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Англо-русский строительный словарь - rack


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Перевод с английского языка rack на русский

козлы; подмости стойка; стенд; штатив сороудерживающая решётка; колосниковая решётка стеллаж зубчатая рейка curing rack stock rack storage racks test rack tool rack trash rack
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См. в других словарях

  1) тлф. стойка, статив 2) подставка (для аудиоаппаратуры) – acoustic rack – analog-digital rack – annual-call rack – automatic number identification rack – cabinet rack – call-signaling rack – control rack – floor-type rack – junctor-set rack – line equipment rack – load-resistors rack – receiver rack – relay rack – relay-amplifier rack – ringing rack – spark-protecting devices rack – subscriber selection rack – switch rack – terminal equipment rack – transmitter rack – TV rack – video rack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вешалка 2) гребенка 3) закреплять 4) зубчатая рейка 5) опора 6) перевязывать 7) подставка 8) полка 9) полочный 10) реал 11) стеллаж 12) стеллажный 13) стойка 14) шасси 15) штатив 16) эстакада - cabinet rack - cob rack - fiddle rack - protector rack - rack anchor - rack dented - rack gearing - rack ground - rack jack - rack lever - rack lift - rack mounting - rack pinion - rack toothed - rack transfer - vine rack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  торг. стеллаж, полка, стойка (шкаф или иное приспособление с полками, крючками, планками и т. п., предназначенная для выкладки или хранения товара в торговом зале) record rack - стеллаж для выкладки (демострации) грампластинок, newspaper rack - газетная стойка, magazine rack - журнальная стойка Syn: shelf stand RACK гл. непомерно повышать (арендную или квартирную плату) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) подставка, штатив (напр. для пробирок); держатель, адаптор (для центрифужных пробирок); стеллаж 2) сливать с осадка, декантировать; сцеживать – drying rack – pipette rack – tube rack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. вешалка (с крючками) 2. полка; стеллаж; сетка для вещей (в вагонах, автобусах и т. п.) 3. подставка, козлы; стенд; стойка; каркас; рама 4. решетка 5. мор. сетка на стол (при качке) 6. с-х. кормушка, ясли 7. горн. рудопромывочный аппарат 8. тех. зубчатая рейка, кремальера rack jack —- реечный домкрат 9. полигр. реал, наборный стол, кассореал 10. ав. балочный, реечный бомбодержатель Id: rack of bones —- разг. тощий человек, "кожа да кости" 11. класть на полку, в сетку (вагона и т. п.); размещать на стеллаже, стенде и т. п.) 12. класть сено в ясли, в кормушку (обыкн. rack up) 13. привязывать лошадь (у кормушки) 14. тех. перемещать при помощи зубчатой рейки 15. вводить самолет в крутой вираж 16. ист. дыба to put smb. on the rack —- вздернуть кого-л. на дыбу 17. пытка, мучение to put smb. on the rack —- подвергать пытке (мучениям) to set one's faculties on the rack —- не щадить сил, напрягать все свои силы 18. ист. вздернуть на дыбу 19. пытать, мучить body racked with pain —- тело, истерзанное болью to be racked with (by) jealousy —- терзаться ревностью to rack with fire —- воен. обстреливать сильным огнем, подвергать жестокому обстрелу 20. воен. разг. отчитывать, делать разнос 21. напрягать; заставлять работать сверх сил to rack one's brains (one's wits) —- ломать себе голову...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  wits ломать себе голову RACK of bones amer.; sl. кожа да кости RACK I  1. noun  1) кормушка  2) вешалка  3) подставка, полка; стеллаж; сетка для вещей (в вагонах, автобусах и т.п.)  4) стойка; штатив; рама; каркас; козлы  5) решетка - rack of bones  2. v.  1) класть (что-л.) в сетку, на полку (вагона и т.