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Англо-русский строительный словарь - record


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Перевод с английского языка record на русский

запись; регистрация; учёт протокол borehole record
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См. в других словарях

  1) записывать 2) запись – communication record – fixed-length record – group-coded record – information record – label record – master phonograph record – output record – physical record – stereo record ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ведомость 2) записывать 3) запись 4) компьют. запомнить 5) описывающий 6) отмечать 7) отчет 8) протокол 9) регистрировать 10) рекорд 11) учетный 12) фиксировать automatic record changer — автомат смены пластинок field record book — реферативный журнал historical record DAC — хронологическая запись ЦАП keep record of — вести запись meteorological record book — метео книжка метеорологическая record operator's line — заказная линия record produces flutter — звук плывет trouble record log — журнал повреждений - continuous record - gramophone record - local record - longitudinal record - monophonic record - ordinary record - out-of-service record - quadraphonic record - record I/O - record auto-charger - record block - record changer - record hologram - record on film - record player - record plot - record sheet - record sound - shorthand record - update record ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) запись, протокол, учет 2) официальный документ 3) данные, факты 4) отзыв, характеристика 5) архив • - be off the record - be on record - be up record - birth record - book of record - books of record - continuous record - contract of record - credit record - criminal record - current record - daily record - enter upon the record - have a bad record - have a good record - importer of record - keep as record - on the record - record copy - record day - record keeping - record of performance - record-keeping office - service record - time record Syn: certificate, license, account 2. гл. 1) записывать, регистрировать, протоколировать 2) заносить в список Syn: put down, enter RECORD 1) запись; протокол; регистрация; записывать; регистрировать; протоколировать 2) данные 3) официальный документ 4) материалы заявки; материалы дела по заявке 5) материалы судебного дела 6) реестр, список 7) указатель – to record a conveyance – to record an assignment – to record a patent – record of applications – record of assignment – record of designs – record of discoveries – record of inventions – record of patents – record of registrations and renewals – record of specifications – record of trademarks – assignment record – invention records – patent record – patent department record – patent litigation records – production records – public records – research record – sales records ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  регистрация, запись – geological record ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. запись, записывание; письменное упоминание, письменный след (чего-л.) record centre —- документохранилище record management —- документоведение; делопроизводство record of a patient —- мед. история болезни to make a record of smth. —- записать что-л. to keep a record of a conversation —- вести запись беседы I can find no record of it —- это нигде не записано, это нигде не упоминается (письменно) to be on record —- быть документально установленным (записанным) it is on record that... —- известно, что...; история говорит, что... the information we have on record —- офиц. сведения, которыми мы располагаем 2. регистрация, учет record clerk, record keeper —- регистратор, делопроизводитель record department, record room —- мед. регистратура record practice —- воен. зачетная стрельба to keep a record of road accidents —- вести учет (регистрацию) несчастных случаев на дорогах there was no record of any man with those initials —- человек с такими инициалами нигде не числился record of attendances —- список (регистрация) присутствующих his record of attendances is bad —- он часто отсутствует 3. документация; учетно-отчетные документы; отчетные материалы; данные field records —- спец. данные полевого журнала, полевые данные record material —- воен. документация 4. протокол (заседания, испытания, вскрытия и т. п.); стенограмма; официальный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1) запись, протокол  2) пластинка, запись  3) рекорд  4) записывать, регистрировать RECORD changer устройство для автоматического переворачивания пластинок на проигрывателе RECORD film документальный фильм ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) запись; регистрация записывать; регистрировать 2) запись (единица информации) 3) диаграмма (самописца) 4) сигналограмма 5) фонограмма 6) кфт. изображение; снимок 7) грампластинка 8) зона записи (на магнитной ленте) 9) дорожка записи; строчка (видеозаписи) 10) мн. ч. метео данные наблюдений - record of stage - activation record - addition record - amendment record - audio record - binaural record - blank record - calibration record - certified test record - chained record - change record - chart record - color record - color-separated record - continuous record - control record - core record - current record - daily records - data record - deletion record - discharge record - disk record - display record - drilling record - dummy record - duplicate record - duplicated record - extended-playing record - extended-play record - file record - film record - fixed-length record - flood record - flow record - frequency record - geologic record - geomagnetic record - gramophone record - grouped record - header record - historic record - holographic record - home record - hydrologic record - input record - label record - leader record - logical record - long-playing record - long-play record - long-term record - loose-leaf record - microgroove record - monaural record - output record - paleoenvironmental records - paleohydrologic records - photographic record - physical record - precipitation record - production record - quadraphonic record - root record - seismic record - short-term record - sound record - source record - spanned record - stacked record - stereophonic record - stratigraphic record - streamflow record - tape record - television tape record - test record - total record - transaction record - trial record - unit record - variable-area record - variable-density record - variable-length record - variable width record -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a piece of evidence or information constituting an (esp. official) account of something that has occurred, been said, etc. b a document preserving this. 2 the state of being set down or preserved in writing or some other permanent form (is a matter of record). 3 a (in full gramophone record) a thin plastic disc carrying recorded sound in grooves on each surface, for reproduction by a record-player. b a trace made on this or some other medium, e.g. magnetic tape. 4 a an official report of the proceedings and judgement in a court of justice. b a copy of the pleadings etc. constituting a case to be decided by a court (see also court of record). 5 a the facts known about a person's past (has an honourable record of service). b a list of a person's previous criminal convictions. 