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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - seek


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  гл. 1) пытаться, стараться 2) стремиться 3) прилагать усилия • - seek employment - seek for ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (часто for, after) искать, разыскивать; пытаться найти to seek (for) employment —- искать работу to seek an explanation of smb.'s conduct —- искать объяснение чьим-л. поступкам (чьему-л. поведению) to seek game —- искать дичь (о собаке) to seek safety in flight —- искать спасения в бегстве, спасаться бегством to seek shelter —- искать убежище; находить убежище to seek shelter from rain —- искать укрытие от дождя to go and seek smb. —- отправляться на поиски кого-л. they sought through the house —- они обыскали (весь) дом she seeks a situation (a place) as cook —- она ищет место кухарки what are you seeking for? —- что вы ищете? the cause is to be sought in his weakness —- причину следует искать (причина кроется) в его слабости the reason is not far to seek —- причина ясна, за объяснением далеко ходить не надо you will not have far to seek —- вам не придется долго искать an efficient secretary is yet to seek —- хорошего секретаря нелегко найти, квалифицированный секретарь - большая редкость talks have brought the results (for) which we were all seeking —- переговоры привели к желаемым результатам 2. добиваться to seek smb.'s approval —- добиваться чьего-л. одобрения to seek wealth —- добиваться (искать, жаждать) богатства to seek one's fortune —- искать счастья to seek satisfaction from smb. —- требовать у кого-л. удовлетворения to seek for sleep is only to drive it away —- стараться уснуть - это...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) искать, разыскивать; разузнавать; it is yet to seek - это еще не найдено; этого еще нет, это еще поискать надо; to seek safety - искать убежища; For over 100 years, men have sought for gold in the hills.  2) добиваться, стремиться; to seek fame - стремиться к славе; to seek damages of smb. - требовать возмещения убытков с кого-л.; to seek to make peace - пытаться помирить  3) просить, обращаться; to seek advice - обращаться за советом - seek after - seek for - seek out - seek through to seek smb. s life - покушаться на чью-л. жизнь seek dead! hunt. - ищи! Syn: see hunt SEEK after добиваться чего-л.; стремиться к чему-л. Many people spend years seeking after peace of mind. SEEK for добиваться чего-л. to be much sought for упорно добиваться чего-л. SEEK out искать, разыскивать кого-л. How can we seek out a really good person for the job? SEEK through обыскивать (место и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) поиск 2) время поиска – track seek ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) поиск 2) подвод головки (к требуемой дорожке магнитного диска) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. (past and past part. sought) 1 a tr. make a search or inquiry for. b intr. (foll. by for, after) make a search or inquiry. 2 tr. a try or want to find or get. b ask for; request (sought help from him; seeks my aid). 3 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) endeavour or try. 4 tr. make for or resort to (a place or person, for advice, health, etc.) (sought his bed; sought a fortune-teller; sought the shore). 5 tr. archaic aim at, attempt. 6 intr. (foll. by to) archaic resort. Phrases and idioms seek dead an order to a retriever to find killed game. seek out 1 search for and find. 2 single out for companionship, etc. sought-after much in demand; generally desired or courted. to seek (or much to seek or far to seek) deficient, lacking, or not yet found (the reason is not far to seek; an efficient leader is yet to seek). Derivatives seeker n. (also in comb.). Etymology: OE secan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (sought; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English seken, from Old English secan; akin to Old High German suohhen to ~, Latin sagus prophetic, Greek hegeisthai to lead  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to resort to ; go to  2.  a. to go in search of ; look for  b. to try to discover  3. to ask for ; request ~s advice  4. to try to acquire or gain ; aim at ~ fame  5. to make an attempt ; try — used with to and an infinitive governments…~ to keep the bulk of their people contented — D. M. Potter  intransitive verb  1. to make a search or inquiry  2.  a. to be sought  b. to be lacking in critical judgment…they were sadly to ~ — Times Literary Supplement  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (seeks, seeking, sought) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you seek something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one. (FORMAL) They have had to seek work as labourers... Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily... Candidates are urgently sought for the post of Conservative party chairman. VERB: V n, V n, be V-ed for n 2. When someone seeks something, they try to obtain it. (FORMAL) The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty... Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood. VERB: V n, V n 3. If you seek someone’s help or advice, you contact them in order to ask for it. (FORMAL) Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement... The couple have sought help from marriage guidance counsellors. VERB: V n, V n from n 4. If you seek to do something, you try to do it. (FORMAL) He also denied that he would seek to annex the country... VERB: V to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  univ. abbr. Sophomores Endeavoring To Expand Knowledge educ. abbr. Students Exploring Employment Knowledge educ. abbr. Structured Educational Experiences For Kids gen. bus. abbr. Shared Employee Expertise and Knowledge ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. secan "visit, inquire, pursue," influenced by O.N. soekja, both from P.Gmc. *sokjanan, from PIE *sag-. The modern form of the word as uninfluenced by O.N. is in beseech. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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