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Англо-русский строительный словарь - press


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Перевод с английского языка press на русский

пресс прессовать beam bending press chamber filter press filter press foot press gag press hand press hydraulic press hydrostatic press punch press scrap bailing press screw press stamping press straightening press
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  1) вдавливать 2) гнет 3) давильный 4) давильня 5) давить 6) жом 7) запрессовывать 8) нажимать 9) печать 10) пресса 11) прессовать 12) прессовый 13) прижимать 14) уминать 15) фильтр-пресс come out of press — выйти из печати floor level press — одноярусная печатная машина open press tool — открытый штамп power-driven screw press — пресс фрикционный винтовой press into sheets — ламинировать - arbor press - arch press - baling press - bending press - blanking press - briquetting press - broaching press - cam press - caterpillar press - coining press - die-forging press - double-action press - double-arm press - drop press - engine press - flanging press - galley press - gluing press - go to press - hand-power press - heading press - hydraulic press - intaglio press - jaw press - letter press - multi-purpose press - multiple web press - offset press - phototype press - platen press - press briquetting - press conference - press forging - press glass - press peat - press proof - press roller - press the brick - press vulcanization - press wheel - proof press - punching press - quenching press - riveting press - roller press - rotary press - screw press - single-acting press - sizing press - stamping press - stop-cylinder press - straightening press - transfer press - trimming press - two-color press - two-decker press - two-revolution press - two-unit press - vulcanizing press - worm press ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вертикально-сверлильный станок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. пресса, печать - associated press - be in press - financial press - have a good press 2. гл. 1) теснить 2) оказывать давление 3) быть спешным/неотложным 4) настаивать 5) настоятельно требовать (for) 6) навязывать (on/upon) - be pressed for funds - be pressed for time - be pressed with work - press for payment - press for rent - press goods on smb - press goods upon smb - press one's claims - to be pressed for money PRESS 1) пресса, печать 2) издательство; типография 3) оттиск; делать оттиск, штамповать 4) спешка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – plant press – thread press ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. надавливание, нажатие; пожатие to give smth. a slight press —- слегка надавить на что-л. 2. спорт. жим, выжимание (также continental press) one-hand press —- жим одной рукой 3. пресс wine press —- виноградный пресс baling press —- тех. пакетировочный (брикетеровочный) пресс; с-х. кипный пресс hydraulic press —- тех. гидравлический пресс coining press —- пресс для чеканки монет, медалей и т. п. press fit —- тех. прессовая посадка, особо тугая посадка press forming —- тех. штамповка, прессовка 4. давка; свалка; толчея; теснота in the thick of the press —- в самой толчее, в тесноте, в давке 5. толпа to make one's way through the press —- пробраться сквозь толпу the boy was lost in the press —- мальчик затерялся в толпе 6. спешка; спешность press of work (business) —- неотложные (спешные) дела press of modern life —- лихорадочный темп жизни наших дней 7. редк. настоятельная необходимость 8. давление, напор (ветра и т. п.) under press of sail (canvas) —- мор. форсируя парусами press of weather —- мор. штормовая погода 9. глаженье, утюжка to be out of press —- быть неглаженным (неотутюженным) 10. спорт. прессинг (баскетбол) 11. пресса, печать periodical press —- периодическая печать daily press —- ежедневные газеты yellow (gutter) press —- желтая (бульварная) пресса freedom (liberty) of the press —- свобода печати Press lords —- члены палаты...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down придавливать, прижимать; The grass had been pressed down in places where people had been lying. PRESS for  а) добиваться (чего-л.); стремиться (к чему-л.); We must press for a reduction in the number of students in a class.  б) быть в затруднении, испытывать затруднения (денежные, со временем и т.п.); The universities are becoming increasingly pressed for money. PRESS forward  а) проталкиваться, пробиваться, устремляться вперед; The crowd, pressing forward to see the Queen, broke the fence.  б) coll. продолжать (усиленно делать что-л.); спешить; Whatever happens, we must press forward with our plans to increase production. If we press forward, we can get home before dark. PRESS I  1. noun  1) надавливание; give it a slight press - слегка нажмите  2) пресс  3) sport жим, выжим штанги  4) давка; свалка  5) спешка; there is a great press of work - много неотложной работы  2. v.  1) жать, нажимать, прижимать; I felt something hard, like a gun, pressing against my side.  2) давить, выдавливать, выжимать; - press home  3) прессовать; выдавливать, штамповать  4) толкать (тж. press up, press down)  5) теснить, оттеснять; оказывать давление; упорно преследовать; After pressing the enemy hard for several days, our army won the victory.  