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Англо-русский строительный словарь - wire


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Перевод с английского языка wire на русский

проволока провод alignment wire aluminum wire annealed wire barbed wire binding wire cold-drawn wire crimped wire drop wire fanned-out wire galvanized wire ground wire hard-drawn wire hot wires hot-rolled wire indented wire lead-in wire lining wire rolled wire screed wire steel wire stressing wire tie wire
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  1) проволока 2) провод 3) (диэлектрический) волновод – antenna wire – busbar wire – damping wires – dielectric wire – drop wire – equipment wire – field wire – flat wire – flexible wire – FOC-cored phase wire – FOC-cored static wire – guide wire – guy wire – high-frequency winding wire – Lecher wires – line wire – office wire – open wire – order wire – plug wire – radio wire – return wire – screened wire – steel wire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) связь депеша 2) донесение 3) игольчатый чесальный 4) металлический 5) монтировать 6) передавать по проводам 7) провод 8) проволока 9) проволочный 10) соединять проводами angular wire gauge — разрезной номерник antiflex flying wire — контроттяжка bridge wire ignition — зажигание электрозапалом broom end of wire rope — распустить конец троса coiled electrode wire — электродная проволока в мотках coiling diameter of wire — диаметр навивания провода lease wire circuit — арендованная цепь open wire fuse — открытый предохранитель плавкий ordeneer's order wire — служебная линия связи paper wire side — сеточная сторона бумаги round wire rod — катанка круглого сечения telephone drop wire — абонентский ввод twin wire control — двухпроводное управление vibrating wire transducer — струнный датчик wedge wire screen — щелевой грохот wire breakage detector — индикатор обрыва провода wire color code — расцветка проводов wire delay line — проволочная линия задержки wire drawing die — метал. инструмент волочильный wire line grab — ловильный ерш wire strain gage — тех. тензометр проволочный - Litz wire - Wollaston wire - antenna wire - bank wire - barbed wire - bare wire - base wire - binding wire - block wire - bond wire - braided wire - current-carrying wire - drawing-in wire - feed wire - filament wire - fish wire - grid wire - ground wire - hard-drawn wire - heavy-gage wire - heavy-gauge wire - holding wire - hookup wire - hot wire - hot-drawn wire - ignition wire - inhibit...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) проволока 2) телеграмма - wire for Syn: cable, telegram 2. гл. телеграфировать Syn: cable, telegraph ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – planting wire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. проволока elastic wire —- проволочная пружина 2. электрический провод 3. телеграфный или телефонный провод 4. телеграфная или телефонная связь 5. ам. разг. телеграмма to send a wire —- послать телеграмму, телеграфировать 6. pl. механизм управления куклами в кукольном театре 7. pl. тайные пружины, скрытые силы, руководящие действиями лиц или организаций to pull the wires —- нажимать на тайные пружины, пустить в ход связи; тайно влиять (на что-л.) 8. линия финиша на скачках 9. разг. трос 10. редк. струна 11. редк. проволочная сетка 12. заграждение или ограда из (колючей) проволоки under wire —- обнесенный колючей проволокой 13. жарг. предупреждение, тайный сигнал to give smb. the wire —- тайно предупредить кого-л. 14. охот. проволочный силок (на зайцев) 15. разг. жесткошерстный терьер 16. сл. ловкий карманник Id: to be on wires —- быть в состоянии нервного возбуждения; дергаться (от нетерпения и т. п.); быть как на иголках Id: under the wire —- ам. у линии финиша; в последнюю минуту Id: to get one's wires crossed —- перепутать, неправильно понять 17. связывать или скреплять проволокой (также wire together) 18. прокладывать или монтировать проводку to wire a house for electricity —- провести в дом электричество 19. воен. прокладывать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  entanglement проволочное заграждение WIRE fence проволочная изгородь WIRE gauge проволочный калибр WIRE in  а) = wire  4) ;  б) sl. стараться изо всех сил WIRE netting сетка из тонкой проволоки WIRE stitcher проволокошвейная машина WIRE tapping перехват телефонных сообщений; подслушивание телефонных