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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - tip


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Перевод с английского языка tip на русский

1) высота головки зуба 2) рекомендация, совет
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См. в других словарях

  сущ. 1) общ. чаевые (небольшое денежное вознаграждение за услуги); небольшой (денежный) подарок to give smb a tip — давать чаевые (кому-л.) to leave a tip — оставлять чаевые a 10% tip — чаевые 10 % You don't need to give tips to the waiter or waitresses when they have it in the bill for service charge. — Вам не нужно давать чаевые официанту или официантке, если чаевые уже включены в счет за услуги. Syn: "gratuity 2) общ. совет, намек, подсказка а) (любые сведения, полученные частным образом) a few useful tips — сведения из достоверных источников the straight tip — сведения из достоверных источников tips for travellers — советы путешественникам б) бирж. (конфиденциальная информация о состоянии курсов акций на бирже (напр. сведения, полученные от работников компании, решение о приобретении ценных бумаг которой принимается)) See: inside information, insider trading в) общ. (конфиденциальная информация о наиболее вероятном исходе скачек, бегов и т. п.) TIP сущ. 1) конфиденциальная информация о состоянии курсов акций на бирже 2) разг. чаевые; небольшой (денежный) подарок - stock exchange tip TIP 1. сущ. 1) общ. чаевые (небольшое денежное вознаграждение за услуги); небольшой (денежный) подарок to give smb a tip — давать чаевые (кому-л.) to leave a tip — оставлять чаевые a 10% tip —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) (верхний) конец, верхушка 2) конечная верхушечная точка (побега) – dripping tip – olympia orange tip – rain tip – violet tip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (верхний) конец; верхушка, кончик; оконечность the tip of a cigar —- кончик сигары the tip of one's tongue —- кончик языка the tips of the ears —- кончики ушей tip of the lung —- анат. легочная верхушка the tip of the iceberg —- верхушка айсберга to walk on the tips of one's toes —- ходить на цыпочках 2. наконечник the tip of a stick —- наконечник трости the tip of a hat —- верхняя часть тульи шляпы rubber tips to put on the legs of a stool —- резиновые колпачки для ножек табурета 3. мундштук a cigarette with a cork tip —- сигарета с пробковым мундштуком 4. приварной или припаянный конец режущего инструмента 5. отпай (небольшой выступ на стекле после отпайки) 6. тонкая щеточка (из верблюжей шерсти) Id: from tip to toe —- с головы до ног (до пят) Id: to the tips of one's fingers —- основательно, досконально, в совершенстве; как свои пять пальцев Id: to be (to have it) on (at) the tip of one's tongue —- вертеться на языке Id: to have smth. at the tips of one's fingers —- знать что-л. как свои пять пальцев; иметь что-л. в полной готовности (наготове) 7. приставлять или надевать наконечник to have one's stick tipped —- укрепить на трости наконечник a staff tipped with gold —- жезл с золотым наконечником an arrow tipped with poison —- стрела с ядовитым наконечником; отравленная стрела 8. покрывать верхнюю часть mountains tipped with snow —- горы со...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over опрокидывать(ся); to tip up a seat откидывать сиденье TIP out вываливать(ся) TIP off наливать из сосуда TIP up опрокидывать(ся); to tip up a seat откидывать сиденье TIP mitt  а) здороваться (с кем-л.) за руку;  б) угадывать (чьи-л.) намерения, планы TIP I  1. noun  1) тонкий конец; кончик; I had it on the tip of my tongue - у меня это вертелось на языке; to walk on the tips of ones toes - ходить на цыпочках; to touch with the tips of ones fingers - слегка коснуться, едва дотронуться  2) наконечник (напр., зонта)  3) верхушка  2. v.  1) приставлять или надевать наконечник  2) срезать верхушки (куста, дерева) II  1. noun  1) легкий толчок, прикосновение  2) наклон  3) место свалки (мусора, отходов и т.п.)  2. v.  1) наклонять(ся); the boat tipped - лодка накренилась  2) перевешивать; to tip the scale(s) - склонить чашу весов; решить исход дела  3) слегка касаться или ударять  4) опрокидывать; сваливать, сбрасывать; опорожнять  5) запрокидываться - tip off - tip out - tip over - tip up to tip over the perch coll. - протянуть ноги, умереть Syn: cant, careen, heel, list, slant, slope, tilt III  1. noun  1) чаевые; to give a tip - давать на чай [см. тж. tip  1.  