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Англо-русский словарь - active


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Перевод с английского языка active на русский

service боевая служба; amer. действительная военная служба
 1. adj.
 1) активный; живой; энергичный, деятельный to become active - активизироваться
 2) действующий
 3) econ. оживленный the market is active - на рынке царит оживление
 4) mil. действующий; действительный - active duty - active forces - active list - active service
 5) gram. действительный (о залоге) active voice - действительный залог
 6) fin. процентный, приносящий проценты, находящийся в активе Syn: see busy
 2. noun
 1) gram. активный/действительный залог; форма/конструкция в активном залоге to put the sentence into the active - поставить глагол предложения в активный залог
 2) polit. активист the active - актив
ACTIVE duty действительная военная служба
ACTIVE forces постоянная армия
ACTIVE list список кадрового состава
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См. в других словарях

  1. грам. активный или действительный залог 2. грам. форма или конструкция в активном залоге to put the sentence into the active —- поставить глагол предложения в активный залог 3. полит. активист the active —- актив 4. деятельный; энергичный; активный; живой active child —- живой ребенок active air defence —- воен. активная противовоздушная оборона active repeater —- рад. активный ретранслятор active satellite —- активный спутник связи active sports —- активные виды спорта under active consideration —- внимательно рассматриваемый to be active for one's age —- быть бодрым для своего возраста to become active —- активизироваться as active as a kitten —- резвый как котенок he leads an active life —- он ведет активный образ жизни 5. действительный; эффективный, практический, действенный; настоящий active help —- настоящая помощь 6. действующий active volcano —- действующий вулкан active laws —- действующие законы active job —- текущее задание active face —- рабочая грань режущего инструмента; горн. действующий забой 7. быстродействующий active remedy —- быстродействующее средство 8. воен. действующий; действительный active army —- личный состав армии на действительной службе active forces —- регулярные войска active service —- участие в боевых действиях (в Великобритании);...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  активный – transcriptionally active ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) общ. деятельный, активный active child — подвижный ребенок 2) общ. действующий active volcano — действующий вулкан 3) эк. оживленный, активный (о спросе или рынке) Real estate market is most active during the spring and the fall. — Наибольшая активность на рынке недвижимости наблюдается весной и осенью. 4) активный а) марк. (о клиенте фирмы, который недавно сделал покупку) See: "active subscriber, "active buyer б) фин. (о счете, с которым регулярно проводятся операции) See: active account в) стат. (о населении, которое работает либо ищет работу) See: "economically active population 5) бух. активный (находящийся в балансе на стороне актива) Ant: passive See: active account ACTIVE прил. 1) деятельный, активный 2) действующий 3) оживленный • - active account - active accounts - active assets - active component - active constraint - active demand - active job - active management - active market - active money - active population - active service - active worker ACTIVE прил. 1) общ. деятельный, активный active child — подвижный ребенок 2) общ. действующий active volcano — действующий вулкан 3) эк. оживленный, активный (о спросе или рынке) Real estate market is most active during the spring and the fall. — Наибольшая активность на рынке недвижимости наблюдается весной и осенью. 4) активный а) марк. (о клиенте фирмы, который недавно сделал покупку) See: "active subscriber, "active buyer б) фин. (о счете,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) активный; действенный; действующий - highly active - infrared active 2) жизнедеятельный 3) энергичный 4) эффективный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a consisting in or marked by action; energetic; diligent (leads an active life; an active helper). b able to move about or accomplish practical tasks (infirmity made him less active). 2 working, operative (an active volcano). 3 originating action; not merely passive or inert (active support; active ingredients). 4 radioactive. 5 Gram. designating the voice that attributes the action of a verb to the person or thing from which it logically proceeds (e.g. of the verbs in guns kill; we saw him). --n. Gram. the active form or voice of a verb. Phrases and idioms active carbon = activated carbon (see ACTIVATE). active list Mil. a list of officers available for service. active service full-time service in the armed forces. Derivatives actively adv. activeness n. Etymology: ME f. OF actif -ive or L activus (as ACT v.) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French actif, from Latin activus, from actus, past participle of agere to drive, do — more at agent  Date: 14th century  1. characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation an ~ life  2. producing or involving action or movement  3.  