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Англо-русский строительный словарь - ice


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Перевод с английского языка ice на русский

лёд agglomerate ice anchor ice basal ice bottom ice bull's eye ice buried ice clear ice cloudy ice disseminated ice dry ice fast ice frazil ice ground ice intersticial ice massive ice overflow ice pack ice primary ice repeated-wedge ice secondary ice segregated ice sludge ice stone ice subsurface ice underground ice
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См. в других словарях

  1) айсбимс 2) замораживать 3) заморозить 4) лед 5) ледовитый 6) ледовый 7) ледяной advection fog over ice — геогр. туман надледный an opening cut through ice — геогр. майна connecting strip of ice — геогр. перемычка ледяная food service ice — пищевой лед forms of young ice — геогр. льды ниласовые heavily puddled ice — геогр. лед кружевной ice shedding by conductors — сбрасывание льда проводами ice with burnt puddles — геогр. лед с проталинами ice with meltwater puddles — геогр. лед со снежинцами ice with thawing holes — геогр. лед с проталинами make ice in cans — приготавливать лед в формах nearly close ice — геогр. лед сплоченный scattered to broken ice — геогр. лед разреженный snow water on ice — геогр. лед со снежинцами thick winter ice — геогр. лед годовалый, лед однолетний very scattered ice — геогр. лед редкий young polar ice — геогр. лед двухлетний - anchor ice - block ice - bottom ice - brackish ice crust - brine ice maker - chunk ice - crushed ice - dispersed ice edge - dispersing ice - drift ice - giant ice floe - glacier ice - grounded sea ice - heavy ice - hummocked ice ridge - hummocked ice - ice airfield - ice beam - ice blink - ice bridge - ice bunker - ice cakes - ice calorimeter - ice city - ice cliff - ice concrete - ice cover - ice fields - ice fog - ice formation point - ice formation - ice gate - ice indicator - ice jam - ice limit - ice lining - ice pack - ice saw - ice sheet - ice shelf - ice technology - ice tongs - ice wall - ingest ice - inland ice - leeward ice edge - manufactured ice - mature ice - melt ice - old bay ice - pack ice - pancake ice - rotten ice - sea ice crust - sublimated ice - tongue of ice -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  лёд; покрывать льдом; замораживать; замерзать; ледяной; ледовый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  лед Использование льда произвело переворот в пищевой промышленности США и питании американцев. В 1799 естественный лед впервые был доставлен из г. Нью-Йорка в г. Чарлстон, шт. Южная Каролина, с начала XIX в. он главным образом добывался в Новой Англии. С 1820 для его перевозки начали применять водный транспорт, и в 50-х гг. XIX в. из Бостона ежегодно уходило до 400 груженных льдом судов по 50 адресам в США и других странах: в бассейн Карибского моря, Индию, Австралию и на Филиппины. Пионерами механизированной добычи льда в озерах Новой Англии и его транспортировки на большие расстояния стали Ф. Тюдор Tudor, Frederic и Н. Дж. Уайет Wyeth, Nathaniel Jarvis. Сегодня в США в год продается более 50 млн. тонн этого продукта. Во многих ресторанах обслуживание начинается с того, что официант, подавая меню, ставит перед клиентом кувшин воды со льдом ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. лед black ice —- прозрачная ледяная корка; старый глетчерный лед blue glacier ice —- голубой глетчерный лед brash ice —- ледяная каша broken ice —- разреженный лед coast ice —- береговой лед, припай dead ice —- стоячий ледник, "мертвый" лед drift ice —- паковый лед dry ice —- сухой лед (твердая углекислота) eternal ice —- вечные льды floating ice —- плавающий лед grease ice —- ледяное сало sheet ice —- ледяной покров to turn into ice —- превращаться в лед 2. обледенение 3. сдержанность; холодность she is all ice to me —- она холодна со мной (как лед) terror turned his heart into ice —- у него сердце похолодело от ужаса 4. ам. сл. алмазы, бриллианты; драгоценности 5. ам. сл. взятка; отступное; магарыч Id: as chaste as ice —- невинный, непорочный Id: on ice —- обеспеченный, гарантированный, имеющий все шансы быть успешно реализованным; "на мази"; имеющийся в запасе; отложенный до времени Id: keep it on ice —- попридержи это; наготове, могущий быть сразу использованным; сл. изолировнный, лишенный возможности действовать; находящийся в заключении Id: to be on thin ice —- быть в затруднительном, ненадежном или опасном положении, ходить по краю пропасти; играть с огнем Id: straight off the ice —- свежий, только что полученный (о продуктах); немедленно,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up обледенеть iced up затертый льдами ICE  1. noun  1) лед to keep smth. on ice - хранить в холодильнике; fig. откладывать на более поздний срок  2) мороженое straight off the ice -  а) свежий, только что полученный (о провизии);  б) немедленно; незамедлительно (to skate) on thin ice - (быть) в затруднительном, щекотливом положении - break the ice - cut no ice  2. v.  1) замораживать; примораживать  2) покрываться льдом (тж. ice over) The lake usually ices over by mid-January.  3) покрывать сахарной глазурью - ice up ICE Age ледниковый период ICE cap noun  1) geol. ледниковый покров  2) шапка полярного льда ICE hockey хоккей с шайбой ICE lolly noun фруктовое мороженое на палочке ...