2) ]  2) намек, совет; take my tip - послушайтесь меня; to give a tip - намекнуть [см. тж. tip  1.  1) ]  3) сведения, полученные частным образом (особ. на бегах или в биржевых...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) верхушечный 2) верхушка 3) вершинка 4) головка штепселя 5) законцовка 6) конец 7) кончик 8) легкий толчок 9) мундштук 10) наклонять 11) наконечник 12) наральник 13) машиностр. носик 14) тех. орган исполнительный 15) прикосновение reproducing stylus tip — воспроизводящая игла tip of a plug — головка штепселя tip of a soldering bit — лезвие головки паяльника tip of soldering bit — жало паяльника - bucket tip control - cutter tip - cutting tip - exhaust tip - filter tip - plug tip - pole tip - staff tip adapter - tip car - tip chord - tip eddy - tip effect - tip lead - tip node - tip of tree - tip side - tip wire - torch tip - welding tip - wing tip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) вершина, верхушка 2) контакт, штырь 3) отпай – polar tip – reproducing stylus tip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  остриё; наконечник jetting tip pile tip switch-point tip ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вершина; верхушка 2) головка 3) заострённый или закруглённый конец; кончик 4) наконечник снабжать наконечником 5) рабочий конец электрода 6) насадок; мундштук 7) носок (литейного ковша) 8) отвал сваливать; сбрасывать 9) опрокидыватель опрокидывать; кантовать; опоражнивать (путём опрокидывания) 10) режущая кромка; режущая пластина (инструмента); лезвие режущей кромки 11) возд. законцовка, концевой обтекатель 12) контакт (в реле) 13) штырь (электрического соединителя) 14) отпай (выступ на баллоне лампы) 15) кончик крючка (трикотажной крючковой иглы) 16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша) 17) полигр. передняя кромка (листа бумажной ленты) 18) полигр. точечная склейка 19) постукивание; похлопывание постукивать; похлопывать 20) плоская широкая кисть (для крепления сусального золота) - arc tip - arcing tip - asperity tip - ball tip - brush tip - bucket tip - burning tip - bushing tip - ceramic tip - contact tip - crack tip - cutting edge tip - domain tip - domed tip - dome tip - fan blade tip - felt tip - fiber tip - filter tip - flame tip - flare tip - flat tip - fork tip - gouging tip - gripper tip - hard metal tip - head tip - HSS tool tip - interchangeable tip - lateral-drive tip - leading pole tip - metal tip - minimal configuration tip - nozzle tip - nylon tip - orificed tip - piezometer tip - pinion tip - polar tip - pole tip - positive-drive tip - protective sleeve tip - refuse tip - replaceable mandrel tip -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 an extremity or end, esp. of a small or tapering thing (tips of the fingers). 2 a small piece or part attached to the end of a thing, e.g. a ferrule on a stick. 3 a leaf-bud of tea. --v.tr. (tipped, tipping) 1 provide with a tip. 2 tr. (foll. by in) attach (a loose sheet) to a page at the inside edge. Phrases and idioms on the tip of one's tongue about to be said, esp. after difficulty in recalling to mind. the tip of the iceberg a small evident part of something much larger or more significant. Derivatives tipless adj. tippy adj. (in sense 3). Etymology: ME f. ON typpi (n.), typpa (v.), typptr tipped f. Gmc (rel. to TOP(1)): prob. reinforced by MDu. & MLG tip 2. v. & n. --v. (tipped, tipping) 1 a intr. lean or slant. b tr. cause to do this. 2 tr. (foll. by into etc.) a overturn or cause to overbalance (was tipped into the pond). b discharge the contents of (a container etc.) in this way. --n. 1 a a slight push or tilt. b a light stroke, esp. in baseball. 2 Brit. a place where material (esp. refuse) is tipped. Phrases and idioms tip the balance make the critical difference. tip the scales see SCALE(2). tip-up able to be tipped, e.g. of a seat in a theatre to allow passage past. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. uncert. 3. v. & n. --v. (tipped, tipping) (often foll. by over, up) 1 tr. make a small present of money to, esp. for a service given (have you tipped the porter?). 2 tr. name as the likely winner of a race or contest etc. 3 tr. strike or touch lightly. 4 tr. sl. give, hand, pass (esp. in tip the wink below). --n. 1 a small money present, esp. for a service given. 