a. of a verb form or voice asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb hits in “he hits the ball” is ~  b. expressing action as distinct from mere existence or state  4. quick in physical movement ; lively  5. marked by vigorous activity ; busy the stock market was ~  6. requiring vigorous action or exertion ~ sports  7. having practical operation or results ; effective an ~ law  8.  a. disposed to action ; energetic took an ~ interest  b. engaged in an action or activity an ~ club member  c. of a volcano currently erupting or likely to erupt — compare dormant 2a, extinct 1b  d. characterized by emission of large amounts of electromagnetic energy an ~ galactic nucleus  9. engaged in full-time service especially in the armed forces ~ duty  10. marked by present operation, transaction, movement, or use an ~ account  11.  a. capable of acting or reacting ; reacting readily ~ nitrogen ~ ingredients  b. tending to progress or to cause degeneration ~ tuberculosis  c. of an electronic circuit element capable of controlling voltages or currents  d.  (1) requiring the expenditure of energy ~ calcium ion uptake  (2) functioning by the emission of radiant energy or sound radar is an ~ sensor  12. still eligible to win the pot in poker  13. moving down the line ; visiting in the set — used of couples in contredanses or square dances  • ~ noun  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things. Having an active youngster about the house can be quite wearing. ...a long and active life. ADJ 2. If you have an active mind or imagination, you are always thinking of new things. ...the tragedy of an active mind trapped by failing physical health. = lively ADJ 3. If someone is active in an organization, cause, or campaign, they do things for it rather than just giving it their support. ...a chance for fathers to play a more active role in childcare... ? passive ADJ: oft ADJ prep • actively They actively campaigned for the vote. ADV 4. Active is used to emphasize that someone is taking action in order to achieve something, rather than just hoping for it or achieving it in an indirect way. Companies need to take active steps to increase exports. ...active discouragement from teachers. = positive ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis • actively They have never been actively encouraged to take such risks. ADV: usu ADV with v 5. If you say that a person or animal is active in a particular place or at a particular time, you mean that they are performing their usual activities or performing a particular activity. Guerrilla groups are active in the province. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, usu ADJ prep 6. An active volcano has erupted recently or is expected to erupt quite soon. ...molten lava from an active volcano. ? extinct ADJ: usu ADJ n 7. An active substance has a chemical or biological effect on things. The active ingredient in some of the mouthwashes was simply detergent. ADJ: usu ADJ n 8. In grammar, the active or the active voice means the forms of a verb which are used when the subject refers to a person or thing that does something. For example, in ‘I saw her yesterday’, the verb is in the active. Compare passive. N-SING: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S2 W2 adj 1 »DOING THINGS« always doing things or ready to do things, especially physical activities  (We had an active holiday, sailing, swimming and water skiing. | She may be over 80, but she's still very active!) 2 »IN AN ORGANIZATION« involved in an organization, activity etc and always busy doing things to help it ~ member  (an active member of the local Historical Society) be ~ in (doing) sth  (He's very active in local politics. | She's been active in raising money for the new church buildings.) 3 ~ efforts/discussions etc efforts, attempts etc to do something, solve a problem etc, that are made with continuous energy and determination  (Active efforts are being made to reach a settlement.) 4 »ELECTRICAL SYSTEM« technical operating in the way it is supposed to  (The alarm becomes active when the switch is turned on.) 5 »MILITARY« a) on ~ service a soldier etc who is on active service is fighting in a war b) on ~ duty AmE employed by the army etc, as opposed to being in the reserves (reserve2 (6)) 6 »VOLCANO« likely to explode and pour out fire 7 »GRAMMAR« technical if a verb or sentence is ~, the person or thing doing the action is the subject1 (5). In `The boy kicked the ball', the verb `kick' is ~.  (- compare passive1 (2)) 8 »CHEMICAL« technical producing a reaction in a substance or with another chemical - ~ly adv  (The two sides are actively engaged in discussions.) ~2 n the ~/the ~ voice technical the ~ form of a verb  (- compare passive2) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1340, from L. activus, from actus (see act). Activity is attested from 1530. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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