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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - crest


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modulation crest
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См. в других словарях

  1) гребень 2) хребет 3) строит. конёк крыши 4) геол. ось (антиклинали) - crest of bench - crest of dam - crest of spillway - crest of thread - crest of weir shutter - free crest - hump crest - wave crest - weir crest ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  бирж., брит. "КРЕСТ" (система электронных расчетов, разработанная Банком Англии для проведения расчетов по сделкам с ценными бумагами, в 1997 г. заменила систему "ТАЛИСМАН") See: TALISMAN ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) гребень, гребешок; хохолок 2) грива 3) загривок 4) выступ – acoustic crest – external occipital crest – iliac crest – infratemporal crest – internal occipital crest – nasal crest – neural crest – palatine crest – sphenoid crest – supramastoid crest – turbinated crest ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  "Крэст" Товарный знак фторированной зубной пасты производства компании "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co.. Один из рекламных лозунгов: "Зубные врачи выбирают Крэст" Crest. The Dentists' Choice.. Выпускается с 1955 ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. гребень, гребешок; хохолок 2. грива, холка 3. гребень on the crest of the wave —- на гребне волны; на вершине славы 4. геол. вершина 5. анат. гребешок 6. конек; гребень 7. нашлемник, гребень шлема 8. шлем 9. геральд. украшение наверху гербового щита 10. редк. гордость, спесь, чванство 11. тех. максимальное значение; пик 12. украшать гребнем; увенчивать the stately mansion crested the bill —- велиественный замок увенчивал холм 13. достигать вершины, гребня 14. редк. подниматься, вздыматься 15. редк. держаться гордо, надменно, со спесью ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) гребешок (петуха); хохолок (птицы)  2) грива; холка  3) гребень шлема; poet. шлем  4) гребень (волны, горы, крыши) on the crest of the wave - на гребне волны; fig. на вершине славы  5) конек (крыши)  6) herald. украшение наверху гербового щита  7) герб (на флагах и т.п.)  8) tech. пик (нагрузки)  2. v.  1) служить гребнем; увенчивать  2) достигать вершины  3) poet. вздыматься (о волнах) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гребень (плотины); порог водослива бровка откоса пик (паводка) гребень волны выпуклая вертикальная кривая (в продольном профиле дороги) dam crest flood crest spillway crest ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) максимум, пик, высшая отметка 2) верхняя часть 3) гребень (волны, плотины) 4) конёк (крыши) 5) вершина (зуба шестерни, профиля резьбы) - berm crest - control crest - flood crest - flume crest - free crest of spillway - gated crest - hump crest - movable crest - nappe-shaped crest - ogee weir crest - ogee crest - sharp-edged crest - spillway crest - top crest - voltage crest - wave crest ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, etc. on a bird's or animal's head. b something resembling this, esp. a plume of feathers on a helmet. c a helmet; the top of a helmet. 2 the top of something, esp. of a mountain, wave, roof, etc. 3 Heraldry a a device above the shield and helmet of a coat of arms. b such a device reproduced on writing paper or on a seal, signifying a family. 4 a a line along the top of the neck of some animals. b the hair growing from this; a mane. 5 Anat. a ridge along the surface of a bone. --v. 1 tr. reach the crest of (a hill, wave, etc.). 2 tr. a provide with a crest. b serve as a crest to. 3 intr. (of a wave) form into a crest. Phrases and idioms on the crest of a wave at the most favourable moment in one's progress. Derivatives crested adj. (also in comb.). crestless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF creste f. L crista tuft CRESTFALLEN adj. 1 dejected, dispirited. 2 with a fallen or drooping crest. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin crista; probably akin to Latin crinis hair  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a showy tuft or process on the head of an animal and especially a bird — see bird illustration  b. the plume or identifying emblem worn on a knight's helmet; also the top of a helmet  c.  (1) a heraldic representation of the ~  (2) a heraldic device depicted above the escutcheon but not upon a helmet  (3) coat of arms 2a  d. a ridge or prominence on a part of an animal body  2. something suggesting a ~ especially in being an upper prominence, edge, or limit: as  a. peak; especially the top line of a mountain or hill  b. the ridge of a roof  c. the top of a wave  3.  a. a high point of an action or process and especially of one that is rhythmic  b. climax, culmination at the ~ of his fame  • ~al adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to furnish with a ~; also crown  2. to reach the ~ of ~ed the hill and looked around  intransitive verb to rise to a ~ waves ~ing in the storm ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (crests) 1. The crest of a hill or a wave is the top of it. N-COUNT • If you say that you are on the crest of a wave, you mean that you are feeling very happy and confident because things are going well for you. The band are riding on the crest of a wave with the worldwide success of their number one selling single. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 2. A bird’s crest is a group of upright feathers on the top of its head. Both birds had a dark blue crest. N-COUNT 3. A crest is a design that is the symbol of a noble family, a town, or an organization. On the wall is the family crest. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 C usually singular the top or highest point of something such as a hill or a wave + of  (He climbed over the crest of the hill.) 2 a special picture used as a sign of a family, town, school etc  (the school colours and crest | the family crest on his notepaper) 3 a pointed group of feathers on top of a bird's head, or a raised area on the body of an animal  (the dramatic feathery crest of the cockatoo) 4 a decoration of bright feathers, worn, especially in former times, on top of soldiers' helmets (helmet) 5 be riding the crest of a wave to be very successful, happy etc  (The President is currently riding the crest of a wave of popularity.) ~2 v 1 to reach the top of a hill, mountain etc  (They'd crested another ridge by the afternoon.) 2 if a wave crests it reaches its highest point before it falls ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia physiol. abbr. Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Stenting Trial physiol. abbr. Calcinosis Raynauds Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia st. & loc. abbr. Combined Regional Emergency Services Training st. & loc. abbr. Capital Region Emergency Services Telecommunications U.S. gov. abbr. Combined Regional Emergency Services Training am. radio. abbr. Citizens Radio Emergency Service Teams non-prof. org. abbr. Center For Renewable Energy And Sustainable Technology non-prof. org. abbr. Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce law abbr. Constitutional Rights Enforcement And Support Team gen. bus. abbr. Courteous, Reliable, Empathetic, Superior, And Timely gen. bus. abbr. Corporate Real Estate Services Training st. exc. abbr. Commercial Real Estate Structured Transaction ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1312, from O.Fr. creste "tuft, comb," from L. crista "tuft, plume," perhaps related to word for "hair," but also used for crest of a cock or a helmet, replaced O.E. hris. Crestfallen (1589) comes from cockfighting. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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