. беглый шаг at the double —- быстро to advance at the double —- продвигаться ускоренным шагом; наступать бегом to break into the double —- перейти на ускоренный шаг, пойти ускоренным шагом at the double! —- воен. бегом марш! 17. петля (преследуемого животного) 18. увертка, уловка, хитрость 19. петля, изгиб, поворот (реки) 20. складка; сгиб 21. комната на двоих 22. астр. двойная звезда Id: to give smb. the double —- улизнуть от кого-л. 23. двойной, удвоенный; сдвоенный; состоящий из двух частей double bottom —- двойное дно double track —- двойная колея double window —- окно с двойной рамой double bed —- двуспальная кровать double...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  дубль В бейсболе baseball удар, при котором мяч перелетает через две базы ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) двойной 2) махровый (о цветке) 3) петля (напр. убегающего зайца); убегать по своим следам ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) двойное количество 2) двойная сумма 3) дубликат, копия • double allegiance, double citizenship, double nationality — двойное гражданство double answer — двусмысленный ответ double bond — условное денежное обязательство double creditor — кредитор, имеющий двойное обеспечение требования double insurance — двойное страхование (страхование у нескольких страховщиков в большой страховой сумме) double jeopardy clause — пункт конституции США о запрете дважды привлекать к уголовной ответственности за одно и то же преступление (является частью содержания пятой поправки к Конституции США) double jeopardy — риск дважды понести уголовную ответственность за одно и то же преступление double liability — финанс. удвоенное обязательство; дополнительная ответственность double recovery — взыскание убытков, превышающих размер ущерба double renvoi — двойная обратная отсылка double will — взаимное завещание имущества 2. прил. 1) двойной 2) удвоенный, сдвоенный 3) усиленный 4) двойственный - double cropping 3. нареч. вдвое; вдвойне - cost double - pay double 4. гл. 1) удваивать(ся), увеличивать вдвое 2) возрастать 3) превосходить вдвое ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) двойное количество удваивать; сдваивать 2) двухтрубная свеча (бурильных труб), двухтрубка 3) складывать вдвое 4) дублировать (фильм) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 a consisting of two usu. equal parts or things; twofold. b consisting of two identical parts. 2 twice as much or many (double the amount; double the number; double thickness). 3 having twice the usual size, quantity, strength, etc. (double whisky). 4 designed for two people (double bed). 5 a having some part double. b (of a flower) having more than one circle of petals. c (of a domino) having the same number of pips on each half. 6 having two different roles or interpretations, esp. implying confusion or deceit (double meaning; leads a double life). 7 Mus. lower in pitch by an octave (double bassoon). --adv. 1 at or to twice the amount etc. (counts double). 2 two together (sleep double). --n. 1 a a double quantity or thing; twice as much or many. b colloq. a double measure of spirits. 2 a a counterpart of a person or thing; a person who looks exactly like another. b an understudy. c a wraith. 3 (in pl.) Sport (in lawn tennis) a game between two pairs of players. 4 Sport a pair of victories over the same team, a pair of championships at the same game, etc. 5 a system of betting in which the winnings and stake from the first bet are transferred to a second. 6 Bridge the doubling of an opponent's bid. 7 Darts a hit on the narrow ring enclosed by the two outer circles of a dartboard, scoring double. 8 a sharp turn, esp. of the tracks of a hunted animal, or the course of a river. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become twice as much or many; increase twofold; multiply by two. 2 tr. amount to twice as much as. 3 a tr. fold or bend (paper, cloth, etc.) over on itself. b intr. become folded. 4 a tr. (of an actor) play (two parts) in the same piece. b intr. (often foll. by for) be understudy etc. 5 intr. (usu. foll. by as) play a twofold role. 6 intr. turn sharply in flight or pursuit; take a tortuous course. 7 tr. Naut. sail round (a headland). 8 tr. Bridge make a call increasing the value of the points to be won or lost on (an opponent's bid). 9 Mus. a intr. (often foll. by on) play two or more musical instruments...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French duble, ~, from Latin duplus (akin to Greek diploos), from duo two + -plus multiplied by; akin to Old English -feald -fold — more at two, -fold  Date: 13th century  1. having a twofold relation or character ; dual  2. consisting of two usually combined members or parts an egg with a ~ yolk  3.  a. being twice as great or as many ~ the number of expected applicants  b. of a coin worth two of the specified amount a ~ eagle a ~ crown  4. marked by duplicity ; deceitful  5. folded in two  6. of extra size, strength, or value a ~ martini  7. having more than the normal number of floral leaves often at the expense of the sporophylls  8. of rhyme involving correspondence of two syllables (as in exciting and inviting)  9. designed for the use of two persons a ~ room a ~ bed  • ~ness noun  II. verb  (~d; doubling)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to make twice as great or as many: as  a. to increase by adding an equal amount  b. to amount to twice the number of  c. to make a call in bridge that increases the value of odd tricks or undertricks at (an opponent's bid)  2.  