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Англо-русский строительный словарь - pig


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Перевод с английского языка pig на русский

чушка; болванка скребок; ёрш чистить скребком (ершом) scouring pig
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  1) банник 2) болванка 3) болваночный 4) ерш 5) отливать 6) поросенок 7) скребок 8) чугун 9) чушка 10) чушковый 11) штык - lead pig - pig copper - pig metal - pig tin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) свинья; поросёнок 2) pl свиньи (Suidae) – bearded pig – bush pig – Eurasian pig – giant forest pig – Guinea pig – Javan pig – pygmy pig – snuffing pig – true pigs – water pig – wild pig ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. свинья; боров; кабан; свиноматка in pig —- супоросая to keep pigs —- держать свиней 2. подсвинок, (большой) поросенок 3. поросятина roast pig —- жареный поросенок 4. поросятина; поросеночек 5. разг. свинья, нахал, наглец he is a greedy pig —- он жаден как свинья don't be a pig! —- не будь свиньей what a pig! —- какой нахал! what a selfish pig! —- какой (ну и) эгоист! he is an obstinate pig —- он упрям как осел 6. разг. неряха, грязнуля he is a regular little pig —- он ужасная грязнуля 7. разг. ам. распущенная женщина, девка 8. разг. долька апельсина или чеснока 9. полигр. жарг. печатник 10. сл. сыщик 11. сл. провокатор 12. сл. полицейский офицер; полицейский; блюститель закона 13. (также the P.) полиция 14. сл. реакционер, консерватор; твердолобый male chauvinist pig —- сторонник дискриминации женщин 15. тех. болванка; чушка; брусок 16. тех. изложница, литейная форма 17. тех. чугун 18. кабан (глыба льда) 19. ав. жарг. "колбаса", аэростат заграждения 20. сл. (плохая) скаковая лошадь 21. сл. кожаный бумажник 22. пороситься 23. жить по-свински, в грязи, в тесноте (также to pig it, to pig together) 24. спать в тесноте, в грязи the only hole where they could pig for the night —- это единственная дыра, в которой им удавалось кое-как устроиться на ночь 25. селить в тесноте women and children were pigged...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) (молодая) свинья; подсвинок; поросенок  2) свинина; поросятина; roast pig  3) coll. свинья, нахал, наглец; You are a greedy pig!  4) coll. неряха, грязнуля  5) coll. долька, ломтик (апельсина)  6) tech. болванка, чушка; брусок  7) aeron.; sl. аэростат заграждения  8) sl. сыщик; провокатор; полицейский офицер; полицейский; блюститель закона; (тж. the P.) полиция in pig - супоросая (о свинье) to make a pig of oneself - объедаться, обжираться to buy a pig in a poke - покупать кота в мешке in less than a pigs whisper (amer. whistle) - моментально, в два счёта please the pigs joc. - если всё будет благополучно; при благоприятных обстоятельствах a pig in the middle - между двух огней pigs might fly joc. - бывает, что коровы летают Syn: bear, hog, porker, sow, swine  2. v.  1) пороситься  2) to pig it coll. - жить тесно и неуютно, ютиться; You may have to pig it for a time while the repairs get finished. As a child, I always wanted a room of my own, but had to pig together with my sisters in one small bedroom. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) чушка; болванка; штык отливать чушки 2) (чушковый) чугун 3) (чушковый) свинец 4) скребок, ёрш, сваб (для чистки труб) чистить (трубы) скребками, ершами, свабами - chill-cast pig - pipeline scraper pig - sealing pig - zinc pig ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a any omnivorous hoofed bristly mammal of the family Suidae, esp. a domesticated kind, Sus scrofa. b US a young pig; a piglet. c (often in comb.) any similar animal (guinea-pig). 2 the flesh of esp. a young or sucking pig as food (roast pig). 3 colloq. a a greedy, dirty, obstinate, sulky, or annoying person. b an unpleasant, awkward, or difficult thing, task, etc. 4 an oblong mass of metal (esp. iron or lead) from a smelting-furnace. 5 sl. derog. a policeman. --v. (pigged, pigging) 1 tr. (also absol.) (of a sow) bring forth (piglets). 2 tr. colloq. eat (food) greedily. 3 intr. herd together or behave like pigs. Phrases and idioms bleed like a pig (or stuck pig) bleed copiously. buy a pig in a poke buy, accept, etc. something without knowing its value or esp. seeing it. in pig (of a sow) pregnant. in a pig's eye colloq. certainly not. make a pig of oneself overeat. make a pig's ear of colloq. make a mess of; bungle. pig in the middle a person who is placed in an awkward situation between two others (after a ball game for three with one in the middle). pig-iron crude iron from a smelting-furnace. Pig Island Austral. & NZ sl. New Zealand. pig it live in a disorderly, untidy, or filthy fashion. pig-jump Austral. sl. n. a jump made by a horse from all four legs. --v.intr. (of a horse) jump in this manner. pig Latin a made-up jargon. pig-meat Brit. pork, ham, or bacon. pig out (often foll. by on) esp. US sl. eat gluttonously. pigs might fly iron. an expression of disbelief. pig-sticker a long sharp knife. pig's wash = PIGSWILL. Derivatives piggish adj. piggishly adv. piggishness n. piglet n. piglike adj. pigling n. Etymology: ME pigge f. OE pigga (unrecorded) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~ge  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a young domesticated swine not yet sexually mature; broadly a wild or domestic swine  b. an animal related to or resembling the ~  2.  