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Англо-русский словарь - cream


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Перевод с английского языка cream на русский

of the story соль рассказа;
 1. noun
 1) сливки; крем
 2) что-л. отборное, самое лучшее; цвет чего-л. - cream of the joke - cream of the story - cream of society
 3) крем (косметическое средство)
 4) пена
 5) attr.; = cream-coloured
 6) attr. cream freezer - мороженица
 2. v.
 1) отстаиваться
 2) пениться
 3) снимать сливки (тж. перен.) (тж. cream off) When we have creamed off the top of the milk, we can make butter with this cream. The school gained an advantage by creaming off the cleverest students from other schools.
 4) прибавлять сливки (в чай и т.п.)
 5) cul. смешивать to cream butter and sugar till soft - смешать масло с сахаром до однородной массы
CREAM of the joke соль шутки
CREAM cheese noun сливочный сыр
CREAM of society сливки общества
CREAM of tartar noun винный камень
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См. в других словарях

  1. сливки; крем sour cream —- сметана whipped cream —- взбитые сливки to skim the cream from the milk —- снимать сливки с молока 2. крем chocolate cream —- шоколадный крем 3. пюре; суп-пюре, протертый суп cream of tomato soup —- томатный суп-пюре 4. помадка; ликер-крем 5. косметический крем face cream —- крем для лица foundation cream —- крем под пудру 6. (медицинский) крем, мазь 7. (хозяйственный) крем shoe cream —- крем для обуви 8. пена 9. самое лучшее, цвет the cream of society —- цвет общества 10. "соль" (рассказа) 11. кремовый цвет 12. буланая лошадь a pair of creams —- пара буланых 13. отстой 14. содержащий сливки; приготовленный со сливками или сметаной cream sauce —- белый соус 15. предназначенный для сливок cream pitcher —- сливочник 16. с кремом cream cake —- пирожное с кремом 17. кремовый, кремового цвета cream lace —- кремовые кружева 18. буланый (о лошади) 19. снимать сливки 20. забирать лучшее, снимать сливки, пенки to cream off the best pupils and send them to special schools —- отбирать лучших учеников для определения в специальные школы 21. наливать сливки; готовить со сливками; сбивать сливки; готовить крем; протирать to cream potatoes —- делать картофельное пюре to cream chicken —- приготовить куриный суп-пюре to cream sugar and butter together —- стирать масло с сахаром 22. пениться 23....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сливки снимать сливки 2) отстаиваться (о сливках) 3) взбивать (сбывать) сливки 4) крем (кондитерский или косметический) наносить крем 5) мн. ч. помадные конфеты 6) разрушенная (расслоившаяся) эмульсия расслаиваться (об эмульсии) 7) отстоявшийся латекс, "сливки" латекса - ice cream - solder cream ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a the fatty content of milk which gathers at the top and can be made into butter by churning. b this eaten (often whipped) with a dessert, as a cake-filling, etc. (strawberries and cream; cream gateau). 2 the part of a liquid that gathers at the top. 3 (usu. prec. by the) the best or choicest part of something, esp.: a the point of an anecdote. b an {eacute}lite group of people (the cream of the nation). 4 a creamlike preparation, esp. a cosmetic (hand cream). 5 a very pale yellow or off-white colour. 6 a a dish or sweet like or made with cream. b a soup or sauce containing milk or cream. c a full-bodied mellow sweet sherry. d a biscuit with a creamy sandwich filling. e a chocolate-covered usu. fruit-flavoured fondant. --v. 1 tr. a take the cream from (milk). b take the best or a specified part from. 2 tr. work (butter etc.) to a creamy consistency. 3 tr. treat (the skin etc.) with cosmetic cream. 4 tr. add cream to (coffee etc.). 5 intr. (of milk or any other liquid) form a cream or scum. 6 tr. US colloq. defeat (esp. in a sporting contest). --adj. pale yellow; off-white. Phrases and idioms cream bun (or cake) a bun or cake filled or topped with cream. cream cheese a soft rich cheese made from unskimmed milk and cream. cream-coloured pale yellowish white. cream cracker Brit. a crisp dry unsweetened biscuit usu. eaten with cheese. cream-laid (or -wove) laid (or wove) cream-coloured paper. cream off 1 take (the best or a specified part) from a whole (creamed off the brightest pupils). 2 = sense 1b of v. cream of tartar purified and crystallized potassium hydrogen tartrate, used in medicine, baking powder, etc. cream puff 1 a cake made of puff pastry filled with cream. 