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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - choke


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Перевод с английского языка choke на русский

1) дроссель; реактор 2) дроссельная канавка (волновода) – audio-frequency choke – ballast choke – broadband choke – cable choke – constant-inductance choke – high-frequency choke – quarter-wave choke – radio-frequency choke – rejecting choke – saturating choke – swinging choke
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См. в других словарях

  1) заслонка, шибер 2) дроссель дросселировать 3) штуцер 4) индуктивный элемент; (электрически) дроссель 5) горн. участок пещеры, заваленный обломками 6) сужение в трубе (для контроля мощности потока) забивать, засорять, закупоривать 7) заглушать; запирать 8) с.-х. чехловидная болезнь злаков to choke up — загромождать, засорять - air choke - filter choke - pie-wound choke - radio-frequency choke - swinging choke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  фтп. чехловидная болезнь злаков (возбудитель - гриб Epichloe typhina) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (несъедобная) сердцевина артишока 2. удушье; припадок удушья 3. удушение 4. то, что душит 5. завязанный конец (мешка) 6. тех. воздушная заслонка, дроссель 7. эл. дроссельная катушка 8. душить to choke to death, to choke the life out of smb. —- задушить кого-л tears choked him —- его душили слезы the smoke almost choked me —- я чуть не задохся от дыма 9. задыхаться to choke with smoke —- задыхаться от дыма 10. давиться (от кашля); подавиться; поперхнуться; захлебнуться to choke on a bone —- поперхнуться косточкой choked with a bone —- подавившийся косточкой to choke with tears —- захлебываться слезами 11. заглушать to choke a fire —- потушить костер to choke a plant —- заглушить растение the garden is choked with weeds —- сорняки заглушили сад to choke the progress of true knowledge —- душить развитие настоящей науки 12. засорять, забивать, загромождать the chimney is choked with soot —- труба забита сажей 13. закупоривать to choke the highway —- создать пробку на шоссе 14. набивать до отказа (мешок); наполнять 15. тех. дросселировать 16. тех. заглушать 17. тех. засорять 18. разг. потерять голову; расстеряться 19. перестать (делать что-л) choke! —- брось!, хватит! ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in amer.; coll. воздерживаться от разговора; держать язык за зубами CHOKE off  а) заставить отказаться (от попытки, намерения) He began to tell about his adventures all over again, but I choked him off. Jane wants an invitation to the party; how can we choke her off?  б) устранить кого-л.  в) ругать кого-л. (за что-л.) (for) The director choked Jim off for being late again. CHOKE up  а) засорять; заглушать (сорными травами)  б) заносить (реку песком); запружать  в) загромождать  г) amer. = choke in CHOKE I  1. noun  1) припадок удушья  2) удушение  3) завязанный конец (мешка)  4) tech. воздушная заслонка; дроссель  5) electr. дроссельная катушка  2. v.  1) душить to choke the life out of - задушить кого-л.  2) давиться (от кашля); задыхаться (от волнения, гнева) tears choked him - слезы душили его be (all) choked up (about) - злиться на что-л., кого-л. (часто без достаточной причины)  3) заглушать (тж. choke up) to choke a fire - потушить огонь/костер to choke a plant - заглушать растение  4) засорять, забивать (тж. choke up) The room was choked up with furniture. The well was choked up with leaves.  5) tech. дросселировать; заглушать - choke back - choke down - choke in - choke off - choke up II noun сердцевина артишока CHOKE back сдерживать (чувства) Jim had to choke back his anger or he would have hit the man. CHOKE down  а) с трудом проглатывать (пищу) He hated the meal but choked it down out of politeness.  б) с трудом подавлять (слезы,...
Англо-русский словарь
  заслонка, шибер штуцер дроссель засорять; забивать; закупоривать CHOKING засорение; забивание; закупоривание; затор запирание потока choking of the ballast pipeline choking ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) шибер; заслонка 2) дроссель дросселировать 3) нефт. штуцер 4) питатель (литниковой системы) 5) лесн. чокеровать 6) воздушная заслонка (карбюратора) закрывать воздушную заслонку (карбюратора) 7) (электрический) реактор 8) (электрический) дроссель 9) уменьшение размеров изображения (при контактной печати) 10) закупоривать; засорять; забивать to run on choke — регулировать дебит (скважины) с помощью фонтанного штуцера - adjustable choke - audio-frequency choke - automatic choke - bottom-hole choke - broadband choke - cable choke - charging choke - decoupling choke - discharging choke - electric-assist choke - filter choke - interference-suppressing choke - low-frequency choke - orifice choke - plug choke - positive choke - protective choke - radio-frequency choke - removable choke - resonant choke - ripple filter choke - short-wave choke - smoothing choke - storm choke - stove choke - supply choke - surface choke - track choke - wave trap choke - wellhead choke ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. hinder or impede the breathing of (a person or animal) esp. by constricting the windpipe or (of gas, smoke, etc.) by being unbreathable. 2 intr. suffer a hindrance or stoppage of breath. 3 tr. & intr. make or become speechless from emotion. 4 tr. retard the growth of or kill (esp. plants) by the deprivation of light, air, nourishment, etc. 5 tr. (often foll. by back) suppress (feelings) with difficulty. 6 tr. block or clog (a passage, tube, etc.). 7 tr. (as choked adj.) colloq. disgusted, disappointed. 