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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - grey


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Перевод с английского языка grey на русский

серый - grey wedge
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См. в других словарях

  1. серый цвет dull grey —- тускло-серый цвет charcoal grey —- темно-серый цвет 2. оттенок серого цвета 3. серая краска to paint smth. with grey —- окрасить что-л серой краской, окрасить что-л в серый цвет 4. серая материя to dress in grey —- одеваться в серое 5. неотбеленная материя goods in the grey, greys —- изделия из сырцовых тканей 6. лошадь серой масти 7. седина the grey of his hair —- седина в его волосах his hair is touched with grey —- его голова тронута сединой 8. сумрак the grey of the dawn —- предрассветная мгла the grey of the morning —- сумрачное утро 9. драгуны (2-й драгунский полк армии Великобритании) 10. ам. ист. военная форма солдат армии южан (во время гражданской войны 1861-1865 гг.) to wear the grey —- носить военную форму южан; быть солдатом армии южан, быть конфедератом 11. разг. серые фланелевые брюки 12. серый grey eyes —- серые глаза grey horse —- серая лошадь grey wash —- серая акварель painted grey —- окрашенный в серый цвет at sunset the room fills with grey shadows —- вечером комната наполняется серыми тенями 13. серый; землистого цвета; "зеленый" ashen grey —- мертвенно-бледный to turn grey —- сделаться бледным his face looked grey —- у него был серый вид 14. седой; сивый grey hair —- седые волосы grey hairs —- седины; старость to turn grey —- седеть; стареть, стариться to grow grey in the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  hairs седины; fig. старость GREY mare женщина, держащая своего мужа под башмаком GREY matter noun  1) серое вещество мозга  2) coll. ум GREY goose noun дикий гусь GREY area noun серая зона, нечто среднее, ни то ни се GREY friar noun францисканец (монах) GREY  1. adj.  1) серый  2) седой - grey hairs - turn grey  3) бледный, болезненный  4) пасмурный, сумрачный  5) мрачный, невеселый - grey mare Syn: see gloomy  2. noun  1) серый цвет  2) седина  3) серый костюм  4) лошадь серой масти  3. v.  1) делать(ся) серым  2) седеть ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj., n., & v. (US gray) --adj. 1 of a colour intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead. 2 a (of the weather etc.) dull, dismal; heavily overcast. b bleak, depressing; (of a person) depressed. 3 a (of hair) turning white with age etc. b (of a person) having grey hair. 4 anonymous, nondescript, unidentifiable. --n. 1 a a grey colour or pigment. b grey clothes or material (dressed in grey). 2 a cold sunless light. 3 a grey or white horse. --v.tr. & intr. make or become grey. Phrases and idioms grey area 1 a situation or topic sharing features of more than one category and not clearly attributable to any one category. 2 S.Afr. an area where Black and Coloured people live (usu. illicitly) alongside White. 3 Brit. an area in economic decline. grey eminence = {Eacute}MINENCE GRISE. Grey Friar a Franciscan friar. grey goose = GREYLAG. grey-hen the female of the black grouse (cf. BLACKCOCK). grey matter 1 the darker tissues of the brain and spinal cord consisting of nerve-cell bodies and branching dendrites. 2 colloq. intelligence. grey squirrel an American squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, brought to Europe in the 19th c. Derivatives greyish adj. greyly adv. greyness n. Etymology: OE gr{aelig}g f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   variant of gray GREY  I. biographical name  2d Earl 1764-1845 Charles ~ English statesman; prime minister (1830-34)  II. biographical name Sir Edward 1862-1933 Viscount ~ of Fallodon English politician  III. biographical name Lady Jane 1537-1554 titular queen of England for 9 days  IV. biographical name Zane 1875-1939 American novelist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (greyer, greyest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'gray' 1. Grey is the colour of ashes or of clouds on a rainy day. ...a grey suit. COLOUR 2. You use grey to describe the colour of people’s hair when it changes from its original colour, usually as they get old. ...my grey hair... Eddie was going grey. ADJ 3. If the weather is grey, there are many clouds in the sky and the light is dull. It was a grey, wet April Sunday. ADJ • greyness ...winter’s greyness. N-UNCOUNT 4. If you describe a situation as grey, you mean that it is dull, unpleasant, or difficult. Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless. = bleak ADJ • greyness In this new world of greyness there is an attempt to remove all risks. N-UNCOUNT 5. If you describe someone or something as grey, you think that they are boring and unattractive, and very similar to other things or other people. ...little grey men in suits. ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval • greyness Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 6. Journalists sometimes use grey to describe things concerning old people. There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week, when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind. ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 usually gray AmE adj 1 »COLOUR« having a colour of black mixed with white, like the colour of ash  (an old lady with grey hair | a grey sky) 2 »HAIR« having grey hair  (go grey)  (My brother went grey in his forties.) 3 »FACE« looking pale because you are tired, frightened, or ill  (Noel's face was gray with fatigue.) 4 »BORING« boring and unattractive; gloomy  (the grey anonymous men in government offices) 5 »OF OLD PEOPLE« BrE connected with old people  (the grey vote) 6 grey area an area of law or science that cannot be dealt with in a definite way because it is outside those areas that have clear rules and limits ~2 usually gray AmE n the colour of smoke and rain clouds  (dull greys and browns) ~3 usually gray AmE v  if someone greys, their hair becomes grey  (Jim's beginning to gray at the temples.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Grey Advertising, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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