2 an ineffectual or effeminate person. cream soda a carbonated vanilla-flavoured soft drink. cream tea afternoon tea with scones, jam, and cream. Etymology: ME f. OF cre(s)me f. LL cramum (perh. f. Gaulish) & eccl.L chrisma CHRISM ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English creime, creme, from Anglo-French creme, cresme, from Late Latin cramum, of Celtic origin; akin to Welsh cramen scab, crust  Date: 14th century  1. the yellowish part of milk containing from 18 to about 40 percent butterfat  2.  a. a food prepared with ~  b. something having the consistency of ~; especially a usually emulsified medicinal or cosmetic preparation  3. the choicest part ; best the ~ of the crop  4. ~er 1  5.  a. a pale yellow  b. a ~-colored animal  II. verb  Date: 1596  intransitive verb  1. to form ~ or a surface layer like the ~ on standing milk  2. to break into or cause something to break into a ~y froth; also to move like froth  transitive verb  1.  a. skim 1c  b. to remove (something choice) from an aggregate she has ~ed off her favorite stories from her earlier books — Times Literary Supplement  2. to furnish, prepare, or treat with ~; also to dress with a ~ sauce  3.  a. to beat into a ~y froth  b. to work or blend to the consistency of ~ ~ butter and sugar together  c. to cause to form a surface layer of or like ~  4.  a. to defeat decisively was ~ed in the first round  b. wreck ~ed the car on the turnpike  c. to hit with force ; smash the quarterback got ~ed by the pass rush ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (creams, creaming, creamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Cream is a thick yellowish-white liquid taken from milk. You can use it in cooking or put it on fruit or desserts. ...strawberries and cream. N-UNCOUNT see also clotted cream, double cream, single cream, sour cream, whipping cream 2. Cream is used in the names of soups that contain cream or milk. ...cream of mushroom soup. N-UNCOUNT: N of n 3. A cream is a substance that you rub into your skin, for example to keep it soft or to heal or protect it. Gently apply the cream to the affected areas. ...sun protection creams. N-VAR see also face cream 4. Something that is cream is yellowish-white in colour. ...cream silk stockings. ...a cream-coloured Persian cat. COLOUR 5. Cream is used in expressions such as the cream of society and the cream of British athletes to refer to the best people or things of a particular kind. The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society. N-SING-COLL: the N of n • You can refer to the best people or things of a particular kind as the cream of the crop. PHRASE 6. see also ice cream, peaches and cream, salad cream, shaving cream ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a thick yellowish-white liquid that rises to the top of milk  (Have some cream in your coffee. | strawberries and cream) 2 a food containing this  (cream of chicken soup | cream cakes) 3 a thick soft substance that you put on your skin in order to make it soft, treat a medical condition etc  (Put some sun cream on before you go out.) 4 the cream of the cream of a group of people are the best people in that group  (a team representing the cream of Britain's young athletes) ~2 adj yellowish-white in colour  (a cream coloured carpet) - cream n ~3 v 1 to make something into a thick soft mixture  (Cream the butter and sugar together. | creamed potatoes) 2 to take cream from the surface of milk 3 AmE informal to defeat someone completely cream sb/sth off phr v to choose the best people or things from a group, especially so that you can use them for your own advantage  (We cream off the best athletes and put them into a special squad.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  astronom. abbr. Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass gen. bus. abbr. Cash Rules Everything Around Me ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 14c., from O.Fr. cresme, blend of L.L. chrisma "ointment" (from Gk. chrisma "unguent"), and L.L. cramum "cream," perhaps from Gaulish. Replaced O.E. ream. Re-borrowed from Fr. 19c., by which time it had become creme. Figurative sense of "most excellent element or part" is from 1581. Cream-cheese is from 1583. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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