8 tr. enrich the fuel mixture in (an internal-combustion engine) by reducing the intake of air. --n. 1 the valve in the carburettor of an internal-combustion engine that controls the intake of air, esp. to enrich the fuel mixture. 2 Electr. an inductance coil used to smooth the variations of an alternating current or to alter its phase. Phrases and idioms choke-chain a chain looped round a dog's neck to exert control by pressure on its windpipe when the dog pulls. choke-cherry (pl. -cherries) an astringent N. American cherry, Prunus virginiana. choke-damp carbon dioxide in mines, wells, etc. choke down swallow with difficulty. choke up block (a channel etc.). Etymology: ME f. OE aceocian f. ceoce, cece CHEEK 2. n. the centre part of an artichoke. Etymology: prob. confusion of the ending of artichoke with CHOKE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; choking)  Etymology: Middle English, alteration of a~n, from Old English aceocian, from a-, perfective prefix + ceoce, ceace jaw, cheek — more at abide, cheek  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to check or block normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air  2.  a. to check or hinder the growth, development, or activity of the flowers were ~d by the weeds  b. to obstruct by filling up or clogging leaves ~d the drain  c. to fill completely ; jam roads ~d with traffic  3. to enrich the fuel mixture of (a motor) by partially shutting off the air intake of the carburetor  4. to grip (as a baseball bat) some distance from the end of the handle — usually used with up  intransitive verb  1. to become ~d in breathing he ~d on a bone  2.  a. to become obstructed or checked  b. to become or feel constricted in the throat (as from strong emotion) — usually used with up ~d up and couldn't finish the speech  3. to shorten one's grip especially on the handle of a bat — usually used with up  4. to lose one's composure and fail to perform effectively in a critical situation had a chance to win the game but he ~d  II. noun  Date: 1736  1. by folk etymology from arti~ the filamentous inedible center of an arti~ flower head; broadly an arti~ flower head  2. something that obstructs passage or flow: as  a. a valve for choking a gasoline engine  b. a constriction in an outlet (as of an oil well) that restricts flow  c. reactor 2  d. a constriction (as a narrowing of the barrel or an attachment) at the muzzle of a shotgun that serves to limit the spread of shot  3. the act of choking ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (chokes, choking, choked) 1. When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs. The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment... A small child could choke on the doll’s hair... Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her... The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke... Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke. VERB: V, V on n, V n, V to n, V-ing 2. To choke someone means to squeeze their neck until they are dead. The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie. = strangle VERB: V n 3. If a place is choked with things or people, it is full of them and they prevent movement in it. The village’s roads are choked with traffic... His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n, be V-ed by n 4. The choke in a car, truck, or other vehicle is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »STOP BREATHING« to prevent someone from breathing, or to be prevented from breathing, because your throat is blocked or because there is not enough air  (The fumes were choking me.) + on  (He choked to death on a fish bone.) 2 »INJURE« to prevent someone from breathing and hurt them by putting your hands around their throat and pressing on it  (Stop it - you're choking me!) 3 »BLOCK« to fill an area or passage so that it is difficult to move through it  (Weeds choked the canal. | The roads were choked with traffic.) 4 »VOICE« if your voice is choked or you choke with laughter or anger, your emotions make your voice sound strange and not very loud  ("She's been raped," he said in a voice choked with emotion.) 5 »SAY STH« also choke sth out to say something one word or phrase at a time in a strange voice, because you are very upset or angry or because you have been laughing  ("George," he choked out, "is that you, George?") 6 »SPORTS« AmE informal to fail at doing something, especially a sport, because there is a lot of pressure on you  (They choked in the playoffs and lost the series 4 games to 2.) 7 »PLANTS« to kill a plant by surrounding it with other plants that take away its light and room to grow  (The thistles choked the corn.) 8 choke a horse AmE spoken if something is big enough to choke a horse, it is very big or larger than usual  (a wad of bills big enough to choke a horse) choke sth back phr v to control your anger, sadness etc so that you do not show it  (I stood there trembling and trying to choke back the tears.) choke sth down phr v 1 to eat something with difficulty, especially because you are ill or upset  (He managed to choke down a sandwich.) 2 to choke something back choke off phr v to prevent someone from doing something or stop something happening  (A higher interest rate will choke off the demand for money.) choke up phr v be choked up to be very upset about something  (She and Mark broke up last week, and she's pretty choked up about it.) ~2 n 1 a piece of equipment in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1303, aphetic of acheken, from O.E. aceocian "to choke," with intensive a-, prob. from base of ceoke "jaw, cheek." Choke-cherry so called for its astringent qualities. Choker "large neckerchief" is from 1848. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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