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Англо-русский строительный словарь - curve


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Перевод с английского языка curve на русский

кривая; график лекало изгиб; закругление; кривизна curve of maximum moments ageing curve apparent-resistivity curve area curve area-volume curve averaged curve backwater curve bending curve bending failure curve bending moment curve bilinear elastic-strain hardening curve bilinear elastic strain-hardening stress strain curve blind curve Bolomey's curves braking curve bulking curve calibration curve capacity curve casting curve catenary curve characteristic curve circular curve closed curve column curve compaction curve compound curve consolidation-test curve constant-radius curve consumption curve contour curve cost curve counter curve creep curve cubic curve cumulation volume curve decrement curve deflection curve deformation curve depletion curve depression curve depth curve depth-velocity curve discharge curve discharge mass curve discharge-rating curve dispersion curve displacement-time curve distribution curve drawdown curve drawing curve drop-down curve duration curve easement curve elastic curve empirical curve envelope curve expansion curve fan performance curve fatigue curve fee curve flat curve flexure curve flood-frequency curve flow curve flow-duration curve flow mass curve frequency curve Fuller's curve funicular curve gauge correlation curve gradation curve graduated transition curve grain-size accumulation curve groundwater storage curve hairpin curve hardening curve head-capacity curve heating curve helical curve horizontal curve ideal grading curve integral flow curve integrated curve intrinsic curve load curve load-deformation curve load-extension curve load-transfer curve mass curve mass curve of rainfall mass-haul curve meridional curve Mohr's enveloping curve moment curve Moody curve NC curves noise criteria curves ogee curve open curve particle-size accumulator curve particle-size distribution curve payload-range curve performance curve plane curve population curve pressure-void ratio curve probability curve Proctor curve pull rise curve pump curve rating curve rebound curve recession curve recompression curve reloading curve representative curve reverse curve reverse loop curve S curve sag curve saturation curve second-order curve short-term stress-strain curve sieve analysis curve sine curve smooth curve space curve stage discharge curve storage curve stress-strain curve system head curve temperature curve test curve tight curve time curve time-deformation curve torque curve transition curve travel-time curve true stress-strain curve vertical curve vertical velocity curve virgin curve volume curve wear curve whiplash curve Wohler curve zero air voids curve
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См. в других словарях