6) oft. pass. стеснять, затруднять; hard pressed - в трудном положении; to be pressed for money - испытывать денежные затруднения; to be pressed for time - располагать незначительным временем, очень торопиться  7) торопить, требовать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) пресс прессовать 2) давить, нажимать; прижимать 3) выдавливать 4) штамповать 5) лесн. вайма 6) вулканизатор, вулканизационный пресс 7) печатная машина 8) типография 9) издательство 10) пресса; печать 11) гладить, утюжить to press in — запрессовывать; to press off — выпрессовывать; to press on — напрессовывать; to press open — разутюживать (швы изделия) - aniline printing press - arbor press - asbestos press - auger press - autoclave press - automatic soap press - axle press - balcony-type press - baling press - ball shank press - bark press - beam press - beet pulp press - bell-type autoclave press - belt press - bending press - blanket-to-blanket perfecting press - blanking press - blank press - blotter filter press - bolt press - book press - bottom ram press - bottom slide drawing press - briquette press - broaching press - broadsheet press - bull press - bundling press - business form press - calendar press - cam press - carbon extrusion press - center-feed filter press - chamber filter press - clicker press - closed-discharge filter press - coal-briquette press - coating press - cold-forming press - common impression cylinder printing press - compacting press - compression molding press - continuous-form press - cork press - corner-feed filter press - couch press - crank press - cupping press - cutting and creasing press - cutting-out press - cylinder press - dewatering press - die-stamping press - digital-input press - dishing press - disk wheel press - double-arm press - double belt press - double-crank press - double ender web press - double-width press - drawing press - dry press - drying press - dry offset press - accentric press - embossing press - explosive press - extrusion press - faggotingpress - fagotingpress - feed press - felt washer press - filter press - flanging press - flat-bed...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. apply steady force to (a thing in contact) (press a switch; pressed the two surfaces together). 2 tr. a compress or apply pressure to a thing to flatten, shape, or smooth it, as by ironing (got the curtains pressed). b squeeze (a fruit etc.) to extract its juice. c manufacture (a gramophone record etc.) by moulding under pressure. 3 tr. (foll. by out of, from, etc.) squeeze (juice etc.). 4 tr. embrace or caress by squeezing (pressed my hand). 5 intr. (foll. by on, against, etc.) exert pressure. 6 intr. be urgent; demand immediate action (time was pressing). 7 intr. (foll. by for) make an insistent demand. 8 intr. (foll. by up, round, etc.) form a crowd. 9 intr. (foll. by on, forward, etc.) hasten insistently. 10 tr. (often in passive) (of an enemy etc.) bear heavily on. 11 tr. (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) urge or entreat (pressed me to stay; pressed me for an answer). 12 tr. (foll. by on, upon) a put forward or urge (an opinion, claim, or course of action). b insist on the acceptance of (an offer, a gift, etc.). 13 tr. insist on (did not press the point). 14 intr. (foll. by on) produce a strong mental or moral impression; oppress; weigh heavily. 15 intr. Golf try too hard for a long shot etc. and so strike the ball imperfectly. --n. 1 the act or an instance of pressing (give it a slight press). 2 a a device for compressing, flattening, shaping, extracting juice, etc. (trouser press; flower press; wine press). b a machine that applies pressure to a workpiece by means of a tool, in order to punch shapes, bend it, etc. 3 = printing-press. 4 (prec. by the) a the art or practice of printing. b newspapers, journalists, etc., generally or collectively (read it in the press; pursued by the press). 5 a notice or piece of publicity in newspapers etc. (got a good press). 6 (Press) a a printing house or establishment. b a publishing company (Athlone Press). 7 a crowding. b a crowd (of people etc.). 8 the pressure of affairs. 9 esp. Ir. & Sc. a large usu. shelved cupboard for clothes, books, etc., esp. in a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from ~er to ~  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a crowd or crowded condition ; throng  b. a thronging or crowding forward or together  2.  a. an apparatus or machine by which a substance is cut or shaped, an im~ion of a body is taken, a material is com~ed, ~ure is applied to a body, liquid is ex~ed, or a cutting tool is fed into the work by ~ure  b. a building containing ~es or a business using ~es  3. closet, cupboard  4.  a. an action of ~ing or pushing ; ~ure  b. an aggressive ~uring defense employed in basketball often over the entire court area  5. the properly smoothed and creased condition of a freshly ~ed garment out of ~  6.  a. printing ~  b. the act or the process of printing  c. a printing or publishing establishment  7.  