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Англо-русский строительный словарь - rock


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Перевод с английского языка rock на русский

горная порода, скальный грунт кусок горной породы acidic rock cavernous rock compacted rock dense rock extrusive rock gypsum rock igneous rock intact rock intrusive rock laminated rock metamorphic rock
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  1) горнокаменный 2) камень 3) качать 4) качаться 5) колыхатся 6) порода 7) скальный грунт air-leg rock drill — колонковая бурильная машина disintegration of broken rock — развал взорванной породы drill through rock — бурить по породе filling by waste rock — закладка попутной породы ground phosphate rock — фосфоритная мука lime rock tower — энерг. колонна с известняком oil viscosity in reservoir rock — энерг. вязкость пластовой нефти pile rests on rock — свая опирается на породу rock drainage ditch — дренажная щебеночная канава rock fill raise — закладочный восстающий rock or coal blasting — взрывание по породе или углю rock pressure manifestation — проявление горного давления virgin rock mass — ненарушенный массив породы water-absorbing capacity of rock — емкость горной породы - barren rock - basic rock - deep-seated rock - dislocate rock - gas rock - hard rock - heterogeneous rock - homogeneous rock - igneous rock - intrusive rock - lode rock - loose rock - mother rock - ore-bearing rock - overburden rock - rock airplane - rock asphalt - rock bit - rock bump - rock crystal - rock deflector - rock drilling - rock erodes - rock excavation - rock fill - rock flour - rock foliation - rock garden - rock mechanics - rock permeability - rock pressure - rock sagging - rock sample - rock swells - rock the wings - rock wool - roof rock - sedimentary rock - subsidence of rock - water-bearing rock - water-saturated rock - waterproof rock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. (the Rock) Гибралтар Rock scorpion —- житель Гибралтара rock 1. скала, утес the boat was wrecked on a rock —- лодка разбилась о скалу as firm as a rock —- твердый как скала 2. ам. камень, булыжник 3. горная порода; скальная порода to build on a rock —- образ. заложить прочный фундамент, основываться на чем-л. прочном rock decay —- геол. выветривание пород rock excavation —- спец. скальные работы rock exposure —- геол. обнажение породы 4. причина несчастья, неудачи или провала the rock on which we split —- причина несчастий, крушения надежд и т. п. 5. рокк (леденцовая карамель) 6. обыкн. pl. ам. сл. деньги to pile up the rocks —- много зарабатывать 7. сл. брильянт 8. разг. кусочек льда (для напитков) 9. разг. глупая ошибка to pull a rock —- сделать промах, допустить оплошность Id: on the rocks —- "на мели", без гроша; в тяжелом положении; ам. со льдом (о напитке) Id: rye on the rocks —- виски со льдом Id: to go (to run) upon the rocks —- потерпеть крушение; встретить неодолимые препятствия; обанкротиться, разориться; вылететь в трубу Id: to see rocks ahead —- видеть перед собой опасность Id: the R. of Ages —- рел. Христос Id: between a rock and a hard place —- ам. в безвыходном положении 10. качание, колебание; тряска 11. качать, колебать to rock a cradle —- качать колыбель to rock oneself from side to side —- качаться из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  music noun рок-музыка ROCK climbing noun скалолазание ROCK I noun  1) скала, утес  2) (the Rock) Гибралтар  3) опора, нечто надежное  4) горная порода  5) камень; булыжник  6) причина неудачи или провала  7) леденцовая карамель  8) usu. pl.; amer.; sl. деньги  9) sl. брильянт  10) attr. горный; каменный - on the rocks - run the rocks - go upon the rocks - see rocks ahead II v.  1) качать(ся); колебать(ся); трясти(сь); he rocked with laughter - он затрясся от смеха; Several boats were rocking about on the rough water.  2) укачивать, убаюкивать; The movement of the train was rocking me to sleep. - rocked in security Syn: see jazz III noun obs. прялка ROCK climber noun скалолаз ROCKABILLY noun народная песня, исполняемая в ритме рока ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) (горная) порода 2) скальная порода; скальный грунт 3) камень - abrasive rock - acidic rock - adjoining rock - alkaline rock - asphalt rock - barren rock - base rock - bed rock - bottom dumped rock - cap rock - chalk rock - competent rock - country rock - crushed rock - cuttable rock - drop-fill rock - dry rock - dumped rock - enclosing rock - explosive rock - exposed rock - falling rock - fill rock - fresh rock - hand-placed rock - hard rock - host rock - in-situ rock - intrusive rock - ledge rock - loose rock - mafic rock - medium-hard rock - ore-bearing rock - overlying rock - permeable rock - phosphate rock - piled rock - prefractured rock - sand rock - sedimentary rock - soft rock - surrounding rock - ultramafic rock - underlying rock - unsegregated rock - unweathered rock - virgin rock - wall rock - waste rock - water-bearing rock ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a the hard material of the earth's crust, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil. b a similar material on other planets. 