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Англо-русский строительный словарь - trace


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Перевод с английского языка trace на русский

траектория; путь след трасса
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  1) ход, путь 2) чертеж; запись 3) развертка – circular trace – customer originated trace – dead trace – forward trace – path trace – recorder trace – return trace – reverse trace – sweep trace ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) исследовать 2) калькировать 3) копировать 4) микропримесь 5) проследить 6) прослеживать 7) ранг 8) расчерчивать 9) след 10) следить 11) следы 12) трассировать 13) чертить 14) шпур trace a trouble to — установить место неисправности trace around a path — совершать обход контура trace of a map — след отображения trace of algebric number — след алгебраического числа trace of square matrix — след квадратной матрицы trace preserving homomorphism — сохраняющий следы гомоморфизм trace rare metal — рассеянный редкий металл width of sweep trace — толщина следа развертки - absolute trace - beam trace - faithful trace - finite trace - generalized trace - great trace - kernel trace - local trace - modular trace - normal trace - partial trace - reduced trace - regular trace - regularized trace - relative trace - scanning trace - selective trace - semifinite trace - semiinfinite trace - sweep trace - trace amount - trace analysis - trace class - trace completeness - trace filter - trace form - trace function - trace ideal - trace method - trace morphism - trace norm - trace of endomorphism - trace of function - trace of kernel - trace of map - trace of matrix - trace of modification - trace of operator - trace of representation - trace of surface - trace of tensor - trace on group - trace operator - trace preserving - trace probability - trace problem - trace space - trace triangle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) регистрация; регистрировать 2) отыскивать; отслеживать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. след 2. гл. 1) прослеживать 2) разыскивать 3) устанавливать состояние, местонахождение и факт доставки груза TRACE сущ. 1) общ. след 2) фин. "след", "выслеживание" (идентификация определенной ценной бумаги через одного или нескольких посредников с целью выявления имени настоящего владельца) Syn: tracing See: trading tactics ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) след 2) небольшое количество – cotyledonary trace – leaf trace – memory traces – primitive trace ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. обыкн. pl. след, отпечаток (ноги, лапы и т. п.) traces of human feet —- следы человеческих ног traces of rabbits on (in) the snow —- следы кроликов на снегу to leave no trace —- не оставлять следов to follow smb.'s traces —- идти по чьим-л. следам to double on one's trace —- делать петли (о преследуемом звере); запутывать следы hot on the traces of smb. —- по чьим-л. горячим следам 2. обыкн. pl. следы, остатки (чего-л.); признаки traces of an ancient city —- следы (остатки) древнего города without a trace —- бесследно with no traces of life —- без признаков жизни; не подавая признаков жизни to remove traces of smth. —- уничтожать следы чего-л. no traces remained of the old castle —- ничего не осталось от старого замка they could find no trace of him —- они не знали, где его искать; его и след простыл she has still some traces of beauty —- она (ее лицо) еще хранит следы былой красоты the room bore numerous traces of his presence —- в комнате оставались многочисленные следы его пребывания 3. знак, результат, последствия war had left its traces on him —- война наложила на него свой отпечаток sorrow and disappointment had left their traces upon his character —- горе и разочарование наложили отпечаток на его характер there were traces of deep emotion on her face —- печать глубоких переживаний лежала на ее лице 4. психол. энграмма, отпечаток в сознании 5. чуточка, капелька,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) набрасывать (план, рисунок); With his finger, he traced out the shape of the buildings in the sand.  б) намечать себе план действий; to trace out a line of conduct наметить линию поведения TRACE I  1. noun  1) след - keep trace of - without a trace - hot on the traces of  2) obs. стезя  3) amer. (исхоженная) тропа  4) черта  5) незначительное количество, следы  6) чертеж на кальке  7) запись прибора-самописца  8) amer.; mil. равнение в затылок  9) attr. trace elements min. - рассеянные элементы, микроэлементы  2. v.  1) набрасывать (план), чертить (карту, диаграмму и т.п.)  2) снимать копию; калькировать (тж. trace over)  3) тщательно выписывать, выводить (слова и т.