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Англо-русский строительный словарь - pump


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Перевод с английского языка pump на русский

насос absorption pump air pump air-lift pump air source heat pump air-water heat pump all air heat pump automatic fire pump axial-flow pump ball-valve concrete pump boiler feed pump boom pump booster pump borehole pump bucket pump centrifugal pump circulating pump circulator pump compression heat pump concrete pump condensate pump deep-well pump diaphragm pump disintegrating pump domestic heat pump dredge pump dual pump earth-coupled heat pump elephant concrete pump feed pump fire pump force pump gravel pump ground-coupled heat pump grout pump hand-operated pump heat pump heating water pump high-output concrete pump high-pressure concrete pump impeller pump jet pump lift pump lift and force pump main-line pump make-up pump mammoth pump manual fire pump mix-flow pump mobile concrete pump with placer mast mud pump multipurpose pump oil pump outdoor-air heat pump plunger pump pneumatic concrete pump positive displacement pump pressure test pump reciprocating pump rotary pump sand pump self-priming pump sewage pump shell pump sludge pump sludge draw-off pump slurry pump standby pump submersible pump suction pump sump pump thermoelectric heat pump trailer concrete pump transfer pump truckmixer concrete pump truck-mounted concrete pump turbine pump twin pump vacuum pump volumetric pump water-jet pump well pump wing pump
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  1) накачка; накачивать 2) генератор накачки – double pump – frequency-modulated pump – master pump ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) водочерпалка 2) выкачивать 3) качать 4) нагнетать 5) накачивать 6) насос 7) насосный 8) помпа bucket of well pump — стакан скважинного насоса diaphragm fuel pump — диафрагменный бензонасос differential piston pump — дифференциальный насос duplex fuel pump — сдвоенный бензонасос fluid vacuum pump — тех. вакуум-насос мокрый fuel injection pump — насос для впрыска топлива guided vane pump — шиберный насос helical rotor pump — одновинтовой насос insertable depth pump — энерг. насос глубинный вставной liquid-packed ring pump — водокольцевой насос lobe rotary pump — коловратный насос lubricating pump unit — смазочный нагнетатель multi-jet vacuum pump — многоструйный вакуум-насос oil pump drive gear — шестерня привода масляного насоса oil-vapor vacuum pump — паромасляный вакуум - насос pump fuel feed — подача топлива насосом pump modulation factor — физ. коэффициент модуляции активной проводимости pump out the water — откачивать воду pump to high vacuum — откачивать на высокий вакуум reactor coolant pump — машиностр. насос циркуляционный главный separator pump unit — энерг. станция компрессорная дожимная side suction pump — насос с боковым входом stage chamber pump — секционный насос torque flow pump — свободновихревой насос turbo-driven pump assembly — турбонасосный агрегат volute centrifugal pump — спиральный центробежный насос water-steam vacuum pump...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  насос – aquaditioner air pump – cation pump – ionic pump – potassium pump – sodium pump ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. насос, помпа fuel pump —- топливный насос 2. накачивание to give smth. a pump —- подкачать что-либо 3. откачивание, выкачивание 4. выведывание; "выкачивание" (сведений) 5. груб. тяжелодум, тугодум 6. разг. сердце 7. работать насосом, качать to pump over —- перекачивать 8. выкачивать, откачивать 9. нагнетать, накачивать to pump air —- нагнетать воздух 10. выталкивать, выбрасывать; выделять the heart pumps blood through the arteries —- сердце посылает кровь по артериям she pumped a few tears from her eyes —- она выжала из себя несколько слезинок 11. фонтанировать blood pumping from a wound —- бьющая из раны кровь 12. выведывать, выспрашивать, допытываться to pump a prisoner —- допрашивать заключенного с пристрастием 13. изнурять, приводить в изнеможение after the race he was all pumped out —- после бега он был в полном изнеможении 14. пульсировать, колотиться, стучать his heart pumped hard —- у него сильно колотилось сердце 15. подвергаться резким колебаниям (о ртути в барометре) 16. физ. накачивать лазер 17. непрерывно работать; "пыхтеть" he pumped at his homework all evening —- он корпел над домашним заданием весь вечер Id: to pump smb.'s hand —- трясти чью-либо руку (при рукопожатии) Id: to pump ship —- мочиться; браться за гиблое дело, обрекать себя на неудачу Id: to pump iron —- спорт....