a. to bend or fold (as a sheet of paper) usually in the middle so that one part lies directly against the other part  b. clench ~d his fist  c. to cause to stoop  3. to avoid by doubling ; elude  4.  a. to replace in a dramatic role  b. to play (dramatic roles) by doubling  5.  a.  (1) to advance or score (a base runner) by a ~  (2) to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a ~  b. to put out (a base runner) in completing a ~ play  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become twice as much or as many  b. to ~ a bid (as in bridge)  2.  a. to turn sharply and suddenly; especially to turn back on one's course the rabbit ~d back on its tracks  b. to follow a circuitous course  3. to become bent or folded usually in the middle — usually used with up she ~d up in pain  4.  a. to serve an additional purpose or perform an additional duty...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (doubles, doubling, doubled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use double to indicate that something includes or is made of two things of the same kind. ...a pair of double doors into the room from the new entrance hall. ...a lone skier gliding along smooth double tracks. ADJ: ADJ n 2. You use double before a singular noun to refer to two things of the same type that occur together, or that are connected in some way. ...an extremely nasty double murder... ADJ: ADJ n 3. If something is double the amount or size of another thing, it is twice as large. The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting... = twice ? half PREDET: PREDET the n • Double is also a pronoun. If they think you’re a tourist, they charge you double. PRON 4. You use double to describe something which is twice the normal size or can hold twice the normal quantity of something. ...a double helping of ice cream. ...a large double garage... ADJ 5. A double room is a room intended for two people, usually a couple, to stay or live in. ...bed and breakfast for ?180 for two people in a double room. ADJ: usu ADJ n • Double is also a noun. The Great Western Hotel costs around ?60 a night for a double. N-COUNT 6. A double bed is a bed that is wide enough for two people to sleep in. ADJ: ADJ n 7. You use double to describe a drink that is twice the normal measure. He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling. ADJ: ADJ n • Double is also a noun. Give me a whisky, a double. N-COUNT 8. Double is used when you are spelling a word or telling someone a number to show that a letter or digit is repeated. Ring four two double two double two if you’d like to speak to our financial adviser. ADJ: ADJ n 9. When something doubles or when you double it, it becomes twice as great in number, amount, or size. The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years... The program will double the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »OF TWO PARTS« consisting of two parts that are similar or exactly the same  (You can't park on double yellow lines.) 2 double l/s/9 etc BrE spoken used when you are spelling a word or telling someone a number, to show that a letter or number is repeated  (My number is 869 34 double 2. | That's Robbins with a double `b'.) 3 »TWICE AS BIG« twice as big, twice as much, or twice as many as usual, or twice as big, much, or many as something else  (Leave the dough in a warm place to rise until it is double in bulk. | I'll have a double whisky please.) 4 »FOR TWO PEOPLE« made to be used by two people  (a double room)  (- compare single1 (4)) 5 »WITH TWO DIFFERENT USES« combining two different uses or qualities; dual  (a double-action corkscrew | the double advantage of money and a good education) 6 »DECEIVING« seeming to be one thing while actually being another; deceiving  (There was a double meaning in Sybil's words. | lead a double life (=pretend to be one type of person but really be another)) 7 »FLOWER« a double flower has more than the usual number of petals  (- see also doubly, double figures figure1 (1b)) ~2 n 1 »TWICE THE SIZE« something that is twice the size, quantity, value, or strength of something else  (Scotch and water, please - make it a double. | "What did they offer you?" "Ten thousand." "I'll give you double.") 2 »SIMILAR PERSON« someone who looks very much like someone else  (Caroline's her mother's double.) 3 »IN FILMS« an actor who takes the place of another actor in a film because the acting involves something very dangerous  (a stunt double) 4 at the double BrE on the double AmE very quickly and without any delay  (The firemen came around on the double.) 5 »TENNIS« doubles a game played between two pairs of players  (the men's doubles)  (- compare singles single2 (3), - see also mixed doubles) 6 double or nothing AmE double or quits BrE a decision in a game when you must decide to do something that will either win you twice as much money or make you lose it all 7 »IN...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from O.Fr. duble, from L. duplus "twofold," from duo "two" + -plus "fold." Verb meaning "to work as, in addition to one's regular job" is c.1920, circus slang, from performers who also played in the band. Double-cross is 1834, from cross in the sense of "pre-arranged swindle or fix." Originally to win a race after promising to lose it. Double entendre is 1673, from Fr. (where it was rare and is now obsolete); double-header is first recorded 1869, Amer.Eng., originally a kind of fireworks or a railway train pulled by two engines; baseball sense is c.1890. Double Dutch "incomprehensible language" is from 1864. Double-take and double talk both first attested 1938. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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