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Англо-русский строительный словарь - coil


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Перевод с английского языка coil на русский

змеевик теплообменник рулон (тонколистового металла); бухта (проволоки, каната) катушка (напр. соленоидного клапана, реле) спираль; обмотка blast coil cooling coil dehumidifying coil desuperheating coil digester coils direct expansion coil dry coil dry expansion coil dry surface coil electric heating coil embedded cooling coils evaporation coil finned coil grid coil heating coil multiple-row heating coil multiway heating coil nonfreeze coil pipe coil preheat coil reheat coil run-around coil run-around heat recovery coils single-pass heating coil sprayed coil steam heating coil wet coil wire coil zone reheater coil
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См. в других словарях

  1) (электромагнитная) катушка 2) спираль 3) виток; обмотка 4) трансформатор – antenna coil – anti-sidetone coil – armature coil – carrier isolating coil – carrier tap transmission choke coil – correcting coil – coupling coil – degaussing coil – electromagnetic-deflection coil – elevator coil – exploring coil – field coil – field-neutralizing coil – flip coil – focus coil – frame-deflection coil – holding coil – hum-bucking coil – hybrid coil – idealized coil – loading coil – loudspeaker voice coil coil – convergence coil – magnetic-test coil – moving coil – peaking coil – phantom-circuit loading coil – phantom-circuit repeating coil – pole coil – probe coil – pull-in coil – Pupin coil – purity coil – radio-frequency coil – repeater coil – retardation coil – side-circuit loading coil – simplex coil – solenoid coil – speaker coil – switching unit coil – telephone induction coil – telephone repeating coil – Tesla coil – tickler coil – voice coil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бухта, бунт 2) виток 3) змеевик; теплообменник 4) катушка (индуктивности); соленоид 5) метал. рулон 6) спираль скручивать в спираль 7) навивка; намотка наматывать 8) обмотка мотать coil of cable — бухта кабеля to coil strip метал. — свёртывать полосу в рулон to coil a spring — навивать пружину - air-core coil - air-gap coil - basket coil - basket-wound coil - bifilar coil - blowout coil - booster coil - bypass coil - choke coil - coiled coil - compensator balancing coil - coupling coil - deflecting coil - discharge coil - disk coil - electromagnet coil - end coil - excitation coil - field coil - flip coil - form-wound coil - heater coil - heating coil - honeycomb coil - hybrid coil - idle coil - ignition coil - inactive coil - inductance coil - induction coil - launching coil - line repeating coil - loading coil - magnetic blow-out coil - multilayer coil - operating coil - pancake coil - peaking coil - permeability-tuned coil - pick-up coil - pitch of coil - plug-in coil - probe coil - repeating coil - resistance coil - search coil - sectionalized coil - shading coil - shielded coil - single-layer coil - spiderweb coil - spiral coil - stagger-wound coil - strap coil - tapped coil - toroidal coil - trip coil - tuning coil - vertical deflection coil - voice coil - wire coil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  цепочка (напр. проводников) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) цитол. спираль 2) бот. завиток – braided coil – internal coil – paranematic coil – relative coil – remaining coil – stereotypic coil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. виток; кольцо coil of hair —- локон 2. бухта (каната, провода) 3. эл. катушка 4. тех. змеевик coil antenna —- рад. рамочная антенна 5. мед. разг. спиралька 6. свертывать кольцом, спиралью (веревку, проволоку) 7. свертывать в бухту (трос) 8. наматывать, обматывать 9. свертываться; извиваться the snake coiled itself into a ball —- змея свернулась в клубок 10. обвиваться a serpent coiled round a tree —- змея обвилась вокруг дерева 11. спорт. согнуть ногу (альпинизм) 12. уст. шум, гвалт, суматоха, суета to shuffle off this mortal coil —- покинуть этот бренный мир ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) веревка, сложенная витками в круг  2) виток, кольцо (веревки, змеи и т.п.)  3) проволочная спираль  4) naut. бухта (троса)  5) tech. змеевик  6) electr. катушка  7) attr. - coil antenna  2. v.  1) свертываться кольцом, спиралью, извиваться (часто coil up; round/around - вокруг чего-л.) The dog coiled up in the corner by the fire. The snake was coiled up on the ground outside the hut. The belt had coiled itself round the wheel, stopping the motor.  2) наматывать, обматывать вокруг чего-л. (round/around) Coil the end of the string round your finger, so that the toy plane cant get loose.  