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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - declare


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Перевод с английского языка declare на русский

– to declare expired – to declare invalid – to declare lapsed – to declare nullified – to declare under oath – to declare void DECLARE гл. заявлять, объявлять, провозглашать, обнародовать, показывать, обнаруживать, выражать отношение, высказываться - declare dividends - declare in - declare null and void - declare off - declare oneself bankrupt - declare oneself insolvent - declare peace - declare war
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  1. заявлять; объявлять, провозглашать; обнародовать to declare peace —- провозглашать мир to declare a strike —- объявить забастовку to declare war on (against) a country —- объявить войну какой-л. стране to declare the result of an election —- обнародовать результаты выборов to declare one's love —- объясниться в любви 2. признавать, объявлять (кого-л. кем-л., что-л. чем-л.) to declare oneself president —- провозгласить себя президентом to declare smb. a deserter —- объявить кого-л. дезертиром he was declared guilty —- его признали виновным he was declared an invalid —- он был признан нетрудоспособным (больным, инвалидом) he declares it (to be) a mistake —- он утверждает, что это ошибка 3. карт. объявлять; раскрывать свою игру to declare trumps —- объявить козыри to declare one's hand —- раскрывать свои карты; раскрыть свои планы; обнаружить свои намерения 4. заявлять, говорить he declared he had seen nothing —- он заявил, что ничего не видел 5. показывать, обнаруживать to declare oneself —- показать себя, показать свое истинное лицо; высказаться; возв. объясниться в любви to declare itself —- обнаружиться, проявиться the disease declared itself —- (все) симптомы болезни были налицо nothing declares there was a human being here —- ничто не говорит о том, что здесь был человек 6. (for, in favour of, against) высказываться, выражать отношение to...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in заявить о своем согласии баллотироваться DECLARE off отказаться от (сделки и т.п.) The two sides declared the agreement off. DECLARE ones love объясняться в любви DECLARE war on объявлять войну кому-л., чему-л. DECLARE v.  1) объявлять; - declare ones love - declare war on  2) признавать, объявлять кого-л. кем-л. he was declared an invalid - он был признан инвалидом  3) заявлять, провозглашать, объявлять публично well, I declare! coll. - однако, скажу я вам!  4) высказываться (for - за; against - против) The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament. The workers declared against the new rules. to declare oneself -  а) высказаться;  б) показать себя  5) называть, предъявлять вещи, облагаемые пошлиной (в таможне) have you anything to declare? - предъявите вещи, подлежащие обложению пошлиной  6) cards объявлять козырь - declare in - declare off Syn: advertise, announce, broadcast, enunciate, proclaim, publish Ant: censor, conceal, withhold ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. 1 tr. announce openly or formally (declare war; declare a dividend). 2 tr. pronounce (a person or thing) to be something (declared him to be an impostor; declared it invalid). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause) assert emphatically; state explicitly. 4 tr. acknowledge possession of (dutiable goods, income, etc.). 5 tr. (as declared adj.) who admits to be such (a declared atheist). 6 tr. (also absol.) Cricket close (an innings) voluntarily before all the wickets have fallen. 7 tr. Cards a (also absol.) name (the trump suit). b announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards etc.). 8 tr. (of things) make evident, prove (your actions declare your honesty). 9 intr. (foll. by for, against) take the side of one party or another. Phrases and idioms declare oneself reveal one's intentions or identity. well, I declare (or I do declare) an exclamation of incredulity, surprise, or vexation. Derivatives declarable adj. declarative adj. declaratively adv. declaratory adj. declaredly adv. declarer n. Etymology: ME f. L declarare (as DE-, clarare f. clarus clear) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; declaring)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French ~r, from Latin declarare, from de- + clarare to make visible, from clarus clear — more at clear  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to make known formally, officially, or explicitly  2. obsolete to make clear  3. to make evident ; show  4. to state emphatically ; affirm ~s his innocence  5. to make a full statement of (one's taxable or dutiable property)  6.  a. to announce (as a trump suit) in a card game  b. meld  7. to make payable ~ a dividend  intransitive verb  1. to make a declaration  2. to avow one's opinion or support  3. to announce one's intentions (as to run for political office) ~d for mayor  • declarable adjective Synonyms:  ~, announce, proclaim, promulgate mean to make known publicly. ~ implies explicitness and usually formality in making known the referee ~d the contest a draw. announce implies the declaration of something for the first time announced their engagement at a party. proclaim implies declaring clearly, forcefully, and authoritatively the president proclaimed a national day of mourning. promulgate implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law promulgated an edict of religious toleration.  Synonym: see in addition assert. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (declares, declaring, declared) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you declare that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way. You can also declare an attitude or intention. (WRITTEN) Speaking outside Ten Downing Street, she declared that she would fight on... ‘I’m absolutely thrilled to have done what I’ve done,’ he declared... He declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world... = announce VERB: V that, V with quote, V n 2. If you declare something, you state officially and formally that it exists or is the case. The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire... His lawyers are confident that the judges will declare Mr Stevens innocent... The U.N. has declared it to be a safe zone... You may have to declare that you have had an HIV test. VERB: V n, V n adj, V n to-inf, V that 3. If you declare goods that you have bought in another country or money that you have earned, you say how much you have bought or earned so that you can pay tax on it. Your income must be declared on this form... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »STATE OFFICIALLY« to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true  (declare that)  (The doctor finally declared that the man was dead. | declare sth (to be) sth)  (The government of New South Wales declared 8000 hectares of forest a national park. | declare sth open)  (I declare this exhibition open. | declare sth unsafe/a failure/a success etc)  (The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal. | declare sb insane/unfit/a traitor etc (=state officially that someone is crazy etc) | declare sb the winner/the champion etc)  (Ali was declared the winner of the fight.) 2 declare war (on sb) a) to decide and state officially that you will begin fighting another country b) informal to say that something is wrong and that you will do everything you can to stop it  (Police have now declared war on drug dealers in the area.) 3 »SAY WHAT YOU THINK/FEEL« to say very clearly and publicly what you think or feel  ("On that point, I cannot agree with you," he declared. | declare that)  (Jane declared that she would rather resign than change her decision. | declare sth)  (The opposition declared their support for the bill. | declare yourself (to be) sth)  (She had publicly declared herself a lesbian.) 4 »MONEY/PROPERTY ETC« to make an official statement saying how much money you have earned, what property you own etc  (All investment income must also be declared.) 5 declare an interest to tell people that you are connected with something that is being discussed  (I should declare an interest here; Mr Hackett used to work for me.) 6 declare bankruptcy to state officially that you are unable to pay your debts 7 »SURPRISE« (Well) I declare! spoken old-fashioned used as an expression of surprise  (Well I declare! What a pretty little village.) - declarable adj declare against sb/sth phr v to state that you oppose someone or something declare for sb/sth phr v to state that you support someone or something  (Paredes decided to declare for federation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., from L. declarare "make clear," from de- intensive prefix + clarare "clarify," from clarus "clear." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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