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Англо-русский словарь - crack


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Перевод с английского языка crack на русский

 1. noun
 1) треск; щелканье (хлыста)
 2) трещина; щель, расселина; свищ
 3) удар; затрещина
 4) кто-л. или что-л. замечательное
 5) ломающийся голос (у мальчика)
 6) amer.; coll. острота, шутка; саркастическое замечание Syn: breach, chink, cleft, crevice, fissure
 2. adj. coll. великолепный, первоклассный; знаменитый
 3. v.
 1) производить треск, шум, выстрел; щелкать (хлыстом)
 2) давать трещину, трескаться; раскалывать(ся); колоть, расщеплять
 3) ломаться (о голосе)
 4) tech. подвергать (нефть) крекингу - crack down - crack open - crack out - crack up - crack a bottle - crack a joke - crack a smile - crack a record to crack a window распахнуть окно Syn: see break
CRACK a bottle распить, раздавить бутылку (вина)
CRACK a crib совершить кражу со взломом
CRACK a joke отпустить шутку
CRACK a record amer. поставить/побить рекорд
CRACK a smile улыбнуться
CRACK down сломить (сопротивление) (on) The government has promised to crack down on criminal activity.
CRACK of doom rel. трубный глас
CRACK open разбивать чьи-л. аргументы A clever lawyer will be able to crack your case wide open.
CRACK out разражаться Everyone at the party cracked out laughing when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes.
CRACK up coll.
 а) превозносить; рекламировать
 б) разбиваться (вдребезги); разрушаться; потерпеть аварию (о самолете); вызвать аварию (самолета) Engine failure cracked the plane up. John cracked up the car for good in the accident.
 в) стареть; слабеть (от старости)
 г) превозносить Hes always cracking up the town as very good. His abilities are not what they were cracked up to be
 д) лопаться от смеха, смеяться до упаду Mary cracked up when Sim walked in wearing his funny clothes.
 1. noun замечательный, талантливый человек
 2. adj. замечательный, талантливый
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См. в других словарях

  1. треск; щелканье; удар 2. разг. резкий звучный удар; затрещина a crack on the head —- резкий удар по голове 3. трещина; щель, расселина the ground was full of cracks after the hot, dry summer —- после жаркого, сухого лета земля сильно потрескалась to open the window a crack —- приоткрыть окно 4. ломающийся голос (у мальчика) 5. эмоц-усил. что-л. замечательное, первоклассное (игрок, спортсмен, лошадь и т. п.) she is a crack at skiing —- она отличная лыжница 6. жарг. кража со взломом; вор-взломщик 7. сл. попытка, проба, эксперимент to take a crack at smth. —- сделать попытку, попробовать силы в чем-л. 8. ам. сл. остроумная реплика; саркастическое замечание 9. сл. пунктик, легкое помешательство he has a crack —- он слегка тронулся 10. диал. ам. болтовня, оживленная дружеская беседа; треп 11. ам. рассвет 12. прожилка (в камнях) 13. разг. момент, мгновение in a crack —- мгновенно, в два счета Id: the crack of doom —- рел. трубный глас, возвещающий день страшного суда Id: to the crack of doom —- до бесконечности, до второго пришествия Id: to walk a crack —- ам. пройти прямо вдоль щели между досками; пройти по одной половице Id: to paste over the cracks —- замазывать недостатки, трудности, противоречия 14. разг. великолепный, первоклассный; знаменитый polo-player —- великолепный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) трещина; раскол; разлом; щель; расщелина 2) горн. прожилок 3) треск, скрежет трещать, скрежетать 4) давать трещину, трескаться, растрескиваться 5) производить крекинг нефти apex of crack — вершина трещины crack from shrinkage — усадочная трещина метал. усадочная трещина mouth of crack — устье трещины to crack oil — подвергать нефть крекингу - contraction crack - cross crack - cross-cut end crack - expanded crack - fatigue crack - fire crack - grinding crack - hair crack - hair-line crack - hardening crack - incipient crack - longitudinal crack - pickling crack - scarfing crack - shrinkage crack - star crack - strain crack - thermal crack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  трещина; разрыв ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  трещина cracks caused by creep cracks due to shrinkage diagonal crack fatigue crack fire cracks frost crack hair crack random cracks reflection cracks shear cracks shrinkage crack stress crack thermal crack tiny crack transverse crack ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) трещина; разрыв трескаться, растрескиваться; разрываться; раскалываться 2) мн. ч. метал. проф. рванины (раскрытые разрывы вследствие пониженной пластичности) to bridge crack — перекрывать трещину; to point crack — расшивать трещину (напр. в штукатурке) - accelerating crack - alligator crack - arrested crack - basal crack - bifurcated crack - blunted crack - blunt crack - bond-failure crack - branched crack - branching crack - brittle fracture crack - butt crack - central crack - check crack - chill crack - chip cracks - circular crack - circumferential crack - circumferential discrete crack - clevage crack - combined mode crack - continuoue crack - contraction crack - corrosion crack - corrosion-fatigue crack - craze