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun насос; помпа  2. v.  1) работать насосом; качать; выкачивать  2) нагнетать (воздух и т.п.)  3) usu. past part. приводить в изнеможение (тж. pump out)  4) пульсировать, колотиться, стучать - pump in - pump into - pump out - pump up - pump ship II noun  1) туфля-лодочка  2) мужская бальная туфля (обыкн. лакированная) PUMP in  а) накачивать, нагнетать (воздух или жидкость); This tyre is flat, you didnt pump enough air in.  б) coll. вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал); Unless the government pumps more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail.  в) coll. вдалбливать (что-л.); The advertising industry believes that if you can, by repetition, pump in enough attractive information, the public will buy anything. PUMP ship sl. мочиться PUMP into  а) нагнетать, накачивать (воздух или жидкость) во что-л.; Pump some more air into this tyre, its still flat.  б) вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал) куда-л.; The government has pumped a lot of money into the production of these fast new planes. The government has pumped money into building these fast new planes.  в) вдалбливать (что-л. кому-л.), "накачивать" (кого-л.); Education is not a matter of pumping facts into the childrens heads. PUMP out  а) выкачивать, откачивать; So far, weve been able to pump out most of the lower floors.  б) выведывать, выспрашивать (of); At last the police were able to pump the truth out (of the prisoner). PUMP up  а) качать, подавать (обыч. воду) наверх с помощью насоса; The water for the house is pumped up from a deep well.  б) накачивать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) насос подавать [нагнетать] насосом, качать 2) электрон. накачка, возбуждение накачивать, возбуждать 3) электрон. генератор накачки 4) электрон. излучение накачки to pump in — накачивать; to pump off — 1. откачивать 2. (быстро) опоражнивать (скважину скважинным насосом); to pump out — 1. выкачивать; откачивать 2. вакуумировать, разрежать; to pump over — перекачивать; to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу; to supercharge pump — подпитывать насос, создавать давление на всасывании насоса - absorption heat pump - accelerating pump - accelerator pump - acid treatment pump - adjustable pump - adsorption pump - aeration jet pump - afteroiling pump - air pump - air-driven pump - air-to-air heat pump - air-water heat pump - American pump - angular flow pump - appendage pump - atmospheric inlet pump - autopriming pump - auxiliary feedwater pump - auxiliary turbine-driven feed pump - axial-flow pump - axial-piston pump - axial-suction pump - backing pump - ballast pump - ball piston pump - beet lifting pump - beet pump - beet pulp pump - bent axis-piston pump - bilge pump - blade sideshift pump - blower pump - boojee pump - boost pump - borehole pump - brake release pump - brine injection pump - Butterworth pump - cam-vane pump - canned pump - cargo pump - cartridge pump - casing sucker rod pump - casing pump - centrifugal pump - charging pump - chemical pump - chemical cleaning pump - chemical heat pump - chemical proportioning pump - circular casing pump - circulating pump - clean pump - clean ballast pump - coal pump - coherent pump - coil pump - cold pump - cold-cathode getter-ion pump - combination fuel pump - combination gear pump - compensated pump - compression pump - concrete pump - condensate pump -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a machine, usu. with rotary action or the reciprocal action of a piston, for raising or moving liquids, compressing gases, inflating tyres, etc. 2 an instance of pumping; a stroke of a pump. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in, out, into, up, etc.) raise or remove (liquid, gas, etc.) with a pump. 2 tr. (often foll. by up) fill (a tyre etc.) with air. 3 tr. remove (water etc.) with a pump. 4 intr. work a pump. 5 tr. (often foll. by out) cause to move, pour forth, etc., as if by pumping. 6 tr. elicit information from (a person) by persistent questioning. 7 tr. a move vigorously up and down. b shake (a person's hand) effusively. Phrases and idioms pump-brake a handle of a pump, esp. with a transverse bar for several people to work at. pump-handle colloq. shake (a person's hand) effusively. pump iron colloq. exercise with weights. pump-priming 1 introduce fluid etc. into a pump to prepare it for working. 