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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - splash


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  1) всплеск 2) выплеск 3) заплескивать 4) наплескивать 5) обрызгать 6) пятно 7) разбрызгивать splash carrying away — брызгоунос splash detection radar — РЛС обнаружения мест падения ракет в море spray and splash characteristics — машиностр. брызгообразование - splash guard ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. плеск, всплеск to hear splash —- услышать всплеск to fall into the water with a splash —- плюхнуться (бултыхнуться) в воду 2. брызги splash of water —- брызги воды 3. брызганье children enjoying a splash —- ребятишки, с наслаждением барахтающиеся в воде 4. пятно a splash of colour on a dark surface —- яркое пятно на темной поверхности a splash of ink on the carpet —- чернильное пятно на ковре a splash of light falling on the thicket —- блик света в чаще 5. разг. капелька, небольшое количество (жидкости) to add a splash of soda-water to a glass of whisky —- добавить немного содовой в стакан виски 6. разг. эффект, выставление напоказ; сенсация splash head-line —- сл. броский заголовок splash story —- сл. сообщение, помещенное на видном месте (в газете и т. п.) to cut (to make) a splash —- наделать шуму, произвести сенсацию 7. редк. пули 8. воен. профес. самолет противника, сбитый над водой 9. воен. профес. падение ракеты при неудачном пуске 10. воен. профес. ликвидация ракеты в полете 11. брызгать, разлетаться брызгами the water splashed on the floor —- вода брызгала на пол 12. разбрызгивать, расплескивать to splash gravy over the tablecloth —- пролить подливку на скатерть to splash water —- разбрызгивать воду, брызгать (плескать) водой 13. забрызгивать, обрызгивать to splash smb., smth. with mud —- заляпать (забрызгать) кого-л.,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down приводниться (о космическом корабле); The spacecraft is expected to splash down at about 3 oclock Eastern Standard Time. SPLASH over печатать аршинными буквами; подавать материал броско, под кричащими заголовками; The story of their failing marriage was splashed (all) over the front page. SPLASH  1. noun  1) брызги, брызганье  2) плеск, всплеск; to fall into water with a splash - бултыхнуться в воду  3) пятно  4) красочное пятно  5) coll. небольшое количество, капелька (жидкости)  6) выставление напоказ, рисовка to make a splash - вызвать сенсацию frontpage splash - газетная сенсация  2. v.  1) забрызгивать; брызгать(ся) (тж. splash up); Passing traffic has splashed the wall up with mud; to splash a page with ink - залить страницу чернилами  2) плескать(ся)  3) шлепать (по грязи или воде; обыкн. splash through, splash across); to splash ones way through the mud - шлепать по грязи  4) шлепнуться, бултыхнуться (into)  5) расцвечивать; fields splashed with poppies - поля, усеянные маками - splash down - splash over ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) брызги, сноп брызг; выплеск (расплавленного металла) брызгать, разбрызгивать(ся) 2) заплеск (волны), накат (волны) 3) пятно ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. spatter or cause (liquid) to spatter in small drops. 2 tr. cause (a person) to be spattered with liquid etc. (splashed them with mud). 3 intr. a (of a person) cause liquid to spatter (was splashing about in the bath). b (usu. foll. by across, along, etc.) move while spattering liquid etc. (splashed across the carpet in his boots). c step, fall, or plunge etc. into a liquid etc. so as to cause a splash (splashed into the sea). 4 tr. display (news) prominently. 5 tr. decorate with scattered colour. 6 tr. spend (money) ostentatiously. --n. 1 the act or an instance of splashing. 2 a a quantity of liquid splashed. b the resulting noise (heard a splash). 3 a spot of dirt etc. splashed on to a thing. 4 a prominent news feature etc. 5 a daub or patch of colour, esp. on an animal's coat. 6 Brit. colloq. a small quantity of liquid, esp. of soda water etc. to dilute spirits. Phrases and idioms make a splash attract much attention, esp. by extravagance. splash out colloq. spend money freely. Derivatives splashy adj. (splashier, splashiest). Etymology: alt. of PLASH(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: alteration of plash  Date: 1715  intransitive verb  1.  a. to strike and dash about a liquid or semiliquid substance  b. to move in or into a liquid or semiliquid substance and cause it to spatter  2.  a.  (1) to become spattered about  (2) to spread or scatter in the manner of ~ed liquid  b. to fall, strike, or move with a ~ing sound a brook ~ing over rocks  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to dash a liquid or thinly viscous substance upon or against  (2) to soil or stain with ~ed liquid  b. to mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture  c. to display prominently a story ~ed on the front page  2.  a. to cause (a liquid or thinly viscous substance) to spatter about especially with force  b. to scatter in the manner of a ~ed liquid  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1736  1.  a.  (1) ~ed liquid or semiliquid substance; also impounded water released suddenly  (2) a spot or daub from or as if from ~ed liquid a mud ~ on the fender  b. a colored patch  2.  a. the action of ~ing  b. a short plunge  3. a sound produced by or as if by a liquid falling, moving, being hurled, or oscillating  4.  a. a vivid impression created especially by ostentatious activity or appearance  b. ostentatious display  5. a small amount ; sprinkling ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (splashes, splashing, splashed) 1. If you splash about or splash around in water, you hit or disturb the water in a noisy way, causing some of it to fly up into the air. A lot of people were in the water, swimming or simply splashing about... She could hear the voices of her friends as they splashed in a nearby rock pool... The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out. VERB: V about/around, V, V into n 2. If you splash a liquid somewhere or if it splashes, it hits someone or something and scatters in a lot of small drops. He closed his eyes tight, and splashed the water on his face... A little wave, the first of many, splashed in my face... Beer splashed the carpet... Lorries rumbled past them, splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road... VERB: V n prep, V prep/adv, V n, V n with n 3. A splash is the sound made when something hits water or falls into it. There was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water. N-SING 4. A splash of a liquid is a small quantity of it that falls on something or is added to something. Wallcoverings and floors should be able to withstand steam and splashes... N-COUNT 5. A splash of colour is an area of a bright colour which contrasts strongly with the colours around it. Anne has left the walls white, but added splashes of colour with the tablecloth and the paintings. N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 6. If a magazine or newspaper splashes a story, it prints it in such a way that it is very noticeable. The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages... VERB: V n 7. If you make a splash, you become noticed or become popular because of something that you have done. Now she’s made a splash in the American television show ‘Civil Wars’. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 if a liquid splashes, it hits or falls on something noisily or it moves noisily + against/on/over  (Great drops of rain splashed on the window.) 2 T always + adv/prep to make someone or something wet with a lot of small drops of water or other liquid  (splash sth on/over/with etc sth)  (Shivering, he splashed cold water on his face and washed his hands.) 3 also splash about/around to make water fly up in the air with a loud noise by hitting it or by moving around in it  (Maggie watched the children splashing about in the pool.) 4 informal if a newspaper splashes a story or picture over its pages, it makes it very large and easy to notice splash down phr v if a spacecraft splashes down it deliberately lands in the sea  (- see also splashdown) splash out on sth phr v informal to spend a lot of money on something  (We splashed out on a new kitchen.) ~2 n 1 the sound of a liquid hitting something or being moved around quickly  (Rachel fell into the river with a loud splash.) 2 a mark made by a liquid splashing onto something else  (There were splashes of paint all over my clothes.) 3 a splash of colour small area of bright colour 4 make a splash informal to do something that gets a lot of public attention  (Russell's new show made a big splash in New York.) 5 especially BrE a small amount of liquid added to a drink  (Just a splash of milk in my coffee, please.) ~3 adv informal with a splash  (You should have seen Rex - he jumped splash into the lake!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1715, probably an alteration of plash with an intensive s-. The meaning "striking or ostentatious display" is first attested 1806. Splashy "sensational" first attested 1836. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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