п.)  4) следить (за кем-л., чем-л.), выслеживать  5) усматривать, находить; I cannot trace any connection to the event - я не нахожу никакой связи с этим событием  6) обнаружить, установить; the police were unable to trace the whereabouts of the missing girl - полиция не могла установить местонахождение пропавшей девочки  7) с трудом рассмотреть, различить  8) прослеживать(ся); восходить к определенному источнику или периоду в прошлом (to, back to); this custom has been traced to the twelfth century - этот обычай восходит к двенадцатому веку; this family traces to the Norman Conquest - этот род восходит к временам норманнского завоевания  9) восстанавливать расположение...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) траектория; ход; путь 2) след следить; прослеживать; отслеживать 3) искать; локализовать (неисправности) 4) метить, помечать; маркировать 5) кривая, запись (самописца), дорожка; осциллограмма; геофиз. трасса 6) трассировка трассировать 7) вчт. трассировочная таблица (программы) 8) тлв строка развёртки 9) линия развёртки 10) регистрация состояний системы (с помощью логического анализатора) регистрировать состояние системы 11) чертить; вычерчивать 12) копия (на кальке, восковке) копировать; калькировать to trace back to national standards —прослеживать связь средств измерений с национальными эталонами; to trace the accuracy of instrument to standards — прослеживать связь точности (измерительного) прибора с точностью эталонов traces of discharge — эл. следы перекрытия - backup trace - circular trace - common-depth-point trace - dead trace - field trace - forward trace - galvanometer trace - ground trace - interleaved trace - interlocking traces - logging trace - long-offset trace - migrated trace - oscillograph trace - pilot trace - program trace - return trace - sawtooth trace - seismic trace - selective trace - short-offset trace - stacked trace - sweep trace - Talyrond trace - tooth trace - vibroseis trace - well log trace - wiggle trace - write trace ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a observe, discover, or find vestiges or signs of by investigation. b (often foll. by along, through, to, etc.) follow or mark the track or position of (traced their footprints in the mud; traced the outlines of a wall). c (often foll. by back) follow to its origins (can trace my family to the 12th century; the report has been traced back to you). 2 (often foll. by over) copy (a drawing etc.) by drawing over its lines on a superimposed piece of translucent paper, or by using carbon paper. 3 (often foll. by out) mark out, delineate, sketch, or write esp. laboriously (traced out a plan of the district; traced out his vision of the future). 4 pursue one's way along (a path etc.). --n. 1 a a sign or mark or other indication of something having existed; a vestige (no trace remains of the castle; has the traces of a vanished beauty). b a very small quantity. c an amount of rainfall etc. too small to be measured. 2 a track or footprint left by a person or animal. 3 a track left by the moving pen of an instrument etc. 4 a line on the screen of a cathode-ray tube showing the path of a moving spot. 5 a curve's projection on or intersection with a plane etc. 6 a change in the brain caused by learning processes. Phrases and idioms trace element 1 a chemical element occurring in minute amounts. 2 a chemical element required only in minute amounts by living organisms for normal growth. trace fossil a fossil that represents a burrow, footprint, etc., of an organism. Derivatives traceable adj. traceability n. traceless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF trace (n.), tracier (v.) f. L tractus drawing: see TRACT(1) 2. n. each of the two side-straps, chains, or ropes by which a horse draws a vehicle. Phrases and idioms kick over the traces become insubordinate or reckless. trace-horse a horse that draws in traces or by a single trace, esp. one hitched on to help uphill etc. Etymology: ME f. OF trais, pl. of TRAIT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~r to ~  Date: 14th century  1. archaic a course or path that one follows  2.  a. a mark or line left by something that has passed; also footprint  b. a path, trail, or road made by the passage of animals, people, or vehicles  3.  a. a sign or evidence of some past thing ; vestige  b. engram  4. something (as a line) ~d or drawn: as  a. the marking made by a recording instrument (as a seismograph or kymograph)  b. the ground plan of a military installation or position either on a map or on the ground  5.  a. the intersection of a line or plane with a plane  b. the usually bright line or spot that moves across the screen of a cathode-ray tube; also the path taken by such a line or spot  6.  a. a minute and often barely detectable amount or indication a ~ of a smile  b. an amount of a chemical constituent not always quantitatively determinable because of minuteness  • ~less adjective Synonyms:  ~, vestige, track mean a perceptible sign made by something that has passed. ~ may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect a snowfield pockmarked with the ~s of caribou. vestige applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past and gone boulders that are vestiges of the last ice age. track implies a continuous line that can be followed the fossilized tracks of dinosaurs.  