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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - existence


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  1) существование; жизнь 2) наличие – sentient existence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. существование; наличие in existence —- существующий, наличный, имеющийся (в природе) the existence of civilization —- существование цивилизации the existence of a fact —- наличие факта the Gregorian calendar had no existence until 1582 —- григорианского календаря не было до 1582 г., григорианский календарь существует только с 1582 г. agreements already in existence —- уже существующие соглашения to call (to bring) into existence —- создавать to come into existence —- возникать, появляться to spring into existence —- внезапно возникнуть to put out of existence —- уничтожить, ликвидировать 2. жизнь, существование air and water are necessary for existence —- для жизни необходимы воздух и вода to lead a wretched existence —- влачить жалкое существование to lead a dangerous existence —- вести жизнь, полную опасностей to lead a nomad existence —- вести кочевой образ жизни the newspaper had a very short-lived existence —- газета просуществовала очень недолго 3. книж. существо, нечто существующее ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) существование; жизнь - wretched existence  2) наличие; все существующее - in existence  3) существо ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 the fact or condition of being or existing. 2 the manner of one's existing or living, esp. under adverse conditions (a wretched existence). 3 an existing thing. 4 all that exists. Etymology: ME f. OF existence or LL existentia f. L exsistere (as EX-(1), stare stand) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. obsolete reality as opposed to appearance  b. reality as presented in experience  c.  (1) the totality of existent things  (2) a particular being all the fair ~s of heaven — John Keats  d. sentient or living being ; life  2.  a. the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness and as contrasted with non~ the ~ of other worlds  b. the manner of being that is common to every mode of being  c. being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect  3. actual or present occurrence ~ of a state of war ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the state of existing  (It is impossible to prove the existence of God. | be in existence (=exist at a particular time))  (There are three different versions of his health record currently in existence. | come into existence (=start to exist))  (Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into existence.) 2 C usually singular the type of life that someone has, especially when it is bad or unhappy  (Pablo led a lonely existence when he first moved to San Juan. | I don't call this a life, it's an existence. | eke out an existence (=get just enough food or money to live on))  (Farmers eked out a primitive existence on the dry, stony land. | sb's/sth's very existence (=the fact that something exists at all, especially when something could prevent it from existing))  (a drug on which his very existence depended) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. existence, from L.L. existentem "existent," prp. of L. existere "stand forth, appear," and, as a secondary meaning, "exist;" from ex- "forth" + sistere "cause to stand," from stare "stand." Existentialism is 1941 from Ger. Existentialismus (1919), ult. from Dan. writer Sшren Kierkegaard (1813-55), who wrote of Existents-Forhold "condition of existence" (1846). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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