crack - creep crack - critical crack - crotchcorner crack - crow-foot cracks - curved crack - cylindrical crack - decelerating crack - D-line cracks - double edge crack - draw crack - drying crack - edge crack - elliptically shaped crack - elliptical shaped crack - embedded crack - equilibrium crack - expansion crack - extending crack - external crack - fatigue crack - fine crack - finite crack - fire crack - flake crack - flat crack - flute crack - fold crack - forked crack - frame cracks - frost crack - grinding crack - growing crack - hair-line crack - hair crack - halfway crack - hanger crack - hardening crack - heat-treatment crack - high-velocity crack - inclined crack - interface crack - intergranular crack - interlaminar crack - internal crack - line crack - longitudinal crack - longitudinal tie crack - map cracks - minute crack - most vulnerable crack - nonbranched crack - nonextending crack - nonthrough thickness crack - nonthrough crack - normal crack - notch crack - oblique crack - panel crack - partial crack - part-through thickness crack - part-through crack - patched crack - penetrated crack - pickling cracks - plate crack -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a a sudden sharp or explosive noise (the crack of a whip; a rifle crack). b (in a voice) a sudden harshness or change in pitch. 2 a sharp blow (a crack on the head). 3 a a narrow opening formed by a break (entered through a crack in the wall). b a partial fracture, with the parts still joined (the teacup has a crack in it). c a chink (looked through the crack formed by the door; a crack of light). 4 colloq. a mischievous or malicious remark or aside (a nasty crack about my age). 5 colloq. an attempt (I'll have a crack at it). 6 the exact moment (at the crack of noon; the crack of dawn). 7 colloq. a first-rate player, horse, etc. 8 dial. colloq. conversation; good company; fun (only went there for the crack). 9 sl. a potent hard crystalline form of cocaine broken into small pieces and inhaled or smoked for its stimulating effect. --v. 1 tr. & intr. break without a complete separation of the parts (cracked the window; the cup cracked on hitting the floor). 2 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a sudden sharp or explosive sound. 3 intr. & tr. break or cause to break with a sudden sharp sound. 4 intr. & tr. give way or cause to give way (under torture etc.); yield. 5 intr. (of the voice, esp. of an adolescent boy or a person under strain) become dissonant; break. 6 tr. colloq. find a solution to (a problem, code, etc.). 7 tr. say (a joke etc.) in a jocular way. 8 tr. colloq. hit sharply or hard (cracked her head on the ceiling). 9 tr. Chem. decompose (heavy oils) by heat and pressure with or without a catalyst to produce lighter hydrocarbons (such as petrol). 10 tr. break (wheat) into coarse pieces. --attrib.adj. colloq. excellent; first-rate (a crack regiment; a crack shot). Phrases and idioms crack a bottle open a bottle, esp. of wine, and drink it. crack-brained crazy. crack a crib sl. break into a house. crack-down colloq. severe measures (esp. against law-breakers etc.). crack down on colloq. take severe measures against. crack-jaw colloq. --adj. (of a word) difficult to pronounce. --n. such a word. crack...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English crakken, from Old English cracian; akin to Old High German chrahhon to resound  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to make a very sharp explosive sound the whip ~s through the air  2. to break, split, or snap apart  3. fail: as  a. to lose control or effectiveness under pressure — often used with up  b. to fail in tone his voice ~ed  4. to go or travel at good speed — usually used with on the steamboat ~ed on  transitive verb  1.  a. to break so that fissures appear on the surface ~ a mirror  b. to break with a sudden sharp sound ~ nuts  2. to tell especially suddenly or strikingly ~ a joke  3. to strike with a sharp noise ; rap then ~s him over the head ~ed a two-run homer in the fifth — New York Times  4.  a.  (1) to open (as a bottle) for drinking  (2) to open (a book) for studying  b. to puzzle out and expose, solve, or reveal the mystery of ~ a code  c. to break into ~ a safe  d. to open slightly ~ the throttle  e. to break through (as a barrier) so as to gain acceptance or recognition  f. to show or begin showing (a smile) especially reluctantly or uncharacteristically  5.  a. to impair seriously or irreparably ; wreck ~ an opponent's courage  b. to destroy the tone of (a voice)  c. disorder, craze  d. to interrupt sharply or abruptly the criticism ~ed our complacency  6. to cause to make a sharp noise ~s his knuckles  7.  a.  (1) to subject (hydrocarbons) to ~ing  (2) to produce by ~ing ~ed gasoline  b. to break up (chemical compounds) into simpler compounds by means of heat  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a loud roll or peal a ~ of thunder  b. a sudden sharp noise the ~ of rifle fire  2. a sharp witty remark ; quip  3.  a. a narrow break ; fissure a ~ in the ice  b. a narrow opening leave the door open a ~ ~s between floorboards — used figuratively in phrases like fall through the ~s to describe one that has been improperly or inadvertently ignored or left out a player who...