п.); to rack hay - класть сено в ясли; to rack plates - ставить тарелки на полку  2) tech. перемещать при помощи зубчатой рейки II  1. noun hist. дыба; fig. пытка, мучение; to be on the rack - мучиться; to put to the rack - подвергать пытке, мучениям  2. v.  1) пытать, мучить  2) заставлять работать сверх сил, изнурять; истощать; - rack tenants - rack wits III v. сцеживать вино (часто rack off) IV noun  1) book. несущиеся облака  2) разорение; to go to rack and ruin - разориться, погибнуть - rack and ruin RACK and ruin полное разорение RACK tenants драть с арендаторов или жильцов непомерно высокую плату; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) стойка; стенд; подвеска; штатив 2) рама; каркас; шасси 3) стеллаж; полка; подставка 4) строит. козлы; подмости 5) погрузочно-разгрузочная эстакада 6) зубчатая рейка 7) швейн. (нижний) зубчатый [реечный] двигатель ткани, зубчатая рейка 8) каркас тепловыделяющей сборки (ядерного реактора) 9) рудопромывочный аппарат 10) метал. решётка; гидр. сороудерживающая решётка 11) лесн. узкий волок 12) мор. стягивать два троса 13) кфт. совмещать кадр с кадровым окном 14) сдвиг игольницы (плосковязальной машины) 15) сдвиг гребёнок (основовязальной машины) 16) толкание распределительного барабана (круглочулочного автомата) 17) единица измерения вязания (равная 480 петельным рядам основовязального полотна) 18) пищ. вешала 19) пищ. декантировать, сливать с осадка - aging rack - air-brake test rack - auto rack - baggage rack - bar rack - barrel rack - battery rack - belaying pin rack - billet rack - bottle rack - broiling rack - cable rack - cable-terminating rack - cantilever rack - capacitor rack - card rack - carriage rack - casing rack - centershift rack - chain transfer rack - charging rack - coke rack - control rack - conveyor rack - cooling rack - cooling conveyor rack - core rack - developing rack - display rack - double-service rack - drive-in rack - electrode rack - equipment rack - fish rack - floor rack - flow rack - full rack - gravity-now rack - half rack - helical rack - hot rack - lay-down rack - letter rack - loading rack - long-span rack - luggage rack - message rack - metal...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a framework usu. with rails, bars, hooks, etc., for holding or storing things. b a frame for holding animal fodder. 2 a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion etc., or using pegs to adjust the position of something. 3 hist. an instrument of torture stretching the victim's joints by the turning of rollers to which the wrists and ankles were tied. --v.tr. 1 (of disease or pain) inflict suffering on. 2 hist. torture (a person) on the rack. 3 place in or on a rack. 4 shake violently. 5 injure by straining. 6 oppress (tenants) by exacting excessive rent. 7 exhaust (the land) by excessive use. Phrases and idioms on the rack in distress or under strain. rack one's brains make a great mental effort (racked my brains for something to say). rack-railway a railway with a cogged rail between the bearing rails. rack-rent n. 1 a high rent, annually equalling the full value of the property to which it relates. 2 an extortionate rent. --v.tr. exact this from (a tenant) or for (land). rack-renter a tenant paying or a landlord exacting an extortionate rent. rack-up US achieve (a score etc.). rack-wheel a cog-wheel. Etymology: ME rakke f. MDu., MLG rak, rek, prob. f. recken stretch 2. n. destruction ( esp. rack and ruin). Etymology: var. of WRACK, WRECK 3. n. a joint of lamb etc. including the front ribs. Etymology: perh. f. RACK(1) 4. v.tr. (often foll. by off) draw off (wine, beer, etc.) from the lees. Etymology: ME f. Prov. arracar f. raca stems and husks of grapes, dregs 5. n. & v. --n. driving clouds. --v.intr. (of clouds) be driven before the wind. Etymology: ME, prob. of Scand. orig.: cf. Norw. and Sw. dial. rak wreckage etc. f. reka drive 6. n. & v. --n. a horse's gait between a trot and a canter. --v.intr. progress in this way. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English rak rain cloud, rapid movement  Date: 14th century a wind-driven mass of high often broken clouds  II. intransitive verb  Date: 1590 to fly or scud in high wind  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch rec framework; akin to Old English reccan to stretch, Greek oregein — more at right  Date: 14th century  1. a framework for holding fodder for livestock  2. an instrument of torture on which a body is stretched  3.  a.  (1) a cause of anguish or pain  (2) acute suffering  b. the action of straining or wrenching  4. a framework, stand, or grating on or in which articles are placed  5.  