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Англо-русский словарь - defend


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Перевод с английского языка defend на русский

 1) оборонять(ся), защищать(ся) (against/from - против, от; with - с помощью) The army prepared to defend the nation against attack by the enemy. What can we do to defend ourselves against continuously rising prices? If you go alone into the forest, youd better defend yourself with a knife. The fighter defended his body with some clever blows to his opponent.
 2) отстаивать, поддерживать (мнение); оправдывать (меры и т.п.)
 3) leg. защищать в суде, выступать защитником to defend the case - защищаться (на суде) Syn: see protect
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См. в других словарях

  1. защищать, оборонять (также спорт); охранять to defend one's country —- встать на защиту своей страны to defend a post —- оборонять пост to defend oneself from a dog with a stick —- защищаться от собаки палкой to defend one's children from evil influence —- защищать своих детей от дурных влияний the unit defended the fortified post —- эта часть обороняла укрепленный пункт God defend! —- уст. боже упаси!, боже сохрани! 2. защищаться, обороняться (также спорт) 3. отстаивать, поддерживать (мнение и т. п.) to defend the general principles —- поддерживать общие принципы 4. юр. защищать на суде, выступать в качестве защитника 5. юр. защищаться, отрицать свою виновность или причастность к преступлению (об обвиняемом) 6. юр. отрицать, оспаривать права жалобщика, истца ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – to defend a patent from act of infringement DEFEND гл. защищать, охранять, защищать (на суде), выступать в качестве защитника, охранять, отстаивать, поддерживать - defend an action Syn: protect, stand for ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v.tr. (also absol.) 1 (often foll. by against, from) resist an attack made on; protect (a person or thing) from harm or danger. 2 support or uphold by argument; speak or write in favour of. 3 conduct the case for (a defendant in a lawsuit). Derivatives defendable adj. defender n. Etymology: ME f. OF defendre f. L defendere: cf. OFFEND ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~re, from Latin ~ere, from de- + -fendere to strike; akin to Old English guth battle, war, Greek theinein to strike  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to drive danger or attack away from ~ our shores  b.  (1) to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism ~ a theory  (2) to prove (as a doctoral thesis) valid by answering questions in an oral exam  c. to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at elects to ~ the south goal  2. archaic prevent, forbid  3. to act as attorney for  4. to deny or oppose the right of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or a wrong charged) ; contest  5. to retain or seek to retain (as a title or position) against a challenge in a contest they successfully ~ed their championship  intransitive verb  1. to take action against attack or challenge  2. to play or be on defense playing deep to ~ against a pass  3. to play against the high bidder in a card game  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, protect, shield, guard, safeguard mean to keep secure from danger or against attack. ~ denotes warding off actual or threatened attack ~ the country. protect implies the use of something (as a covering) as a bar to the admission or impact of what may attack or injure a hard hat to protect your head. shield suggests protective intervention in imminent danger or actual attack shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand. guard implies protecting with vigilance and force against expected danger White House entrances are well guarded. safeguard implies taking precautionary protective measures against merely possible danger our civil liberties must be safeguarded.  Synonym: see in addition maintain. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (defends, defending, defended) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them. His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church... ? attack VERB: V n 2. If you defend someone or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them. Matt defended all of Clarence’s decisions, right or wrong... ? attack VERB: V n 3. When a lawyer defends a person who has been accused of something, the lawyer argues on their behalf in a court of law that the charges are not true. ...a lawyer who defended political prisoners during the military regime... He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations... Guy Powell, defending, told magistrates: ‘It’s a sad and disturbing case.’ VERB: V n, V n against n, V 4. When a sports player plays in the tournament which they won the previous time it was held, you can say that they are defending their title. (JOURNALISM) Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to do something in order to protect someone or something from being attacked  (defend sth against/from)  (They needed more troops to defend the border against possible attack. | defend yourself)  (I picked a stick up to defend myself.) 2 to do something in order to stop something being taken away or in order to make it possible for something to continue  (The union said they would take action to defend their members' jobs.) 3 to use arguments to protect something or someone from criticism, or to prove that something is right  (How can you defend the torture of animals for scientific research? | defend sb against/from)  (He had to defend himself against their charges. | defend yourself)  (As a politician, you have to be able to defend yourself when things get tough.) 4 to protect your own team's end of the field in a game such as football, to prevent your opponents from getting points 5 defend a title/championship to take part in a regular competition that you won the last time it was held 6 to be a lawyer for someone who has been charged with a crime  (Who is defending the case?)  (- compare prosecute (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. defendre, from L. defendere "ward off, protect," from de- "from, away" + fendere "to strike, push." Defendant is from O.Fr. prp of defendre. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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