II. verb  (~d; tracing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Vulgar Latin *tractiare to drag, from Latin tractus, past participle of trahere to pull  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. delineate, sketch  b. to form (as letters or figures) carefully or painstakingly  c. to copy (as a drawing) by following the lines or letters as seen through a transparent superimposed sheet  d. to impress or imprint (as a design or pattern) with a ~r  e. to record a tracing of in the form of a curved, wavy, or broken line ~ the heart action  f. to adorn with linear ornamentation (as ~ry or chasing)  2. archaic to travel...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (traces, tracing, traced) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you trace the origin or development of something, you find out or describe how it started or developed. The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present... The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas. VERB: V n, V n to n • Trace back means the same as trace. Britain’s Parliament can trace its history back to the English Parliament of the 13th century... She has never traced back her lineage, but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire. PHRASAL VERB: V n P to n, V P n (not pron) 2. If you trace someone or something, you find them after looking for them. Police are anxious to trace two men seen leaving the house just before 8am... VERB: V n 3. If you trace something such as a pattern or a shape, for example with your finger or toe, you mark its outline on a surface. I traced the course of the river on the map. VERB: V n 4. If you trace a picture, you copy it by covering it with a piece of transparent paper and drawing over the lines underneath. She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks. VERB: V n 5. A trace of something is a very small amount of it. Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand... N-COUNT: usu N of n 6. A trace is a sign which shows you that someone or something has been in a place. There’s been no trace of my aunt and uncle... Finally, and mysteriously, Hoffa disappeared without trace. N-COUNT: usu N of n, also without N 7. If you say that someone or something sinks without trace or sinks without a trace, you mean that they stop existing or stop being successful very suddenly and completely. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »FIND SB/STH« to find someone or something that has disappeared by searching for them carefully  (She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.) 2 »ORIGINS« to find the origins of something, or where something came from  (trace sth (back) to)  (The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.) 3 »HISTORY/DEVELOPMENT« to study or describe the history, development, or progress of something  (Sondheim's book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and women.) 4 »COPY« to copy a drawing, map etc by putting a piece of transparent paper over it and then drawing the lines you can see through the paper 5 »DRAW« to draw real or imaginary lines on the surface of something, usually with your finger or toe  (trace sth on/in/across)  (Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.) 6 trace a call to use special electronic equipment to find out who made a telephone call - traceable adj ~2 n 1 »SIGN OF STH« a small sign that shows that someone or something was present or existed  (no trace)  (There was no trace of anyone having entered the room since then. | all trace)  (Petra's lost all trace of her German accent. | any trace)  (Officers were unable to find any trace of drugs. | disappear/vanish/sink without trace (=disappear completely, without leaving any sign of what happened))  (The Roanoke colony vanished without trace.) 2 »SMALL AMOUNT« a very small amount of a quality, emotion, substance etc that is difficult to see or notice + of  (I saw the faintest trace of a smile cross Sandra's face. | traces of poison) 3 »TELEPHONE« technical a search to find out where a telephone call came from, using special electronic equipment  (The police were able to put a trace on the call.) 4 »INFORMATION RECORDED« the mark or pattern made on a screen or on paper by a machine that is recording an electrical signal  (This trace shows the heartbeat.) 5 kick over the traces to stop following the rules of a social group and do what you want 6...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Transition Region And Coronal Explorer mil. abbr. Total Risk Assessing Cost Estimate astronom. abbr. Transition Regional And Coronal Explorer network. abbr. Trade Reporting And Compliance Engine gen. bus. abbr. Technology Research And Analysis Of Convergent Electronics ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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