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Англо-русский строительный словарь - hack


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Перевод с английского языка hack на русский

мотыга; кирка надрез; зарубка; отёска (камня) удалять замазку из фальца участок (часть) дороги
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  1) зазубривать 2) зазубрина 3) зазубрить 4) зарубка 5) надрезать 6) подрубать 7) тяпать 8) тяпнуть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. зазубрина, бороздка, желобок 2. зарубка на дереве, метка 3. диал. борозда 4. мотыга; кирка; кайла; секач, топорик 5. кузнечное зубило 6. удар 7. резаная рана; порез, надрез 8. удар по ноге 9. ссадина на ноге от удара 10. остановка или заминка в речи 11. сухое покашливание 12. спорт. захват (борьба) 13. рубить, разрубать to hack smth. to pieces —- разрубить что-л. на куски to hack at smb. with one's sword —- ударить мечом 14. надрубать to hack at a tree —- надрубить дерево 15. наносить резаную рану to hack one's chin in shaving —- порезать себе подбородок во время бритья 16. пробивать, прорубить, прокладывать they hack ed a trail through the jungle —- они прорубили тропу сквозь джунгли 17. делать зарубку; зазубривать 18. разбивать, разрыхлить 19. подрезать 20. тесать, обтесывать a figure hack ed out of the rock —- фигура, вытесанная из камня 21. резко сократить, урезать; обкорнать the budget was hacked almost in half —- бюджет был урезан почти вдвое 22. кашлять сухим, отрывистым кашлем 23. уст. диал. запнуться, остановиться 24. диал. прокладывать борозду 25. спорт. разг. ударить по ноге, "подковать" (в регби и т. п.) 26. спорт. разг. ударить по руке (в баскетболе) 27. с-х. срезать, снимать, собирать Id: to hack and hew —- изрубить на мелкие куски 28. рабочая лошадь; лошадь,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  around бить баклуши, ничего не делать What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just hacking around. HACK I  1. noun  1) мотыга, кирка, кайла  2) удар мотыги и т.п.  3) зарубка; зазубрина  4) резаная рана  5) ссадина на ноге от удара (в футболе)  6) tech. кузнечное зубило  7) сухой кашель  2. v.  1) рубить, разрубать; кромсать; разбивать на куски  2) тесать; обтесывать (камень)  3) делать зарубку; зазубривать  4) разбивать, разрыхлять мотыгой и т.п.  5) подрезать (сучья и т.п.)  6) надрубать; наносить резаную рану  7) sport; jargon подковать  8) кашлять сухим кашлем Syn: see hew II  1. noun  1) наемная лошадь  2) лошадь (верховая или упряжная), особ. полукровка - road hack  3) кляча  4) fig. литературный поденщик; наемный писака  5) amer. наемный экипаж  6) amer.; coll. такси  7) amer.; coll. водитель такси, таксист  2. adj.  1) наемный  2) = hackneyed  3. v.  1) давать напрокат  2) ехать (верхом) не спеша  3) понимать, использовать в качестве литературного поденщика  4) использовать на нудной, тяжелой работе  5) делать банальным, опошлять - hack around - hack out HACK out вырабатывать с трудом The committee had instructions to hack out a new method of organizing the firms accounts, even if it took all night. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) надрез; зазубрина; зарубка; насечка надрезать; зазубривать; делать зарубки; насекать; тесать; обтёсывать 2) делать вырубку, вырубать (растительность) 3) рубить, разрубать 4) мотыга; кирка; кайла работать мотыгой, киркой или кайлой 5) выбирать старую оконную замазку из фальца 6) двухрядная садка кирпича (для сушки) 7) рама (для сушки сыра или рыбы) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. cut or chop roughly; mangle. 2 tr. kick the shin of (an opponent at football). 3 intr. (often foll. by at) deliver cutting blows. 4 tr. cut (one's way) through thick foliage etc. 5 tr. colloq. gain unauthorized access to (data in a computer). 6 tr. sl. a manage, cope with. b tolerate. --n. 1 a kick with the toe of a boot. 2 a gash or wound, esp. from a kick. 3 a a mattock. b a miner's pick. Phrases and idioms hacking cough a short dry frequent cough. Etymology: OE haccian cut in pieces f. WG 2. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a horse for ordinary riding. b a horse let out for hire. c = JADE(2) 1. 2 a dull, uninspired writer. 3 a person hired to do dull routine work. 4 US a taxi. --attrib.adj. 1 used as a hack. 2 typical of a hack; commonplace (hack work). --v. 1 a intr. ride on horseback on a road at an ordinary pace. b tr. ride (a horse) in this way. 2 tr. make common or trite. Etymology: abbr. of HACKNEY 3. n. 1 a board on which a hawk's meat is laid. 2 a rack holding fodder for cattle. Phrases and idioms at hack (of a young hawk) not yet allowed to prey for itself. Etymology: var. of HATCH(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English hakken, from Old English -haccian; akin to Old High German hacchon to ~, Old English hoc hook  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cut or sever with repeated irregular or unskillful blows  b. to cut or shape by or as if by crude or ruthless strokes ~ing out new election districts  c. annoy, vex — often used with off  2. to clear or make by or as if by cutting away vegetation ~ed his way through the brush  3.  