  1) кривая 2) изгиб, закругление – antihysteresis curve – arrival curve – calibration curve – characteristic curve – commutation curve – control curve – Crommeline curves – discriminator curve – equal-loudness curves – frequency response curve – half-power curve – isogain curves – isolation curve – isoservice curves – load combining curve – load disributing curve – load sensitivity curve – losses probability curve – loudness curves – magnetizing curve – moirt curve – operating curve – resonance curve – Robinson-Dadson curve – spectral-loss curves – splice curve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кривая проводить кривую 2) выгиб, закругление 3) изгиб, искривление изгибаться, искривляться 4) лекало 5) траектория 6) характеристика; график break of a curve — излом кривой inflection of a curve — изгиб характеристики loop of a curve — геом. завиток кривой to plot curve point by point — строить кривую по точкам - B-H curve - abnormal curve - abrupt curve - abstract curve - acceleration curve - accumulation curve - adjustment curve - admissible curve - affine curve - algebraic curve - allokurtic curve - altitude curve - amphidromic curve - approximating curve - arc curve - arrival curve - associated holomorphic curve - asymptotic curve - ballistic curve - base curve - basket curve - behavior of curve - bell-shaped curve - best performance curve - bicharacteristic curve - bicircular curve - bimodal curve - binodal curve - binomial curve - binormal curve - bipartite cubic curve - birationally projected curve - blind curve - block curve - boundary curve - bounding curve - branch curve - broken analytic curve - broken curve - building-up curve - calculated curve - calibration curve - canonical curve - catenary curve - caustic curve - central curve - cissoidal curve - climb curve - clitic curve - closed curve - coexistence curve - community indifference curve - compact curve - comparison curve - complete smooth curve - completely isotropic curve - complex analytical curve - compound curve - compressed curve - confidence curve - conic curve - connecting curve - continuously differentiable curve - contracted curve - contractible curve - convex curve - correlation curve - cosecant curve - cosine curve - cotangent curve - counter curve - covariance curve - crevasse curve - criss-cross curve - critical curve - cruciform curve - crunodal double curve - cubic curve - cumulative curve - cumulative distribution curve - curve of alignment - curve of constant...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. кривая - Laffer curve - Lorenz curve - Phillips curve - U curve - aggregate-expenditures curve - budget curve - competitive industry's short-run supply curve - demand curve - effectiveness curve - enveloping curve - firm's short-run supply curve - indifference curve - investment curve - investment-demand curve - kinked demand curve - leaning curve - long-run aggregate supply curve - negative yield curve - positive yield curve - short-run aggregate supply curve - supply curve - yield curve Syn: chart, diagram, schedule, graph, chart graph schedule, bar chart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  кривая; изгибаться – absorption curve – accumulation curve – action curve – age-involution weight curve – antibody-binding curve – ASN curve – bimodal curve – carbon-dioxide curve – competition curve – distribution curve – dose-effect curve – exponential curve – frequency curve – growth curve – height curve – hyperbolic curve – learning curve – light curve – logistic curve – mortality curve – multihit curve – muscle curve – one-hit response curve – one-step growth curve – oxygen-dissociation curve – photoactivation curve – pressure-flow curve – pressure-volume curve – recruitment curve – regression curve – reproduction curve – resultant curve – sigmoid curve – single-step growth curve – species-area curve – standard curve – survivorship curve – theoretical curve – time curve – titration curve – unimodal curve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спец. кривая initial curve —- начальная кривая 2. изгиб, поворот; излучина curve in the road —- поворот дороги 3. вираж final curve —- финишный вираж curve entering —- вход в вираж curve outlet —- выход из виража 4. кривая demand curve —- кривая спроса curve of mortality —- кривая смертности 5. график, диаграмма 6. кривизна; изогнутость curve of the skate —- изогнутость лезвия конька 7. лекало 8. круглые скобки 9. ам. финт (в бейсболе) 10. ам. хитрость, уловка 11. ам. финт; коварный прием the jurnalist threw the candidate a curve by asking him an unexpected question —- журналист загнал кандидата в угол, задав ему неожиданный вопрос 12. гнуть, сгибать, изгибать to curve the back —- гнуть спину 13. гнуться, сгибаться, изгибаться the road curved to the right —- дорога резко повернула вправо the river curves round the town —- река огибает город ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  piece noun constr. кружало CURVE  1. noun  1) кривая (линия); дуга  2) кривая (диаграмма)  3) изгиб, кривизна, закругление  4) лекало  2. v. гнуть, сгибать; изгибать(ся) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) кривая 2) изгиб; закругление; кривизна изгибать(ся); закруглять(ся) 3) (характеристическая) кривая, характеристика; график; диаграмма 4) лекало (чертёжное, швейное) 5) ж.-д. кривая (пути) 6) дорож. разбивать кривую to negotiate a curve — вписываться в кривую (пути); to round curves — проходить кривые участки пути; to run through a curve — проходить кривую (пути); to set out a curve — разбивать кривую curve of areas of sections — строевая по шпангоутам curve of areas of waterplanes — строевая по ватерлиниям curve of (centers of) flotation — катящаяся кривая, кривая центров тяжести площади ватерлинии (при наклонениях судна) curve of constant slope — линия откоса curves of form (of hydrostatic properties) — мор. кривые элементов теоретического чертежа curve of metacenters — мор. кривая метацентров, метацентрическая обёртка curve of Persei — кривая Персея, спирическая кривая curve of transverse areas — строевая по шпангоутам - A curve - Abbot's curve - aberration curve - adiabatic curve - altitude curve - amplitude-response curve - analytic curve - angle-time curve - anharmonic curve - anhysteretic magnetization curve - annealing curve - antidromic curve - antipedal curve - aperture response curve - apolar curve - backwater surface curve - backwater curve - ballistic curve - bath-tub curve - bearing area curve - bearing stress curve - bell-shaped curve - B-H curve - binaural curve - biquartic curve - bitangential curve - bitangent curve - boiling curve - boiling-point curve - borderline knock curve - bound curves - brake performance...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a line or surface having along its length a regular deviation from being straight or flat, as exemplified by the surface of a sphere or lens. 2 a curved form or thing. 3 a curved line on a graph. 4 Baseball a ball caused to deviate by the pitcher's spin. --v.tr. & intr. bend or shape so as to form a curve. Derivatives curved adj. Etymology: orig. as adj. (in curve line) f. L curvus bent: (v.) f. L curvare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin curvus; akin to Greek kyrtos convex, Middle Irish cruinn round  Date: 15th century archaic bent or formed into a ~  II. verb  (~d; curving)  Etymology: Latin curvare, from curvus  Date: 1594  intransitive verb to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity  transitive verb  1. to cause to ~  2. to throw a ~ball to (a batter)  3. to grade (as an examination) on a ~  III. noun  Date: 1666  1.  a. a line especially when ~d: as  (1) the path of a moving point  (2) a line defined by an equation so that the coordinates of its points are functions of a single independent variable or parameter  b. the graph of a variable  2. something ~d: as  a. a curving line of the human body  b. plural parenthesis  3.  a. ~ball  b. trick, deception  4. a distribution indicating the relative performance of individuals measured against each other that is used especially in assigning good, medium, or poor grades to usually predetermined proportions of students rather than in assigning grades based on predetermined standards of achievement  5. trend a growth ~ in advertising revenues; especially a prevalent trend or rate of progress — often used in the phrases ahead of the ~ and behind the ~ companies that are behind the ~ in adopting new technologies  • curvy adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (curves, curving, curved) 1. A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line, for example part of the edge of a circle. ...the curve of his lips. ...a curve in the road. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If something curves, or if someone or something curves it, it has the shape of a curve. Her spine curved... The track curved away below him. ...a knife with a slightly curving blade... A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook’s thin lips. VERB: V, V adv/prep, V-ing, V n 3. If something curves, it moves in a curve, for example through the air. The ball curved strangely in the air. VERB: V 4. You can refer to a change in something as a particular curve, especially when it is represented on a graph. Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve... N-COUNT: usu with supp see also learning curve 5. If someone throws you a curve or if they throw you a curve ball, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. (mainly AM) At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, ‘We’re going to bring spouses’. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a line which gradually bends like part of a circle  (a curve on a graph | the curve of her hips) 2 a rounded bend in a road, river etc  (The car took the curve much too quickly.) 3 curve ball a throw in baseball in which the ball spins so that it curves suddenly and is difficult to hit 4 AmE throw sb a curve to surprise someone with a question or problem that is difficult to deal with  (They threw us a curve and asked us about Longfellow when we were ready for a question on Thoreau.) ~2 v to bend or move in the shape of a curve, or to make something do this  (The track curved into the woods.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: THROW A CURVE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 15c., from L. curvus "crooked, curved, bent." Curvaceous is Amer.Eng., 1936, with facetious use of botanical suffix. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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