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Англо-русский строительный словарь - network


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Перевод с английского языка network на русский

сеть (трубопроводная, дорожная и т. п.) сетевой график network of motorroads activity network aerial network air termination network basic network of high-order control buried network distribution network drainage network electric distribution network gas distribution network ground network horizontal survey network lighting network line network lock-weir network overhead network road network sampling network sewer network telephone network underground survey network water line network water supply network
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См. в других словарях

  1) сеть 2) схема – ac network – active network – adjustment network – all-pass network – analog cellular network – asynchronous network – automatic secure voice communication network – automatic voice network – average-capacity radio-relay network – backbone network – banyan network – baseband network – baseband-switched network – baseline network – branched network – bridged-T network – broadband integrated-service digital network – building-out network – bus network – butterfly network – cable-news network – cable telephone network – cable-television network – carrier recovery network – cellular paging network – cellular radio network – circuit-switched network – circular radiocommunication network – closed cellular network – combined distribution network – commercial communcation network – common-telegraph network – common-telephone network – common-user network – communication network – compromise network – computer network – computerized transport communication network – copy network – core network – corporate network – conferencing network – coordinate network – corporative network – corrective network – coupling network – cross-connect network – customer network – damaged network – data-communication network – data-computing network – data-transmission network – decoding network – decoupling network – deemphasis network – Deep-Space network – degraded network – delay-line network – democratic network – departmental communication network – departmental data-transmission network – departmental engineering communication network – departmental facsimile network – departmental radio network – departmental telegraph network – departmental telephone network – derived-services network – despotic network – dial network – dial-up network – differentiating network – digital cellular network – discrete communication network – dispersed network – district telephone network – dual network...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) каркас 2) многоплюсник 3) многополюсник 4) плетение 5) сетевой график 6) сетка 7) сеточный 8) сетчатый 9) сеть 10) схема 11) схемный 12) цепь 13) электросеть anastomotic modular network — анастомотическая модульная сеть arbitrarily reliable network — произвольно надежная сеть capacitated transport network — упорядоченная по пропускной способности транспортная сеть correcting corrective network — корректирующая схема direction finding network — радиопеленгаторная сеть frequency selective network — частотноизбирательная схема gated resistance network — управляемое цифровое сопротивление integrated digital network — интегральная цифровая сеть связи interpenetrating network of samples — взаимопроникающая группа выборок iterative switching network — итеративная структура junction point of network — точка разветвления схемы local telephone network — местная телефонная сеть loosely coupled network — сеть слабосвязанная mainline communications network — связь сеть магистральных связей network access controller — контроллер доступа к сети network access machine — механизм доступа к сети network communications junction — связь узел связей сетевой network flow problem — задача о потоках в сетях network flow under uncertainty — поток в сети в условиях неопределенности network optimization program — программа машинного анализа цепей network with gains — т. граф. сеть с...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  передавать (информацию) через (компьютерную) сеть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) сеть 2) рамка 3) сеть (железнодорожная, радиотрансляционная и т.п.) • - ATM Network - Electronic License Application and Information Network - agency network - banking network - communications network - distribution network - in the network - library network - network algorithm - network analysis - network analysis scheme - network diagram - network element - network level - network method - network model - network of projects - network performance - network plan - network planning - network summarization - network topology - network topology map NETWORK 1) сеть; система (связей); схема 2) присоединяться к сети 3) создавать или поддерживать горизонтальные (деловые или информационные) связи 4) распространять, транслировать (информацию) – network of patents – activity network – library network – computer network – local network – national patent information network – office network NETWORK 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. сеть, сетка, плетенка б) общ. плетение, вязание, переплетение в) общ. хитросплетение, сеть network of intrigue lies — сеть интриг лжи network of espionage — шпионская сеть г) тех. цепь, схема 2) сеть а) общ. (совокупность железных дорог, каналов, канализаций и т. п.) communications network — сеть коммуникаций, сеть связи, система связи road network — дорожная сеть network of rails — сеть железных дорог, железнодорожная сеть б) СМИ (группа взаимосвязанных станций отдельной теле- или радиокомпании, осуществляющих одновременное вещание одних и тех же...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сеть; сетка 2) бот. гудайера пушистая (Goodyera pubescens) – capillary network – cellular network – chromatin network – social network – wonderful network ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сеть, сетка 2. плетенка 3. сеточка, филе (в рукоделии) 4. текст. ажурное полотно 5. плетение, вязание 6. переплетение, хитросплетение; сеть network of intrigue —- сеть интриг network of espionage —- шпионская сеть 7. эл. цепь, схема 8. сеть (железнодорожная, канализационная, радиотрансляционная, телевизионная и т. п.) 9. тех. решетчатая система 10. рад. тлв. сетевое вещание network announcer —- диктор 11. эк. сетевой график 12. комп. сеть backbone network —- базовая сеть ring network —- кольцевая сеть network architecture —- архитектура сети ЭВМ network data base —- сетевая база данных 13. ам. покрывать сетью железных дорог whole regions are networked —- сетью железных дорог покрываются целые области 14. ам. передавать, вещать по радио- или телевизионной сети 15. ам. передаваться по радио- или телевизионной сети ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  announcer amer. диктор NETWORK noun  1) сеть, сетка; плетенка  2) сеть (железных дорог, каналов и т.