Англо-русский словарь
  I сокр. от in-circuit emulator внутрисхемный эмулятор II сокр. от Institution of Chemical Engineers Общество инженеров химиков-технологов III сокр. от international cometary explorer международный КА для исследования комет ICE 1) лёд обледеневать, покрываться льдом, замерзать 2) замораживать ice under pressure — сжатый лёд ice of land origin — лёд материкового происхождения - anchor bottom ice - anchor ice - brash ice - broken ice - cake ice - can ice - carbon-dioxide ice - chemical ice - close ice - compact ice - drifting ice - dry ice - fast ice - floating ice - flooded ice - glacier ice - glaze-clear ice - grease ice - hummocked ice - land ice - loose ice - multiyear ice - needle ice - new ice - open pack ice - pack ice - perennial ice - salt ice - sea ice - shore ice - snow-covered ice - windrow ice - young ice ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid. b a sheet of this on the surface of water (fell through the ice). 2 Brit. a portion of ice-cream or water-ice (would you like an ice?). 3 sl. diamonds. --v. 1 tr. mix with or cool in ice (iced drinks). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by over, up) a cover or become covered with ice. b freeze. 3 tr. cover (a cake etc.) with icing. Phrases and idioms ice age a glacial period, esp. in the Pleistocene epoch. ice-axe a tool used by mountain-climbers for cutting footholds. ice-bag an ice-filled rubber bag for medical use. ice-blue a very pale blue. ice-boat 1 a boat mounted on runners for travelling on ice. 2 a boat used for breaking ice on a river etc. ice-bound confined by ice. ice-breaker 1 = ice-boat 2. 2 something that serves to relieve inhibitions, start a conversation, etc. ice bucket a bucket-like container with chunks of ice, used to keep a bottle of wine chilled. ice-cap a permanent covering of ice e.g. in polar regions. ice-cold as cold as ice. ice-cream a sweet creamy frozen food, usu. flavoured. ice-cube a small block of ice made in a refrigerator. ice-fall a steep part of a glacier like a frozen waterfall. ice-field an expanse of ice, esp. in polar regions. ice-fish a capelin. ice floe = FLOE. ice hockey a form of hockey played on ice with a puck. ice house a building often partly or wholly underground for storing ice. ice (or iced) lolly Brit. a piece of flavoured ice, often with chocolate or ice-cream, on a stick. ice-pack 1 = pack ice. 2 a quantity of ice applied to the body for medical etc. purposes. ice-pick a needle-like implement with a handle for splitting up small pieces of ice. ice-plant a plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, with leaves covered with crystals or vesicles looking like ice specks. ice-rink = RINK n. 1. ice-skate n. a skate consisting of a boot with a blade beneath, for skating on ice. --v.intr. skate on ice. ice-skater a person who skates on ice. ice station a meteorological research centre in polar regions. on ice...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English is, from Old English is; akin to Old High German is ~, Avestan isu- icy  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. frozen water  b. a sheet or stretch of ~  2. a substance resembling ~; especially the solid state of a substance usually found as a gas or liquid ammonia ~ in the rings of Saturn  3. a state of coldness (as from formality or reserve)  4.  a. a frozen dessert containing a flavoring (as fruit ju~); especially one containing no milk or cream  b. British a serving of ~ cream  5. slang diamonds; broadly jewelry  6. an undercover premium paid to a theater employee for cho~ theater tickets  7. methamphetamine in the form of crystals of its hydrochloride salt C10H15N•HCI when used illicitly for smoking — called also crystal, crystal meth  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; icing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to coat with or convert into ~  b. to chill with ~  c. to supply with ~  2. to cover with or as if with icing  3. to put on ~  4. secure 1b made two free throws…to ~ the win — Jack McCallum  5. to shoot (an ~ hockey puck) the length of the rink and beyond the opponents' goal line  6. slang kill 1a  intransitive verb  1. to become ~-cold  2.  a. to become covered with ~ — often used with up or over  b. to have ~ form inside the carburetor ~d up ICE  abbreviation  1. internal combustion engine  2. International Cultural Exchange ICE  abbreviation ~land ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ices, icing, iced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Ice is frozen water. Glaciers are moving rivers of ice... ...a bitter lemon with ice. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you ice a cake, you cover it with icing. I’ve iced and decorated the cake. VERB: V n 3. see also iced, icing 4. If you break the ice at a party or meeting, or in a new situation, you say or do something to make people feel relaxed and comfortable. PHRASE: V inflects see also ice-breaker 5. If you say that something cuts no ice with you, you mean that you are not impressed or influenced by it. That sort of romantic attitude cuts no ice with money-men. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR with n 6. If someone puts a plan or project on ice, they delay doing it. The deal was put on ice for three months... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 7. If you say that someone is on thin ice or is skating on thin ice, you mean that they are doing something risky which may have serious or unpleasant consequences. I had skated on thin ice and, so far, got away with it. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 water that has frozen into a solid state  (Would you like some ice in your drink? | The wind blew the snow across the ice on the lake. | Her hands were as cold as ice.) 2 keep/put something on ice to do nothing about a plan or suggestion for a period of time  (Opposition to Irish home rule was put on ice for the duration of the war.) 3 be (skating) on thin ice to be in a situation in which you are likely to upset someone or cause trouble  (Don't question him too closely about where he got the money - you'd be on very thin ice.) 4 a) a cold sweet food like ice cream, made with fruit juice instead of milk or cream; sorbet b) old-fashioned especially BrE an ice cream 5 AmE old-fashioned diamonds  (- see also icy, black ice, dry ice, break the ice break1 (30), cut no ice cut1 (35)) ~2 v especially BrE to cover a cake with icing (=a mixture made of liquid and powdery sugar)  (- compare frost2) ice sth down phr v AmE to cover an injury in ice to stop it from swelling  (Make sure you ice that ankle down as soon as you get inside.) ice over/up also be iced over/up phr v to become covered with ice  (The lake was iced over by morning. | The plane's engines had iced up.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Immigration Controls Everything transport. abbr. In Car Entertainment transport. abbr. Integrated Cab Electronics transport. abbr. Internal Combustion Engine mil. abbr. Improved Combat Efficiency mil. abbr. Inventory Control Effectiveness mil. abbr. Independent Cost Estimate 3-let. lang. abbr. Icelandic chemis. abbr. Initial Change Equilibrium ac. degr. abbr. Integrated Chemical Engineering univ. abbr. Instructional Computing Environment softw. abbr. Integrated Correction And Enhancement softw. abbr. Integration Centric Engineering gen. comp. abbr. Information Concealment Engine gen. comp. abbr. Intelligence Comprehension And Execution gen. comp. abbr. Internal Consistency Evaluation gen. comp. abbr. Intelligent Concept Extraction gen. comp. abbr. Information Controls Equipment sec. abbr. Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancement sec. abbr. Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics telec. abbr. Information Content Exchange telec. abbr. Integrated Communications Environment file ext. abbr. Archive (Cracked LHA) (old Lha) media abbr. International Corpus Of English educ. abbr. Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education educ. abbr. Instructor Certification Examination educ. abbr. International Corpus Of English law abbr. Investigating Curious Evidence law abbr. Involve Citizens Early law abbr. Isolate The Criminal Element gen. bus. abbr. Informed Customer's Edge gen. bus. abbr. Internet Centric Excellence gen. bus. abbr. Income Cost Exercise gen. bus. abbr. Internet Connectivity Enterprise pos. abbr. Inventory Control Expert pos. abbr. Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics pos. abbr. Independent Cosmetology Educators firm name abbr. Iron Crown Enterprises firm name abbr. Insane Creators Enterprise firm name abbr. International Cosplay Expeditions HTTP code err. abbr. Interface Code Error ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. is "ice," from P.Gmc. *isa-. Slang meaning "diamonds" is attested from 1906. Ice cream is first recorded 1688 (as iced cream); icing in the sugary sense is from 1769; ice cube first recorded 1929. To break the ice "to make the first opening to any attempt" was in Johnson's dictionary. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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