2 a piece of private or special information, esp. regarding betting or investment. 3 a small or casual piece of advice. Phrases and idioms tip off 1 give (a person) a hint or piece of special information or warning, esp. discreetly or confidentially. 2 Basketball start play by throwing the ball up between two opponents. tip-off a hint or warning etc. given discreetly or confidentially. tip a person the wink give a person private information....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. overturn, upset — usually used with over  2.  a. cant, tilt  b. to raise and tilt forward in salute ~ped his hat  intransitive verb  1. to become ~ped ; topple  2. lean, slant  II. noun  Date: 1673  1. the act or an instance of ~ping ; tilt  2. chiefly British a place for depositing something (as rubbish) by dumping  III. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~ped having a ~, from 4~  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to furnish with a ~  b.  (1) to cover or adorn the ~ of  (2) to blend (furs) for improved appearance by brushing the ~s of the hair with dye  2. to affix (an insert) in a book — often used with in  3. to remove the ends of ~ raspberries  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle High German zipf ~, Old English t?ppa tap — more at tap  Date: 14th century  1. the usually pointed end of something a pencil ~  2. a small piece or part serving as an end, cap, or point  • ~ped adjective  V. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe; akin to Low German ~pen to tap  Date: 15th century a light touch or blow  VI. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1567  transitive verb  1. to strike lightly ; tap  2. to give (as a baseball) a glancing blow  intransitive verb ~toe  VII. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1567  1. a piece of advice or expert or authoritative information  2. a piece of advance or confidential information given by one thought to have access to special or inside sources  VIII. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1883  1. to impart a piece of information or advice about or to — often used with off  2. chiefly British to mention as a likely candidate, prospective winner, or profitable investment ; tout 4  IX. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: perhaps from 6~  Date: circa 1610  transitive verb  1. give, present this crew has ~ped you the black spot — R. C. Stevenson  2. to give a gratuity to  intransitive verb to bestow a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tips, tipping, tipped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The tip of something long and narrow is the end of it. The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers... She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick... N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. If you tip an object or part of your body or if it tips, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other. He leaned away from her, and she had to tip her head back to see him... A young boy is standing on a stool, reaching for a cookie jar, and the stool is about to tip... VERB: V n adv/prep, V 3. If you tip something somewhere, you pour it there. Tip the vegetables into a bowl... Tip away the salt and wipe the pan. VERB: V n prep, V n with adv 4. To tip rubbish means to get rid of it by leaving it somewhere. (BRIT; in AM, use dump) ...the costs of tipping rubbish in landfills... How do you stop people tipping?... We live in a street off Soho Road and there’s rubbish tipped everywhere. VERB: V n, V, V-ed 5. A tip is a place where rubbish is left. (BRIT; in AM, use garbage dump) N-COUNT 6. If you describe a place as a tip, you mean it is very untidy. (BRIT INFORMAL) The flat is an absolute tip. N-COUNT 7. If you tip someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money in order to thank them for their services. Do you really think it’s customary to tip the waiters?... She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round. VERB: V n, V n amount • tipping A 10 percent service charge is added in lieu of tipping. N-UNCOUNT 8. If you give a tip to someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money to thank them for their services. I gave the barber a tip... N-COUNT 9. A tip is a useful piece of advice. It shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs. N-COUNT: oft N on/for -ing/n 10. If a person is tipped to do something or is tipped for success at something, experts or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »END« the end of something, especially something pointed  (Use the tip of the brush to paint fine lines. | The tip of her nose was red.)  (- see also fingertip) 2 »MONEY« a small amount of additional money that you give to someone, such as a waiter or a taxi driver  (Did you leave a tip? | a 10% tip) 3 »ADVICE« a helpful piece of advice + on  (Steve gave me some useful tips on how to take good pictures.) 4 »WASTE« BrE an area where unwanted waste is taken and left; dump2 (1)  (a rubbish tip) 5 »UNTIDY« BrE informal an extremely dirty or untidy place  (Your room's a real tip! When are you going to clean it?) 6 on the tip of your tongue if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it 7 the tip of the iceberg a small sign of a problem that is much larger  (The official statistics are probably only the tip of the iceberg.) 8 »HORSE RACE« informal special information about which horse will win a race ~2 v tipped, tipping 1 »FALL« also tip over/up to fall or turn over, or make something do this  (Careful you don't tip the milk jug over! | If you lean on the table, it'll tip up.) 2 »POUR« to pour something from one place or container into another  (tip sth out/into/onto etc)  (She weighed out the flour and tipped it out into a bowl.) 3 »LEAN« to lean at an angle instead of being level or straight, or to make something do this  (Sit still and don't tip the chair back.) 4 »MONEY« to give an additional amount of money to someone such as a waiter or taxi driver  (Did you remember to tip the waiter?) 5 »LIKELY TO SUCCEED« T usually passive especially BrE to say who you think is most likely to be successful at something  (tip sb as/for)  (She's been tipped for promotion. | tip sb/sth to do sth)  (a horse that was tipped to win) 6 »COVER« be tipped with to have one end covered in something  (arrows tipped with poison) 7 it's tipping down BrE spoken it is raining 8 tip the balance/scales to give a slight advantage to someone or something  (Your support tipped...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Thylakoid Insertion Protein physiol. abbr. Treatment Improvement Protocol polit. abbr. Tennessee Independent Party U.S. gov. abbr. Three I's Of Poverty U.S. gov. abbr. Treasury Investment Program U.S. gov. abbr. Turn In Poachers transport. abbr. Transportation Incentive Program transport. abbr. Transportation Improvement Plan transport. abbr. Transportation Improvement Program mil. abbr. Training In Place mil. abbr. Technology Insertion Plan mil. abbr. Technical Insertion Program mil. abbr. TACSIM Interface Processor mil. abbr. Technology Insertion Project mil. abbr. Tactical Impact Programs airport code Tripoli, Libya ocean sc. abbr. TAO Implementation Panel univ. abbr. Theories Into Practice univ. abbr. Turn In Problem electron. abbr. Tcl Improvement Proposal food abbr. Tablet Input Panel toastm. abbr. Talk Is Power softw. abbr. Tip Isn't Pico SMS abbr. To Insure Proper .... gen. comp. abbr. True Image Projector gen. comp. abbr. Texas Instruments Package telec. abbr. Telecommunications Infrastructure Planning media abbr. Truth In Programming media abbr. Talent Identification Program educ. abbr. Transformative Intercultural Pedagogy educ. abbr. Tabulation Interpretation And Placement sport abbr. Track Impact Program fam. abbr. Thomas P. O'Neil religion abbr. Time Is Precious law abbr. Terminable Interest Property law abbr. Turn In A Poacher law abbr. Total Inmate Penetration gen. bus. abbr. Technology Integration Project gen. bus. abbr. Trade Industry Profession gen. bus. abbr. To Insure Promptness gen. bus. abbr. Technical Improvement Program gen. bus. abbr. Technology Integrated Project gen. bus. abbr. Training In Partnership gen. bus. abbr. To Insure Prompt .... gen. bus. abbr. Technology Information Project gen. bus. abbr. To Insure Performance gen. bus. abbr. To Insure Policy gen. bus. abbr. Technology Infusion Project int. bus. abbr. Trade Investment Partnering pos. abbr. Talent Interest Profile st. exc. abbr. Trade In Process st. exc. abbr. Trade In Progress st. exc....
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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