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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - linger


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  1. задерживаться; засиживаться (также linger about, linger around) to linger (around) after others have left —- оставаться (задерживаться) после того, как все остальные ушли to linger before the fire —- засидеться у камина 2. задерживаться, останавливаться (на каком-л. вопросе и т. п.) 3. еще удерживаться; не исчезать полностью (также linger on) hope lingered on —- надежда еще теплилась the pain lingered on for weeks —- боль не проходила еще несколько недель the memory still lingers on —- память еще жива (о чем-л., ком-л.) 4. медлить, мешкать, делать очень медленно to linger over one's work —- копаться с работой 5. запаздывать (с чем-л.) 6. влачить жалкое существование, медленно умирать (также linger on, linger out, to linger out one's days (life)) he lingered (on) for nearly two years —- он протянул еще почти два года 7. зря терять время; шляться без дела (также linger about) 8. тянуть (время); оттягивать (момент) (также linger away, linger out) 9. тянуться (о времени) 10. затягиваться (о болезни) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) засиживаться (on, over - над чем-л.); задерживаться (где-л.; about, round); терять время даром; Even when the flowers were taken away the smell lingered about most pleasantly.  2) медлить, мешкать; опаздывать  3) тянуться (о времени)  4) затягиваться (о болезни)  5) влачить жалкое существование, медленно умирать (тж. linger out ones days или life) Syn: see remain ...
Англо-русский словарь
  медлить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v.intr. 1 a be slow or reluctant to depart. b stay about. c (foll. by over, on, etc.) dally (lingered over dinner; lingered on what they said). 2 (esp. of an illness) be protracted. 3 (foll. by on) (of a dying person or custom) be slow in dying; drag on feebly. Derivatives lingerer n. lingeringly adv. Etymology: ME lenger, frequent. of leng f. OE lengan f. Gmc, rel. to LENGTHEN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect) lengeren to dwell, frequentative of lengen to prolong, from Old English lengan; akin to Old English lang long  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to be slow in parting or in quitting something ; tarry fans ~ed outside the door  2.  a. to remain alive although gradually dying  b. to remain existent although often waning in strength, importance, or influence ~ing doubts ~ing odors  3. to be slow to act ; procrastinate  4. to move slowly ; saunter  transitive verb  1. obsolete delay  2. to pass (as a period of time) slowly  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lingers, lingering, lingered) 1. When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected. The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room... He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that... He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital. VERB: V adv/prep, V, V-ing 2. If you linger somewhere, you stay there for a longer time than is necessary, for example because you are enjoying yourself. Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight... It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger. VERB: V adv/prep, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to stay somewhere a little longer, especially because you do not want to leave + over/on etc  (They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.) 2 always + adv/prep to continue looking at or dealing with something for longer than is usual + on/over etc  (Mike couldn't help letting his eyes linger on her face.) 3 also linger on to be slow to disappear  (The taste lingers in your mouth.) 4 also linger on to be dying slowly so that you stay alive for a long time although you are extremely weak  (Horribly wounded he lingered on to die two years later.) - lingerer n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - M.E. lengeren "reside, dwell," freq. of lengen "to tarry," from O.E. lengan "prolong, lengthen," from P.Gmc. *langijanan, source of O.E. lang "long." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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