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Англо-русский словарь - centre


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boss ступица колеса
CENTRE of impact mil. средняя точка попадания
 а) концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться вокруг чего-л. The village centred on its market square. The children always centre round the teacher at story time.
 б) сосредоточиваться на чем-л. The conversation centred on the election. The action of the play centres on the struggle between the two women.
CENTRE of attraction центр притяжения; центр внимания
CENTRE round see centre on
CENTRE stage noun amer. центральное положение, основная позиция
CENTRE upon see centre on
 1. noun
 1) центр; средоточие; середина чего-л. in the centre - посередине at the centre of events - в самой гуще событий wheres the shopping centre? - где здесь торговый центр? - centre of attraction - centre of buoyancy - centre of gravity - centre of impact - centre of a wheel
 2) tech. шаблон, угольник
 3) sport центральный игрок (нападающий, защитник и т.д.); центровой
 4) attr. центральный - centre boss Syn: core, heart, hub, middle, midst Ant: boundary, edge, perimeter
 2. v.
 1) помещать(ся) в центре; концентрировать(ся); сосредоточивать(ся) (in, on, at, round, about) to centre ones hopes on/in smb. - возлагать все надежды на кого-л. the interest centres in - интерес сосредоточен на the discussion centred round one point - в центре обсуждения находился один пункт
 2) tech. центрировать; отмечать кернером - centre in - centre on - centre out - centre round - centre upon
CENTRE of buoyancy
 а) naut. центр величины
 б) центр подъемной силы аэростата
CENTRE in сосредоточиваться на чем-л. His lifes work centred in the search for a cure for the terrible disease. All our interest centres in our family. Her chief joy centred in coring for the children.
CENTRE of a wheel ступица колеса
CENTRE out отыгрываться на ком-л. The teacher scolded the child for bad behaviour, but the child then complained that she had been centered out.
CENTRE forward центр нападения
CENTRE of gravity центр тяжести
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См. в других словарях

  1. центр; середина; центральная точка; средоточие dead centre —- мертвая точка atomic centre —- физ. центральная часть атома, ядро centre distance —- расстояние между центрами centre of the table —- середина стола centre of atraction —- физ. центр притяжения; центр внимния centre of gravity —- физ. центр тяжести centre line —- геометрическая ось; средняя разделительная линия centre of impact —- воен. средняя точка попадания 2. центр, очаг; узел centre of resistance —- узел сопротивления centre of infection —- очаг инфекции the centre of every hope —- средоточие всех надежд 3. часть, район (города) business centre —- деловая часть города amusement centre —- район города, где сосредоточены театры, кино, рестораны 4. центр, бюро; пункт (выдачи) centre of learning —- научный центр control centre —- спец. пункт управления Atomic C. —- центр атомных исследований 5. комплекс торговых или культурно-просветительных учреждений shopping centre —- торговый центр, комплекс предприятий торговли centre of excelence —- центр повышения спортивного мастерства 6. Дом (в наименованиях) Music C. —- Дом музыки Book C. —- Дом книги 7. ось, стержень centre to centre —- от оси до оси; между центрами centre boss —- ступица колеса (катка) centre pin —- тех. шкворень; цапфа; ось 8. (преим. C.) полит. центр parties of the C. —- партии...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. центр, сосредоточение to be at the centre of events — быть в гуще событий to be the centre of attraction attention — быть в центре внимания 2) общ. середина чего-л. in the centre — посередине 3) общ. учреждение shopping centre — торговый центр business centre — деловой центр commercial centre — торговый центр 4) соц. центр (регион или страна, занимающие главенствующее положение в экономической или политической системе страны или мира) Syn: center 2. гл. 1) а) общ. концентрировать, сосредоточивать to centre one's hopes on in smb. — возлагать все надежды на кого-л. б) общ. концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться the interest centres on this — интерес сосредоточен на этом the discussion centred around on... — в центре обсуждения находится... 2) общ. помещать располагать в центре to center the picture on the screen — разместить рисунок в центре экрана Syn: center CENTRE 1. сущ. 1) центр, сосредоточение 2) середина чего-л. - business centre - buying-up centre 2. гл. концентрировать(ся), сосредоточивать(ся) CENTRE 1) центр; середина; ось 2) концентрировать; сосредоточиваться; центрировать 3) центр; бюро; пункт – documentation centre – information centre ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) центр центрировать 2) центр, узел 3) центровое отверстие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. (US center) --n. 1 the middle point, esp. of a line, circle, or sphere, equidistant from the ends or from any point on the circumference or surface. 2 a pivot or axis of rotation. 3 a a place or group of buildings forming a central point in a district, city, etc., or a main area for an activity (shopping centre; town centre). b (with preceding word) a piece or set of equipment for a number of connected functions (music centre). 4 a point of concentration or dispersion; a nucleus or source. 5 a political party or group holding moderate opinions. 