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Англо-русский строительный словарь - zone


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Перевод с английского языка zone на русский

зона; полоса; пояс; район; функциональная зона (планировочная) zone divided into plots zone non aedificandi zone not scheduled for development zone restricted to entry zone to be cleaned up zone to be provided with facilities zone to be redivided zone of height limitation zone of imperfection zone of influence zone of linearity zone of mountain economy access zone accumulation zone active zone administrative zone agricultural zone anchorage zone anchorage zone of fanned-out wires audibility zone bending compression zone bond zone border zone boundary zone breathing zone buffer zone clearly demarcated zone climatic zone collective dwellings zone comfort zone commercial zone compensation zone compression zone compressive zone compressive zone of the concrete constructable zone control zone dead zone dead air zone deprived zone de-stressed zone disaster zone dwellings zone earthquake zone easily flooded zone exit zone exterior zone failure zone flood zone forbidden zone fracture zone frontier zone green zone height zone above curb individual dwellings zone industrial zone interior zone leisure zone limited access zone market-gardening zone mixed zone mixed development zone mixed dwellings zone neutral zone occupied zone operating zone operational zone overpopulated zone perimeter zone pressure zone protected zone provision zone reafforestation zone recreational zone regulated traffic zone residential zone runway clear zone rural zone safety zone sanitary protection zone sewer zone stagnant air zone suburban zone supply zone tensile zone tensile zone of the concrete tension zone threshold zone throttling zone tidal zone touristic zone traffic zone transition zone transmission zone twilight zone university zone unsanitary zone urban zone visibility zone water protection zone wave zone working zone
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См. в других словарях

  1) зона; пояс 2) район, область 3) интервал – zone of protection – auroral zone – burglary zone – bypass zone – diffraction zone – E-zone – equisignal zone – external zone – fire zone – Fresnel zone – hyperacoustic zone – interior zone – mutual-coverage zone – primary-skip zone – search zone – servicing zone – silent zone – status zone – switching zone – time zone – tripping zone – wave zone – working zone – zero-signal zone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) зона 2) зональный 3) зонировать 4) зонный 5) область 6) опоясывать 7) полоса 8) полоска 9) пояс 10) поясной 11) разделять на зоны 12) разыскировать 13) участок altitudinal frontal zone — зона фронтальная высотная depth of hardening zone — глубина закаленного слоя floating zone melting — метал. метод бестигельный, метод плавающей зоны Fresnel zone clearance — чистота зоны Френеля inert zone unit — блок имитации зоны нечувствительности lost-circulation zone detector — энерг. локатор зоны потерь циркуляции zone customer number — зоновый номер абонента zone of one base — сферический сегмент zone position indicator — тех. индикатор зоны - border zone - boundary zone - contour zone - crumple zone - determinate zone - dispersal zone - equilibrium zone - equisignal zone - far zone - forbidden zone - heat-affected zone - holding zone - indeterminate zone - induction zone - inert zone - melting zone - near zone - pertaining to zone - radiation zone - shadow zone - spherical zone - temperate zone - time zone - zone astrograph - zone melting - zone metering - zone observation - zone of ambiguity - zone of indifference - zone of infection - zone of linearity - zone of preference - zone of sphere - zone smelting - zone time ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  зонировать, разделять на зоны ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  зона, пояс; полоса, район – zone of ignorance – zone of natural business expansion – adjacent zone – broadcasting zone – buffer zone – city zone – exclusion zone – exclusive economic zone – free economic zone – protection zone – retail trading zone – safety zone – time zone – tolerance zone – trade zone ZONE 1. сущ. зона, пояс, район - Canal Zone - Exclusive Economic Zone - blockaded zone - buffer zone - determinate zone - dollar zone - economic zone - express zone - foreign trade zone - free zone - indeterminate zone - tariff zone - temperate zone - torrid zone - zone of preference - zone tariff - zone time Syn: area, region, territory, range 2. гл. 1) устанавливать зональный тариф, зональные цены 2) разделять на/устанавливать зоны, отводить районы - zone for