2 esp. US the stimulation of commerce etc. by investment. pump room 1 a room where fuel pumps etc. are stored or controlled. 2 a room at a spa etc. where medicinal water is dispensed. Etymology: ME pumpe, pompe (orig. Naut.): prob. imit. 2. n. 1 a plimsoll. 2 a light shoe for dancing etc. 3 US a court shoe. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (pumps, pumping, pumped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pump is a machine or device that is used to force a liquid or gas to flow in a particular direction. ...pumps that circulate the fuel around in the engine... You’ll need a bicycle pump to keep the tyres topped up with air. N-COUNT 2. To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump. It’s not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea... The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake. ...drill rigs that are busy pumping natural gas... Age diminishes the heart’s ability to pump harder and faster under exertion. VERB: V n with adv, V n prep, V n, V 3. A petrol or gas pump is a machine with a tube attached to it that you use to fill a car with petrol. There are already long queues of vehicles at petrol pumps. N-COUNT: oft n N 4. If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example because they have swallowed poison or drugs. She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped. VERB: usu passive, have n V-ed 5. If you pump money or other resources into something such as a project or an industry, you invest a lot of money or resources in it. (INFORMAL) The Government needs to pump more money into community care. VERB: V n into n 6. If you pump someone about something, you keep asking them questions in order to get information. (INFORMAL) He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case... Stop trying to pump information out of me. = grill VERB: V n about/for n, V n out of/from n 7. Pumps are canvas shoes with flat rubber soles which people wear for sports and leisure. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use trainers) N-COUNT 8. Pumps are women’s shoes that do not cover the top part of the foot and are usually made of plain leather. (AM; in BRIT, use court shoes) N-COUNT 9. To prime the pump means to do...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a machine for forcing liquid or gas into or out of something  (water/air/beer etc pump (=for moving water/air etc) | hand/foot pump (=operated by your hand or foot) | petrol pump/gas pump (=for putting petrol or gas into cars))  (- see also stomach pump) 2 C usually plural BrE a flat light shoe for dancing, exercise etc  (a pair of ballet pumps) 3 C usually plural especially AmE a woman's plain shoe that does not fasten 4 C usually plural BrE a shoe made of canvas (=thick cloth) with rubber on the bottom, used for sports  (Don't forget your pumps for PE.) 5 an act of pumping 6 all hands to the pumps used to say that everyone must work hard because a very difficult job has to be done  (- see also heat pump, prime the pump prime3 (4), parish pump) ~2 v 1 T always + adv/prep to make liquid or gas move in a particular direction with a pump  (pump sth into/out of/through etc)  (The fire department are still pumping floodwater out of the cellars. | pump gas AmE (=put petrol into your car at a petrol station)) 2 also pump away to move very quickly in and out or up and down  (My heart was pumping fast.) 3 also pump away to operate a pump  (He pumped away furiously.) 4 to bring a supply of water, oil etc to the surface from under the ground 5 when a liquid pumps from somewhere, it comes out in sudden small amounts + from/out of etc  (The blood was pumping from the wound in his thigh.) 6 informal to ask someone a lot of questions, in order to find out something  (pump sb for sth)  (I tried to pump him for information about their other contacts.) 7 pump sb full of sth to put a lot of drugs into someone's body  (athletes pumped full of steroids) 8 pump iron informal to do exercises by lifting heavy weights 9 have your stomach pumped to have the contents of your stomach removed by a pump, after swallowing something harmful pump sth into sb/sth phr v pump bullets into sb/sth informal to shoot someone several times pump out phr v 1 if something such as music, information, or a supply of products is pumped out or pumps...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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