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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - date


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Перевод с английского языка date на русский

1. сущ. дата, число, срок, день, время, период, пора, эпоха - Call Date - Issue Date - Maturity Date - acceptance date - acquisition date - actual completion date - adjustment date - after date - annual pay claim date - as of date - at a long date - at a short date - at an early date - at long date - at short date - at the earliest possible date - availability date - bargaining date - bring up to date - commencement date - contract date - cutoff date - date a document - date draft - date of a claim - date of a document - date of a loan - date of acceptance - date of accounts - date of acquisition - date of an order - date of application receipt - date of approval - date of birth - date of change - date of commencement - date of completion - date of delivery - date of insurance - date of issue - date of letter - date of loan - date of opening - date of payment - date of performance - date of record - date of retirement - date of sale - date of settlement - date of signing a contract - date of term - date of transaction - date of transfer - date off - date specified - date started - dated date - days after date - declaration date - delivery date - drawdown date - drawn-on date - due date - due date for interest - due date for tax payment - effective date - effective date of payment - entry date - even date - event occurrence date - ex-dividend date - filing date - fixed maturity date - from date - gale date - of even date - of the date of - of the same date - on the same date - opening date - out of date - payment date - release date - reporting date - schedule date - settlement date - to date - to date from - up to date - value date Syn: day, time, term, fixed period, period 2. гл. датировать, указывать время и место DATE 1) дата; число; день (месяца) 2) срок, период 3) датировать – date of actual reduction to practice – date of application – date of availability for public – date of commencement – date of conception – date of constructive reduction to practice – date of decision – date of expiration – date of filing – date of final rejection – date of first publication – date of forfeiture – date of grant – date of initial patent application – date of issuance – date of licensing – date of licensing contract – date of mailing of the patent application – date of original decision – date of patent – date of patenting – date of payment – date of post-office stamp – date of priority – date of publication – date of rejection – date of the appeal – date of the grant of a patent – date of the Official Letter – actual filing date – anticipatory date – application date – citation date – closing date – conception date – convention date – due date – effective date – effective filing date – expiration date – expiry date – filing date of an application – first conception date – first filing date – foreign filing date – foreign priority date – imprimatur date – international filing date under the PCT – international registration date under the TRTinvention date – key date – later date of priority – patenting date – reciprocity date – sealing date – terminal date of prior patents
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) финик (плод) 2) срок; период – Chinese date – wild date ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. дата, число, день delivery date —- дата поставки (оборудования и т. п.) installation date —- дата установки under the date (of) January 1 —- О за десятое января without date —- без даты the date of birth —- дата рождения to bear a date —- быть датированным up to the date when —- до того дня, когда what's the date today? —- какое сегодня число? what's the date of this discovery? —- когда было сделано это открытие? the date is set for August 5 —- назначено на пятое августа it was done at a much earlier date —- это было сделано гораздо раньше 2. время и место 3. время; срок, период; пора; эпоха Roman date —- эпоха Древнего Рима the date of youth —- юные годы, пора молодости at that date —- в те времена, в ту пору the events of recent date —- события последнего времени 4. возраст his date is thirty —- ему тридцать лет 5. комп. продолжительность, период 6. ам. тот же день " —- Тhe New York Times" of date номер "Нью-Йорк Таймс" за то же число your letter of even date —- ваше сегодняшнее письмо 7. газеты 8. the latest dates последние газеты, последние выпуски газет 9. уст. пора; конец all has its date —- всему приходит конец Id: out of date —- устарелый, несовременный; отживший свой век; старомодный, вышедший из моды Id: to go out of date —- устареть, выйти из моды Id: to date —- современный; сегодняшний; до сих пор Id: the progress made to date —- результаты, достигнутые...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) дата, число (месяца) - date of birth  2) срок, период - out of date - up to date at that date в то время, в тот период  3) coll. свидание; I have got a date - у меня свидание - make a date  4) coll. тот, кому назначают свидание Syn: see tryst  2. v.  1) датировать (back to, from) The church dates back to 1173.  