industry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  зона; пояс; область – zone of complete inhibition – zone of continued sampling – zones of inhibited phage plaques – zones of life – abscission zone – absorbing zone – acceptance zone – adaptive zone – adoral spiral zone – annual zone – aphotic zone – aphytal zone – archibenthic zone – arid zone – backwater zone – bathyal zone – buffer zone – coastal zone – cold-temperate zone – dead zone – desert zone – disphotic zone – distal zone – equatorial zone – eqivalence zone – euphotic zone – fishery conservation zone – fishing zone – forest zone – forest-steppe zone – frigid zone – growth zone – hadal zone – hybrid zone – indifference zone – intermediate zone – intertidal zone – language zone – life zone – Lissauer's zone – mantle zone – marginal zone – motor zone – niveal zone – photic zone – photosynthetic zone – phytal zone – polar zone – preference zone – proliferation zone – proximal zone – reflexogenic zone – rejection zone – root zone – splash zone – spray zone – steppe zone – surf zone – taiga zone – T-cell zone – temperate zone – tidal zone – transitional zone – trigger zone – tropical zone – tundra zone – vegetation zone – warm-temperate zone – windbreak zone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. зона, пояс; район free zone —- вольная гавань, порто-франко demilitarized zone —- демилитаризованная зона dollar zone —- долларовая зона frigid zone —- метеор. арктический пояс time zone —- часовой пояс annual zone —- бот. годичное кольцо, годичный слой parking-meter zone —- платная (авто)стоянка silent (skip) zone, zone of silence —- рад. физ. зона молчания, мертвая зона radiation zone —- зона облучения; спец. активная зона (ядерного реактора) defence zone —- спорт. зона защиты zone of convergence —- спец. зона конвергенции zone of advance —- воен. полоса продвижения (наступления) zone of fire —- воен. сектор (полоса) огня 2. зона единого тарифа, тарифная зона (на транспорте, в связи и т. п.) 3. ам. район отделения связи 4. уст. пояс, кушак 5. мат. пояс 6. полоса, кольцо (другого цвета или фактуры) 7. разделять на зоны, на пояса; районировать to zone for industry —- отводить районы для промышленного строительства the city was zoned for factories and residences —- город был разделен на жилые и промышленные районы 8. устанавливать зональный тариф, поясные цены и т. п. 9. опоясывать 10. делать полосатым ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) зона, пояс, полоса; район; temperate zones - умеренные пояса  2) amer. район отделения связи  3) obs.; poet. пояс, кушак  4) attr. зональный; поясной; региональный - zone time  2. v.  1) опоясывать  2) разделять на зоны  3) устанавливать зональный тариф или зональные цены ZONE time поясное время ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) зона; область; район; участок 2) диапазон 3) матем. шаровой пояс 4) интервал (ствола скважины) 5) слой (древесины) 6) зонировать - zone of maximum heat release - zone of protection - zone of silence - zone of slippage on the delivery side - zone of suspended water - zone of vision - abnormally pressured zone - abutment zone - acceptance zone - accumulation zone - active zone - active combustion zone - adhesion zone - aerodrome controlled zone - affected zone - allowable zone - anacoustic zone - annealing zone - annual zone - approach zone - arc zone - arid zone - auroral zone - backflow zone - backwater zone - bisignal zone - blanking zone - blind zone - boundary zone of capillary - brittle zone - broadcasting zone - buffer zone - burning zone - catabolic zone - channel-hole zone - chill zone - chromatographic zone - cold zone - columnar zone - combustion zone - commutation zone - compression zone - compressive stress zone - conjugate zone - conservation zone - constraint zone - contact zone - control zone - controlled combustion zone - cooling zone - core zone - core boiling zone - crack-tip plastic zone - crooked hole zone - danger zone - dead zone - density transition zone - deposited-metal zone - diffused zone - dig-in zone - disengaging zone - display zone - doped zone - drift zone - ecological zone - emergency planning zones - entry zone - equalizing zone - equiaxed zone - equiphase zone - evaporation zone - far-field zone - far zone - fast cooling zone - feeding zone - filling zone - fining zone - firing zone - floating zone - float zone - flooding zone - flood zone - flushed zone - fluxed zone - forbidden zone - fractured zone - fracture zone - Fraunhofer zone - free zone - Freshel zone - frontal zone - frost zone - furnace zone - fusion zone - gas-bearing zone - gas cutoff zone - glass-forming zone - glide zone - grain-refined zone - hardened zone - hearth soaking zone - heat-affected zone - heat-control zone - heat-exchange zone -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an area having particular features, properties, purpose, or use (danger zone; erogenous zone; smokeless zone). 