3) naut. укладывать в бухту (трос) II noun obs. суета, шум, суматоха COIL pipe noun tech. змеевик COIL antenna radio рамочная антенна ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) спираль скручивать (свёртывать) в спираль 2) виток 3) рулон (полосового материала) 4) бухта, бунт (проволоки, провода, шнура) сматывать в бухту или бунт 5) намотка, обмотка наматывать, мотать 6) катушка (индуктивности); секция обмотки (катушки индуктивности) 7) соленоид 8) змеевик 9) (молекулярный) клубок (полимера) 10) полигр. (проволочная или пластмассовая) спираль (для скрепления листов) coil with eye horizontal — горизонтальное положение рулона; coil with the bore axis vertical — вертикальное положение рулона - coil of helix - coil of film - absorption coil - acceleration coil - actuating coil - air-cored coil - air-core coil - air-gap reactance coil - alignment coil - arc-suppression coil - armature coil - balance coil - bias coil - bifilar coil - blow-out coil - bobbin-type coil - boosting coil - box annealed coil - bridging coil - bucking coil - built-up coil - bypass coil - choke coil - cold-rolled coil - commutating field coil - commutating coil - compensating coil - concentric coils - condenser coil - cooling coil - core coil - cored coil - coupling coil - crossover coil - current coil - current limiting coil - damping coil - dead coil - deflecting coil - deflection coil - deflector coil - degaussing coil - dephlegmator coil - disc coil - dummy coil - earth coil - evaporating coil - evaporator coil - exciting coil - feedback coil - field coil - fixed coil - focusing coil - full cathweight coil - gap-air coil - hairpin coil - heat-exchanger coil - heating coil - heat recovery coil - helical coil - high-pressure condensing coil - holding-on coil - holding coil - honeycomb coil - horizontal-tube coil - hot-rolled coil - hum-bucking coil - hybrid coil - idle coil - ignition...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 anything arranged in a joined sequence of concentric circles. 2 a length of rope, a spring, etc., arranged in this way. 3 a single turn of something coiled, e.g. a snake. 4 a lock of hair twisted and coiled. 5 an intra-uterine contraceptive device in the form of a coil. 6 Electr. a device consisting of a coiled wire for converting low voltage to high voltage, esp. for transmission to the sparking plugs of an internal-combustion engine. 7 a piece of wire, piping, etc., wound in circles or spirals. 8 a roll of postage stamps. --v. 1 tr. arrange in a series of concentric loops or rings. 2 tr. & intr. twist or be twisted into a circular or spiral shape. 3 intr. move sinuously. Etymology: OF coillir f. L colligere COLLECT(1) 2. n. Phrases and idioms this mortal coil the difficulties of earthly life (with ref. to Shakesp. Hamlet III. i. 67). Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1567  1. turmoil  2. trouble; also everyday cares and worries when we have shuffled off this mortal ~ — Shakespeare  II. verb  Etymology: French ~lir, cuillir to gather — more at cull  Date: 1611  transitive verb  1. to wind into rings or spirals ~ a rope  2. to roll or twist into a shape resembling a ~ ~ed herself up on the couch  intransitive verb  1. to move in a circular or spiral course  2. to form or lie in a ~  • ~ability noun  III. noun  Date: 1661  1.  a.  (1) a series of loops  (2) spiral  b. a single loop of such a ~  2.  a. a number of turns of wire wound around a core (as of iron) to create a magnetic field for an electromagnet or an induction ~  b. induction ~  3. a series of connected pipes in rows, layers, or windings  4. a roll of postage stamps; also a stamp from such a roll ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (coils, coiling, coiled) 1. A coil of rope or wire is a length of it that has been wound into a series of loops. Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder... The steel arrives at the factory in coils. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. A coil is one loop in a series of loops. Pythons kill by tightening their coils so that their victim cannot breathe. N-COUNT 3. A coil is a thick spiral of wire through which an electrical current passes. N-COUNT 4. The coil is a contraceptive device used by women. It is fitted inside a woman’s womb, usually for several months or years. N-COUNT: usu the N in sing 5. If you coil something, you wind it into a series of loops or into the shape of a ring. If it coils around something, it forms loops or a ring. He turned off the water and began to coil the hose... A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket. VERB: V n, V-ed • Coil up means the same as coil. Once we have the wire, we can coil it up into the shape of a spring... Her hair was coiled up on top of her head. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V-ed P, also V P n (not pron) ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v to wind or twist into a series of rings, or to make something do this; spiral3 (1)  (snakes coiled in the grass | coil sth)  (Please coil the cords neatly before you put them away.) - coiled adj ~2 n 1 a continuous series of circular rings into which something such as wire or rope has been wound or twisted + of  (Coils of barbed wire were stretched around the compound.) 2 a wire or a metal tube in a continuous circular shape that produces light or heat when electricity is passed through it  (the coil in a light bulb) 3 the part of a car engine that sends electricity to the spark plugs 4 a contraceptive that is a flat curved piece of metal or plastic that is fitted inside a woman's uterus; IUD ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  firm name abbr. Community Intelligence Labs ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1611, from M.Fr. coillir "to gather, pick," from L. colligere "to gather together" (see collect). Meaning specialized perhaps in nautical usage. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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