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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - puff


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  сущ. 1) общ. дуновение, порыв ветра; звук дуновения(издаваемый при выдохе или выпуске пара) 2) общ. дым, дымок, облако (дыма, пара и т. п.) 3) общ. затяжка (сигаретой и т. п.) 4) общ. пирожное 5) общ. буф (на платье) 6) общ. локон 7) общ. хвалебный отзыв, дифирамб 8) рекл. = puffing 2) PUFF = puffery ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. дуновение ветра there's hardly a puff of wind today —- сегодня нет ни ветерка 2. метеор. порыв ветра 3. струя воздуха 4. (короткий) выдох 5. разг. дыхание I'm quite out of puff —- я совсем запыхался 6. дымок; клуб (дыма, пара) puffs of smoke —- клубы табачного дыма 7. звук, издаваемый при выдохе или при выпуске воздуха, пара, газа; пыхтение паровоза 8. пуховка 9. буфы (на платье) 10. стеганое покрывало 11. слойка; слоеный пирожок cream puff —- слойка с кремом 12. вздутие, волдырь, шишка, опухоль 13. биол. пуф, вздутие (хромосомы) 14. незаслуженная похвала; дутая реклама to give a good puff to a book —- сильно разрекламировать книгу 15. завиток волос 16. сл. гомосексуалист 17. диал. гриб-дождевик (Calvatia gen.) 18. дуть порывами the air from the sea came puffing in our faces —- порывистый ветер с моря дул нам в лицо 19. отгонять, развеивать, относить в сторону дуновением 20. дымить, пускать клубы дыма, пара to puff at a pipe —- попыхивать трубкой 21. выбиваться, прорываться клубами 22. двигаться, выпуская клубы дыма the engine puffed slowly away —- паровоз медленно отошел, оставляя за собою клубы дыма 23. пыхтеть, тяжело дышать to puff and pant —- тяжело дышать 24. разг. запыхаться he was frightfully puffed after the run —- он ужасно запыхался от бега 25. пудрить 26. пудриться 27....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pastry слоеное тесто PUFF away  а) двигаться, оставляя за собой клубы дыма; The train puffed away.  б) дымить, пускать клубы дыма, пара; to puff away at a cigar попыхивать сигарой; Harold puffed away (at his pipe). PUFF up  а) подниматься клубами (о дыме и т.п.); Smoke puffed up from the forest fire.  б) распухать, вздуваться; His face was all puffed up.  в) coll. перехваливать; I think the newspapers have puffed up her performance; she wasnt all that good.  г) coll. важничать, кичиться, чваниться; The new girl seems rather puffed up, as if she thinks shes too important to talk to anybody. PUFF  1. noun  1) дуновение (ветра)  2) порыв, струя воздуха  3) дымок, клуб дыма  4) пуховка  5) буф (на платье)  6) стеганое покрывало  7) слойка; jam puff - слоеный пирожок с вареньем  8) незаслуженная похвала; дутая реклама  2. v.  1) дуть порывами  2) пыхтеть; to puff and blow/pant - тяжело дышать; to be puffed - запыхаться  3) дымить, пускать клубы дыма  4) курить  5) пудрить(ся)  6) преувеличенно расхваливать, рекламировать  7) кичиться, важничать - puff away - puff out - puff up PUFF out  а) задувать (свечу);  б) надувать(ся); раздувать(ся); As the wind rose, the sails puffed out and the little boat moved faster. In cold weather, birds puff out their feathers  в) выпячивать; puffed out with selfimportance полный чванства;  г) двигаться, выпуская клубы дыма; The train puffed out of the station.  д) выдыхать, выпускать (воздух, дым,...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) порыв ветра дуть порывами 2) струя воздуха 3) мн. ч. клубы (дыма, пара) 4) дымить 5) швейн. буф, прибавка на объёмность 6) сил. выдувать пульки to puff out — выбивать (газ из горелки) - gas puffs ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a short quick blast of breath or wind. b the sound of this; a similar sound. c a small quantity of vapour, smoke, etc., emitted in one blast (went up in a puff of smoke). 2 a cake etc. containing jam, cream, etc., and made of light esp. puff pastry. 3 a gathered mass of material in a dress etc. (puff sleeve). 4 a rolled protuberant mass of hair. 5 a an extravagantly enthusiastic review of a book etc., esp. in a newspaper. b an advertisement for goods etc., esp. in a newspaper. 6 = powder-puff. 7 US an eiderdown. 8 colloq. one's life (in all my puff). --v. 1 intr. emit a puff of air or breath; blow with short blasts. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by away, out, etc.) (of a person smoking, a steam engine, etc.) emit or move with puffs (puffing away at his cigar; a train puffed out of the station). 