2 any well-defined region of more or less beltlike form. 3 a an area between two exact or approximate concentric circles. b a part of the surface of a sphere enclosed between two parallel planes, or of a cone or cylinder etc., between such planes cutting it perpendicularly to the axis. 4 (in full time zone) a range of longitudes where a common standard time is used. 5 Geol. etc. a range between specified limits of depth, height, etc., esp. a section of strata distinguished by characteristic fossils. 6 Geog. any of five divisions of the earth bounded by circles parallel to the equator (see FRIGID, TEMPERATE, TORRID). 7 an encircling band or stripe distinguishable in colour, texture, or character from the rest of the object encircled. 8 archaic a belt or girdle worn round the body. --v.tr. 1 encircle as or with a zone. 2 arrange or distribute by zones. 3 assign as or to a particular area. Derivatives zonal adj. zoning n. (in sense 3 of v.). Etymology: F zone or L zona girdle f. Gk zone ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin zona belt, ~, from Greek zone; akin to Lithuanian juosti to gird  Date: 15th century  1.  a. any of five great divisions of the earth's surface with respect to latitude and temperature — compare frigid ~, temperate ~, torrid ~  b. a portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes  2. archaic girdle, belt  3.  a. an encircling anatomical structure  b.  (1) a subdivision of a biogeographic region that supports a similar fauna and flora throughout its extent  (2) such a ~ dominated by a particular life form  c. a distinctive belt, layer, or series of layers of earth materials (as rock)  4. a region or area set off as distinct from surrounding or adjoining parts  5. one of the sections of an area or territory created for a particular purpose: as  a. a ~d section of a city  b.  (1) any of the eight concentric bands of territory centered on a given postal shipment point designated as a distance bracket for United States parcel post to which mail is charged at a single rate  (2) a distance within which the same fare is charged by a common carrier  c. an area on a field of play  d. a stretch of roadway or a space in which certain traffic regulations are in force  6. ~ defense  7. a temporary state of heightened concentration experienced by a performing athlete that enables peak performance players in the ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; zoning)  Date: 1782  1. to surround with a ~ ; encircle  2. to arrange in or mark off into ~s; specifically to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (as residence or business)  • ~r noun  III. adjective  Date: 1795  1. zonal 1  2. of, relating to, or occurring in a ~ defense a ~ press a ~ blitz ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (zones, zoning, zoned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A zone is an area that has particular features or characteristics. Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone... The area has been declared a disaster zone. ...time zones. N-COUNT: oft n N 2. If an area of land is zoned, it is formally set aside for a particular purpose. The land was not zoned for commercial purposes... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed • zoning ...the use of zoning to preserve agricultural land... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a large area that is different from other areas around it in some way  (This is a no-parking zone. | a nuclear-free zone | danger zone (=an area where it is dangerous to go) | war/battle/combat zone)  (The south side of the city has virtually become a war zone. | pedestrian zone (=an area where no cars are allowed) | residential/industrial/commercial etc zone (=an area of a city that is used for a particular purpose, such as houses or shops))  (- see also buffer zone buffer1 (3), erogenous zone, exclusion zone exclusion (3), time zone) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1390, from L. zona "geographical belt, celestial zone," from Gk. zone "a belt," from zonnynai "to gird." Originally one of the five great divisions of the earth's surface (torrid, temperate, frigid; separated by tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and arctic and antarctic circles); meaning "any discrete region" is first recorded 1822. Zoned (adj.) in drug-use sense is 1960s, from ozone, which is found high in the atmosphere; the verb to zone is from 1980s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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