2) вести начало от чего-л.; восходить (к определенной эпохе; тж. date back to, from) this manuscript dates from the XIVth century - эта рукопись относится к XIV веку  3) вести исчисление (от какой-л. даты)  4) amer.; coll. назначать свидание - date a girl  5) выйти из употребления; устареть II noun  1) финик  2) финиковая пальма DATE of birth день рождения DATE a girl назначить свидание девушке ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) дата, число 2) датирорвка датировать, проставлять дату 3) срок, прериод at earliest possible date — в кратчайший срок date installed — дата установки date off — дата снятия due date of next inspection — срок очередной проверки date despatched — дата отправки date received — дата получения date removed — дата демонтажа file expiration date — срок хранения файлов to date document — датировать документ to date from — вести своё начало от - closing date - date of application - date of change - date of filing - date of mailing - date of occurrence - date of payment - date of posting - delivery date - due date - effective date - expiration date - payment date - sample of date - schedule date - starting date ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) дата 2) календарь – epoch date – Gregorian date – Julian date – modified-Julian date ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  дата, число date of commencement of the work date of substantial completion bid date latest finish date latest start date ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  дата; срок date done — дата исполнения (напр. операции) date of arrival — дата прибытия date of departure — дата отправления - copyright date - delivery date - publication date ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a day of the month, esp. specified by a number. 2 a particular day or year, esp. when a given event occurred. 3 a statement (usu. giving the day, month, and year) in a document or inscription etc., of the time of composition or publication. 4 the period to which a work of art etc. belongs. 5 the time when an event happens or is to happen. 6 colloq. a an engagement or appointment, esp. with a person of the opposite sex. b US a person with whom one has a social engagement. --v. 1 tr. mark with a date. 2 tr. a assign a date to (an object, event, etc.). b (foll. by to) assign to a particular time, period, etc. 3 intr. (often foll. by from, back to, etc.) have its origins at a particular time. 4 intr. be recognizable as from a past or particular period; become evidently out of date (a design that does not date). 5 tr. indicate or expose as being out of date (that hat really dates you). 6 colloq. a tr. make an arrangement with (a person) to meet socially. b intr. meet socially by agreement (they are now dating regularly). Phrases and idioms date-line 1 the line from north to south partly along the meridian 180° from Greenwich, to the east of which the date is a day earlier than it is to the west. 2 a line at the head of a dispatch or special article in a newspaper showing the date and place of writing. date-stamp n. 1 an adjustable rubber stamp etc. used to record a date. 2 the impression made by this. --v.tr. mark with a date-stamp. out of date ( attrib. out-of-date) old-fashioned, obsolete. to date until now. up to date ( attrib. up-to-date) meeting or according to the latest requirements, knowledge, or fashion; modern. Etymology: ME f. OF f. med.L data, fem. past part. of dare give: from the L formula used in dating letters, data (epistola) (letter) given or delivered (at a particular time or place) 2. n. 1 a dark oval single-stoned fruit. 2 (in full date-palm) the tall tree Phoenix dactylifera, native to W. Asia and N. Africa, bearing this fruit. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L dactylus f. Gk daktulos finger, from the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, ultimately from Latin dactylus — more at dactyl  Date: 14th century  1. the oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera)  2. the tall palm with pinnate leaves that yields the ~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin data, from data (as in data Romae given at Rome), feminine of Latin datus, past participle of dare to give; akin to Latin dos gift, dowry, Greek didonai to give  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the time at which an event occurs the ~ of his birth  b. a statement of the time of execution or making the ~ on the letter  2. duration  3. the period of time to which something belongs  4.  a. an appointment to meet at a specified time; especially a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character  b. a person with whom one has a usually romantic ~  5. an engagement for a professional performance (as of a dance band)  III. verb  (~d; dating)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to determine the ~ of ~ an antique  2. to record the ~ of ; mark with the ~  3.  