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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - sas


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см. Search and Advisory Service
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См. в других словарях

  I сокр. от stability augmentation system система повышения устойчивости II сокр. от surface-active substance поверхностно-активное вещество, ПАВ ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. (in the UK) Special Air Service. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  The SAS is a group of highly trained British soldiers who work on secret or very difficult military operations. SAS is an abbreviation for ‘Special Air Service’. (BRIT) N-PROPER: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n Special Air Service; a British military force that is specially trained to do secret and dangerous work ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis physiol. abbr. Short arm splint NASA abbr. Solar Acquisition Sensor U.S. gov. abbr. Signature Authorization Sheet U.S. gov. abbr. Senior Advisory Staff transport. abbr. Special Airlift Summary transport. abbr. Scandinavian Airlines System transport. abbr. Salisbury Air Service, Inc. FBI files abbr. Special Agents mil. abbr. Special Ammunition Stockage mil. abbr. System Analysis and Simulation mil. abbr. Survivable Adaptive Systems mil. abbr. Special Airlift Summary mil. abbr. Secret Attack Squad mil. abbr. Special Air Service mil. abbr. Special Assault Squad mil. abbr. Special Armed Services mil. abbr. Speed Aggression And Surprise mil. abbr. Simultaneous Analog Stimulation mil. abbr. Special Air Services mil. abbr. Service, Artistry, Skill chemis. abbr. University of St. Andrews - 6 univ. abbr. Students Association Of Singapore univ. abbr. Student Administrative Services univ. abbr. School For Advanced Study univ. abbr. School For Advanced Studies mathem. abbr. Side Angle Side electron. abbr. Secondary Antenna System funny abbr. Sasami Appreciation Society funny abbr. Sissies And Solo adult abbr. Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders adult abbr. Shitty Ass Satellite adult abbr. Scummy Arsed Student adult abbr. Stupid Ass Sucker softw. abbr. Statistical Analysis Software softw. abbr. Statistical Analysis System gen. comp. abbr. Serial Attached Scsi gen. comp. abbr. Search And Sort network. abbr. Single Attach Station file ext. abbr. SAS source code file media abbr. Semicolon After Semicolon non-prof. org. abbr. Sounds Across Seas non-prof. org. abbr. Student Assistance Services educ. abbr. Self Assessment System educ. abbr. School Assessed Subject educ. abbr. School Age Services educ. abbr. Students Association of Singapore sport abbr. Stretching Aerobic And Strengthening sport abbr. Strongbow Admiration Society sport abbr. Spikeys All Stars sport abbr. Southern All Stars religion abbr. Strength Attitude And Spirit religion abbr. Save A Soul law...
English abbreviation dictionary


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