a. to manage successfully just couldn't ~ the new job  b. tolerate I can't ~ all this noise  intransitive verb  1.  a. to make chopping strokes or blows ~ed at the weeds; also to make cuts as if by chopping ~ing away at the work force  b. to play inexpert golf  2. to cough in a short dry manner  3. loaf — usually used with around  4.  a. to write computer programs for enjoyment  b. to gain access to a computer illegally  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. an implement for ~ing  2. nick, notch  3. a short dry cough  4. a ~ing stroke or blow  5. restriction to quarters as punishment for naval officers — usually used in the phrase under ~  6. a usually creative solution to a computer hardware or programming problem or limitation  III. noun  Etymology: short for ~ney  Date: 1672  1.  a. ~ney  b.  (1) taxicab  (2) cabdriver  2.  a.  (1) a horse let out for common hire  (2) a horse used in all kinds of work  b. a horse worn out in service ; jade  c. a light easy saddle horse; especially a three-gaited saddle horse  d. a ride on a horse  3.  a. a person who works solely for mercenary reasons ; hireling party ~s  b. a writer who works on order; also a writer who aims solely for commercial success  c. ~er 2  IV. adjective  Date: circa 1734  1. working for hire especially with mediocre professional standards a ~ journalist  2. performed by, suited to, or characteristic of a ~ ~ writing  3. ~neyed, trite  V. verb  Date: 1857  intransitive verb  1. to ride or drive at an ordinary pace or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hacks, hacking, hacked) 1. If you hack something or hack at it, you cut it with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife. An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight... Some were hacked to death with machetes... Matthew desperately hacked through the leather. VERB: V n, be V-ed prep/adv, V prep 2. If you hack your way through an area such as a jungle or hack a path through it, you move forward, cutting back the trees or plants that are in your way. We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle. VERB: V n prep/adv 3. If you hack at or hack something which is too large, too long, or too expensive, you reduce its size, length, or cost by cutting out or getting rid of large parts of it. He hacked away at the story, eliminating one character entirely. VERB: V adv/prep, also V n 4. If you refer to a professional writer, such as a journalist, as a hack, you disapprove of them because they write for money without worrying very much about the quality of their writing. ...tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers. N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you refer to a politician as a hack, you disapprove of them because they are too loyal to their party and perhaps do not deserve the position they have. Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs. N-COUNT: oft supp N c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information. The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems. VERB: V into n • hacking ...the common and often illegal art of computer hacking. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you say that someone can’t hack it or couldn’t hack it, you mean that they do not or did not have the qualities needed to do a task or cope with a situation. (INFORMAL) You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can’t...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 I always + adv/prep, T always + adv prep) to cut something into pieces roughly or violently  (hack away/at etc)  (She hacked away at the ice, trying to make a hole. | hack sth into/through etc)  (We had to hack a path through the jungle.) 2 can't hack sth informal to feel that you cannot do something that is difficult or boring  (I've been doing this job for years, but I just can't hack it anymore.) 3 AmE to drive a taxi 4 T always + adv/prep BrE to ride a horse along roads or through the country hack into phr v informal to secretly find a way to get into the information on someone else's computer system so that you can use or change it ~2 n 1 a writer who does a lot of low quality work, especially writing newspaper articles  (hack journalism)  (- see also hackwork) 2 an unimportant politician  (The meeting was attended by the usual old party hacks.) 3 AmE informal a taxi, or a taxi driver 4 an act of hitting something roughly with a cutting tool  (Just give it a hack with the axe.) 5 an old, tired horse 6 a horse you can pay money to ride on 7 BrE a ride on a horse ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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