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Англо-русский строительный словарь - job


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объект строительства строительная работа; отдельный вид строительных работ; выполненная работа строительная площадка concrete forming job crane-and-bucket job diving job large job rock job
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  1) акциденция 2) задание 3) маклерствовать 4) сдельный by-pass a job step — опускать шаг задания give a job to — трудоустраивать - contract job - job case - job composition - job control language - job family - job package - job placement - job printer - job printing - job scheduler - job type - job work - restart job step - select job step - skip job step - suit job requirements ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. работа, дело, задание odd jobs - случайная работа, by the job - сдельно (об оплате) 2) общ. место работы to get a lob - получить работу, to look for a job - искать работу 3) торг. неликвид (залежалый товар, продаваемый по cниженной цене) See: shelf pull merchandise 4) общ. блат (использование служебного положения в личных целях) His appointment was a job. - Он получил назначение по протекции. 5) общ., разг. кража JOB 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. работа, дело, труд; задание, урок; (рабочая) операция by the job — сдельно (об оплате) to be paid by the job — оплачиваться сдельно, получать оплату по результатам работу high-paid job — высокооплачиваемая работа, работа с большим окладом well-paid job — хорошо оплачиваемая работа building and assembly jobs — строительно-монтажные работы cementing jobs — работы по цементированию, цементные работы repair jobs — ремонтные работы, работы по ремонту, ремонт farm job — сельскохозяйственная работа, работа на ферме office job — офисная работа, работа в офисе web design job — работа по веб-дизайну job of quality control — работа по контролю качества selling job — работа по сбыту job completion — завершение работы операции job content — содержание работы job duration — продолжительность операции job name — название операции работы job plan — план...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. библ. Иов 2. многострадальный, терпеливый человек Id: to be as poor as Job —- быть бедным как Иов; быть бедным как церковная мышь Id: poor as Job's turkey —- гол как сокол Id: to be as patient as Job —- быть терпеливым как Иов; обладать ангельским терпением Id: Job's news —- печальные новости, весть о несчастье Id: Job's post —- человек, приносящий дурные вести job 1. работа, дело, труд odd jobs —- случайная работа to make a good job of it —- хорошо справиться с делом, сделать что-л. хорошо do a better job next time —- в следующий раз постарайтесь выполнить работу получше washing the dishes is your job, not mine —- мыть посуду твое дело, а не мое 2. разг. трудное дело (также job of work) I have had quite a job with him —- мне пришлось повозиться с ним he has a job of work on his hanfs —- ему придется основательно потрудиться it was a real job to talk over that noise —- разговаривать при таком шуме было очень нелегко 3. работа, место службы; должность to have a (good) job —- иметь (хорошую) работу out of a job —- без работы (места) to need (to want) a job —- нуждаться в работе to give a job —- давать работу 4. профессия, род занятий, квалификация job analysis —- исследование особенностей и специфики разных профессий и требований, прдъявляемых к рабочим job evaluation —- оценка сложности работы (для присвоения разряда);...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (личн. имена) - Джоб; библ. Йов JOB noun Джоб; bibl. Иов JOB I Job noun  1) bibl. Иов  2) многострадальный, терпеливый человек to be as patient as job - обладать ангельским терпением this would try the patience of job - от этого хоть у кого терпение лопнет - jobs news - jobs comforter II  1. noun  1) работа, труд; сдельная работа - by the job  2) coll. место, служба - out of job  3) задание; урок  4) использование своего положения в личных целях his appointment was a job - он получил назначение по протекции  5) sl. кража - inside job  6) лошадь/экипаж, взятые напрокат  7) typ. акциденция  8) tech. деталь, изделие, обрабатываемый предмет  9) attr. нанятый на определенную работу; наемный - job classification - job evaluation a job of work - нелегкая работенка - bad job - good job - job lot - on the job - just the job Syn: see profession  2. v.  1) работать нерегулярно, случайно  2) работать сдельно  3) нанимать на сдельную работу  4) брать внаем лошадей, напрокат экипажи  5) сдавать подряды; давать внаем лошадей, напрокат экипажи  6) спекулировать, барышничать; быть маклером  7) действовать недобросовестно (при заключении сделок и т.