п.)  3) сообщество  4) tech. решетчатая система  5) радиотрансляционная сеть  6) electr. цепь, схема ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) сеть (железных дорог, каналов, трубопроводов и т. п.) 2) электрическая сеть, сеть электроснабжения, сеть электропитания 3) энергосистема 4) сеть (связи) 5) схема; цепь; контур 6) эл. многополюсник; четырехполюсник 7) сетевой график 8) вычислительная сеть; сеть ЭВМ 9) геофиз. сеть наблюдений; сеть опорных пунктов 10) бтх внутриклеточный каркас - network of base gravity stations - active network - active electrical network - adding network - adjustment network - air route network - all-pass network - anti-induction network - aperiodic network - artificial mains network - asymmetrical network - attenuation network - augmented transition network - automatic voice network - backbone network - backup radio network - balanced network - balancing network - baseband network - baseline network - basic network - BGS network - binary-weighted network - bridge network - bridged-T network - broadcast network - buoy data acquisition network - bus network - cable network - capacitive network - capacitor network - cellular radio network - centralized computer network - channel network - charge-summing network - circuit-switching network - climatological station network - closed private network - communications network - community antenna distribution network - computer network - conferencing network - connected network - contact network - coupling network - crack network - crossover network - customer access network - data communications network - data network - data transmission network - decoupling network - dedicated network - deemphasis network - delay-line network - delta network - demand-assigned network - dial-up network - differentiating network - digital network - diode network - direct distance dialing network - dislocation network - distributed network - distributed-constant network -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines, like the structure of a net. 2 a complex system of railways, roads, canals, etc. 3 a group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes. 4 a chain of interconnected computers, machines, or operations. 5 a system of connected electrical conductors. 6 a group of broadcasting stations connected for a simultaneous broadcast of a programme. --v. 1 tr. broadcast on a network. 2 intr. establish a network. 3 tr. link (machines, esp. computers) to operate interactively. 4 intr. be a member of a network (see sense 3 of n.). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 1535  1. a fabric or structure of cords or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secured at the crossings  2. a system of lines or channels resembling a ~  3.  a. an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system a ~ of hotels  b. a system of computers, peripherals, terminals, and databases connected by communications lines  4.  a. a group of radio or television stations linked by wire or radio relay  b. a radio or television company that produces programs for broadcast over such a ~  5. a usually informally interconnected group or association of persons (as friends or professional colleagues)  II. verb  Date: 1887  transitive verb  1. to cover with or as if with a ~ a continent…so ~ed with navigable rivers and canals — Lamp  2. chiefly British to distribute for broadcast on a television ~; also broadcast 3  3. to join (as computers) in a ~  intransitive verb to engage in ~ing  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (networks, networking, networked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A network of lines, roads, veins, or other long thin things is a large number of them which cross each other or meet at many points. ...Strasbourg, with its rambling network of medieval streets... The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A network of people or institutions is a large number of them that have a connection with each other and work together as a system. Distribution of the food is going ahead using a network of local church people and other volunteers... He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide. N-COUNT: usu supp N, N of n see also old-boy network 3. A particular network is a system of things which are connected and which operate together. For example, a computer network consists of a number of computers that are part of the same system. ...a computer network with 154 terminals... Huge sections of the rail network are out of action. N-COUNT: oft n N see also neural network 4. A radio or television network is a company or group of companies that broadcasts radio or television programmes throughout an area. An American network says it has obtained the recordings. N-COUNT: usu supp N 5. When a television or radio programme is networked, it is broadcast at the same time by several different television companies. Lumsdon would like to see his programme sold and networked... He had once had his own networked chat show. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 6. If you network, you try to meet new people who might be useful to you in your job. (BUSINESS) In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis. VERB: V with n, also V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a group of radio or television stations, which broadcast many of the same programmes, but in different places 2 a system of lines, tubes, wires, roads etc that cross each other and are connected to each other + of  (an elaborate network of canals | the network of blood vessels in the body) 3 a group of people, organizations etc that are connected or that work together + of  (It's important to build up a network of professional contacts.) 4 a set of computers that are connected to each other and can be used to send information or messages ~2 v 1 to broadcast a radio or television programme on several different channels (channel1 (1) channel1 (2) at the same time 2 to connect several computers together so that you can send information between them ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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