разговоров WIRE wool noun проволочная мочалка WIRE  1. noun  1) проволока; провод  2) телеграф; by wire - по телеграфу, телеграммой; Ill reply by wire - я отвечу телеграммой  3) coll. телеграмма; send me a wire - известите меня телеграммой  4) attr. проволочный; wire hanger - проволочная вешалка для одежды - be on wires to give smb. the wire тайно предупредить кого-л.  2. v.  1) связывать или скреплять проволокой  2) устанавливать или монтировать провода (тж. wire up)  3) телеграфировать  4) mil. устраивать проволочные заграждения; окружать проволокой - wire in ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) проволока скреплять [связывать] проволокой 2) трос 3) (одножильный) провод 4) монтировать ((электро) проводку или провода); прокладывать провода 5) эл., вчт. шина 6) проволочное соединение; проводное соединение соединять [монтировать] проволокой 7) формировать (меж)соединения; выполнять разводку (межсоединений) 8) проволочная пила 9) связь передавать по проводам 10) ваер (буксировочный трос трала) wire in coils — проволока в бухтах - active wires - address wire - aerial wire - aerial contact wire - aluminum wire - aluminum-clad wire - alumoweld wire - ampere wires - anchor wire - annealed wire - antenna wire - armature binding wire - armoring wire - baling wire - barbed wire - bare wire - bead wire - bell wire - bethanized wire - bimetallic wire - binding wire - bit wire - black-drawn wire - black wire - bond wire - bonding wire - bracing wire - braided wire - brazing wire - bright wire - broken wire - bundle wires - busbar wire - carrying wire - catenary wire - ceramic wire - clad wire - clipped wire - coarse wire - coated wire - coils wire - cold-drawn wire - common wire - composite wire - composite ground wire with optical fibers - connecting wire - contact wire - control wire - copper wire - copper-clad wire - copper-coated wire - coppered wire - core wire - cotton-covered wire - cotton-enamel covered wire - covered wire - current-carrying wire - dead wire - dead-drawn wire - diamond impregnated wire - diamond wire - drawn wire - drop wire - dumet wire - duplex wire - earth wire - electrode wire - enameled wire - equipment wire - exploding wire - fastening wire - fiber-optic cored shield wire - field wire - filamentary wire - filler wire - finer wire - fishing wire - fixture wire - flameproof wire - flat wire...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a metal drawn out into the form of a thread or thin flexible rod. b a piece of this. c (attrib.) made of wire. 2 a length or quantity of wire used for fencing or to carry an electric current etc. 3 esp. US colloq. a telegram or cablegram. --v.tr. 1 provide, fasten, strengthen, etc., with wire. 2 (often foll. by up) Electr. install electrical circuits in (a building, piece of equipment, etc.). 3 esp. US colloq. telegraph (wired me that they were coming). 4 snare (an animal etc.) with wire. 5 (usu. in passive) Croquet obstruct (a ball, shot, or player) by a hoop. Phrases and idioms by wire by telegraph. get one's wires crossed become confused and misunderstood. wire brush 1 a brush with tough wire bristles for cleaning hard surfaces, esp. metal. 2 a brush with wire strands brushed against cymbals to produce a soft metallic sound. wire cloth cloth woven from wire. wire-cutter a tool for cutting wire. wire gauge 1 a gauge for measuring the diameter of wire etc. 2 a standard series of sizes in which wire etc. is made. wire gauze a stiff gauze woven from wire. wire grass any of various grasses with tough wiry stems. wire-haired (esp. of a dog) having stiff or wiry hair. wire mattress a mattress supported by wires stretched in a frame. wire netting netting of wire twisted into meshes. wire rope rope made by twisting wires together as strands. wire-tapper a person who indulges in wire-tapping. wire-tapping the practice of tapping (see TAP(1) v. 4) a telephone or telegraph line to eavesdrop. wire-walker an acrobat performing feats on a wire rope. wire wheel a vehicle-wheel with spokes of wire. wire wool a mass of fine wire for cleaning. Derivatives wirer n. Etymology: OE wir ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wir; akin to Old High German wiara fine gold work, Latin viere to plait, and probably to Greek iris rainbow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. metal in the form of a usually very flexible thread or slender rod  b. a thread or rod of such material  2.  