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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - dispense


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гл. 1) распределять, раздавать 2) освобождать (от обязанностей) (from) 3) обходиться (без чего-л.) (with) • - dispense from - dispense with formalities
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См. в других словарях

  1. распределять; раздавать to dispense bounties —- раздавать щедрые подарки to dispense money —- одаривать деньгами 2. отправлять (правосудие) 3. прописывать (лекарство) 4. приготовлять и отпускать (лекарства) 5. (from) освобождать (от обязательств, обетов) to dispense from duty —- освободить от выполнения обязанности to dispense smb. from fasting —- освобождать кого-л. от соблюдения постов dispensed from all fatiques —- воен. освобожденный от всех нарядов 6. (with) обходиться (без чего-л.) to dispense with formalities —- обходиться без формальностей these men could be dispensed with —- без этих людей можно обойтись to dispense with a rule —- пренебречь правилом 7. редк. освобождать (от обязательств, обетов) to dispense with an oath —- освобождать от (принятия) присяги to dispense with the necessity of doing smth. —- освободить от необходимости сделать что-л. ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with обходиться без чего-л. to dispense with smb. s services обходиться без чьих-л. услуг machinery dispenses with much labour машины дают большую экономию человеческого труда DISPENSE v.  1) раздавать, распределять (пищу и т.п.) (to) For twenty years the judge had dispensed justice to all kinds of offenders.  2) отправлять (правосудие)  3) приготовлять и распределять (лекарства)  4) освобождать (from - от обязательства) Since you feel ill, I will dispense you from your duties for the, rest of the week. May I be dispensed from attending the meeting? - dispense with ...
Англо-русский словарь
  дозировать; распределять; раздавать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) перекачивать 2) раздавать 3) распределять - dispense food - dispense with ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  распределять; раздавать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. 1 tr. distribute; deal out. 2 tr. administer (a sacrament, justice, etc.). 3 tr. make up and give out (medicine etc.) according to a doctor's prescription. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by from) grant a dispensation to (a person) from an obligation, esp. a religious observance. 5 intr. (foll. by with) a do without; render needless. b give exemption from (a rule). Phrases and idioms dispensing chemist a chemist qualified to make up and give out medicine etc. Etymology: ME f. OF despenser f. L dispensare frequent. of dispendere weigh or pay out (as DIS-, pendere pens- weigh) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; dispensing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin dispensare to exempt, from Latin, to distribute, from dis- + pensare to weigh, frequentative of pendere to weigh, pay out — more at spin  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to deal out in portions  b. administer ~ justice  2. to give dispensation to ; exempt  3. to prepare and distribute (medication)  intransitive verb archaic to grant dispensation  Synonyms: see distribute ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dispenses, dispensing, dispensed) 1. If someone dispenses something that they own or control, they give or provide it to a number of people. (FORMAL) The Union had already dispensed ?40,000 in grants... I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children. VERB: V n, V n to n 2. If you obtain a product by getting it out of a machine, you can say that the machine dispenses the product. For two weeks, the cash machine was unable to dispense money. VERB: V n 3. When a chemist dispenses medicine, he or she prepares it, and gives or sells it to the patient or customer. Some shops gave wrong or inadequate advice when dispensing homeopathic medicines... Doctors confine themselves to prescribing rather than dispensing. VERB: V n, V, also V n to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 formal to give something to people, especially in fixed amounts  (Villagers dispensed tea to people involved in the accident.) 2 to prepare and give medicines to people 3 to officially provide something for people in a society  (dispense justice/punishments (=decide whether or not someone is guilty of a crime and what punishment they should receive)) dispense with sb/sth phr v formal to not use or do something that you usually use or do, because it is no longer necessary  (can dispense with)  (I think we can dispense with a translator. | dispense with the formalities (=not use very polite behaviour, such as introducing people to each other)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1350, from O.Fr. dispenser "give out," from L. dispensare "disburse, administer, distribute (by weight)," freq. of dispendere "pay out," from dis- "out" + pendere "to pay, weigh." In M.L., dispendere was used in the ecclesiastical sense of "grant license to do what is forbidden or omit what is required" (a power of popes, bishops, etc.), and thus acquired a sense of "grant remission from punishment or exemption from law," which led to the Mod.Eng. meaning. Older sense is preserved in dispensary (1699) "place for weighing out medicines," Theological sense is from being used to translate Gk. oikonomoia "office, method of administration." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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