6 the best performance (esp. in sport) or most remarkable event of its kind on record (often attrib.: a record attempt). 7 an object serving as a memorial of a person or thing; a portrait. 8 Computing a number of related items of information which are handled as a unit. --v.tr. 1 set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, esp. as an official record. 2 convert (sound, a broadcast, etc.) into permanent form for later reproduction. 3 establish or constitute a historical or other record of. Phrases and idioms break (or beat) the record outdo all previous performances etc. for the record as an official statement etc. go on record state one's opinion or judgement openly or officially, so that it is recorded. have a record be known as a criminal. a matter of record a thing established as a fact by being recorded. off the record as an unofficial or confidential statement etc. on record officially recorded; publicly known. put (or get or set etc.) the record straight correct a misapprehension. recorded delivery a Post Office service in which the dispatch and receipt of a letter or parcel are recorded. recording angel an angel that supposedly registers each person's good and bad actions. record-player an apparatus for...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, literally, to recall, from Anglo-French ~er, from Latin ~ari, from re- + cord-, cor heart — more at heart  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to set down in writing ; furnish written evidence of  (2) to deposit an authentic official copy of ~ a deed  b. to state for or as if for the ~ voted in favor but ~ed certain reservations  c.  (1) to register permanently by mechanical means earthquake shocks ~ed by a seismograph  (2) indicate, read the thermometer ~ed 90°  2. to give evidence of  3. to cause (as sound, visual images, or data) to be registered on something (as a disc or magnetic tape) in reproducible form  intransitive verb to ~ something  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the state or fact of being ~ed  2. something that ~s: as  a. something that recalls or relates past events  b. an official document that ~s the acts of a public body or officer  c. an authentic official copy of a document deposited with a legally designated officer  d. the official copy of the papers used in a law case  3.  a.  (1) a body of known or ~ed facts about something or someone especially with reference to a particular sphere of activity that often forms a discernible pattern a good academic ~ a liberal voting ~  (2) a collection of related items of information (as in a database) treated as a unit  b.  (1) an attested top performance  (2) an unsurpassed statistic  4. something on which sound or visual images have been ~ed; specifically a disc with a spiral groove carrying ~ed sound for phonograph reproduction  III. adjective  Date: 1884 of, relating to, or being one that is extraordinary among or surpasses others of its kind  IV. noun  Date: 1946 a function of an electronic device that causes it to ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (recorded) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you keep a record of something, you keep a written account or photographs of it so that it can be referred to later. Keep a record of all the payments... There’s no record of any marriage or children... The result will go on your medical records. N-COUNT 2. If you record a piece of information or an event, you write it down, photograph it, or put it into a computer so that in the future people can refer to it. ...software packages which record the details of your photographs. ...a place which has rarely suffered a famine in its recorded history. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. If you record something such as a speech or performance, you put it on tape or film so that it can be heard or seen again later. There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape... The call was answered by a recorded message saying the company had closed early. VERB: V n, V-ed 4. If a musician or performer records a piece of music or a television or radio show, they perform it so that it can be put onto CD, tape, or film. It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film... VERB: V n 5. A record is a round, flat piece of black plastic on which sound, especially music, is stored, and which can be played on a record player. You can also refer to the music stored on this piece of plastic as a record. This is one of my favourite records. N-COUNT 6. If a dial or other measuring device records a certain measurement or value, it shows that measurement or value. The test records the electrical activity of the brain... VERB: V n 7. A record is the best result that has ever been achieved in a particular sport or activity, for example the fastest time, the furthest distance, or the greatest number of victories. Roger Kingdom set the world record of 12.92 seconds... ...the 800 metres, where she is the world record holder. N-COUNT 8. You use record to say that something is higher, lower,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »INFORMATION« information about an event or series of events that is written down or stored on computer, film etc so that it can be looked at in the future  (medical records) + of  (records of births, marriages, and deaths) keep a record (=write down details of things as they happen)  (Keep a record of any money you pay out. | the biggest/lowest/highest etc on record (=the biggest etc that has ever been recorded))  (Today saw some of the hottest temperatures on record. | place/put sth on record (=include something in the official records))  (I ask the court to place on record the fact that my client co-operated with the police.) 2 »HIGHEST/BEST EVER« the fastest speed, longest distance, highest or lowest level etc that has ever been reached, especially in sport  (break a record (=do something faster, better etc than the previous record))  (Kenoco Oil's half-yearly profits broke all records. | hold a record (=be the person who has achieved the fastest speed, the greatest distance etc) | set a record (=achieve a new record))  (The Americans set a new world record in the sprint relay. | record level/figure/sales etc (=the highest level etc that has ever been reached))  (a record level of unemployment | an all-time record (=the best that has ever been achieved)) 3 »MUSIC« a round flat piece of plastic with a hole in the middle that music and sound is stored on  (the disc jockey who plays your favourite records) 4 »SB'S PAST BEHAVIOUR« the known facts about someone's past behaviour and how successful, good, or bad they have been  (Laporte's service record in Indochina | good/bad record)  (The country has a fairly good record on human rights. | sb's record on)  (Senator Donegan asked the President to justify his record on welfare. | criminal record (=a list made by the police of someone's crimes))  (He'll never get a job if they find out about his criminal record. | sb's track record (=how successful someone has been up to now))  (The company has a good track record in the export trade.) 5 off the record ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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