a. ~work  b. the meshwork of parallel or woven ~ on which the wet web of paper forms  3. something (as a thin plant stem) that is ~like  4. plural  a. a system of ~s used to operate the puppets in a puppet show  b. hidden influences controlling the action of a person or organization  5.  a. a line of ~ for conducting electric current — compare cord 3b  b. a telephone or telegraph ~ or system; especially ~ service  c. telegram, cablegram  6. fencing or a fence of usually barbed ~  7.  a. the finish line of a race  b. the final decisive moment (as of a contest) the negotiations came down to the ~  8. ~hair  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; wiring)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to provide with ~ ; use ~ on for a specific purpose  2. to send or send word to by telegraph  3. to connect by or as if by a ~  4. to predispose, determine, or establish genetically or innately controversy over the extent to which human violence is ~d biologically  intransitive verb to send a telegraphic message  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wires, wiring, wired) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A wire is a long thin piece of metal that is used to fasten things or to carry electric current. ...fine copper wire. ...gadgets which detect electrical wires, pipes and timbers in walls. N-VAR 2. A wire is a cable which carries power or signals from one place to another. I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office. ...the voltage of the overhead wires. = cable N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. If you wire something such as a building or piece of equipment, you put wires inside it so that electricity or signals can pass into or through it. ...learning to wire and plumb the house herself... Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television. ...a badly wired appliance. VERB: V n, be V-ed for n, V-ed • Wire up means the same as wire. He was helping wire up the Channel Tunnel last season... Wire the thermometers up to trigger off an alarm bell if the temperature drops... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 4. A wire is the same as a telegram. (mainly AM) N-COUNT 5. If you wire an amount of money to a person or place, you tell a bank to send it to the person or place using a telegram message. (mainly AM) I’m wiring you some money... They arranged to wire the money from the United States... VERB: V n n, V n prep 6. If something goes to the wire, it continues until the last possible moment. (mainly JOURNALISM) Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement. PHRASE 7. see also barbed wire, high wire, hot-wire, live wire ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 thin metal in the form of a thread  (String wasn't strong enough, so we used wire. | a wire fence) 2 a piece of metal like this, usually covered in plastic, used for taking electricity from one place to another 3 get your wires crossed to become confused about what someone is saying because you think they are talking about something else 4 right down to the wire informal with very little time left before something must be finished or completed 5 AmE a piece of electronic recording equipment, usually worn secretly on someone's clothes 6 AmE a telegram  (- see also live wire, wiry) ~2 v 1 also wire up to connect wires to something, especially in an electrical system  (Check that the plug has been wired up properly.) 2 to fasten two or more things together using wire  (The poles had all been wired together.) 3 to send money electronically from one bank to another 4 AmE to send a telegram to someone  (- see also wiring) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Wats Integrated Research Engine educ. abbr. Western Integrated Resource Education NASDAQ abbr. Encore Wire Corporation pos. abbr. Web Internet Research Executive ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. wir "metal drawn out into a thread," from P.Gmc. *wiraz, from PIE *wi- "plait." Wireless is first attested 1894; wiretapping is from 1904, from earlier wiretapper (1893). Wiry in the sense of "lean, tough" is first recorded 1808. Wired (adj.) "nervous, jittery" is from 1970s. Wirepuller in the political sense is 1848, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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