a. to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period  b. to show up plainly the age of  4. to make or have a ~ with  intransitive verb  1. to reckon chronologically  2. originate a friendship dating from college days  3. to become ~d  4. to go out on usually romantic ~s  • datable also ~able adjective  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dates, dating, dated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A date is a specific time that can be named, for example a particular day or a particular year. What’s the date today?... You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require. N-COUNT 2. If you date something, you give or discover the date when it was made or when it began. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely... Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius. VERB: V n, V n to n 3. When you date something such as a letter or a cheque, you write that day’s date on it. Once the decision is reached, he can date and sign the sheet... The letter is dated 2 July 1993. VERB: V n, V-ed 4. If you want to refer to an event without saying exactly when it will happen or when it happened, you can say that it will happen or happened at some date in the future or past. Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date... N-SING: with supp, at N 5. To date means up until the present time. ‘Dottie’ is by far his best novel to date... PHRASE: PHR with cl 6. If something dates, it goes out of fashion and becomes unacceptable to modern tastes. A black coat always looks smart and will never date... VERB: V 7. If your ideas, what you say, or the things that you like or can remember date you, they show that you are quite old or older than the people you are with. It’s going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972. VERB: V n 8. A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship. I have a date with Bob... N-COUNT 9. If you have a date with someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship, you can refer to that person as your date. He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show. N-COUNT: usu poss N 10. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the numbers or words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and year  (The date on the letter was the 30th August 1962. | date of birth (=the day you were born))  (Please write your name, address, and date of birth on the form.) 2 a particular day  (a date for the next meeting | set a date (=choose a particular date))  (Have you set a date for the wedding?) 3 at a later date formal at some time in the future  (We'll deal with this problem at a later date.) 4 to date up to now  (To date there has been no improvement in his condition.) 5 a) an occasion when you arrange to meet someone that you like in a romantic way  (Do you have a date tonight? | go (out) on a date)  ("So, what did he say?" "Well, we're going on a date Friday night.")  (- see also blind date) b) AmE someone that you have a date with  (Can I bring my date to the party?) 6 make a date to agree on a time to meet someone socially  (Let's make a date to go and see `Arcadia' one day next week.) 7 a sweet sticky brown fruit with a long hard seed inside  (- see also closing date, expiry date expiry (2), sell­by date, out­of­date, up­to­date) ~2 v 1 to write or print the date on something  (a newspaper dated November 23, 1963) 2 to find out when something old such as a book, painting, building etc was made  (The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.) 3 if clothing, art etc dates, it looks old-fashioned  (His designs are so successful, they've hardly dated at all.) 4 AmE to have a romantic relationship with someone  (be dating sb)  (Is he still dating Sarah?) 5 if something that you say, do, or wear dates you, it shows that you are fairly old  (Yes, I remember the moon landings - that dates me doesn't it?) date from also date back to phr v to have existed since a particular time in the past  (This church dates from the 13th century.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Defense Against The Enemy gen. bus. abbr. Discovering Alternatives For Today's Encounters ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - "fruit," c.1300, from O.Fr. date, from O.Prov. datil, from L. dactylus, from Gk. daktylos, orig. "finger, toe," because of fancied resemblance between fruit of the date palm and human digits. DATE - "time," c.1330, from O.Fr. date, from M.L. data, noun use of fem. sing. of L. datus "given," pp. of dare "give." The Roman convention of closing every article of correspondence by writing "given" and the day and month -- meaning "given to messenger" -- led to data becoming a term for the time stated. The meaning "to give" is also the root of the grammatical dative (M.E.), the case of giving. Phrase up to date is from bookkeeping. Date (n.) "romantic liaison" is from 1885, gradually evolving from the general sense of "appointment." Meaning "person one has a date with" is from 1925. Blind date first recorded 1925, but probably in use before that. Date rape first attested 1975. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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