2 Geol. any natural material, hard or soft (e.g. clay), consisting of one or more minerals. 3 a a mass of rock projecting and forming a hill, cliff, reef, etc. b (the Rock) Gibraltar. 4 a large detached stone. 5 US a stone of any size. 6 a firm and dependable support or protection. 7 a source of danger or destruction. 8 Brit. a hard usu. cylindrical stick of confectionery made from sugar with flavouring esp. of peppermint. 9 (in pl.) US sl. money. 10 sl. a precious stone, esp. a diamond. 11 sl. a solid form of cocaine. 12 (in pl.) coarse sl. the testicles. Phrases and idioms get one's rocks off coarse sl. 1 achieve sexual satisfaction. 2 obtain enjoyment. on the rocks colloq. 1 short of money. 2 broken down. 3 (of a drink) served undiluted with ice-cubes. rock-bed a base of rock or a rocky bottom. rock-bottom adj. (of prices etc.) the very lowest. --n. the very lowest level. rock-bound (of a coast) rocky and inaccessible. rock-cake a small currant cake with a hard rough surface. rock-candy US = sense 8 of n. rock cress = ARABIS. rock-crystal transparent colourless quartz usu. in hexagonal prisms. rock-dove a wild dove, Columba livia, frequenting rocks, supposed ancestor of the domestic pigeon. rock-face a vertical surface of natural rock. rock-fish a rock-frequenting goby, bass, wrasse, catfish, etc. rock-garden an artifical mound or bank of earth and stones planted with rock-plants etc.; a garden in which rockeries are the chief feature. rock-pigeon = rock-dove. rock-pipit a species of pipit, Anthus spinoletta, frequenting rocky shores. rock-plant any plant growing on or among rocks. rock python any large snake of the family Boidae, esp. the African python Python sebae. rock-rabbit any of several species of hyrax. rock rose any plant of the genus Cistus, Helianthemum, etc., with rose-like flowers. rock-salmon 1 any of several fishes, esp. Brit. (as a commercial name) the catfish and...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English rokken, from Old English roccian; akin to Old High German rucken to cause to move  Date: 12th century  transitive verb  1. to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle  2.  a. to cause to sway back and forth a boat ~ed by the waves  b.  (1) to cause to shake violently  (2) to daze with or as if with a vigorous blow a hard right ~ed the contender  (3) to astonish or disturb greatly the scandal ~ed the community  3. to rouse to excitement (as by performing ~ music) ~ed the crowd  intransitive verb  1. to become moved backward and forward under often violent impact; also to move gently back and forth  2. to move forward at a steady pace; also to move forward at a high speed the train ~ed through the countryside  3. to sing, dance to, or play ~ music  4. slang to be extremely enjoyable, pleasing, or effective her new car ~s  Synonyms: see shake  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 1823  1. a ~ing movement  2. popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English roc, from Middle Dutch ~e; akin to Old High German ~o distaff  Date: 14th century  1. distaff  2. the wool or flax on a distaff  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English rokke, from Old French dialect (Norman & Picard) roke, from Vulgar Latin *rocca  Date: 14th century  1. a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak  2. a concreted mass of stony material; also broken pieces of such masses  3. consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral matter; also a particular mass of it  4.  a. something like a ~ in firmness:  (1) foundation, support  (2) refuge a ~ of independent thought…in an ocean of parochialism — Thomas Molnar  b. something that threatens or causes disaster — often used in plural  5.  