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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - pilot


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Перевод с английского языка pilot на русский

"пилот" (пробный выпуск программы или периодического издания, дающий представление о разрабатываемом проекте; служит для изучения реакции аудитории) PILOT прил. опытный (об образце) - pilot capable - pilot inquiry - pilot order - pilot plant - pilot process - pilot production - pilot program Syn: experimental, test
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  ихт. (обыкновенный) валёк (Prosopium cylindraceum) – black pilot – rock pilots – shark pilot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. мор. лоцман coast(ing) (inshore, hobbling, branch) pilot —- прибрежный лоцман dock (harbour, mud) pilot —- портовый лоцман to take on a pilot —- взять лоцмана to drop the pilot —- отпустить лоцмана 2. летчик, пилот; штурман airline pilot —- летчик гражданской авиации fighter pilot —- летчик-истребитель test pilot —- летчик-испытатель licensed (qualified, certified) pilot —- летчик, допущенный к полетам (имеющий соответствующее удостоверение) pilot on alert, alert pilot —- дежурный летчик 3. (the P.) разг. командир штурманской боевой части 4. проводник, вожак to travel without a pilot —- путешествовать без проводника 5. кормчий 6. ам. сл. руководитель спортивной команды; менеджер 7. ам. сл. жокей 8. разг. пробное мероприятие; мероприятие, проводимое в виде опыта 9. разг. пробная, экспериментальная постановка (пьесы, оперы, балета и т. п.) 10. разг. пробный показ спектакля в провинции (до показа в столице, крупном городе) 11. тлв. пробная серия многосерийного телефильма (демонстрируется для привлечения рекламодателей) a pilot is now being filmed —- сейчас ведутся пробные съемки 12. тех. вспомогательный, регулирующий, управляющий механизм; (автоматический) регулятор 13. сокр. от pilot boat мор. лоцманское судно; лоцманский бот 14. сокр. от pilot engine тех. вспомогательный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  chart aeron. аэронавигационная карта PILOT  1. noun  1) лоцман  2) aeron. пилот, летчик  3) опытный проводник  4) poet. кормчий  5) amer.; railways скотосбрасыватель  6) tech. вспомогательный клапан, механизм  7) attr. - pilot plant - pilot model  8) attr. лоцманский; штурманский; - pilotboat - pilot chart - drop the pilot  2. v.  1) вести, управлять; пилотировать; to pilot ones way - прокладывать себе дорогу; With great skill, he piloted the boat in/into the little harbour.  2) быть проводником - pilot through Syn: see guide PILOT through проводить (закон и т.д.) через (какой-л. законодательный орган); He was proud of having piloted the first rent control law through. I will personally pilot your suggestion through the committee. PILOT engine  1) вспомогательный двигатель  2) railways снегоочиститель PILOT light noun маленькая, постоянно включенная горелка; малая горелка (для зажигания главной) PILOT model опытная модель PILOT plant опытный завод, опытная установка; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вести 2) контрольный 3) летчик 4) ловитель 5) лоцман 6) лоцманский 7) опытный 8) пилот 9) пилот-волна 10) пилотируемый 11) пилотный 12) рулевой 13) управлять 14) управляющий 15) экспериментальный bleed-type pilot valve — переливной клапан - Pilot head - civil pilot - mechanical pilot - pilot bell - pilot brush - pilot burner - pilot carrier - pilot cell - pilot channel - pilot chute - pilot drill - pilot electrode - pilot error - pilot flame - pilot frequency - pilot fuse - pilot hole - pilot inquiry - pilot lamp - pilot model - pilot plant - pilot production - pilot project - pilot raise - pilot sample - pilot shop - pilot signal - pilot survey - pilot tap - pilot valve - pilot wave - pilot wire - project pilot - rated pilot - robot pilot - test pilot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) контрольный провод 2) контрольный сигнал, пилот-сигнал – switching pilot – synchronizing pilot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  малый источник энергии, показывающий наличие или инициирующий ввод в действие мощного источника энергии испытательный, пилотный ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) лётчик, пилот пилотировать 2) лоцман 3) путеочиститель (локомотива) 4) направляющее устройство; направляющий штифт; направляющая часть направлять 5) кфт. контргрейфер 6) контрольный провод; контрольная жила 7) контрольный сигнал, пилот-сигнал 8) контрольная [сигнальная] лампа 9) контрольный, сигнальный 10) опытный экспериментальный pilot in command — командир воздушного судна - acceptance pilot - automatic pilot - check pilot - chief pilot - commercial pilot - ferry pilot - glider pilot - igniting pilot - magnetic compass pilot - manufacturer's test pilot - noise pilot - private pilot - professional pilot - senior commercial pilot - solenoid hydraulic pilot - student pilot - supervisory pilot - switching pilot - synchronizing pilot - sync pilot - test pilot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft. 2 a person qualified to take charge of a ship entering or leaving harbour. 3 (usu. attrib.) an experimental undertaking or test, esp. in advance of a larger one (a pilot project). 4 a guide; a leader. 5 archaic a steersman. --v.tr. (piloted, piloting) 1 act as a pilot on (a ship) or of (an aircraft). 