a. pork  b. the dressed carcass of a young swine weighing less than 130 pounds (60 kilograms)  c. ~skin  3. a dirty, gluttonous, or repulsive person  4. a crude casting of metal (as iron)  5. slang an immoral woman  6. slang, usually disparaging police officer  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1. farrow  2. to live like a ~ ~ it  transitive verb farrow ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pigs, pigging, pigged) 1. A pig is a pink or black animal with short legs and not much hair on its skin. Pigs are often kept on farms for their meat, which is called pork, ham, bacon, or gammon. ...the grunting of the pigs. ...a pig farmer. = hog N-COUNT see also guinea pig 2. If you call someone a pig, you think that they are unpleasant in some way, especially that they are greedy or unkind. (INFORMAL) N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 3. If you say that people are pigging themselves, you are criticizing them for eating a very large amount at one meal. (BRIT INFORMAL) After pigging herself on ice cream she went upstairs. VERB: V pron-refl c darkgreen]disapproval 4. If you say ‘pigs might fly’ after someone has said that something might happen, you are emphasizing that you think it is very unlikely. (HUMOROUS, INFORMAL) ‘There’s a chance he won’t get involved in this, of course.’—‘And pigs might fly.’ PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you say that someone is making a pig of themselves, you are criticizing them for eating a very large amount at one meal. (INFORMAL) I’m afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner. PHRASE: V and N inflect c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 ANIMAL a farm animal that is usually pink or black and has short legs, a fat body, and a curved tail  (- see also guinea pig (1)) 2 PERSON spoken a) someone who eats too much or eats more than their share  (Greedy pig, you ate all the candy!) b) someone who is very dirty or untidy  (How can you live in this mess? You're such a pig!) c) someone who is unpleasant or offensive  (You're a selfish pig. | male chauvinist pig (=unpleasant man who thinks women are not equal to men)) 3 POLICE slang an insulting word meaning a police officer 4 a pig (of a ...) BrE spoken something that is very difficult or unpleasant to do  (Stripping wallpaper is a pig of a job.) 5 make a pig's ear of BrE spoken to do something very badly  (Jon's made a complete pig's ear of the decorating.)  (- see also in a pig's eye (eye1 (21))) ~2 v BrE spoken to eat a lot of food, even when you are not very hungry  (There's no ice cream left, Tony pigged the lot.)  ( @pig out pig out phr v informal to eat a lot of food  (We pigged out on pizza and beer.) @ ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Program Implementation Group U.S. gov. abbr. Pipeline Inspection Gadget U.S. gov. abbr. Program Implementation Group mil. abbr. Program Implementation Group mathem. abbr. Physical Improbability Generator funny abbr. Politically Incorrect Game funny abbr. Pretty Intelligent Girl funny abbr. Pizza Is Good network. abbr. Port Ingestion Group sport abbr. Play Interactive Games sport abbr. Purely Independent Games law abbr. Protection Interface Grants law abbr. Persuasion Is Good law abbr. Pride, Integrity, Guts law abbr. Pride, Integerity, Guts st. exc. abbr. Phenomenal Income Growth st. exc. abbr. Passive Income Generator bus. prod. abbr. Pipeline Inspection Gauge firm name abbr. Psion Interest Group firm name abbr. Performance Import Group chat abbr. Python Interest Group chat abbr. Pure Intelligent Guy chat abbr. Pursuant Of Immediate Gratification ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - probably from O.E. *picg, found in compounds, ultimate origin unknown. Originally "young pig" (the word for adults was swine). Another O.E. word for "pig" was fearh, related to furh "furrow," from PIE *perk- "dig, furrow" (cf. L. porc-us "pig," see pork). "This reflects a widespread IE tendency to name animals from typical attributes or activities." [Lass] The meaning "oblong piece of metal" is first attested 1589, on the notion of "large mass." The derogatory slang meaning "police officer" has been in underworld slang since at least 1811; pig out "eat like a pig" is 1979; pig-headed is 1620; pigskin as slang for "football" is from 1894, though as word for saddle leather it is from 1855; pigtail was originally (1688) "tobacco in a twisted roll;" meaning "braid of hair" is from 1753, when it was a fashion among soldiers and sailors. Piggyback (1838) is ultimately pick pack (1591), from pick, a dial. variant of pitch (v.). Obsolete pigsney, endearing form of address to a girl or woman, is apparently from M.E. pigges eye "pig's eye," with excrescent -n- from min eye, an eye, etc. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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