a. a flavored stick candy with color running through  b. ~ candy 1  6. slang ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rocks, rocking, rocked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Rock is the hard substance which the Earth is made of. The hills above the valley are bare rock... N-UNCOUNT 2. A rock is a large piece of rock that sticks up out of the ground or the sea, or that has broken away from a mountain or a cliff. She sat cross-legged on the rock. N-COUNT 3. A rock is a piece of rock that is small enough for you to pick up. She bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the trees. N-COUNT 4. When something rocks or when you rock it, it moves slowly and regularly backwards and forwards or from side to side. His body rocked from side to side with the train... She sat on the porch and rocked the baby. VERB: V prep/adv, V n, also V 5. If an explosion or an earthquake rocks a building or an area, it causes the building or area to shake. You can also say that the building or area rocks. (JOURNALISM) Three people were injured yesterday when an explosion rocked one of Britain’s best known film studios... As the buildings rocked under heavy shell-fire, he took refuge in the cellars. VERB: V n, V 6. If an event or a piece of news rocks a group or society, it shocks them or makes them feel less secure. (JOURNALISM) His death rocked the fashion business. VERB: V n 7. Rock is loud music with a strong beat that is usually played and sung by a small group of people using instruments such as electric guitars and drums. ...a rock concert. ...famous rock stars. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 8. Rock is a sweet that is made in long, hard sticks and is often sold in towns by the sea in Britain. ...a stick of rock. N-UNCOUNT 9. If you have an alcoholic drink such as whisky on the rocks, you have it with ice cubes in it. ...a Scotch on the rocks. = with ice PHRASE: usu n PHR 10. If something such as a marriage or a business is on the rocks, it is experiencing very severe difficulties and looks likely to end very soon. She confided to her mother six months ago...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »STONE« a) stone, or a type of stone that forms part of the Earth's surface  (To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock. | rock formation (=a shape made naturally from rock))  (the rock formations of the Arizona desert) b) a piece of stone, especially a large one  (Kim sat down on a rock.) c) rocks a line of rock under or next to the sea  (A ship had been driven onto the rocks during the storm.) 2 »MUSIC« also rock music a type of popular modern music with a strong loud beat, played using guitars and drums  (a rock concert | rock veteran, Eric Clapton) 3 as solid/steady as a rock a) very strongly built or well supported and not likely to break or fall b) someone who is as solid or steady as a rock is very strong and calm in difficult situations and you can depend on them  (- see also rock-solid) 4 be on the rocks informal a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soon  (Tim's marriage is on the rocks.) 5 scotch/vodka etc on the rocks an alcoholic drink that is served with ice but no water 6 »SWEET FOOD« BrE a hard sweet food made in long round pieces  (a stick of Blackpool rock) 7 »JEWEL« C usually plural informal a diamond or other jewel 8 be (stuck) between a rock and a hard place to have a choice between two things, both of which are unpleasant 9 get your rocks off slang if a man gets his rocks off, he has sex ~2 v 1 to move gently backwards and forwards or from side to side, or to make something do this  (Paul sat gently rocking the child in his arms. | The waves made the boat rock from side to side. | rock with laughter)  (Jim rocked with laughter when he heard what had happened.) 2 to make the people in a place or organization feel very shocked or surprised  (In 1970, the city of Newark was rocked by a major scandal.) 3 rock the boat informal to cause problems for other members of a group by criticizing something or trying to change the way something is done  (A lot of people didn't really agree with the policy, but...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Reaching Out To Cancer Kids educ. abbr. Recycle Old Computers For Kids religion abbr. Resources Of The Christian Kind religion abbr. Reaching Out For Christ To Kids religion abbr. Reflections On Christ's Kingdom religion abbr. Relying On Christ The King religion abbr. Reaching Others For Christ's Kingdom NASDAQ abbr. Gibraltar Steel Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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