2 conduct, lead, or initiate as a pilot (piloted the new scheme). Phrases and idioms pilot balloon a small balloon used to track air currents etc. pilot-bird a rare dark-brown Australian babbler, Pycnoptilus floccosus, with a distinctive loud cry. pilot chute a small parachute used to bring the main one into operation. pilot-cloth thick blue woollen cloth for seamen's coats etc. pilot-fish a small fish, Naucrates ductor, said to act as a pilot leading a shark to food. pilot-house = wheel-house. pilot-jacket = PEA-JACKET. pilot-light 1 a small gas burner kept alight to light another. 2 an electric indicator light or control light. pilot officer Brit. the lowest commissioned rank in the RAF. Derivatives pilotage n. pilotless adj. Etymology: F pilote f. med.L pilotus, pedot(t)a f. Gk pedon oar ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French ~e, from Italian ~a, alteration of pedota, from Middle Greek *pedotes, from Greek peda steering oars, plural of pedon oar; probably akin to Greek pod-, pous foot — more at foot  Date: 1530  1.  a. one employed to steer a ship ; helmsman  b. a person who is qualified and usually licensed to conduct a ship into and out of a port or in specified waters  c. a person who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft  2. guide, leader  3. cowcatcher  4. a piece that guides a tool or machine part  5. a television show produced and filmed or taped as a sample of a proposed series  6. ~ light 2  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1649  1. to act as a guide to ; lead or conduct over a usually difficult course  2.  a. to set and conn the course of ~ a ship  b. to act as ~ of ~ a plane  Synonyms: see guide  III. adjective  Date: 1802 serving as a guiding or tracing device, an activating or auxiliary unit, or a trial apparatus or operation a ~ study PILOTAGE  noun  Date: circa 1618  1. the action or business of piloting  2. the compensation paid to a licensed ship's pilot ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pilots, piloting, piloted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pilot is a person who is trained to fly an aircraft. He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot. ...fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force. N-COUNT 2. A pilot is a person who steers a ship through a difficult stretch of water, for example the entrance to a harbour. N-COUNT 3. If someone pilots an aircraft or ship, they act as its pilot. He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington. VERB: V n 4. A pilot scheme or a pilot project is one which is used to test an idea before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale. The service is being expanded following the success of a pilot scheme. N-COUNT: usu N n 5. If a government or organization pilots a programme or a scheme, they test it, before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale. The trust is looking for 50 schools to pilot a programme aimed at teenage pupils preparing for work. VERB: V n 6. If a government minister pilots a new law or bill through parliament, he or she makes sure that it is introduced successfully. We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime. VERB: V n through n, also V n 7. A pilot or a pilot episode is a single television programme that is shown in order to find out whether a particular series of programmes is likely to be popular. A pilot episode of Nothing’s Impossible has already been filmed. N-COUNT: oft N n 8. see also automatic pilot, test pilot ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft  (an airline pilot) 2 someone with a special knowledge of a particular area of water, who is employed to guide ships across it  (a harbour pilot) 3 a television programme that is made in order to test whether people like it and would watch it 4 pilot test/project/scheme etc a test that is done to see if an idea, product etc will be successful  (If the pilot survey goes well, we'll go into full production.)  (- see also automatic pilot) ~2 v 1 to guide an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship as its pilot 2 to help someone to go to a place  (pilot sb toward/out etc)  (He took my hand and piloted me through the corridors.) 3 to be responsible for making sure that a new law or plan is officially approved  (pilot sth through)  (I'm relying on your skill in piloting this through Parliament.) 4 to test a new idea, product etc on people to find out whether it will be successful  (They are piloting parts of the book in language schools.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Proportional Integrated Leveling Overide Technology univ. abbr. Programs In Leadership And Organizational Training univ. abbr. Professional Indian Leaders Of Tomorrow univ. abbr. Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders Of Tomorrow univ. abbr. Program In Leadership And Organizational Training softw. abbr. Product Investigation Learning And Optimization Tool educ. abbr. Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching educ. abbr. Partners Improving Learning On Tests account. abbr. Payment In Lieu Of Taxes ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1512, from M.Fr. pilote, from It. piloto, earlier pedoto, from Medieval Gk. *pedotes "rudder, helmsman," from Gk. pedon "steering oar," related to pous (gen. podos) "foot." Change of -d- to -l- in L. parallels that in odor/olfactory. Originally "one who steers a ship;" sense extended 1848 to "one who controls a balloon," and 1907 to "one who flies an airplane." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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