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Англо-русский строительный словарь - saw


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Перевод с английского языка saw на русский

пила air-powered cutoff saw air-powered dry cutting concrete saw back saw band saw belt saw board saw buzz saw cable saw chain saw circular saw compass saw concrete saw coping saw crosscut saw disk saw flooring saw frame saw friction saw gang saw grub saw half-rip saw hole saw keyhole saw log band saw pavement saw pendulum saw strap saw tenon saw
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См. в других словарях

  Surface Acoustic Wave поверхностная акустическая волна (ПАВ) SAW 1) козел 2) пила распиливать abrasive cutoff saw — тех. круг абразивный отрезной metal slitting saw — шлицевая фреза rim of circular saw — зубчатый венец круглой пилы saw stone into blocks — распиливать камень на заготовки - abrasive saw - barrel saw - bevel saw - bone saw - bow saw - butting saw - chain saw - circ saw - circular saw - cleaving saw - cold saw - compass saw - coping saw - crosscut saw - cutting-off saw - diamond saw - dimensioning saw - direct-drive saw - drop saw - file saw - fit saw - frame saw - friction saw - gang saw - grooving saw - hinge saw - hot saw - ice saw - log saw - metal-working saw - petrol saw - pit saw - radial saw - ring saw - rocking-type saw - rope saw - saw bow - saw carriage - saw cylinder - saw frame - saw gauge - saw gin - saw kerf - saw mill - saw sharpening wheel - saw spindle - saw timber - saw tooth curve - saw tooth setting - saw web - set saw - sing-handled saw - sliding-frame saw - stone saw - swing saw - trimming saw - trump saw - wire saw - wood-working saw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пила – ampule saw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пила circular saw —- круглая (циркулярная) пила cross-cut saw —- поперечная пила metal saw —- пила по металлу musical (singing) saw —- "музыкальная" ("поющая") пила 2. полотно пилы 3. пилить, распиливать to saw down —- спилить (дерево) to saw a log in half —- распилить бревно пополам the trees were stripped of their bark and mechanically sawn into planks —- с деревьев содрали кожу и распилили их на доски to saw six inches off the legs of a table —- подпилить ножки стола на шесть дюймов he sawed an inch off the barrel of his gun to make it easier to draw —- он спилил ствол своего пистолета на дюйм, чтобы его было легче выхватывать the animal's horns were sawn off —- у животного были спилены рога to saw planks out of a log —- распилить бревно на доски all the timber was sawn up to make logs for the fire —- вся древесина была распилена (перепилена) на дрова 4. пилиться this kind of wood does not saw easily —- этот сорт дерева трудно пилится 5. пиликать to saw on the fiddle —- пиликать на скрипке Id: to saw the air —- размахивать руками, сильно жестикулировать Id: to saw wood —- простореч. храпеть; крепко спать, дрыхнуть 6. изречение, афоризм; поговорка, пословица old saw —- старая пословица 7. p. от see ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  wood заниматься собственными делами, не принимать активного участия в общественной жизни SAW the air размахивать руками; сильно жестикулировать SAW I noun пословица, афоризм (обыкн. в сочетании old/wise saw старая/мудрая пословица) Syn: see truism II  1. noun пила; circular saw - круглая пила; cross-cut saw - поперечная пила; crown saw - продольная пила; cylinder saw - цилиндрическая пила; musical/singing saw - музыкальная пила, из которой с помощью скрипичного смычка можно извлекать музыкальные звуки  2. v. пилить(ся); распиливать; We shall have to saw the old tree down. - Нам придется спилить старое дерево. Could you saw the branches into equal lengths of wood? Half his leg below the knee had been sawn off by the teeth of the shark. You have to cut down the tree and saw it up into logs. - saw the air - saw wood ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) пила (станок или инструмент) пилить, распиливать, разрезать пилой 2) многорезцовый режущий [распиловочный] инструмент 3) лезвие пилы 4) отрезной станок; отрезное устройство 5) дисковый нож (хлеборезки) to saw down — спиливать (дерево); to saw off — отпиливать; to saw out — выпиливать; to set saw — разводить пилу; to saw up — отпиливать - abrasive saw - abrasive-wire saw - acid saw - annular saw - band saw - batch saw - belt saw - bench saw - board saw - bone saw - bow saw - brick saw - buck saw - butcher saw - carbide-tipped saw - carcass breaking saw - chain saw - circular cutoff saw - cleaving saw - cold-cutting saw - compass saw - coping saw - cropping saw - cross-cut saw - cutoff saw - cylinder saw - diamond impregnated saw - diamond saw - dicing saw - direct-drive saw - disk saw - dovetail saw - edging saw - electric saw - electric power saw - flooring saw - flying hot saw - frame saw - fret saw - friction saw - gang saw - grooving saw - hand saw - hinge saw - hole saw - horizontal