3 tr. (usu. in passive; often foll. by out) put out of breath (arrived somewhat puffed; completely puffed him out). 4 intr. breathe hard; pant. 5 tr. utter pantingly ('No more,' he puffed). 6 intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by up, out) become or cause to become inflated; swell (his eye was inflamed and puffed up; puffed up the balloon). 7 tr. (usu. foll. by out, up, away) blow or emit (dust, smoke, a light object, etc.) with a puff. 8 tr. smoke (a pipe etc.) in puffs. 9 tr. (usu. as puffed up adj.) elate; make proud or boastful. 10 tr. advertise or promote (goods, a book, etc.) with exaggerated or false praise. Phrases and idioms puff-adder a large venomous African viper, Bitis arietans, which inflates the upper part of its body and hisses when excited. puff and blow = sense 4 of v. puff-ball any of various fungi having a ball-shaped spore case. puff pastry light flaky pastry. puff-puff Brit. a childish word for a steam-engine or train. puff up = sense 9 of v. Etymology: ME puf, puffe, perh. f. OE, imit. of the sound of breath ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pyffan, of imitative origin  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to blow in short gusts  (2) to exhale forcibly  b. to breathe hard ; pant  c. to emit small whiffs or clouds (as of smoke) often as an accompaniment to vigorous action ~ at a pipe  2. to speak or act in a scornful, conceited, or exaggerated manner  3.  a. to become distended ; swell — usually used with up  b. to open or appear in or as if in a ~  4. to form a chromosomal ~  transitive verb  1.  a. to emit, propel, blow, or expel by or as if by ~s ; waft  b. to draw on (as a cigar, cigarette, or pipe) with intermittent exhalations of smoke  2.  a. to distend with or as if with air or gas ; inflate  b. to make proud or conceited ; elate  c.  (1) to praise extravagantly and usually with exaggeration authors ~ing their own work  (2) advertise  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. an act or instance of ~ing ; whiff  b. a slight explosive sound accompanying a ~  c. a perceptible cloud or aura emitted in a ~  d. draw 1a  2. a light round hollow pastry  3.  a. a slight swelling ; protuberance  b. a fluffy mass: as  (1) pouf 2  (2) a small fluffy pad for applying cosmetic powder  (3) a soft loose roll of hair  (4) a quilted bed covering  4. a commendatory or promotional notice or review  5. an enlarged region of a chromosome that is associated with intensely active genes involved in RNA synthesis  • ~iness noun  • ~y adjective  III. adjective  Date: 1943 of, relating to, or designed for promotion or flattery a ~ piece in the paper ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (puffs, puffing, puffed) 1. If someone puffs at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it. He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice... VERB: V at/on n • Puff is also a noun. She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette like a beginner. = drag N-COUNT 2. If you puff smoke or moisture from your mouth or if it puffs from your mouth, you breathe it out. Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling... The weather was dry and cold; wisps of steam puffed from their lips. VERB: V n, V prep • Puff out means the same as puff. He drew heavily on his cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 3. If an engine, chimney, or boiler puffs smoke or steam, clouds of smoke or steam come out of it. As I completed my 26th lap the Porsche puffed blue smoke. VERB: V n 4. A puff of something such as air or smoke is a small amount of it that is blown out from somewhere. Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland. N-COUNT: usu N of n 5. If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort. I know nothing about boxing, but I could see he was unfit, because he was puffing. VERB: usu cont, V 6. see also puffed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  NASDAQ abbr. Grand Havana Enterprises, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. pyffian "an act of puffing," of imitative origin. Used of small swellings and round protuberances since 16c. Meaning "small pad for applying powder to skin or hair" is from 1658. Figurative sense of "flattery, inflated praise" is first recorded 1732. Puffy "swollen" is from 1664. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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