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]VERB USES (cracks, cracking, cracked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something hard cracks, or if you crack it, it becomes slightly damaged, with lines appearing on its surface. A gas main had cracked under my neighbour’s garage and gas had seeped into our homes... Remove the dish from the oven, crack the salt crust and you will find the skin just peels off the fish. VERB: V, V n 2. If something cracks, or if you crack it, it makes a sharp sound like the sound of a piece of wood breaking. Thunder cracked in the sky... He cracked his fingers nervously. VERB: V, V n 3. If you crack a hard part of your body, such as your knee or your head, you hurt it by accidentally hitting it hard against something. He cracked his head on the pavement and was knocked cold. = bang, bash VERB: V n 4. When you crack something that has a shell, such as an egg or a nut, you break the shell in order to reach the inside part. Crack the eggs into a bowl. = break VERB: V n 5. If you crack a problem or a code, you solve it, especially after a lot of thought. He has finally cracked the system after years of painstaking research. VERB: V n 6. If someone cracks, they lose control of their emotions or actions because they are under a lot of pressure. (INFORMAL) She’s calm and strong, and she is just not going to crack... VERB: V 7. If your voice cracks when you are speaking or singing, it changes in pitch because you are feeling a strong emotion. Her voice cracked and she began to cry. VERB: V 8. If you crack a joke, you tell it. He cracked jokes and talked about beer and girls. VERB: V n 9. see also cracked, cracking 10. If you say that something is not all it’s cracked up to be, you mean that it is not as good as other people have said it is. (INFORMAL) Package holidays are not always all they’re cracked up to be. PHRASE: V inflects II. [c red]NOUN AND ADJECTIVE USES (cracks) 1. A crack is a very narrow gap between...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »BREAK« to break or make something break so that it gets one or more lines on its surface  (Don't put that delicate china in the dishwasher - it may crack. | She fell off her bike and cracked a bone in her leg.) 2 »LOUD SOUND« to make a sudden quick sound like the sound of something breaking, or to make something do this  (The branch cracked loudly and broke off. | He had a habit of cracking his knuckles.) 3 »HIT STH« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to hit something hard but not deliberately, especially part of your body + against/on  (The rock cracked against my shoulder. | crack sth against/on)  (He fell, cracking his head on the wall.) 4 »HIT SB« to hit someone hard and deliberately on part of their body  (crack sb over/in/on)  (He cracked the burglar over the head with a vase.) 5 »LOSE CONTROL« also crack up to be unable to continue doing something or working well because of great pressure  (We're hoping the prisoner will crack under interrogation. | The whole political system is beginning to crack up.) 6 »MENTALLY« ILL also crack up to become mentally ill because of too much pressure  (Many of the soldiers cracked up on returning from the war.) 7 »VOICE« if your voice cracks, it changes from one level to another suddenly because of strong emotions  (Her voice cracked as she tried to explain what had happened.) 8 »NERVE« if your nerve cracks, you no longer feel confident that you can do something difficult  (At the last moment his nerve cracked.) 9 »EGG/NUT« to break the outside part of something, such as an egg or a nut, in order to get what is inside it  (The foxes crack the eggs, and suck out the yolk.) 10 »STEAL« to open a safe2 illegally, in order to steal what is inside 11 »SOLVE« to find the answer to a problem or find how to use a code1 (4)  (His skill at cracking codes proved invaluable during the war. | This is a national problem, we're not going to crack it here this afternoon.) 12 »STOP CRIME/ENEMY« to find a way of destroying an enemy or stopping something...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  sec. abbr. Challenge Response For Authenticated Cryptographic Keys telec. abbr. Challenge Response For Authenticated Crypto Keys ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cracian "make a sharp noise," from P.Gmc. *krakojan, probably onomatopoeic. The noun meaning "split, opening," is 14c. Meaning "try, attempt" first attested 1836. Meaning "rock cocaine" is first attested 1985. Cracked "mentally unsound" is 17c. (though the equivalent Gk. word was used in this sense by Aristophanes), while crack as in "top-notch, superior" is 18c. Cracker "hard wafer" is attested from 1440, but the specific application to a thin, crisp biscuit is 1739, while cracker, Amer.Eng. derogatory term for "poor, white trash" (1766), is from 16c. crack "to boast" (cf. not what it's cracked up to be). Crackpot "pretentious, worthless person" dates from 1883. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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