6 the filling in a chocolate etc. 7 Sport a the middle player in a line or group in some field games. b a kick or hit from the side to the centre of the pitch. 8 (in a lathe etc.) a conical adjustable support for the workpiece. 9 (attrib.) of or at the centre. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by in, on; disp. foll. by round) have as its main centre. 2 tr. place in the centre. 3 tr. mark with a centre. 4 tr. (foll. by in etc.) concentrate. 5 tr. Sport kick or hit (the ball) from the side to the centre of the pitch. Phrases and idioms centre-bit a boring tool with a centre point and side cutters. centre forward Sport the middle player or position in a forward line. centre half Sport the middle player or position in a half-back line. centre of attention 1 a person or thing that draws general attention. 2 Physics the point to which bodies tend by gravity. centre of gravity (or mass) the point at which the weight of a body may be considered to act. centre-piece 1 an ornament for the middle of a table. 2 a principal item. centre spread the two facing middle pages of a newspaper etc. Derivatives centred adj. (often in comb.). centremost adj. centric adj. centrical adj. centricity n. Etymology: ME f. OF centre or L centrum f. Gk kentron sharp point ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   chiefly British variant of center ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (centres, centring, centred) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'center' 1. A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind. We went to a party at the leisure centre... ...the National Exhibition Centre. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft in names after n 2. If an area or town is a centre for an industry or activity, that industry or activity is very important there. London is also the major international insurance centre. N-COUNT: with supp 3. The centre of something is the middle of it. A large wooden table dominates the centre of the room... Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre. N-COUNT: usu sing 4. The centre of a town or city is the part where there are the most shops and businesses and where a lot of people come from other areas to work or shop. ...the city centre. N-COUNT: usu sing 5. If something or someone is at the centre of a situation, they are the most important thing or person involved. ...the man at the centre of the controversy... At the centre of the inquiry has been concern for the pensioners involved. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 6. If someone or something is the centre of attention or interest, people are giving them a lot of attention. The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention... The centre of attraction was Pierre Auguste Renoir’s oil painting. = focus N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n 7. In politics, the centre refers to groups and their beliefs, when they are considered to be neither left-wing nor right-wing. The Democrats have become a party of the centre. ...the centre parties. N-SING: the N, oft N n 8. If something centres or is centred on a particular thing or person, that thing or person is the main subject of attention. ...a plan which centred on academic achievement and personal motivation... When working with patients, my efforts are centred on helping them to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 BrE, center AmE n 1 »MIDDLE« the middle of a space, area, or object, especially the exact middle  (Draw a line through the centre of the circle. | Tony only likes chocolates with soft centres.) + of  (There was an enormous oak table in the center of the room.) 2 »PLACE/BUILDING« a place or building which is used for a particular purpose or activity  (the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center | a huge new suburban shopping center | I'll just get a cab to the conference centre.)  (- see also garden centre, job centre) 3 »CENTRE OF ACTIVITY« a place where most of the important things happen that are connected with a particular business or activity  (a major banking centre | It's not exactly a cultural center like Paris.) + of  (The main Control Room is the centre of the communications system. | a center of academic excellence) 4 »OF A TOWN« BrE the part of a town or city where most of the shops, restaurants, cinemas, theatres etc are; downtown AmE city/town centre  (parking facilities in the town centre) 5 centre of population/urban centre an area where a large number of people live  (Nuclear installations are built well away from the main centres of population.) 6 »OF ATTENTION/INTEREST« someone or something to which people give a lot of attention  (be the centre of attention)  (Betty just loves being the center of attention. | be at the centre of a row/dispute/controversy etc (=be the person or thing most involved in a quarrel etc and therefore getting the most attention)) 7 »IN POLITICS« the centre a moderate (=middle) position in politics which does not support extreme ideas  (The party's new policies show a swing towards the centre. | left/right of centre)  (As far as I can tell, her political views are slightly left of centre.) 8 »IN SPORT« a player in games such as football or basketball who plays in or near the middle of the field or playing area  (the Sonics' six-foot-four-inch center) ~2 BrE, center AmE v to move something to a position at the centre of something else  (The title isn't quite...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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