п.)  8) злоупотреблять своим положением to job smb. into a post - устроить кого-л. на место по протекции III  1. noun внезапный удар, толчок  2. v.  1) колоть, вонзать; пронзать;...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) работа; работы 2) (технологическая) операция 3) обрабатываемая деталь; заготовка 4) место работы; рабочая площадка 5) вчт. задание 6) (рабочее) задание, наряд 7) модель (автомобиля) 8) полигр. малотиражная продукция - abandonment job - active job - background job - ballasting job - batch job - critical job - diving job - dry-up job - fishing job - fish job - foreground job - frac job - junk cleanout job - leaching job - manually operated job - NC job - noncritical job - one-of-a-kind job - one-shot job - pending job - rail job - remote job - rod job - unattended job - virtual job - washover job - workover job ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of work, esp. one done for hire or profit. 2 a paid position of employment. 3 colloq. anything one has to do. 4 colloq. a difficult task (had a job to find them). 5 a product of work, esp. if well done. 6 Computing an item of work regarded separately. 7 sl. a crime, esp. a robbery. 8 a transaction in which private advantage prevails over duty or public interest. 9 a state of affairs or set of circumstances (is a bad job). --v. (jobbed, jobbing) 1 intr. do jobs; do piece-work. 2 a intr. deal in stocks. b tr. buy and sell (stocks or goods) as a middleman. 3 a intr. turn a position of trust to private advantage. b tr. deal corruptly with (a matter). 4 tr. US sl. swindle. Phrases and idioms job-control language Computing a language enabling the user to determine the tasks to be undertaken by the operating system. job-hunt colloq. seek employment. job lot a miscellaneous group of articles, esp. bought together. jobs for the boys colloq. profitable situations etc. to reward one's supporters. job-sharing an arrangement by which a full-time job is done jointly by several part-time employees who share the remuneration. just the job colloq. exactly what is wanted. make a job (or good job) of do thoroughly or successfully. on the job colloq. 1 at work; in the course of doing a piece of work. 2 engaged in sexual intercourse. out of a job unemployed. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. 2. v. & n. --v. (jobbed, jobbing) 1 tr. prod; stab slightly. 2 intr. (foll. by at) thrust. --n. a prod or thrust; a jerk at a horse's bit. Etymology: ME, app. imit.: cf. JAB ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Latin, from Greek Iob, from Hebrew Iyyobh  Date: 14th century  1. the hero of the book of ~ who endures afflictions with fortitude and faith  2. a narrative and poetic book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture — see bible table JOB  I. noun  Etymology: perhaps from obsolete English ~ lump  Date: circa 1627  1.  a. a piece of work; especially a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate  b. the object or material on which work is being done  c. something produced by or as if by work do a better ~ next time  d. an example of a usually specified type ; item a 14,000-square-foot ~ with…seven bedrooms — Rick Telander  2.  a. something done for private advantage suspected the whole incident was a put-up ~  b. a criminal enterprise; specifically robbery  c. a damaging or destructive bit of work did a ~ on him  3.  a.  (1) something that has to be done ; task  (2) an undertaking requiring unusual exertion it was a real ~ to talk over that noise  b. a specific duty, role, or function  c. a regular remunerative position  d. chiefly British state of affairs — usually used with bad or good it was a good ~ you didn't hit the old man — E. L. Thomas  4. plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes a nose ~  Synonyms: see task  II. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Date: 1694  intransitive verb  1. to do odd or occasional pieces of work for hire  2. to carry on public business for private gain  3. to carry on the business of a middleman or wholesaler  transitive verb  1. to buy and sell (as stock) for profit ; speculate  2. to hire or let by the ~ or for a period of service  3. to get, deal with, or effect by ~bery  4. to do or cause to be done by separate portions or lots ; subcontract — often used with out  5. to penalize or deprive unfairly  III. adjective  Date: 1710  1. British that is for hire for a given service or period  2. used in, engaged in, or done as ~ work a ~ shop  3. of or relating to a ~ or to employment a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (jobs) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A job is the work that someone does to earn money. Once I’m in America I can get a job... Thousands have lost their jobs... I felt the pressure of being the first woman in the job. ...overseas job vacancies. N-COUNT 2. A job is a particular task. He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn’t take too much time... N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n, n N 3. The job of a particular person or thing is their duty or function. Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness... Drinking a lot helps the kidneys do their job. N-COUNT: usu with poss 4. If you say that someone is doing a good job, you mean that they are doing something well. In British English, you can also say that they are making a good job of something. We could do a far better job of managing it than they have... N-SING: usu adj N, oft N of -ing/n 5. If you say that you have a job doing something, you are emphasizing how difficult it is. He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors... N-SING: usu N -ing, N to-inf c darkgreen]emphasis 6. see also jobbing, day job, hatchet job, on-the-job 7. If you refer to work as jobs for the boys, you mean that the work is unfairly given to someone’s friends, supporters, or relations, even though they may not be the best qualified people to do it. (BRIT) PHRASE c darkgreen]disapproval 8. If you say that something is just the job, you mean that it is exactly what you wanted or needed. (BRIT INFORMAL) Not only is it just the job for travelling, but it’s handy for groceries too. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 9. If someone is on the job, they are actually doing a particular job or task. The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $5.00 an hour... PHRASE 10. it’s a good job: see good the job in hand: see hand ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 Job's comforter someone who tries to make you feel more cheerful, but actually makes you feel worse 2 have the patience of Job to be extremely patient job ~ n WORK 1 the regular paid work that you do for an employer  (get/find a job (as sth))  (Eventually, Mary got a job as a waitress. | take a job (=accept a job that is offered to you))  (I was so desperate that I took the first job that came along. | lose a job)  (At least there's no danger of you losing your job. | temporary/permanent job)  (It's a temporary job, but I'm hoping it'll be made permanent. | offer (sb) a job)  (Well, Ms Taylor, we'd like to offer you the job. | part-time/full-time job (=a job you do for only part of the day or week, or all of the day or week) | apply for a job (=try to get a job))  (I've applied for a job at the university. | job satisfaction (=the enjoyment that you get from doing your job) | leave/quit a job)  (Oh Rick, you didn't quit your job, did you? | change jobs (=get a different job) | hold down a job (=keep a job) | job security (=how permanent your job is likely to be) | Saturday/summer/holiday job (=a job that you only do on Saturdays etc) | steady job (=a job that is likely to continue) | be out of a job (=not have a job))  (If the project fails we'll all be out of a job. | know your job (=be very experienced at the work you do) | job losses)  (Four hundred more job losses were announced this week.)  (- see also job description) 2 on the job a) as part of a particular job  (Most clerical training is done on the job.) b) doing a particular job  (We'll put our best people on the job.) c) BrE spoken having sex 3 I'm only doing my job spoken used to say that it is not your fault if you have to do something in your work that other people do not like 4 it's more than my job's worth BrE spoken used to tell someone that you cannot do what they want because it is against your company's rules 5 jobs for the boys BrE work that someone in power has given to their friends, especially work that is not necessary STH YOU MUST DO...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Japanese Ocean Bomb funny abbr. Just Out Of Bondage adult abbr. Jump Out Of Bed file ext. abbr. Job object (Scheduler) educ. abbr. Just Outstanding Books pos. abbr. Job Opportunity Bank pos. abbr. Journey Of The Broke AMEX symbols General Employment Enterprises chat abbr. Just Over Broke ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - the Biblical name, Heb., lit. "hated, persecuted." JOB - 1557, in phrase jobbe of worke "piece of work" (contrasted with continuous labor), perhaps a variant of gobbe "mass, lump" (see gob). Sense of "work done for pay" first recorded 1660. The verb is attested from 1670. Job lot is from obsolete sense of "cartload, lump," which may also be ult. from gob. Slang meaning "specimen, thing, person" is from 1927. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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