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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - acclimatize


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См. в других словарях

  1. акклиматизировать to acclimatize oneself to the surroundings —- примениться (привыкнуть) к окружающей обстановке 2. акклиматизироваться these roses do not easily acclimatize —- эти розы плохо приживаются в новых условиях ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) акклиматизировать to acclimatize oneself to the surroundings - привыкнуть к окружающей обстановке  2) refl. акклиматизироваться also fig. these roses do not easily acclimatize - эти розы плохо приживаются в новых условиях - acclimatize to ACCLIMATIZE to приспосабливать(ся), адаптировать(ся) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  акклиматизировать(ся) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. (also -ise) 1 tr. accustom to a new climate or to new conditions. 2 intr. become acclimatized. Derivatives acclimatization n. Etymology: F acclimater: see ACCLIMATE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (-tized; -tizing)  Date: 1836 acclimate  • acclimatization noun  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (acclimatizes, acclimatizing, acclimatized) Note: in BRIT, also use 'acclimatise' When you acclimatize or are acclimatized to a new situation, place, or climate, you become used to it. (FORMAL) The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo... This year he has left for St Louis early to acclimatise himself... They have been travelling for two days and will need some time to acclimatise. VERB: V to n, V pron-refl, V • acclimatization Acclimatization to higher altitudes may take several weeks. N-UNCOUNT • acclimatized It took her a while to get acclimatized to her new surroundings... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ also -ise BrE also acclimate AmE v to become used to a new place, situation or type of weather, or to make someone become used to it get acclimatized  (It usually takes a while to get acclimatized to living in a new place.) - acclimatization n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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