a. the gathering and publishing or broadcasting of news ; journalism  b. newspapers, periodicals, and often radio and television news broadcasting  c. news reporters, publishers, and broadcasters  d. comment or notice in newspapers and periodicals is getting a good ~  8. any of various ~ure devices (as one for keeping sporting gear from warping when not in use)  9. a lift in weight lifting in which the weight is raised to shoulder height and then smoothly extended overhead without assist from the legs — compare clean and jerk, snatch  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from Latin ~are, frequentative of premere to ~; probably akin to Russian naperet' to ~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact ; squeeze  2.  a. assail, harass  b. afflict, op~  3.  a. to squeeze out the juice or contents of  b. to squeeze with apparatus or instruments to a desired density, smoothness, or shape  4.  a. to exert influence on ; constrain  b. to try hard to persuade ; beseech, entreat  5. to move by means of ~ure  6.  a. to lay stress or emphasis on  b. to insist on or request urgently  7. to follow...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (presses, pressing, pressed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you press something somewhere, you push it firmly against something else. He pressed his back against the door... They pressed the silver knife into the cake. VERB: V n against n, V n prep 2. If you press a button or switch, you push it with your finger in order to make a machine or device work. Drago pressed a button and the door closed... VERB: V n • Press is also a noun. ...a TV which rises from a table at the press of a button. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If you press something or press down on it, you push hard against it with your foot or hand. The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard... She stood up and leaned forward with her hands pressing down on the desk. VERB: V n, V adv 4. If you press for something, you try hard to persuade someone to give it to you or to agree to it. Police might now press for changes in the law... They had pressed for their children to be taught French. = push VERB: V for n, V for n to-inf 5. If you press someone, you try hard to persuade them to do something. Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm... Mr King seems certain to be pressed for further details... She smiles coyly when pressed about her private life. VERB: V n to-inf, be V-ed for/about n, be V-ed for/about n 6. If someone presses their claim, demand, or point, they state it in a very forceful way. The protest campaign has used mass strikes and demonstrations to press its demands... VERB: V n 7. If an unpleasant feeling or worry presses on you, it affects you very much or you are always thinking about it. The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her... VERB: V on n 8. If you press something on someone, you give it to them and insist that they take it. All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother... VERB: V n on n 9. If you press clothes, you iron them in order to get rid of the creases. Vera pressed his shirt... ...clean,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »NEWS« a) also the press people who write reports for newspapers, radio, or television  (the freedom of the press)  (also + plural v BrE)  (In August the press are desperate for news. | press photographers) b) reports in newspapers and on radio and television  (To judge from the press, the concert was a great success. | press clippings | press coverage (=the reports written about something in newspapers)) 2 get/be given a bad press to be criticized in the newspapers or on radio or television  (The police have been getting a bad press in the last few months.) 3 get/be given a good press to be praised in the newspapers or on radio or television  (Our recycling policy is getting a good press.) 4 »PRINTING« a) a business that prints and sometimes also sells books  (the Clarendon Press) b) also printing press a machine that prints books, newspapers, or magazines 5 trouser/flower/wine press a piece of equipment used to put weight on something to make it flat or to force liquid out of it  (You can still buy old cheese presses in some areas.) 6 »PUSH« a light steady push against something small  (Give the button another press.) 7 go to press if a newspaper, magazine, or book goes to press, it is printed 8 »CROWD« a crowd of people pushing against each other ~2 v 1 »AGAINST STH« T always + adv/prep to push something firmly against a surface  (The little boys pressed their noses against the glass. | Viv tried to press himself back against the wall. | The old man pressed a coin into her hand.) 2 »BUTTON« to push something with your finger to make a machine start, a bell ring etc  (What happens if I press the reset button?) 3 »CLOTHES« to make clothes smooth using heat; iron  (I'll need to press my suit.) 4 »CROWD« to move in a particular direction by pushing  (The crowds pressed around her, hoping for her autograph.) 5 »PERSUADE« to try hard to persuade someone to do something  (Please don't press me on this point, I have no more to say. | press sb to do sth)  (Katie pressed me to stay a little longer. |...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mathem. abbr. Prediction Residual Error Sum of Squares ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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