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   abbreviation  1. ~ance  2. ~rict DISTAFF  I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English distaf, from Old English dist?f, from dis- (akin to Middle Low German dise bunch of flax) + st?f staff  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a staff for holding the flax, tow, or wool in spinning  b. woman's work or domain  2. the female branch or side of a family  II. adjective  Date: circa 1633  1. maternal 2 the ~ side of the family — compare spear  2. female 1 ~ executives ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  physiol. abbr. Distal physiol. abbr. Distended NASA abbr. Distribution U.S. gov. abbr. Distribution transport. abbr. Distribution transport. abbr. Distribute mil. abbr. Distribution univ. abbr. Distribute funny abbr. Do I Smell Today law abbr. Distribute NASDAQ abbr. A M C O N Distributing Company ...
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