sliding-frame hot saw - hot drop saw - ice saw - inner diameter saw - inserted-tooth circular saw - jeweller's saw - jig saw - keyhole saw - line saw - link tooth saw - masonry saw - meat band saw - metal slitting saw - metal-working saw - motorized saw - outer diameter saw - parting saw - pit saw - portable saw - power saw - production saw - radial arm saw - rail cutting saw - rail saw - rim saw - ring saw - rip saw - rocking-type saw - rocking-type hot saw - rotary saw - saber saw - scrap saw - shingle saw - shuttle saw - single-band saw - single-handled saw - single-wire saw - slotting saw - stone saw - straight-cut saw - strap saw - string saw - suspended saw - swing saw - table saw - tenon saw - tilt saw - traveling table band saw - trimming saw - trump saw - twin saw - wafer dicing saw - warm saw - wire saw - wood-working saw...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a hand tool having a toothed blade used to cut esp. wood with a to-and-fro movement. b any of several mechanical power-driven devices with a toothed rotating disk or moving band, for cutting. 2 Zool. etc. a serrated organ or part. --v. (past part. sawn or sawed) 1 tr. a cut (wood etc.) with a saw. b make (boards etc.) with a saw. 2 intr. use a saw. 3 a intr. move to and fro with a motion as of a saw or person sawing (sawing away on his violin). b tr. divide (the air etc.) with gesticulations. Phrases and idioms saw-doctor a machine for making the teeth of a saw. saw-edged with a jagged edge like a saw. saw-frame a frame in which a saw-blade is held taut. saw-gate = saw-frame. saw-gin = cotton-gin. saw-horse a rack supporting wood for sawing. sawn-off (US sawed-off) 1 (of a gun) having part of the barrel sawn off to make it easier to handle and give a wider field of fire. 2 colloq. (of a person) short. saw-pit a pit in which the lower of two men working a pit-saw stands. saw-set a tool for wrenching saw-teeth in alternate directions to allow the saw to work freely. saw-wort a composite plant, Serratula tinctoria, yielding a yellow dye from its serrated leaves. Derivatives sawlike adj. Etymology: OE saga f. Gmc 2. past of SEE(1). 3. n. a proverb; a maxim (that's just an old saw). Etymology: OE sagu f. Gmc, rel. to SAY: cf. SAGA ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. past of see  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English sagu; akin to Old High German sega ~, Latin secare to cut  Date: before 12th century a hand or power tool or a machine used to cut hard material (as wood, metal, or bone) and equipped usually with a toothed blade or disk  • ~like adjective  III. verb  (~ed; ~ed or ~n; ~ing)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to cut with a ~  2. to produce or form by cutting with a ~  3. to slash as though with a ~  intransitive verb  1.  a. to use a ~  b. to cut with or as if with a ~  2. to undergo cutting with a ~  3. to make motions as though using a ~ ~ed at the reins  • ~er noun  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English sagu discourse; akin to Old High German & Old Norse saga tale, Old English secgan to say — more at say  Date: before 12th century maxim, proverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (saws, sawing, sawed, sawn) 1. Saw is the past tense of see. 2. A saw is a tool for cutting wood, which has a blade with sharp teeth along one edge. Some saws are pushed backwards and forwards by hand, and others are powered by electricity. N-COUNT see also chain saw 3. If you saw something, you cut it with a saw. He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell... Your father is sawing wood. VERB: V prep/adv, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 the past tense of see ~2 n 1 a tool that has a flat blade with a row of V-shaped metal pieces, used for cutting wood 2 old use a well-known wise statement; proverb ~3 v past tense sawed past participle sawn especially BrE, sawed especially AmE to cut something using a saw  (We had to saw the board in half.) + through  (He sawed through a power cable by mistake.) saw at sth phr v to cut something with a repeated backwards and forwards movement  (He sawed at the loaf with a blunt knife.) saw sth off phr v to remove something by cutting it off with a saw  (One branch was dead and needed to be sawn off.) saw sth up phr v to cut something into many pieces, using a saw  (I sawed up the tree for firewood.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Surface Acoustic Wave mil. abbr. Squad Automatic Weapon mil. abbr. Sussex Annex Works electron. abbr. Surface Acoustic Wave softw. abbr. Software Audio Workshop softw. abbr. Software Audio Workstation religion abbr. Sunday's At Westminster law abbr. Semi Automatic Weapons music abbr. Stock, Aitken & Waterman gen. bus. abbr. Solutions At Work pos. abbr. Seasonal Agricultural Worker st. exc. abbr. Special Agricultural Worker ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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