a. a bar with teeth on one face for gearing with a pinion or worm gear to transform rotary motion to linear motion or vice versa (as in an automobile steering mechanism)  b. a notched bar used as a ratchet to engage with a pawl, click, or detent  6. a pair of antlers  7. a triangular frame used to set up the balls in a pool game; also the balls as set up  8. bed, sack  • ~ful noun  IV. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to torture on the ~  2. to cause to suffer torture, pain, anguish, or ruin ~ed with jealousy a company ~ed by infighting  3.  a. to stretch or strain violently ~ed his brains  b. to raise (rents) oppressively  c. to harass or oppress with high rents or extortions  4. to work or treat (material) on a ~  5. to work by a ~ and pinion or worm so as to extend or contract ~ a camera  6. to seize (as parallel ropes of a tackle) together  7. to place (as pool balls) in a ~  intransitive verb to become forced out of shape or out of plumb  Synonyms: see afflict  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb  V. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English rakken, from Old French (Norman & Picard dialect) reequier, probably from Late Latin reaedificare to rebuild, repair, improve, from Latin re- + aedificare to build — more at edify  Date: 15th century to draw off (as wine) from the lees  VI. intransitive verb  Etymology:...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (racks, racking, racked) Note: The spelling 'wrack' is also used, mainly for meanings 2 and 3, and mainly in old-fashioned or American English. 1. A rack is a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on. My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack... N-COUNT: oft supp N see also roof rack, toast rack 2. If someone is racked by something such as illness or anxiety, it causes them great suffering or pain. His already infirm body was racked by high fever... ...a teenager racked with guilt and anxiety. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed by/with n, V-ed see also racking 3. If you rack your brains, you try very hard to think of something. She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home. PHRASE: V and N inflect 4. If you say that someone is on the rack, you mean that they are suffering either physically or mentally. (JOURNALISM) Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13. PHRASE: usu PHR after v 5. If you say that a place is going to rack and ruin, you are emphasizing that it is slowly becoming less attractive or less pleasant because no-one is bothering to look after it. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 6. Off-the-rack clothes or goods are made in large numbers, rather than being made specially for a particular person. (AM; in BRIT, use off-the-peg) ...the same off-the-rack dress she’s been wearing since the night before... PHRASE: PHR n, PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, for holding things on  (The dishes are on the plate rack. | a magazine rack)  (- see also luggage rack, roof­rack) 2 the rack a piece of equipment used in the past to make people suffer severe pain by stretching their bodies 3 on the rack suffering severe pain or anxiety 4 go to rack and ruin to gradually get into a very bad condition as a result of not being looked after  (The old farmhouse had gone to rack and ruin.) 5 AmE a three-sided frame used for arranging the balls at the start of a game of snooker1 or pool1 (3) 6 a rack of lamb/pork BrE a fairly large piece of meat from the side of an animal ~2 v 1 T usually passive to make someone suffer great mental or physical pain  (be racked by/with)  (She was racked by feelings of guilt. | He lay on the ground racked with pain.) 2 rack your brain (s) to think very hard or for a long time  (I really had to rack my brains to remember his name.) rack sth up phr v informal 1 AmE to gradually get points, votes etc, especially in a competition or election  (The team racked up enough points to win the NFL title.) 2 AmE to damage or ruin something  (That motorcycle accident really racked up his leg.) 3 to make the value, amount, or level of something go up  (High interest rates have racked up the pound.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Receptor Of Activated C Kinase ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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